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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Everything posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. Orca Flotta wrote: Of course the latest GPUs are better, much better, than the old ones. But procis are not the bottleneck in SL. My 2006 dual core 1st gen would run SL just fine if I had more fancy graphics in that old lappy.7 If? Would? Care to back that up since I have heard this claim so many times yet am still waiting for some actual proof. The only somewhat useful test I've seen was a couple of months ago, unfortunately I can't find it. Biggest influence on performance was the clock speed of the CPU. If I remember correctly, the fps were pretty much directly related to the clock speed. I run SL occasionally on my previous computer and I never see my GPU under a whole lot of load. The CPU is though. It's not because the GPU isn't matched with the CPU, right now it has an AMD Athlon 6000+ and seriously underclocked NVidia 9600GT. If the GPU is the bottleneck for a lot of people, so be it, but it's not what I see plus I've never seen anything to back up the claim. That's basically what I told him. HD4000 will work, just not satisfyingly. And of course I use the fancy shaders. If you do something you can as well do it right. Sasisfyingly for whom? A lot of people are perfectly happy with 20fps on medium settings, so without all the fancy stuff. You made it sound like a HD4000 will disappoint anyone earlier, apparantly that's not what you meant. It's a friggin laptop! A latptop!!! The resolution on these things is set by the panel maker, won't make much sense to fiddle with it. That's why I said his res is insignificant. The fact that it's not adjustable doesn't make it insignificant. If the resolution was set at 1920x1080, the thing would have needed more power for the same fps. And thank you, I was part of the tablet discussion. You're welcome:) (hadn't see your posts there yet)
  2. Orca Flotta wrote: CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz × 4 That's cool although not important for SL. Any halfways modern proci (built after 2006) should do the trick. Seriously? A 2006 dual core, as found in my old computer is just as good as my one year old 3770k which is benchmarked a full ten times higher? Nonsense and you know it. GPU: Intel® Ivybridge Mobile Huh? That's your GPU??? Let me hazard a guess: you're either on Intel HD 3000 or 4000. Hardly sufficient to run SL in a satisfying way but should work just so-so in a very limited way. If you don't use any of the fancy shaders, a simple GPU, including a HD4000 should perform just fine. Read the thread about the tablet thing for example. I wouldn't want to enter a club with one of those, but then again I don't want to do that in the first place Resolution: 1366x768 Insignificant. Depends on what's the bottleneck in system performance. Higher resolution, higher VRAM use. HD would be twice the amount of pixels. I agree it's not as significant as gpu or cpu.
  3. Nalates Urriah wrote: The LoD issue is about having the bounding box be exactly the same for every LoD level. If not, the object will seem to move as a person zooms in and out on the object. That's not the issue I meant. I meant that if your object is larger, it will take longer for the viewer to switch LoD a level lower. This means you can simplify your LoD models, since they'll appear smaller on your screen than those of the smaller sized object. Most people would say making your bounding box bigger will increase the landimpact (or at least the download weight), which is true. That's just backwards thinking if you ask me though
  4. Qie Niangao wrote: I admit that I'm always deeply suspicious of 64-bit Linux installations, and so I'm inclined to look for trouble somewhere in the network stack specific to that OS configuration... I'm sure you have your reasons for that, all I can say is I don't have issues on my old computer running SL 3.6.1 under linux 64 bit. (Ubuntu based Linux Mint 13)
  5. It's kind of possible. The origin in SL will always be dead center of the object. So you need to fiddle with your bounding box by adding some (small, invisible) geometry. This will of course increase the size of your object, so you might have to rethink the LoD models since they'll swap at larger distances. All you need is two single triangles, strategically placed.
  6. I can only second that, the looks not being any different with or without shadows. if it is of any help.... i7-3770k, GTX670, 16GB
  7. Good morning to you too:) Get a cup-o-coffee and you'll be fine.
  8. Codewarrior Congrejo wrote: 2.1 ) possibly also add / create a physics shape for it (eventho for a skirt - if it isn't really voluminous i would skip that step) You don't need a physics shape for worn objects, all physics are ignored for attachments.
