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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. This tends to be the outcome when we ask for something and they actually(finally) deliver. It's not always or even usually up to snuff. Most often, there's still something wrong with it.

    I got used to not getting the messages. Now, I still don't get them consistently and neither do a lot of other merchants I have talked with about it. It's still a hit or miss kind of thing. I'd rather get none at all if it's not going to work properly. A bit too late to ask for that though. I don't see them tweaking this feature any further, to be quite honest.

    Annoying as it may be, it's not nearly as bad as many of their other failed attempts at winning the hearts of content creators by actually giving them something they asked for. It could always be worse. That's why I take the good with the bad, so we don't have to face even more of the ugly.

  2. Didn't really do anything in sl. I usually don't.

    In rl we went to my hometown and enjoyed part of the day at the beach and the festival/fair they have every year.  Water was freezing, but still a great day. We don't do fireworks there until this weekend, on the last day of the festival.

    We made it even better by visiting an assisted living type place that houses primarily veterans, their spouses and hospice. We have a family member there we visit frequently. On the 4th, as we usually do, we take them cards, pictures and artwork the kids have made. My kiddos also thank each and every one of them and shake their hands when able. Because they fully understand all the sacrifices generations before them had to make, so they could be here. Even those who aren't really here with us, as much as they and we'd like them to be physically and mentally. It's always a lot of fun visiting them, but it's even more fun on holidays like the 4th because you won't find more than maybe 2-3 visitors at all that day. Both sad, and enjoyable for all, at the same time.

    The 4th isn't just celebrated in the US, though. It's actually celebrated a lot of places worlwide, on some scale. I'm of the camp that believes regardless of where you are, you can still celebrate your history as well as who and what you come from. If you want to that is. I think this is often important for a lot of armed forces families, since a great deal of them are quite far from home. It's rarely bad to introduce traditions to others and celebrate globally :)

  3. Freya Mokusei wrote:

    People are welcome to invent any scale they choose, that is one of the many bonusses of this virtual world. I once did visit a sim where my 5'7 avatar was the size of an ant, walking next to giant spoons and forks! (Greenies was the sim, maybe some here were familiar)

    I know, completely off topic, but, I loved that sim. Have quite fond memories of it.

  4. Teagan Tobias wrote:

    Well, one thing, I guess its good that there are clubs in SL that are making so much money that they can make rules like this.

    For some club owners it's not about money. Actually, for most it isn't. Ask anyone who has actually owned a club for any sustainable period(or even not). Profit really doesn't play a role since the majority of expenses are out of their own pockets. They have the club for others' enjoyment, not just their own. Even if ll didn't say they get to choose to make whatever rules they want, I would think they should. Staying within tos. They are, after all, paying for our entertainment. Unless you want to foot the bill of the venue, it's usually just best to follow whatever rules they have. If you don't like them, don't patronize the venue. With as many places as there are in sl, clubs are not in short supply.

    There are plenty of places I wouldn't go based on their rules alone. Doesn't bother me a bit. If I'm too short, not the right gender, not in whatever attire they prefer, or whatever else, then I just don't go. I'll never understand why people think they ought to be able to dictate the rules for something they don't even pay for. I don't really include tips and donations in that paying for thing, either. Since they're barely a drop in the bucket, though wonderful when offered. Sucks to not be able to go somewhere when you really want to, but that's hardly any different in rl. Don't see much point in complaining about restrictions when they are everywhere in our lives, lol.

    *yous and whatnots, all generally speaking, of course

  5. I've never found it wise to relish in the plight of others, regardless of your reasoning behind it. That includes those you find deserving of the plight, even the miniscule sort. Karma's a real **bleep** sometimes ;)

    My pc, well pcs are about as ready as they'll ever be. I can run on ultra, use all the bells and whistles, but choose not to. So typically new stuff doesn't have a whole lot of impact on me. I feel a bit sad for those it does. I don't think anyone ought to judge their reasons, either.

    ..just a general reponse, as the delight in others soon missing out, isn't just on these forums.

