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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. Argh! I can't contain my excitement for the abandons today. Just landed this and promptly put my Goosemere in. Will I ever stop? It's too good to stop now!
  2. I am sending you a DM with some links, it's a very successful day here, lets share the bounty
  3. Well it's a Weds and I am a clickin plus I have two boats on a decider so basically I will have at least one option by end of today ... it feels like there are 0-2 boats available at the moment so it's difficult to know how to play it but i am aiming for newly released boats today rather than gambling the ones I have ... hopefully you will get one of these but also today is a fine day for abandons, typically Wednesday and Fridays are for me (UK time) busier if you are able to click...
  4. I love a unique, quirky place with interesting features. But no secret that I love a sea facing home so perhaps this will go back in. (Some of my sea facers go back because it's just sea and I need a bit of interest usually). Not for a while though it is a lot of fun! Edit: It's perfect for the Cabinet of Curiosities especially at this time of year I wish there was a community grant for Bellisseria homes - not sure I can keep two accounts going long term. Hmmmmmm
  5. I am not sure I am sold on stilts but will be having a click anyway because of the excitement! Can't wait for those telltale LP signs!
  6. Just dropped a house in Learmont back that has been going round a day or so and one in Fishtown - both have lighthouse views!
  7. Seems to be unstuck - there must be quite a lot of abandons tonight I've picked up homes I never thought would see on there....
  8. The Victorians are bringing up error receipts for me - did the Barker release get stuck?
  9. Of course! I need to remember it's 2.0 now - I still call us all hoppers
  10. So surprised to still see this out there it's a great boat
  11. Someone once said this thread at release time was like suddenly dropping meat into shark infested waters .... still makes me chuckle I was going to use a video of the shark bath bomb to illustrate but i will spare all...
  12. I've had it too - not sure if I still have it, will check ... Not ...but I've let a couple of vics out now if it had been stuck...
  13. 128m regular but 1024m for photos
  14. Like Atina says above - it's nice to try it if the person shows an interest and it will make a day for them - I guess the giveaway is if they are online and not responding : ) Also some people are just messing about on here and not actually looking for homes - after a while you can spot them
  15. This is usually a massive time wasting exercise on whoever is kind enough to offer something up - never wait about especially if there is no answer - in fact it is better to offer it up in public and let the damn thing out than mess about trying to arrange with specific people. Anyone really interested hot foots it to the parcel or gets back to you pretty quickly. A couple of times I have helped specific people and they were successful I know they still have the parcels now ages on because they were polite and not messing about. Either way the less of a time suck option is to post about it and let everyone click, who has the time to mess on arranging stuff? IMO !!!!
  16. I have a sandy camper to let out if you want to try clicking around for it, congrats on your boat!
  17. Atm I am just catch and releasing but nice place you have there though great views across the sea!
  18. Both have been set free from my talons ................................
  19. Two houseboats going in at half past this hour... https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Conger Reef/176/152/0 https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bilgewater/60/76/0
  20. Putting yet another sandy beach sea facing traditional back in. On the hour...http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Yuge/34/118/28
  21. Very much loving my back garden, the creator makes instant solutions that just work in my opinion.
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