  9. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: I do have one or two AVs that had a very low Avatar Rendering Cost under the old system. It was hard to get a green rating back then. I'm not sure that the current system is any better a guide. Neither am I, but with mesh it's much easier to be "efficient" than it was with prims and sculpties. So it shouldn't be that hard to get the number on old avatar attachments down by replacing those sculpts and tori with mesh. Putting a number on rendering cost in SL is useful. Putting a colour on it not so much. If you always hang out in your private space with two of your closest friends and all three of you have a state of the art computers, the "green zone" could be at a much higher number than when you usually visit crowded clubs where lots of people with older hardware dwell. I can imagine LL made an (educated??) guess on what would result in an environment where most people wouldn't encounter too much lag. That's obviously hard to measure. LL can measure what kind of impact 40 avatars with a certain ADW have on their end in a certain situation, servers and network. It's very possible that's thrown into the mix of the big guess as well. It's also possible LL decided on 40k because that rhymes with a certain amount of geometry on screen at any given time, but the way a region is set up makes as much difference as the objects in that region. If 40 people stand on 10 square feet the load on all systems will be higher than when those same people are spread evenly across the land. All we can say is "the lower, the better". If you find two outfits that are similair and one has a weight 5 times higher than the other, I wouldn't have to think twice about which one I'd get. For builders it's a useful tool as well, although in most cases a well thought out and well built item will have a low impact anyway, the number would just confirm the fact the builder made an efford.
  10. Nobody did, I simply pointed out that we can't compare screenshots or any other records of the numbers from "back in the day" to the more recent ones. It's just to prevent confusion. If people see that in 2006 they had a number over their head about ten times smaller than they do now, it doesn't mean they now cause more graphical load on servers, networks or people's computers. If by "back in the day" you mean more recent, after avatar draw weight replaced avatar rendering cost, 40k was never a lot as far as I have seen. Your average prim or sculpted hair or boots have always pushed that number far beyond the green zone.
  11. Here's a demo on the Caliper script, it's for an older version of Blender, but there are newer downloads.
  12. system1834 wrote: You are running the Second Life Viewer on a x86_64 platform. The most common problems when launching the Viewer (particularly 'bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin: not found' and 'error while loading shared libraries') may be solved by installing your Linux distribution's 32-bit compatibility packages. For example, on Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linuxes you might run: $ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk ia32-libs-kde ia32-libs-sdl Call me stupid, but isn't all you need exactly what is posted in your crashlog? I have the LL viewer running on a 64 bit linux, I did need to install the 32 bit libraries.
  13. Drongle McMahon wrote: So. Now I'm not allowed to see my own posts onless I agree to be subjected to garish flashing advertisements for loan sharks and gambling dens. Aawww...stay Drongle, there's a fix. If you don't see the icon, click Tools -> Adblock Plus -> Filter Preferences (or the shortcut there, Ctrl-Shift-F) then untick the "Allow some non-intrusive advertising". Works for me, Firefox 22.0 and Adblock Plus 2.2.4.
  14. Exaurious Zemenis wrote: Just wondering if PNG 24 is the best to use in SL as file types go. You can't use PNG in SL, the internal format is jpg2000. This means you can use any lossless format to keep the loss after upload to a minimum. You can use BMP, TGA or PNG for 24 bit textures and TGA and PNG for 32 bit textures. Stay away from JPG.
  15. Excellent! I've been annoyed by this for the past couple of days and had to use IE instead. Seems to work fine now, fingers crossed.
  16. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Back in the day 40k was a lot. Back in the day we had ARC, now we have ADW, the numbers of the two do not match.
  17. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: The factory fans have always sucked. My GTX670 with factory fan and factory fan control doesn't go over 70 C under full load. I wouldn't call that sucky. On my old-now-converted-to-media-player computer I noticed the idle temp of the gpu went up a couple of degrees after installing new cpu cooling. That thing just pulls all the air away from the gpu cooler. So in my case it's the upgrade that litterally sucks. Or can we say it blows?