  6. Gadget Portal wrote:

    I have to add... I think merchants that make 50 of the same product in 50 colors should HAVE to use an in-world store and not clutter up the marketplace with that junk.

    It's the same product over and over again. It doesn't deserve separate listings. You want to offer separate colors? Make it mod. Or add a HUD. Or do both. Otherwise, you're just being greedy and you should have to pay the tier to host the prims.

    I understand the utter frustration, believe me. I hate that to offer multiple colors, or styles of something, we have to have individual listings. It would be great to have them all linked together in ONE listing with some kind of indicator on the listing that it's available in multiple colors. But, alas, the commerce team doesn't give a **bleep**. They're busy working on things that require breaking something else in order to function. Or just flat out not listening-their specialty.

    I used to have an inworld store. I'll eventually have it again, but now is not the right time for that. It kinda sucks. I don't sell stuff to make money for rl, anymore. Eventually I'd like to go back to that, though. Anything I make now, stays in the sl economy and just goes right back into the pockets of ll and other residents. I only have a few things I sell that come in multiple colors or styles. One of them I used to only have two, and a link in the listing to right where that product was inworld so they could see the other options available. It was nice, when I could afford land, lol. But, I'm pretty small potatoes and even the things have sold with multiple colors or options, I keep to minimum(10 and under). I don't offer 20. 30, 50+ different options. I think that's a bit nuts for the MP, considering how crappy it runs sometimes.

    A lot of the things I come across that come in a lot of different options, those people do have an inworld store too. So I'm not sure that kind of requirement would stop them. Might stop some, or at least make some think twice about having that many different options. The stuff I do make that has more than 10 or so color options are scripted to allow those changes by the owner. I did that purely out of being too lazy to create a million listings, lol. Sure it's convenient for people, but to be honest I was thinking of my own convenience at the time, knowing full well the MP is a **bleep** sometimes.

  7. Awesome, congrats on the new pc!!! I'm so glad you finally got a really great pc.

    I know all too well what it can be like using onboard graphics, lol. The pc I used to use I had been using onboard graphics up until hubby got me a graphics card in 2009. I had no idea what I was missing before then.

    Out of all the things I could finally see, water was what amazed me the most. Before then it was blue, and relatively transparent to me. I saw no ripples, forget any type of reflection. It was just blue space. Couldn't even tell it was actually water, because it didn't look like it was moving at all. Funny how the little things can really make your day.


  8. Gadget Portal wrote:

    Today I tried to find mesh gloves. Let's ignore the part that it's part of a category, so I get hundreds of hats and scarves with my search. I removed those, but in the process removed some potential hits, too. But let's ignore that.

    After about 15 pages of the same three items, I wondered if these creators shouldn't be flagged for duplicate listings.

    It's the same pair of gloves 50 times in 50 different colors, all by the same creator, all No Mod.

    If they're different colors, ll sees them as different products. They won't see it as spam at all. It's annoying as hell and I really wish they'd just link all color options to one listing already. I don't doubt they know how, or have the ability I guess I should say.

  9. Sephina Frostbite wrote:

    Words may not hurt but the meaning behind them can. No one is a wall all the time.

    You should probably read the other thread, my response will make more sense and I'll piss off a lot less people since I won't have to re-type it all over again.

    Or not.

  10. The one, and only, breedable(ok, released breedable) I have never taken part in, beta or otherwise.

    I don't know anything about them. I also don't know anyone who does, and I have asked. Which might not say much to most, but anyone who reads these forums will probably know I kinda like breedables. I know lots of people that kinda like breedables. So, to not be able to find one person that does know this one, speaks voumes to me. Probably doesn't to you though, lol. If I can't even find one person inworld with any experience, I doubt their following is more than a handful. Of course,my doubts may be wrong. They may have a group in the thousands, or a following as wide as the grand canyon-sl version of course. I still doubt it though. I'm like that kid that touches the stove after mom says it's hot and to stay away, when it comes to breedables. My gut rarely listens to my brain. When it does, I listen up real good, it means business.


