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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Well seemed to work for the left and BLM when their peaceful demonstrations turned to riots.
  2. Antifa seems to switch sides depending on where the most demonstrating is. So you are likely to find those clues on both sides of the fence. It's the new politics for when a third party is inciting the two main parties to fight.
  3. Didn't need to, they managed to get Trump and thousands of conservatives banned from most of the social media's. That is in effect a better coup then taking over the Capitol Building.
  4. Because maybe you might learn something new. It is what you learn after you know it all that is important. When a readily available medicine has been proven to be able to flatten the covid 19 death curve, then there is something grossly wrong with your "science" when you continue to promote the idea that only an expensive and mostly unproven vaccine is the only salvation. 100,000's of thousands of unnecessary deaths because you don't like the political figure who first mentioned it. Yay you.
  5. Thats not debunking, but simply pointing out that it isn't Democrat approved reading material.
  6. You're right, I didn't. I mulled over what you had written for a couple days because quite honestly I really had no clue where to start. No doubt you explained it well enough but it was mostly over my head and since I was busy with R/L, just didn't have the time to puzzle it through. I still think the treatments mentioned under the various categories @ hcqmeta.com have a lot of validity but I don't have the expertise to convince those who are not interested in alternative solutions.
  7. Well I am not a member of any political party either and if I do vote will usually pick the candidate I like better regardless of their party affiliation. At the same time I recognize that one solution does not fit all and that the only real hope is that over time each will get what they need even if it isn't immediately.
  8. Immaterial. The shenanigans were still there regardless of whether the count was correct. Its like that idea where some will lie when the truth would have served them better.
  9. But at the end of the day is there any real difference between blocking people and their ideas or articles on websites you don't like? I see it time and again where an idea presented on a Right wing site or even one non political but challenging of what is considered to be mainstream science is brushed off without consideration. No dialogue, no discussion, closed minded to a different perspective or new information. To me this is treading very close to the pot and kettle syndrome.
  10. Here on the forum in this or another thread a couple months ago, a number of Dem's admitted they were leery or wary of getting the vaccine first. Likely that has changed now as I see the poll numbers in the real world have climbed considerably for both left and right.
  11. With due respect Rowan, The Federalists history is secondary to what is being shown on that page. There is clearly hanky panky going on with the ballot counting as was pointed out in the Youtube video of the Georgia Election Hearing. The call to end the counting at just after 10 pm is confirmed by ABC: Combined with the sworn affidavits from the 2 observers confirming the same thing along with the video evidence that they were put too far away to properly observe the counting disproves the fact checkers posted above. The video clearly shows ballots being pulled out from hiding and then counted without the Observers present after 10:30. Highly suspect in spite of the spinning.
  12. Yes, you've convinced me that I am more right of center then left regardless of what one of those silly sites said I was because of the answers I provided. From what I have seen you portray a good lefty to be, I have come to the conclusion I can't do that and maintain any semblance of sanity. Go Trump Go!
  13. The Vatican at the time believed the sun revolved around the Earth, not vice versa. Wasn't about whether the Earth was flat.
  14. Well then there is this page that proves the debunking was bs so we are back to square 1. https://thefederalist.com/2020/12/07/no-the-georgia-vote-counting-video-was-not-debunked-not-even-close/
  15. I didn't know who the Boogaloo Bois were so had to look them up. So they are clearly labelled as being alt right. Whatever they stand for is obviously too far for the mainstream right as are various other groups. Even Trump is considered to be leaning too far right as evidenced by dissenting republican congressman and senators. There is a fairly clear demarcation line of what is acceptable and what isn't on the right. That is not true for the Left. There is no clear demarcation point between what constitutes mainstream Left and alt left. The alt left tends to be the most vocal and thereby make out like all Leftists are as extreme as they are but the reality is that they aren't but to dissent is to invite the ridicule of alt lefties and be treated as a conservative. I think we have all witnessed some of that on of this Forum.
  16. If it is true that the right is attempting to rule by force (am not admitting they are) then that shouldn't be surprising when the left has so clearly taken away the rights ability to voice through Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon and even Parler. The left wing propaganda machine is in full swing and controlling 90% of the media. From that perspective I agree that the election was rigged against Trump regardless of the actual votes.
  17. Interesting from the perspective that aside from you, most other Left wing people I've seen posting about the vaccine have mentioned that they are content to wait till there is enough other guinea pigs err people to try it first before they do. Noone else is that trusting of the science as it relates to a rushed to market vaccine. Your assumption that it is only right wingers that distrust the science doesn't really stand up to close scrutiny.
  18. I think part of the problem is that so many equate fascism with Hitler and the right wing while in reality what Hitler was doing was working towards what he called true socialism. Much of what he was doing has more parallels in the alt left movement than in the right wing. The left like Hitler is working towards shutting down the voices of everyone but that of itself with the intent of becoming a one party democracy as no other party will be left with a platform to voice on. Fascism as many understand it now, is an alt left movement. https://medium.com/@The_LockeSmith/were-hitler-and-the-nazis-politically-left-or-right-wing-e9fcc9d3ab1e
  19. That is fine, you do what works for you and I will do what works for me. I would just point out though that in most of your rebuttals to me you have used a political argument rather than a scientific one. Since as you say there isn't enough data to make any conclusions, the authors questioning whether the timing was coincidental (and note it was a question) is just as relevant as any other hypotheses for or against. You however are again using a political argument based on the politics of the site.
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