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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. There are still merchants scrambling....or not scrambling in some cases(whistles) to get their products migrated. So expect to see that number jump up and down for a while. It's going to, even after the cutoff date. I imagine that, despite a magic cut off date, the lab will still be yanking things for a while.

    I also expect that once mbs are shut down entirely, the whole product number will skyrocket. When, I don't know, and couldn't give a good guess. But I'm quite confident it will. Because people will no longer need a place to set out a mb. And, for the most part, bugs notwithstanding, setting up a store on MP with the dd system isn't all that difficult for most people. It seems only a handful of us really have any sort of major issue that would make opening a store, or filling one, difficult.

    But if it helps your number count at all, my store went down by 65 items because I was too lazy to migrate them before the cut off, lol. They're all due for an update or seven anyway,

    Good thing I proof read this first...count should always have an o in it :o


    I really should get back down to business.

  2. It's rolling restarts day, expect that things may not go according to plan. Some people never have issues on these days. Some people have a crapload.

    Have you tried logging into a different sim? You may be trying to log back into a sim that's currently down. On your login screen, where it asks you the location, type in Pooley, or really you could try any number of sims, I just know Pooley is a relatively safe place.

    If you're able to log in without major issue(you may still experience issues here and there too), you'll have solved your problem.

    If you're not able, try restarting your pc and router/modem. Might just be a poor connection.

    Otherwise, just sit tight until the restarts are done, or at least have passed your sim.

  3. Are you staying on the same sim while trying all of this?

    If so, it's likely the sim. Try logging into a different sim at the login screen. I typically use Pooley for this purpose, but there really are a great many you could choose.

    I just had this exact same problem, and it lasted a couple days. It was the sim causing the problem. When I left the sim, the problem would stick around for a few minutes, but then eventually got better(aka, went back to normal). Returning to the sim, brought the problem right back. There was a point I couldn't even tp out of the sim even. It's not the first time I've encountered the same problem. Though it does seem pretty darn random. Had others on the sim not been having the same issue, I would have thought it was on my end.

    A clean install, restarting, unplugging your router, etc... won't help you one iota if the sim is acting up or needs restarted. If you can't restart the sim(if this is your home sim) you can always ask the land owner, or the lab to restart it.


  4. I don't think any one person ought to judge what is perfect, or not, when it comes to relationships.

    Let me re-phrase that a bit...

    I don't think any one person ought to get to decide what is perfect, or not, when it comes to the relationships of others.

    I am a strong believer that not everything needs to take years to fall into place. Sometimes it really does happen in the blink of an eye. And who am I to judge another on that?

    I met hubby online, though we were friends for a very long while before ever daring to take a step further..The feelings, however, were there from nearly the first meeting. Call it fate, call it destiny..call it crazy if you really want to. I love every second of it. Well...WE love every second of it.

    If going "faster" than some deem appropriate means I'm meant to be placed in a padded room, bring it on. Because I don't want to be anywhere else in life, to be honest. If my padded room comes with this amount of love, joy, warm tingly feelings, butterflies in my stomach, soft kisses whenever the mood strikes-even more when it doesn't, support, appreciation, complete and utter awe, cuddling for no apparent reason, movie nights in bed, tears of both joy and sadness with the added bonus of a shoulder to share them on, friendship, happiness impossible to measure.....and probably a million other things I can't possibly put into words(or will bore you all to death trying).....I will happily take my place in the padded room, with my hubby. Ecstacy doesn't even begin to describe it. I'll be the last person on this Earth to tell another they can't, they shouldn't, they ought not to seek that out in whatever way they deem appropriate for themselves. I wish everyone on this planet could find their one true love, soulmate..the one person they want to spend the rest of their living days...and then some, with. For some people it may take years, for some it may take months. Personally, I don't think the time allowed ought to be decided by outside parties ;)

    If we all judged a wee bit less, the world might be a happier place. Or it might not..but it certainly wouldn't hurt to try.

  5. OceanIsGrey wrote:

    I know many of my friends in SL are more cautious of shopping on the MP now for the fact that LL won't do anything.



    I agree with a lot of what's been said, but I wanted to address this part right here. The MP is far from the worst place for stolen content. I have found far, far, far more stolen content inworld over the years than I have ever seen(or seen others point out) on Slex,Xtreet,Onrez and MP combined. If people are going to be wary of shopping, specifically because of stolen content, or in reaction to it(which can be a good thing), MP is not the palce I'd start shopping conservatively. Though, I would shop with caution there too, inworld is far worse and definitely worthy of extra precautions.



