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SylviElle Zaftig

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Everything posted by SylviElle Zaftig

  1. It def won't incentivize it for me. I've been Premium since 2005, so I still get 500L a week. I asked at one of the Office Hours I went to when they were still trying to decide about Prem+ whether my stipend would double as well, and no one ever got back to me. Plus, it should be more than double as it's $99 to $249 a year, In that other thread I asked if there really was going to be a big differencce at uploading to 2048 and some kind soul posted that it didn't look like it. If there isn't, it's not worth the x4 new fees.
  2. Ugh I had an alt who was in my personal group and I completely forgot to turn off liability for "members" and she incurred almost 2KL neg balance when I logged in to her years after I made her lol. PS. That should be turned off for everyone except owner and maybe a toggle for officers by default!
  3. Noooo...I'm not giving textures to someone that I made full perm so they can upload it! Too many nefarious scammy ppl on SL!
  4. Thanks so much! ❤️ I'll stick to 1024. I don't make large scale items, just clothes, so that will suffice.
  5. The battery capacity on that one is great. I have a 7k mAh battery on mine and it lasts days using it to read (i read everyday for hours). If you're gonna use that tab for SL, the 10k battery will be a must esp if you're actually mobile with it.
  6. This is the one my hubby and I got, it's a knock off of course, but for $190 CAD (def cheaper in USD) it was good for our purposes (kindle/manga/the occasional YT vid). https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0CJLC1V67/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  7. Cool that the skin thing is a bug. When I tp'd to one of the mobile destinations listed, I came in as a ghost form (semi transparent with the outline of me and my body and clothing), it fully rezzed the sim really fast which was rather pretty on my phone, but it never fully rezzed my skin.
  8. OH! And i also didn't notice til now, it doesn't show/take the name u give yourself, just your legacy name!
  9. Ah nice, thanks hahah, I NEVER use my phone or tablet for anything serious lol. I read on tablet and play Monopoly on phone lol. I ran the Lumiya viewer on a MUCH older tablet, Android 7? maybe? and it was fine...this on the other hand made my tablet and phone get blazingly hot in the sub 5 minutes I was on.
  10. Update: Force shut down the app, restarted, logged in fine. But this is how I look lmao. This mobile viewer is going to give me a complex! Lol. Lol so I installed it on to my phone...Web Page not available, net" ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. It started up got the SL hand logo but never got to the screen to input my log in info. Then that message popped up. Phone: Another chinese knock off Blackview A100 Android 11 Processor 8 core RAM 6G / ROM 256G Display 1024 x 2400 The phone is probably not beefy enough for SL...I only use it to play monopoly and text my husband (I hate talking on phones - well I hate talking, period).
  11. Oh cool, ok thanks! I dabble in Blender, but that's about it. Still working on some Blender videos I bought off of Humble Bundle. I'll check the license on Steam. thanks much!
  12. I installed in my fairly new Chinese knock-off tablet...my avatar looks like this *cries*. Sorry for the terrible way it looks...I took the pic via my phone of the tablet's screen. Tablet specs: Android 13 DokeOS 3.0 Processor 8 core RAM 8G / ROM 256 G Display 800 x 1280 Is my tablet terrible for this app? I'll try n install it on my phone which is much older than this tablet.
  13. That's also how I view the way I create my stuff. I do it because I want something different/unique just for me, even if the model I use is full perm. If someone else wants to buy it and thinks it's pretty enough, then awesome, that's great.I've been lucky enough to have made enough money in SL to have lived off of it's income. Not anymore, but back in the day I and my ex partner made enough. Unlikely to happen again as I don't know how to mesh let alone rig...but it's all good. PBR textures are probably my death knell in SL. Have no clue how to use Substance Painter, and if it's something I'll need a monthly sub for, forget about it lol.