  11. Rya Nitely wrote:

    Personally, I can wait for my money. I don't depend on it to pay bills. I depend on my RL job for this, and as someone pointed out, RL work usually doesn't pay you instantly, so you have to be financially organised. People just need to plan for it to take 5 days. If they improve it then good, but if not get used to it.

    ^ This

    Even when Sl paid my rl bills, and it did for some time, I was still well prepared to have to wait days, a week, whatever. Even if I didn't have to(and usually didn't). The only rl work I have ever done that paid me "instantly" would be doing things like babysitting, lawn care, washing cars, whatever. All stuff I wouldn't receive a "steady" income from. The jobs that really pay my bills come with weekly, or bi-weekly paychecks. Which means, those days I don't get a check in hand, if I need money for something it's gotta be in the bank or my wallet. So, I treat sl the same. If I want it to pay my rl bills, I need to treat it like my weekly, or bi-weekly paycheck, and plan accordingly. That includes planning for as many what ifs as I can. This what if-extended payment time, seems like a no brainer to me, and always has.

    But then I strongly believe that anyone who uses sl for rl income ought to prepare for times when things aren't going to go according to plan. What if one week, month, quarter, business isn't as booming? It happens, even to the best of business folk, it just happens. Anything could affect your income. We can only compensate so much. We can also only plan so much. But most of the people I have seen complain about needing the money to reach them faster because it pays their rl bills, did(and still do) absolutely NO planning. What if this change never happened, but something else went wrong(even something minor) that affected their income. I mean, seriously. Maybe I'm being mean, don't really know. I guess I just expect that people who use this sort of currency and method of creating income for themselves, would take things a bit more seriously BEFORE the crap hits the fan.


  12. HisaDrug wrote:

    Gadget Portal wrote:

    You know what's even worse than that? When I IM someone, and they claim they didn't get it because their IMs cap, use notecards. That's probably one of the dumber things people say in SL... Particularly merchants. Turn on IM to email, and your IMs will never cap. Ever. You'll be able to read every single one. If you don't do this simple thing, you're probably a terrible merchant and should close your store, delete SL off your computer, then set your computer on fire and never go near the Internet again.


    I agree with you. Almost every merchant I deal with has this lil sentence on their profiles, 'IMs get capped. Send me a NC. Or don't complain I don't reply you' n it really annoys the **** outta me.
    Because I know IMs don't get capped that much unless you crash at the logging in or get a hundred of incoming IMs all at once. Or YEAH USE YOUR EMAIL. IT WORKS FANTASTICALLY ! lol


    You are 100% incorrect. That is not what causes capping at all. I recommend reading some of the links previously shared about the cap, what it is, and why people reach it. Sometimes easier than we'd like to reach it. Despite the fact that I do everything in my power to NOT cap, it happens and it has absolutely nothing at all to do with crashing, or getting several IMs at once. It's messages, objects, notecards, etc.. received while *offline*, it has nothing to do with being online at all.

  13. I haven't read through the whole thread yet, I'll get there.  I tend to not IM people first unless it's to inquire about something specifc. That said, I profile perv a LOT. All the time even, just for fun. I've found some very interesting people that way, and some very disturbing people too, lol.

    My profile, as I see it, is what I want it to be. I don't much give a fig what anyone else thinks about it. It's not just there for their eye candy, lol. It says the things I want it to say, and doesn't say the things I don't want it to say. But a lot of what my profile says is related to the circles I am a part of. So what seems tacky, cheesey or whatever else to someone, is meaningful to us. It's meaningful to me, and mine and really that's all that matters. What others think, won't change my sl day :)

    I try not to judge others' profiles harshly, because I hate having mine judged. Some people can be extremely cruel in their words, though they typically say it's not intentional. I know they're lying when they say that. I've had people make harsh comments about having soooooooo many picks dedicated to my love and my life. I've had harsh comments about not having RP info, despite the fact that I'm not into RP in sl, lol. I've had nasty things said about having a rl pic under my 1st life tab.(those people tend to be the most arrogant I've ever seen in sl, as their comments tend to be "you're runing sl immersion with your rl stuff" in nature, except not nearly as nice). I've heard everything from the nastiest of the nasty comments to compliments and praise, plus everythign in between. While I don't always mind getting comments, even when not nice, I do often wonder why people think they ought to be judge and jury of others' sl, including their profiles, lol.