  6. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    on a side note, i personally feel that a merchant should have to actually log in weekly to be able to sell things on the MP..  That way anyone that leaves SL wont still have a store up with no support, which would make people want to leave SL. It's a win win all around.

    That's a good point too, also one discussed before.  The magicboxes, although not a perfect system, did indeed cause merchants to have at least enough dedication to sl that they put a box out-how much of course is debatable. It didn't eliminate the chance that some merchants just up and leave, for whatever reason. But it did provide something dd can't. That something is the possibility that their mb(s) would be returned if they didn't pay for the spot to put it out-assuming they paid for one of course. Dd elimnates the need for even that. Dd removes just one more tidbit of responsibility, not sure that's the best term for what I'm trying to say, but I'll go with it. So it's entirely likely, probable even, we'll see a lot more merchants up and disappear than we ever did with the mb system. Why? Because they'll be able to, with no risk of their store shutting down when their box gets returned.

    My opinion is that, even with dd a merchant should have to log in at some point, or at least do something to provide proof they're still here. Ll certanily can't make those merchants offer good, or any, customer service, but "checking in" as it were is a start. I disagree on the time frame though. Once a week could be problematic, in fact, I know it would be. Not all merchants are big merchants with staff. The ones who do have staff can usually compensate if the owner needs to be away from sl for more than a few days. Smaller merchants, or hobbyists, probably can't offer that same thing all the time. Me, for example. I'm a hobbyist, well for now I am. There have been times when I was unable to get online, much less into sl. Between having a kiddo in and out of the hospital, and being in and out of it myself..things can be difficult. When I am absent and I know it's going to happen, I can prepare. When I don't know, sometimes I can't. Also some people go for vacation for a week or more. They wouldn't be able to check in either.

    I don't think hobbyist merchants ought to be excluded from selling on the MP simply because that's how they choose to run their business. Those are the ones who would likely be harmed most by a mandatory weekly check-in. I think the more merchants sl has in general, the better. Whether they're big companies, small little hobbyists, or anything in between. So I don't particularly care for ideas that knock some of them out of the running, as it were.


  7. Brummund Thorkveld wrote:

    Kenbro Utu wrote: So you want the Marketplace to start setting price limits for merchants?


    A seller wants to sell a 32 prim sofa at L$800, that is their business. There was a lot of stuff on MP that was set at a decent price at the time, but a few years later, wouldn't be worth that much. IMHO it wouldn't be unreasonable for sellers to review their listings every few years.

    But it is unreasonable to suggest we get to dictate what "value" or "worth" actually is, as relevant to others' creations. There are plenty of things I would never buy because my personal definition, for me, of that item's value does not meet it's price. That does not however mean, it's actually overpriced. The same goes for underpriced. What some people think is valuable, others may not. Neither is wholely right, or wrong. We're only right when it applies to us and our opinions.

  8. I don't think I will ever understand how, or why, they do things, to be honest. Of all the staff at the lab, I think the commerce team annoys me the most. Not that I'm a huge advocate for bashing the lab, generally they do plenty of things right, too(in my experience anyway). It's just that they've had so much time to fix some of these issues, and I believe some of the fixes would be quite easy. I realize not everything can be fixed overnight. Some things might never be fixed. But they're really going downhill a lot more than I expected. Probably more than many expected. It's starting to get to the point that a lot more merchants are upset and being monetarily punished by the lack of...I'm not sure what word to use here so I'll just say action, from the commerce team. I'm far from a fan girl, by any means, lol. I did have faith that them saying "this is on our to do list" actually meant it would probably get done though. Terrible assumption on my part.

    It's a good thing the benefits of having an MP store outweigh the bad, for me, for now anyway.

    I've had perfectly pg things flagged as adult. There was one set I never did figure out what keyword, or what word in the description  was setting off that flag. It was a set of glow products. I never did relist that either, this just reminded me I probably should.

    If you look at some of the previous threads about this, you can see exactly how obscure some of their naughty words really are. Things like plain numbers(numbers that represent nothing, really) are even liable to set it off. Absolutely no rhyme or reason. I think, if I'm recalling correctly as this was a while back, someone got flagged for using the number 5 once.


