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Moor Ravenheart

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  1. I have received so much help and so many offers to help, A very special thank you to Innula for her amazing kindness in giving me the script and Conrad for his incredible assistance in giving me an alternative too. I must admit I didnt think that I would get the help I needed, as I had been searching and asking some people I knew were scripters for over 3 weeks. But today posting on this forum - I got not one, but two amazing responses and scripts that fit the bill to a T. Thank you so much to everyone who Im'd me and for renewing my faith in strangers. It isnt every day I am surprised in SL, but today was a true eye opener! Thank you again!:matte-motes-big-grin:
  2. Hello, I am no scripter and wouldn’t have the foggiest idea how to create this. But I know the script does exist as I have seen it in various items. I have searched high and low, and have a script that was given to me by a wonderfully kind player. But unfortunately the script resets itself when a player re-rezs the item and the messages continue to flash even after the stock is finished. So it kind of defeats the object of lending realism to the Role-Play game and stock shortages. I think it is called a countdown script, which shows a quantity in hovering text over a prim. When any player touches the prim the quantity drops by 1 and a message is displayed in general chat saying “blah blah, you have removed …..” Any AV can click it multiple times, so there should be no restriction there. Nor should there be a restriction to group either. The hovering text should drop by one, so let’s say the stock in the prim is 10. It will now read 9/10. The script should only allow for the stipulated quantity of clicks (10 in this example) and once it has been clicked 10 times, a new customized message should flash “Sorry, there is no more stock of X, please replenish at market” Also the floating text on the Prim will say “Out of Stock” once it has been clicked 10 times. When this happens the prim should be considered worthless, pulled back into inventory and deleted. A new prim with fresh stock would need to be sourced in-game. The script should allow me to decide if I wish to deliver an actual item upon touching, or if it can just be a message. I need this script to create RP items for the Sim I play on, to simulate perishable stock and content. So I would need something that is full perms and allows me to personalize the messages and content, and decide whether I wish to give an item or simply have a message flash in local chat. If anyone can assist, or point me in the direction of the actual script I need. Kindly contact me In-world or send me a NC. I have tried to explain it in layman terms (because when it comes to scripting it’s all gibberish to me), but if anything isn’t clear from this write-up please let me know also via IM or in-world. Thanks so much in advance for any help anyone can offer….
  3. ::::THE ISLE OF THE MISTS IS OPEN::::: ***A Noble Family, A Dark Secret: The Gehrings have arrived from distant Aquilonia, driven by their aging patriarch Lazrith. But what is it that he is truly after? The Vilayet sea is home to many small islands, some of which act as havens for small bands of buccaneers that defy the might of the Hyrkanian navy. Before the rise of that mighty nation some of those very islands were home to far darker inhabitants than mere pirates. These were alien to the world, having been spawned in the Outer Darkness and worshipped by the primitive folk that once inhabited the Vilayet's shores. Not all of these entites have gone completely, although with the passing of the centuries they become fewer in number and lessened in power. An Aquilonian noble, Lazrith of the Gehring family, has discovered the legends relating to one of these beings and now seeks out help to find and use its power. He is in a race against his rivals, however, while hiding his purposes from those closest to him. ***Roleplay Enforced: We're tired of SIMs where nobody roleplays, or where the roleplay is constantly ruined by the OOC comments and chit-chat. In the Isle of the Mists, we enforce roleplay. If you are caught speaking OOC, you'll suffer experience point loss, or ejection from the sim. You may also be banned for repeated infraction. We are looking for roleplay, we enjoy our world, and invite you to come along to experience it - but do it in-character! ***Many Avenues of Play: The Isle of the Mists RPG is built around roleplay, with many layers for players to engage in. You may decide to get involved in political play, by mingling with the aristocracy of the Palace. If high society is not your style, there is the seedy village of Cove Town, at the Forgotten Harbor. Here a small cluster of houses have been built around the only safe place to land a ship. It has largely fallen prey to prostitution, slavery, gambling, and other corrupt vices that are a natural byproduct of the Pirates who frequent there. There is also the peasant farming village in the cleared fields of the eastern coast, where you may elect to farm, tend animals or venture into the dangerous bog. Some players may decide to study healing and alchemy, or perhaps dabble in magic. ***Based on Pen and Paper RP: This sim is based on the concept of pen and paper roleplay. We use a meter that enhances roleplay, and manages such things as skill checks. The sim owner is an avid roleplayer with over 20 years of tabletop and professional gaming experience - and the support team is composed of amazingly talented roleplayers. If you are tired of meaningless sims where your roleplay is ignored because the cliques that have formed don't recognize you - or if you are tired of your roleplaying being marred by the constant ooc - If you would like to immerse yourself in the mystery of a lost island, then visit us in world! Begin your Adventure…if you Dare!
  4. Hello, wonder if there is anyone that can give me guidance on the following please. We have 1 full Sim and 2 homesteads; all three are on a specific land group. Auto return is also on. A new build and revamp is being studied, and we would like to change the land group to another. Any help on how to do this. Besides returning all prims under the current group and starting from scratch. Or switching off auto-return which isn’t a viable option either. To change the land group we would need to change the owner as I understand, because currently it says (Owner – Group Owned) and then lists the Group (current land group) If more info is needed, please shout . Sorry for vague question, tech stuff isnt my forte!:matte-motes-big-grin: EDIT:- Thanks for your answer so far. We suspected that a manual solution would be object by object - but we have nearly 3000 objects including a build to change over. Also things overlap, some are transperant . Is there no other way instead of obviously breaking the Sims into sectors or parcels and working your way across.
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