    I don't look at people's profiles as a gift to me. I do look at them, at times, as information for potential profile readers, but not as something that ought to fit my ideals. I honestly don't care what people put in their profiles and I really don't understand why anyone would. In the case of RP I DO understand the desire to have something to go off of, when needed. Or if someone is in sl, seeking something, or someone, having that information can be helpful. But I don't understand, often, the way people word the desire or why people act like they are owed something. As if the profile ought to always fit what they want it to fit.

    Maybe I'm weird, ok, not maybe, I am, but maybe I have a different idea of what profiles are. I know what they are to me, I can't possibly know what they are to everyone else though. So I don't presume to, I don't assume, and I don't judge, ok I try really, really really hard not to judge. Those times I do judge, I'd never vocalize that to them, unless there is an issue with someone's profile that could potentially land them in serious hot water. In which case, it's not just my opinion, but rather something important they need to know(which has only happened once-and it was a poor translation of something). I try to keep my opinions to myself, unless asked.

    I do get a laugh when I see things that strike me as funny, which could be any number of things from drama to jokes, strange pictures, groups that make me chuckle, those "TOS" statements, etc.. I also cringe when I see things that I don't particularly care for, like groups, picks, judgmental comments about others, demeaning treatment of people, etc... But, again, that's not their fault or their problem, it's mine. If they like it, and they want it there, who am I to tell them they can't?

    Just like there are some things in sl I absolutely loathe with every fiber of my being. Others love those things. Who am I to say they can't, or shouldn't? Not my place, imo. I see profiles as something along those lines. Not my place to say you can't, or you shouldn't.

  14. Sephina Frostbite wrote:

    I never thought about IMVU just being a glorified chat room. Now that you put it in that perspective It couldn't be IMVU vs SecondLife. Also I have gained respect for IMVU now.

    That's exactly what IMVU was created to be, a 3d chat system. It was never intended to be anything more, and it never will be. That's part of it's appeal to those who stick around. Although in i's earliest stages(and perhaps by some still) it was called a social entertainment website. 3d chat system/room, rolls off the tongue a bit better, lol.

  15. Gadget Portal wrote:


    Would you feel better if we said, "No one's ever complained that we missed their message"?

    lol, You can say whatever you want. Neither makes me feel worse, or better. It is what it is. In your experience, you've never had any issues you know of. Mine hasn't been the same. That's how life goes sometimes.

  16. Yeah lately I've been having that issue too, and it's always been corrected by logging out and back on again. I'm not sure what changed to make it behave this way, when it never used to. But it sure can be annoying.

    A couple days ago I had to log out and log back on quite a few times in one day because i kept forgetting my tag. I was working on 2 sims, with 3 different projects and needed to keep switching tags back and forth. Was more frustrated with myself for not remembering, but it's still annoying.

  17. l'd also state for the record that the only reason I know I've missed messages, is because I've had people send them to me after the fact, asking if I saw it. It happened a few days ago. I got an offline msg from a good friend that never made it to my email, and wasn't there when I logged on either. She caught me online and c&p'd what she had asked in the msg I didn't get. I trust her timestamp as being accurate-and it was actually an important part of the msg she sent. It wasa a msg that never got sent through, for whatever reason. Definitely not a constant, but I'm not ignorant enough to say it can't happen, even if it's something that doesn't always affect me.

    There's always the possibility I've missed more messages I don't know about. But since I don't know about them, and the people who sent them never re-send, I can't know I've missed it. Which is why I don't understand the "I've never missed a msg sent to my email before" line. You can't know that for certain. You might have, you wouldn't know if someone didn't tell you though. You can think or believe you've never missed one, but how can you know with any certainty?