  9. You know, I never had this glitch until about three weeks ago, I think it was. Somewhere around there, as I was migrating my remaining mb items to dd. I checked my store and low and behold my item count had jumped dramatically. Now I know I'm not always here...or there...entirely. But I am fairly certain I didn't create listings in my sleep, or while I was in the hospital. I had roughly 40 extra products in my store. Some matched my product names, but with different text in the listing and different pictures. Some didn't match squat. All had text and pics that did not match one another. Many didn't actually take you to a product, just the home page.

    Thankfully, well, maybe poor choice of wording, but I had already read about this issue since it's been going on for ages. So I knew it was a glitch and not something I did, or something someone else did to me. I just kind of sat on that information for a bit. Now those listings are gone. I don't know why they're gone, I didn't report it. I should have, but at the time I was kind of busy with rl. I'm not so sure most merchants are that lucky though. I know a lot still have those messed up listings that either go to unrelated products, or in the case of the majority, nowhere but the main page of MP. So if you see them, you can still report them, but I wouldn't count on it being fixed anytime soon from the looks of it.

  10. Their whole secret list of naughty words has been a huge thorn since they took over xstreet. It's extremely annoying.

    I agree wholeheartedly they need a better system. I also believe that while they encourage us to flag things-and they've done that a lot-they really need to pay closer attention to WHAT is being flagged, and why. Sometimes, I think they do. I only think that because there have been things I know were flagged, that were removed. I don't normally flag other people's stuff. It's actually quite rare. On the listings I have flagged (2), it's been because of something pretty serious.

    I think now, though, a lot of things that get flagged never really get looked at by the person removing them. I know what the commerce team has said about it, I just don't believe them. They have said they always look at the reports and determine if something should be removed. I just don't believe they actually do in many cases. I think they either skim or just click a pretty little remove option without checking. I'm sure it's not the case for all flagged listings, but I do believe it happens with most these days. It never used to be, ok maybe never is a bad word choice, but it wasn't as bad as it is now. I don't believe they pulled things as often as they do now. I think they paid much more attention at one time.

    There are always going to be trigger happy people that flag for no reason, or just to be annoying. Which is why we need people that will actually check those reports carefully, and the listings carefully, before taking any removal action.

    I had something flagged once, and I darn well know it wasn't because the commerce team happened across it by accident. Imo them monitoring the MP in that way is above and beyond their idea of what their job entails. It was during that "mad style" promotional thing. A cheapo hat I sell got flagged because, according to the "we've removed your listing" message, I had that phrase in my keywords and my product didn't fit the promotion. I actually did not use that phrase, anywhere. The hat's name has mad in it. People were getting trigger happy during that debacle because they didn't agree with certain products falling under that particular tag. In some cases, probably a valid complaint. But there were a TON of things removed and flagged that didn't even have the phrase in keywords. My best guess is once people got riled up about others using that phrase, which they didn't believe the merchants should use, they just started searching the term "mad" and flagging willy nilly. If you search the forum you'll find the thread(s) discussing it. Was a nasty debacle, imo.

  11. 16 wrote:

    accepted. thanks. I stop whining now

    is quite clear. the policy says accept it or don't use the service. so thats it. oh! well


    Oh I don't mind whining, personally. I actually find it amusing to be honest. Well, rather, amusing that others think people shouldn't be able to whine. I think everyone does. I think everyone whines and complains about all kinds of things. Sometimes they're things we possibly could change. Sometimes we simply choose not to change them. Sometimes they're things we can't. I'm all for letting people whine, so long as they're not harming others by doing it. We all need an outlet from time to time. When threads start to bug me, cuz I've seen a million and one just like it, I usually stop reading them. It helps a lot with eliminating that feeling. But shhh, don't tell anyone, its my great great great great grandpappy's nephew's uncle's brother's thrice removed dog's pet goat's front left paw's sekrit...they might be upset if I share.

    I only posted that because yours happened to be the last post I saw that questioned whether or not they should be able to use the ads, in the manner they're being used. Quite a few people have said the same thing, or similar. Which, in fact, they can do, and we let them, just by being here. That said...no part of the TOS says we have to like it.