  14. yes that's the underlying problem I am foreseeing...esp in a busy club. I DJ, I socialize when I have time away from my shop/photoshop...I like looking and perving at other people's outfits. I like looking at people's avatars, period. The lag that 2048 textures is going to produce ugh. And we all know that most creators (some of whom already use FOUR 1024 textures for a pair of skinny ass jeans) are going to for sure upload at 2048. I have a TINY tee that has TWO textures (body/sleeves), that could have been textured using ONE texture...SO many things in SL, yes, even new mesh is so unoptimized...and now 2048 texture size. Been in SL since 2005, I've seen pretty much EVERY iteration of SL that LL has put out, sometimes unhappy but proceeded with my creative side anyway no matter how painful (I AM LOOKING AT U OMEGA APPLIERS!!!) and time consuming. This new stuff is making me feel disinclined to make new stuff. I don't think I could leave SL lmao, not after 20 years. The sky isn't falling...but it's lowered a bit lol.
  15. NO KIDDING! Just working out the cost of things moving forward. There are a LOT of ppl in-world (customers) who don't know how much it costs to make something. I only buy FP mesh, so I don't have the TIME sink cost of making the actual mesh...for me, I spend most of my time perfecting/manipulating as much as I can, the provided base textures for these items. That's MY time cost that I don't really figure into the price of my items (a lot of my consideration for pricing my items are the initial outlay for the mesh + upload costs of textures + possibly how many bodies the mesh is rigged for). Having a 4x increase in upload fees for one texture seems like a lot. PLus if I ever do decide to use PBR, that's what...another 3-5 textures? at 40L? I've made some good money on SL, at one time something I could actually live off of in RL...but this price hike...is...painful, no matter if I still only upload in 1024 (with extra PBR textures). Sure I don't have to use it...but if there is a HUGE increase in quality (like how when 512 was upgraded to 1024 upload, you could tell the huge difference esp for the edges on system clothing -less jagged edges), then it'll be logical to upload everything as 2048. @Codex Alpha Yes, i know...that's the nice thing about SL, one upload and u can sell it infinitely...but as with everything, not everything will sell. At 190L outlay for an one outfit (barring mesh purchase or upload) for textures, I wasn't constantly hesitating to upload/produce. If I was happy with my texture work, I'd upload it and HUD it esp if it was something *I* particularly loved to wear...whatever if someone else buys it. Now if ti's going to cost me 4x more...I'll be more hesitant. YES I KNOW THERESA! I don't have to upload at 2048 -_-.
  16. Sigh...thanks for letting us know the changes. I just booted up my PBR FS and saw that indeed it's 40L for a 2048 upload. All the clothing I make has a 15 texture/color HUD + normal spec + HUD tex + vendor tex = 190L...with 2048 it's 760L...I sell my items for normally less than 350L for a fatpack. WTF IS THIS! Will there be a marked difference between 1024 vs 2048 textures? I mean REALLY marked difference (cuz atm, i'm not seeing any)? Also the gfx load in a crowded club with everyone wearing upwards of 10 - 20 2048 dpi textures? gahhhhh!! >.< PS. have been on the normal Premium since 05. *bangs head on her kb*
  17. I haven't used the LL viewer ever since Emerald (and subsequently Phoenix/Imprudence) came out. I went back to using the LL viewer for some reason i don't remember, maybe to test a problem i was having with FS and I hated it on log-in. So many QoL features that FS has is simply not accessible on the LL viewer. I have installed other TPV's as well to try them out, some are better than FS but lack a lot of features FS has that I use as a baseline. If LL ever made their client usable...maybe I'd go back to use it, but it's been damn near forever.