    Semantics I suppose.

    As for the nc/im debate, I opt for whatever people have in their profiles. If they don't specify, odds are you're going to get both from me. Not always, but it's my typical go to when people don't have a method they prefer. Then again, I only tend to im or send a nc if there is an issue or some pressing matter. It's not often I have a need to contact very many people anyway.

  18. Penny Patton wrote:

    Since enabling offline IMs to go to e-mail, I haven't had a problem with capped IMs. Actually, I'd rather people contact me via my profile "send message" feature than notecard. I can read and respond to those while not logged in as well. If people really are having issues where offline IMs are not going to email, I hope they're filing support tickets so LL knows there's a problem. But even in that case the newer profile-based messaging feature is, again, far better than notecards.

    Notecards are about the worst method of communication, inconvenient for both the person sending the message and the person recieving.

    Ll is aware of it, and has been for a long time now. I've seen, voted on, commented on, JIRAs and such too. Filing a ticket does no good, it's not a "problem" according to them. It's something we're supposed to file a JIRA for. I know because after having it happen quite a few times, I filed a ticket and that was the response they gave..file a JIRA.

    But JIRAs are useless these days.

    It probably happens a lot more often than people realize, but since they don't notice, it doesn't get mentioned. I know I have stints where things work perfectly fine on that end for months at a time. Then I have times when I miss a msg or two here and there. It's never a constant "onoez I'm missing all of my messages inworld and out". If that were the case, I would likely assume it's on my end, possibly my ISP, or something very hinky. But since it's sporadic, without rhyme or reason, and affects way more than just me, I know it's not on my end.

  19. Ciaran Laval wrote:

    IM to email is no guarantee you will get the message, 
    there was an incident a few years back where backed up IM's started appearing and confusing conversations ensued, backed up by months I should add.


    This happens a lot actually. Every so often odd messages from ages ago start to appear. It's very sporadic, and doesn't happen to the majority, so no one cares, lol. But it does happen. It first started a few years ago, I think, at least on a larger scale, but it has continued to happen since.

    Ive seen it, even though I've only had a few messages since, do this, I've seen others get messages from 6+ months ago. Sometimes they are messages that WERE seen, sometimes they aren't. Hit or miss and no one at LL can, or would, tell me what could cause it. Pretty sure there were JIRAs, but those are kinda useless now.

  20. Gadget Portal wrote:


    You know what's even worse than that? When I IM someone, and they claim they didn't get it because their IMs cap, use notecards. That's probably one of the dumber things people say in SL... Particularly merchants.
    Turn on IM to email, and your IMs will never cap. Ever. You'll be able to read every single one. If you don't do this simple thing, you're probably a terrible merchant and should close your store, delete SL off your computer, then set your computer on fire and never go near the Internet again.



    Okay, I feel better now. Got that out of my system.

    Uhh, that's not true. I have used im to email since what feels like forever. I still cap, and I still have emails that never get sent. No, they don't go to spam. I'm actually quite religious about checking my spam. But things DO get missed. Not as often as they used to, beats me why as I doubt LL has done anything to fix that, but it still happens. And of course when it does happens, it always happens to the most irate people, lol.

    I cap all the time, even with keeping group notices off on nearly ever group, setting IM to email, placing various ways to contact me in my profile over the years(which, has changed here and there). There is still missed communication. This is why I prefer people send me both, NC and IM. If at all possible. If not, whatever they're comfortable with, but I'm not responsible if the message doesn't get through.

    I know I'm not the only merchant with that problem, either. There have been a lot of posts about it over the years.

  21. Loved or hated...I doubt there are many that have been around for a while who could truthfully say they'd ever forget ya..name or face.

    Always loved reading your posts, offensive or not. But to be honest, anyone who takes an offense they've read online and carries it with them long term, deserves the sack of bowling balls it hangs on their shoulders anyway.

    Nice to see your name around, eve if you aren't. Also glad to see life treating you well, that's always a good thing.

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