  12. 16 wrote:

    Phil Deakins wrote:

    Users of the site don't have any vested interest at all in the site. Apart from those things, it's self-evident that what a website owner does with the site is nobody's business but his/hers/its.


    yes we do. when we log into the site on our account then what we do is shown to a 3rd party. why this is of interest to us is that it changes the longstanding understanding of the linden policy. that they will not share our information with others without our permission

    it is ok for linden to change this policy. and it is of interest to us. and people can express their views. whether that is: I like. I hate it. I don't care

    people complain about things they don't like. whine. yell. scream. is ok to do this and to say that its wrong. like wrong for them/me/whoever. and to whine that is somehow going to make the planet fall into the sun even

    don't need a rational reason to dislike, love or hate even. is emotional this. we not machines. so is ok to get upset about whatever vent and mouth off. at the policy change


    16, I think you, and quite a few others, need to actually read the TOS. I'm not saying that to be a smartass, but it's actually spelled out very specifically what they can, can't and will and will not do, with regard to third parties.



    It's near the bottom


    Third Party Advertisements

    Linden Lab participates in ad and/or affiliate networks operated by various third party companies. These companies collect and may use certain anonymous information about your visits to our Websites as a function of referring Internet traffic to our Websites. We do not permit these companies to collect any personal information about you, such as your name, address, or email address; however, we do permit these companies to collect your IP address. These companies may set and use cookies, web beacons, pixels, or other technologies to collect anonymous information about your visits to our Websites, and may otherwise aggregate, analyze and anonymize that data. If you seek information about these specialized advertising technologies, the Network Advertising Initiative offers useful information about Internet advertising companies (also called "ad networks" or "network advertisers"), including information about how to opt-out of their information collection.


    ETA: The last known revision of this privacy policy...

    Date of last revision: October 11, 2011

    So this is far from new.

  13. I don't wear 99.9% of the mesh I try on. Why? Because my body isn't only a couple numbers off on some of those sliders. Some areas of my body will fit one size, while others fit another. It's annoying. Especially with things like tops, and dresses.

    I have the shape I have because I like it. I created it  to the proportions I wanted. The only person that got any input on how my body was going to look is my hubby. And the reason he got input is because I actually value his opinion. I'm not saying that to be snarky yo creators, because I do value them a lot, but I don't value their opinion on how my body should look. Much in the same way that I don't buy certain types of clothing because it's just not me. It's not my taste, it's not who I am, it's not a look I identify with. That opinion is also why I don't wear pre-made shapes. So it's not a knock on them as much as it is a choice to be the av I want to be, not the av someone else wants me to be. Hopefully that makes sense.

    That's how I feel about mesh. I feel even more strongly about mesh because such a vast majority of creators use those same "standard" sizes that they really are missing out on a large, imo, number of people who would love to own their stuff. I'd buy more mesh if more sizes were available, or at least, different ones. Some of it is so very well made and beautiful, but it looks fugly on me because I'm not standard. I actually have personal issues with that word, so, it will probably come off a lot more aggressive sounding than it should. I don't believe there should be a standard when it comes to sizes in sl. Because I believe sl to be a very unique place, and the unique nature of the people, the atmosphere, the general feel is what drew me back to sl in 2008, and kept me here, after leaving twice before(in 04 and 06). There's just something so, I don't know, awesome I suppose, about seeing individuality and unique styles, unique body styles even, I just like it. Even styles that might make me giggle because I'd never in a million years try that myself. I still think it's kinda cool to see them. Mesh standard sizing, does take a bit of that away. I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed even the thought of that, much less the actual act.

    I really don't think the majority of sl will fit in the the standard sizes without having to adjust certain sliders more than a few numbers. I really don't. I don't buy the whole "we asked and got about 700 replies..this is what people want". When the daily concurrency is over 40k(whether or not you think this is a huge number, is irrelevant) 700 people is really a tiny drop in the bucket. Yet this is the answer people give when asked "where the heck did the standard sizes come from". They always say "the majority gave their numbers". Well, no, they didn't. You asked a specific set of people, in specific circles, and got answers that, frankly, are actually quite close to one another. I'd love to see all the responses that were given, All the measurements people sent in. I am willing to bet a lot of them were pretty darn close to one another, if not the same. I have friends in the fashion industry, including some who make mesh and use these standard sizes too, I have friends in those fashion circles, I have friends in the modeling industry that all responded to this(and I know their measurements, as some of them have been my test dummies for creations) and there IS a typical body type among them. But if you go out into the rest of sl, outside of those specific places.....there isn't a typical anything.