  18. The absolute smugness of some people in this and other PBR posts is amazing. AMAZING I tell you.
  19. Update after first rejection of the update.... - Turning down Exposure to .5 made Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim bearable BUT changing it to Midday (legacy) was a TONNNNNN better. Still bright but not migraine inducing. I hope FS or LL makes it so Exposure is DEFAULT at the lowest. - These are my settings https://gyazo.com/89a5cb682ebcc48c50feea67a2bb94ce I don't throttle my FPS. - These are my specs https://gyazo.com/c611a4c9bc1d0d6bac5bea80ab278afa - At ground level on my plot (at my shop) I'm getting 40 fps (no one in sim), at my platform i'm getting around 85. That's fine enough I guess (I'm used to getting 150+ on old FS with shadows/ALM on - about 50+ at a busy club). - Colors look better, contrasts on my skins look more realistic, like I'm actually rendered in 3d without 3d glasses. Not that I was flat in the prev FS just look rounder (?), Water looks so dead tho, could just be the Midday setting I have it on. Clothing looks a tad better. - Problems - when I walk I notice lagging, or at least frame skipping, not quite like walking thru mud, just, jerky. Dancing seems fine...but then again I'm alone in the sky - 1500 m up). I DJ to about 15 ppl at the least and about 35 at the most and I don't know if it's going to be nice then. - It's still BRIGHT. Like playing Ghost Recon : Wildlands which I end up having a massive migraine to even with bloom and all that shut off. HELLDIVERS 2 is ok for me...but I too end up having a headache after about 2 or 3 games. I can feel the headache coming on after staring at my avatar dancing for the last 30 minutes. Particles are pretty though, also the Truth hair I have on, the textures look so nice, like almost real soft hair. https://gyazo.com/261b1eb8d5f1dc3d7cd6939db3dc0ded All in all, it'll take a while for my eyes to get used to this I guess. The FPS drop and the jerky movement when I walk might be something that drives me back to the prev FS until all the kinks get optimized. Also being in a crowded club might lower that FPS even lower and THAT will def make me go back to the old FS...I LIKE seeing everyone's outfits! EDIT: TPing makes me lose my body/head/clothes...tp'd three times, finally got my ehad back but bodya nd clothes were gone - funnily enough my shoes and hair stayed on...funny to me as I've been here long enough to remember TPing sent shoes and hair up your butt
  20. Joined it...it's...meh...it's socmed. It's meh. Way too many pornstar wannabe's tho. Thank god for maturity settings. Not a prude just...ick.
  21. Oh lord, I didn't even notice that part! I always have ALM on anyway because I like seeing my materials (Although classes need to be taught to some creators on HOW to use it ugh don't get me started lol). But yeah, more than considerably. This is why i hardly ever play newer games. Their lighting is blinding and just...so eye-straining and makes me physically sick. I was hoping SL never went that way. I wish LL would just upgrade their infrastructure and physics engine. Yay we have mesh, but we still don't have moving mesh hair? Or clothing? Or hell even mesh collision so we CAN wear whatever jeans and shoes and have the jeans drape over the shoes no matter? But instead we have PBR.
  22. Yeah, no thanks, just re-installed the last FS. Too bright, which makes my head hurt (migraine level). I do use NAM's Optimal and when I changed it to Noon (legacy) it was nicer. But, FPS went down considerably. I am running - CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor (3900 MHz) / Memory: 65463 MB (Used: 1087 MB) /Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050/PCIe/SSE2 (8G), not the newest by any means but am getting 100+ FPS on my platform with Shadows on. 1TB Fiber up/down, I rarely ever have problems rezzing anything. Ran new FS and at the most was getting 30FPS and textures were loading really slowly. TPing around made my mesh body/head invisible (Lelutka/reborn) and even spending 20 minutes after tping, the body/head never rezzed (weirdly enough my clothing did). I hope this isn't something we HAVE to use in the future. I don't think my eyes can take the strain.
  23. Ok...kind of forget about that cry for help but not really. Here's a more in-depth explanation. I'm using BOSH's script to change colors on faces of lightbulbs. That's working well. I'm using that script above to have a "BLINK" for 2 faces on the bulbs. I'd like to use just ONE script to change the two faces - right now as I stated above, I'm using TWO scripts for each face I want to change, which seems too wasteful. Problem as I've delved more into the script/LSL pages - this script I'm using for blink uses COLOR to change the state from white to gray to simulate the blink. BUT, then, the color I've assigned to these faces from the BOSH script now gets changed to white/grey everytime it blinks. What I'd like is to KEEP the BOSH script color and just have the bulb turn Full Bright off and on. That's it. I've checked the LSL Wiki, and forums...apparnetly have to use llSetPrimitiveParams or something like that, with a FULLBRIGHT moderator, but it seems so cconvoluted. Isn't there just a simple line to set the state of the face(s) to off/on fullbright on a timer? I can manipulate scripts, but writing a new one...it makes my brain melt out my ears.
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