  18. Which version of Maya and what type and version of exporter do you use? There are some around that cause UV issues.
  19. Diovona wrote: I have two questions about draw weight. #1 Different draw weight values on different computers Last week a friend and I noticed something weird about the performance tool "Show Draw Weight Weight for Avatars" in the Advanced Menu: it shows completely different values on my computer and on her computer for the same avatars. The difference was from 50k to nearly 500k. Any idea what's up with that? Is the person seeing the higher number using a V1 based viewer and the one seeing the low number a V2 based viewer? Or was it the other way around? I forgot. Anyway, when mesh was introduced, the avatar rendering cost was changed into avatar draw weight with a different calculation. The avatar draw weight should be under 40k according to LL, so if that way of calculating rhymes with the 500k one of you sees, the person with that weight is wearing some serious lagging outfit. #2 How will draw weight change with the new materials viewer? What effect will the new materials viewer and server side baking have on draw weight? That is, what will change considering the factors of an avatar's appearance that contribute to lag at bit events? So far, I've always checked my draw weight and the script count. Will that stay the same? Are there new settings coming up for us to check in terms of lag? I don't think there will be a lot of change. The avatar draw weight is based on how much efford it takes your computer to draw the fully rendered avatar on your screen. In other words, mainly GPU load. SSB won't change that. Added normal maps and specular maps could increase the load slightly.
  20. Cerise wrote: This is hacky and not officially supported, but it works -- Make a second copy of the rigged attachment. Leave the original texture on the first copy, apply a mostly transparent texture with the tattoo to the second. If you wear the attachments in that order -- solid first, tattoo second -- you can get what you want. Did i mention that this is hacky and not officially supported? If you're going down this road, PLEASE do not copy the entire avatar geometry. removing faces where there will be no tattoo won't affect the weight maps, won't affect the UV maps, but will reduce the load on SL's servers and people's computers. If you want an anchor on your upper arm, all you need is the upper arm.
  21. One tip that can help to reduce texture load, is to take advantage of the sharpness of lossless textures. As long as the orientation of the deep creases is mainly perpendicular, like floorboards or bricks, you can easily get away with a lossless 64x64 or 128x128 normal map. I'd recommend using bricks or boards 1/8th of the texture size, so a 512x512 diffuse map would have bricks 64 pixels high, on the 64x64 normal map the bricks would be 8 pixels high. It might sound stupid, but in a lot of cases you'll get nice results if you paint the normal map by hand. It does take some time to figure out the different angles, but you'll get very sharp results, much easier than with all the plugin filters. One thing I am really missing is this: If I texture objects in SL, I often use the eyedropper. It would be very nice if SL picked for example the normal map of another face if that's what you're working on. Now the eyedrop tool always picks the diffuse map.
  22. I think it stays in limbo for a while, just keep your eye on the paypal account.
  23. Not sure why I didn't mention it earlier, but do you monitor the temperatures of your cpu and gpu? I've had a severe case of overheating on a video card. The result for me was the entire computer stalling, but from what I understand it can also just crash you to your desktop. This would certainly fit the scenario. With a bit of luck a good cleaning might be all you need. A cooling pad should bring some relief as well. As far as I know the 8700GT's are actual cards, so they should be easy to replace. That is if you can find matching cards. It's one of the green things.
  24. Another thing I just noticed: JoyofRLC Acker wrote: dual NV 8700 GPU with 1 GB memory - full details below. Are you sure it has 1GB of memory? All the 8700M's I find have 256 MB. SL doesn't (really) make use of the second card in SLI as far as I know. You could try lowering the texture memory use. It's in preferences (ctrl-P) -> graphics -> advanced. Setting the slider to 128MB might help lowering the load on your computer. Does the laptop have a power saving mode btw? Some laptops like to disable the graphics card and switch to onboard graphics after a while to save power. Using a power cord instead of the battery should help out in that case.
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