    I know that was long. I am not trying to knock creators. I think they do a fine job actually, superb even, in most cases. I think a lot of them cater to the standard sizes because some people started that trend and now a lot of the people that buy mesh expect  those specific standard sizes, because they've already altered their shape(s) to fit them. I feel bad for people who want to buy mesh, want to wear mesh, or will in the future, but can't because it's just not made for them. I also feel bad for mesh creators that go out of the "standard norm" realm. Maybe feel bad isn't really the right term, because I guess I feel bad more for the creators than anything. As they're missing out on the rest of the market. I see some mesh that is absolutely stunning. But I can't wear it. Why? Because I have boobs that aren't mesh(and no I'm not buying mesh boobs, I like the ones I have, lol), and are as close to mimmicking my rl chest as I can get in sl. When I've tried to wear mesh, I have to change the slider more than a couple numbers, in fact, changing their entire shape. That's not my chest anymore, that's some other person's idea of what a person wearing a size(insert whatever size) should be, in the chest area. Then I have to adjust some other sliders, usually more than a few numbers too. Then I get frustrated and give up. Just because my face doesn't change, or some other sliders don't change, does not in any way mean I still look the same. My overall shape, is me, that's how I look. Changing any of them, especially more than a few numbers, alters the way I look. Some people are cool with it, don't mind, even create shapes specifically for mesh. I think that's great, for them. For me...mesh is just not an option. At least not until I can master it myself...and mesh and I have been squabbling for some time now, so it'll be a while before I figure that one out :P But I love my non mesh clothes anyway, so it's all good.

    I feel bad for men too because I've seen some of the men's standard sizes and, well, they're just as bad. Hubby wears absolutely no mesh, and I don't blame him. I guess we're just not standard people :)

  14. Awesome pics :D Thanks for sharing them!


    Marigold, I am betting that a lot of people with really old original rez dates have probably done the same thing I did. I first signed up for sl in 2004, but I didn't hang around too long. I came back some time later and decided I was going to stick around a little longer but wanted a different name. Made a new account, transferred some things, and never went back to the other. I stopped coming in to sl for a couple years while one of my kiddos was really sick.

    In 2008 I made this av, got what I wanted off the old account and never looked back. Both of the old accounts have since been deleted from sl. One I closed, and the other was closed by the lab quite a while ago. I run into a lot of people who originally came to sl in 04-05-06, with pretty much the same story. They joined, eventually got bored and left, then later came back.

  15. Sephina Frostbite wrote:

     I dont think its fair to put non gimp/photoshop photos to compete with ones that have it. How can you compare? Doesnt really make it fair game. Well I wish the contest lots of entries!

    I've seen some really awesome photography people have taken inworld without even using windlight settings. I've also seen some really crappy photo editing done out of world, lol. Both from seasoned photographers and less experienced ones So, I wouldn't really call it unfair. Heck the right windlight alone can make just about any photographer seem professional, and nearly any photo look absolutely amazing.


  16. Porky Gorky wrote:

    Tari Landar wrote:

    Are you saying we're not? I'm of the belief that at some point, we all have our dumb moments.I sure as heck do, and I read instructions, quite thoroughly. I still sometimes need something that spells things out for me a bit more clear. Even if it's been posted or explained a milllion times by a million other people.

    I probably wouldn't have chosen the words for dummys, either. But that doesn't mean anytime it's used it was intended to be offensive and nothing more. Of course we don't all share the same sense of humor, so it may not be funny to some. It's certainly not worthy of the attack it got, though. That was a tad over the top. I mean if we're going to complain about something being offensive, I'm pretty sure that being offensive with our complaining isn't going to accomplish the goal any quicker either. The whole tit for tat thing is a bit silly once we've reached adulthood. My kids can't even get away with that, lol. I don't think focusing on that one word was really all that important. But, I can't decide for others what is and isn't. So I don't think there's anything wrong with being offended, but I do believe there's a much better way of conveying that.

    When a person is referred to as a dummy, it is the equivalent of calling them stupid or mentally retarded.

    If you want to publicly admit you are a dummy then that is your prerogative.

    If you think the mods should leave offensive thread titles in the forum then that is your prerogative.

    Just because you are not offended by a word does not mean others should not be offended. 

    Just because you do not think others should challenge the use of the word through discussion, does not mean I cannot.

    Not much offends me but due to personal circumstance the use of the world "dummy" or the equivalent word "retard" greatly offends me. 

    If you don't want to see me complain about it then I suggest you direct your eyes somewhere else because it is going to go on until this thread title changes or until the thread dies..



