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conrad Evanier

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Everything posted by conrad Evanier

  1. LOL darkie yes its an odd 1 but it just interested me any way i think i will leave this one alone, they can go ask some one else. And i agree innula i think it would be a bit of a creepy way to greet people lol
  2. Hello all i have been asked to ceate a greeter that could list the avi names and what county they are in, a nice idea that got me interested so i started to look into it. Now as far as i can see you could only do this by checking the persons ip address which i think would be in breach of terms of use so i dont think il bother with it. Any ways i thought i would ask on here if there was any other way like get data, best i could see from that would be getting the default language of their viewer but this would not be a good indication of the country they are in. Any ideas would be welcome thanks for looking :)
  3. First off why the hell is it so hard to log in to this place lmao, anyways strange thing happend for some reason all the timers in all my scripts stoped working on our land, the scripts were still running and worked properly when clicked but the timer part of any with a timer in stoped?? never seen this before. Do you think it coud be caused by a region restart or maybe a greefing script just realy odd not to mention a pain in the ass.
  4. The rotation is now the property of the prim, change your rotation script to llTargetOmega(<0,0,0>,0,0); should do it If you cant edit the script drop this in. default{state_entry(){llTargetOmega(<0,0,0>,0,0);}}
  5. Hi take a look at this guys work its realy detailed and well made with a great urban / grunge look. The builds are mod so you can chop and change as you like i made our mall out of his designs realy nice guy too some great wall textures and accessories. Rootman
  6. You could have a script made then just drop it into a ring or what ever you like as long as you have mod perms. What exactly do you want the menu to do?
  7. Thanks Innula that works great, but think il stick with the sit target update as i have lots of child prims that will all be seats moving up and down so that fits the bill. Both work a treat a slight delay when the child moves and the avi but not to bad. Thank you all for your ideas
  8. Hi all im moving a child prim with llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POSITION,llGetLocalPos() + <0,0,1>]); and then back again, how do i get my avi to move with the prim while seated as at the mo he just stays at the first position. I know how to get the key of seated avi but stuck on moving him lol.
  9. Hi i have a friend in sl who is s**t hot at tattoo design, she is going to do my rl tattoo design for me. So i will ask her if she is interested, if so she will contact you in world.
  10. Hi all you need to do is add a button to your dialog list named something like "get rid" or what ever then add an if in your listen event like this to check for said button, if (message == "get rid") { llDie; } simples
  11. no need to unlink if you want to make it look like bits of the object flying off have it rez temp parts or have them die after a certain time with a particle too would look great. llRegionSay from a hud button or what ever on a BIG negative channel then have the exploding object listen for that channel and the message so, from the button llRegionSay(-123456,"kaboom"); and in the listen event of exploding thing if (channel == -123456) if (message == "kaboom") {do your stuff} enjoy blowing stuff up
  12. //Countdown with giver option by conrad evanier free to use as you like :)string name;integer give = FALSE;integer all;integer ID;integer DC(){integer cc = (integer)llFrand(-2000000);llListenRemove(ID);ID = llListen(cc,"",NULL_KEY,"");return cc;}default{state_entry(){all = (integer)llGetObjectDesc();name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0);llSetText("I have "+(string)all+" "+name+" left to give.",<0,1,0>,1);}touch_start(integer total_number){key dk;integer i = 0;for (;i < total_number; ++i){dk = llDetectedKey(i);if (dk == llGetOwner()){llDialog(dk,"\n..::Please click an option::..\n\n..::Conrads Creations::..",[":Give on:",":Give off:",":Reset:"],DC());}else if (give){if (all>0){--all;llGiveInventory(dk,name);llSetText("I have "+(string)all+" "+name+" left to give.",<0,1,0>,1);llRegionSayTo(dk,0,"\nYou have removed 1 "+name+" from my contents");}}else if (give == FALSE){if (all>0){--all; llSetText("I have "+(string)all+" "+name+" left to give.",<0,1,0>,1);llRegionSayTo(dk,0,"\nYou have removed 1 "+name+" from my contents");}}if (all == 0){llSetText("I am all out of stock.",<1,0,0>,1); llSleep(20);llDie();} }}listen(integer c,string n,key id,string msg){if (msg == ":Give on:"){give = TRUE;llRegionSayTo(id,0,"\nGiving is now on.");llListenRemove(ID);}else if (msg == ":Give off:"){give = FALSE;llRegionSayTo(id,0,"\nGiving is now off.");llListenRemove(ID);}if (msg == ":Reset:"){llRegionSayTo(id,0,"\nNow loading your settings.");llResetScript();}}changed(integer c){if (c & CHANGED_INVENTORY){llResetScript();}} } Hi heres my simple script to do this, you only need to drop 1 copy trans object into its contents. Then put the amount to give before it dies in the objects description, you can turn give object on/off from the menu. Text displays name of item to give and how many left, when empty displays I am all out of stock sleeps for 20 secs then dies *eddit im not sure this has saved right lol having trouble loging in and posting 1 min my code is there then i look and its not lmao any ways hope it is
  13. Yeh and if you use collision_start you could use collision_end to turn back from phantom then you dont need the timer.
  14. replace your collision with this 1 collision(integer num_detected){// check to see if the person who bumped into the wall is in the same group as the object is rezed. if(llSameGroup(llDetectedKey(0)) { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, TRUE);llRegionSayTo(llDetectedKey(0),0,"\nWelcome "+llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(0)); llSetTimerEvent(phase_length); } else {llRegionSayTo(llDetectedKey(0),0,"\nSorry only group members allowed.");}}
  15. Hi the group you send a link to needs to be open for anyone to join then they will see the join option when directed to the profile its the best you can do really other than using a bot .
  16. It must of done it before today as this is how the function works lol when compiling a script hover over the functions and you will get a lil clue of what they do If you need to get a name from a key of an avi out of sim you need to call the dataserver event with something like llRequestAgentData( user_key, DATA_NAME); Or if they are there to grab the name from with touch,collision or sensor then use llDetectedName(0) string name = llDetectedName(0) or something like that
  17. Nice one mate, i was just about to ask on here how to do this lol thank you
  18. Like amethyst said drop this script in to stop rotation sets it all to 0 default{state_entry(){llTargetOmega(<0,0,0>,0.0,0);}}
  19. Lol its a lot easier than people think realy all you have to do is drop your items into your market out box and send them they CAN STAY boxed if you like, i have sent all mine boxed as i didnt want to un pack them and why should you theres no need to over complicate things. Im just sending new products unboxed to try it out . Im likeing the new way to do this as you dont have to go and drop stuff into your magic box i for 1 am glad to see them burn lol
  20. lol there could be a multitude of reasons why your script is not working, if you post it on here we could all take a look and see whats up. Its probably something simple
  21. OK change that reply lol put it this way it is possible to script a vendor to sell trans but non copy items with group only option, but if your selling breedables people like to see the stats of the breedable so an offerboard is best way for this. The customers can bid on how much they want to pay OR you could have a board that is just set at 1 price, customer pays the board then you pass the breedable over to them. This is the way most breedable owners work so they can set the item out for customers to see the stats like colour, parents and so on
  22. LOL i think most scripters are aware of llTexBox function by now, it is a handy one to use. I have used it in a quizz game of mine much nicer than having to type a channel
  23. Hi i have some stalls set up 15 prims for L$50 per week contact me in world and take a look if im not on just search me conrad evanier and tp in from one of my pics
  24. Yeh theres a few things that are a pain like that, i think llMapDestination() should be able to open from a dialog menu to the id clicking cant see why not if anyone can click the object to get it? would just make for a nicer way to open it and give more options for use.
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