    I did say I can understand why some people are offended by it, even if I am not. I didn't get the impression I bolded up there at all. Me not getting that impression doesn't mean others will view it the same as I. But hoenstly I think your comparison, at least part of it, is pretty darn harsh and a bit more offensive than the word dummy. You used a phrase I would never associate with that word and frankly really don't like the fact that people use it to describe something offensive at all. Again, just my opinion, and I don't feel others must always share mine. You're as free to use the words you want to describe something, as much as the next person. But, as you said, you shouldn't be surprised when people challenge that.

    I also didn't say you shouldn't complain at all, or challenge terminology people choose. I said there is always a better way to do it. I don't think being offensive in kind will accomplish much. It rarely ever does.


  17. That coaster used to be for sale. At least if it's the one I am thinking of. I'm not inworld right this moment to check.

    If it's no longer for sale there may be a reason for it.

    However if you go to marketplace, and go to the recreation and entertainment section, there is a whole section for amusement and theme park type stuff. You might find a rollercoaster or two there.

  18. Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:

    Tari Landar wrote: "lt has died, is dying, and will die....for those that allow it."

    Well, LL can do its part to prevent SL from dying:

    1.: Act on
    Abuse Reports in less than 2 hours.

    2.: Crack down
    on griefers.

    3.: Clean out and police the Welcome Areas. the depravity going on in e.g. Ahern is absolutely unacceptable.



    Sure there's lots they can do. There's lots we can do to ensure our sl is as much fun as we can possibly muster too. I never said sl didn't need improving.  I face the same kinds of issues as most other people do, have a lot of the same concerns and a lot of the same desires as far as how the lab does things. I don't have to let the things I dislike trump the things I like though. Which is what I choose to do.

    Some people don't share that idea, for whatever reason. I respect that. Maybe their bads do outweigh their goods. In that case, it's probably best for them that their sl "die".

    Right now, it's not best for me. I'm guessing it's probably not best for most people still here, or else they wouldn't be :)

     ...edited to fix my terrible spelling lol

  19. Porky Gorky wrote:

    Rya Nitely wrote:

    some people are just mean, what you can you do?

    Not implying that merchants are Dummy's would be as good a place as any for the OP to start.

    Are you saying we're not? I'm of the belief that at some point, we all have our dumb moments.I sure as heck do, and I read instructions, quite thoroughly. I still sometimes need something that spells things out for me a bit more clear. Even if it's been posted or explained a milllion times by a million other people.

    I probably wouldn't have chosen the words for dummys, either. But that doesn't mean anytime it's used it was intended to be offensive and nothing more. Of course we don't all share the same sense of humor, so it may not be funny to some. It's certainly not worthy of the attack it got, though. That was a tad over the top. I mean if we're going to complain about something being offensive, I'm pretty sure that being offensive with our complaining isn't going to accomplish the goal any quicker either. The whole tit for tat thing is a bit silly once we've reached adulthood. My kids can't even get away with that, lol. I don't think focusing on that one word was really all that important. But, I can't decide for others what is and isn't. So I don't think there's anything wrong with being offended, but I do believe there's a much better way of conveying that.

  20. Sl has died, is dying, and will die....for those that allow it.

    For everyone else, it hasn't, it isn't and it won't, until they reach that point in their lives.

    The logistics and specifics of it all cannot be universally defined, imo. Much as people try there is no one size fits all answer. People only know how they feel, what they see, what they've heard or read. We can make guesses, and we can make predictions.....Or....and this is what I prefer...we can continue on enjoying the moments we like as much as we can, not enjoying the less pleasant aspects, and generally making our sl what we want it to be in the best way(s) we know how.

    That's what I've done since 2008 when I came here for good, and what I intend to do until the day I leave for good. Don't much care what others do. Their sl is theirs, mine is mine, and I really, really like mine :D


  21. Firestorm also has the option to use the beta grid.

    At the bottom of the firestorm login page you see(mine is based on using the phoenix look/setup, so the buttons may look different, or say something different, with other skins..but the functionality is still there)

    username, password, log in button, default settings option(mine's set to phoenix but you also have firestorm, v3 and hybrid as well), start at(you can select last location, home, or type in a location), and finally log onto grid(this is where you would select the beta grid)

    Now I don't know if you have to, prior to seeing that grid option, enable something in preferences or anything like that. But I honestly don't remember doing so. I don't remember having to do so back when I used phoenix either. So it may be on by default. If it's not...someone please correct me.


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