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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. aidenvino wrote:

    Well if you took a look at the whisper wall you would see that there is a variety of different types of commentary. So far it seems people are seeking advice or have a need to express truly weighted issues that they don't feel comfortable talking about openly. What do you think about the idea of 'community' in a concept like this one?

    Personally while I think venting can be very theraputic, there isn't any sort of "community" surrounding the wall, or even the concept, if people aren't working together(in what capacity, would depend on the situation, I suppose). I'm not saying anything bad about the wall, or the concept of what it is there for and used for. But, I wouldn't label it with anything "community" related. Otherwise we'd have to think of any diary, journal, blog, anyplace people would or can "speak openly" as community. That just doesn't seem like a reasonable assumption, or definition of what it is.

    I'm glad people are finding it to be of good use, and are using it, for whatever purpose they want. It may or may not be a good or bad thing, or even drama causing. You just never know.

    It's entirely possible something public like that could cause drama in the same way publishing someone's private thoughts(I don't call them secrets, they're merely thoughts not shared with the world, thus far, to me). There is a reason people don't tell others certain things, and sometimes it's because the effects it would have, are negative. Not always, but it's possible. Someone could use the wall to "post" not so nice things, which someone else could read. Maybe most people reading wouldn't know what it's about. But, what if someone does? It could have a negative effect, and could(probable even) cause drama, if it does.

    I wouldn't consider it any different than anything else I've come across chock full of opinion. They're just thoughts people are putting out there. Good, bad, or otherwise.


  2. Jacki Silverfall wrote:

    Thank you Tari, I have never had to disable firestorm RLV. I always do a clean install as well.

    Yw. I had to check because I know there are settings I just automatically change out of habit, and wanted to make sure it wasn't one of them. Having RLV enabled by default on any viewer is a bad idea. For the very reason we've seen in some threads. Too many people may have heard of it, but don't know what it actually entails, or care to know. And there is too much misinformation about it out there too. Speculation about what RLV is, or can be, used for, leads to problems for some people.

    As for the OP, I am going to guess it was something RLV related, because although I am no expert on any of the problems you might have been having, RLV is the only way I know of that people can literally strip you of things. Giving them permission(whether you realise it or not) through some item you are/were wearing is the only way I have seen that function actually work. Of course, I could be entirely wrong, it just seems the most probable answer. It's also easy as heck to fix, which is a good thing. Disabling RLVa, will remove that ability, even if you're still wearing that particular item. I'd then go through everything worn, or recently worn anyway, and figure out what did it. That part may be tricky, for someone who doesn't know what to look for. But stopping others from being able to control your av like that is easy as pie.

  3. Janelle Darkstone wrote:


    ( Didja also know that if you see
    spelled enough times it starts to look
    weird? )

    Every time I see the word secret, it reminds me of Sucrets...the lozenge...and then I remember a lot of really strange, yet fond memories I can't post on forums without being ric'd to death. But, yeah, good times.

    I never read the word as secret anymore, it's always sucret..and then I have to read it a couple more times to truly understand wth I just read, because you can't really work sucret into just any conversation, smoothly.

    I suppose that's off-topic. I'll blame turkey brain :D

  4. Penny Patton wrote:


    Like, the categories for listings are just not intuitive. Ever wanted to search just for furniture? Good luck! There is no furniture category and furniture winds up spread between multiple categories. 

     Just want clothing? Again, you need to keep it on "All Categories" because clothing is spread between "Avatar Accesories", "Avatar Components", "Avatar Appearance", etcetera.

     Because of this, filtering by category winds up almost useless.

    Most of that fault lies with the merchants. They are the ones putting things in categories outside of where they belong. Granted in some cases they may have to if a specific enough category doesn't exist, but in most cases, that's just not true. The categories ARE there, people are just choosing not to use them, for whatever reason. We can only assume why they list in the wrong category. There was a problem for a long time about products having the wrong pictures, but even that bug didn't cause the products to be moved into a different(unrelated) category. The products were still listed in whatever category people put them in.

    Continuing to buy things that are in the wrong categories only sends the wrong kind of message. Maybe if people stopped buying things that aren't listed right, and those merchants realize.."hey, this isn't selling, maybe I should look into why", we can get more merchants to put things where they belong. I know there is always room for more categories and there are some they definitely still  need to add. It's still our responsibility, when we list, to put things in the most appropriate category. Some merchants just, well, don't.

    I'm not giving the commerce team a pat on the back or removing any of their responsibility when it comes to this sort of issue. But I do know merchants have a responsibility to list properly too, and too many of them choose not to.

    When I do a search, I go to the specific category(or categories in some cases) the item I am looking for would fall under. Sure there may be listings in many categories containing the sort of item I am looking for. But I know most of those aren't listed properly, and I don't think it's wise, for me, to pay those merchants when they can't even put their clothing into the apparel section, for example. Some things could fall under more than one category. Clothing, shouldn't be one of them. Unless it's holiday related and there is a specific category under that holiday for clothing. Otherwise, all clothing should be under clothing.(and then sub categories from there). If people are going to list clothing in other categories, I'm not going to even look at them, much less buy then. To me that sends them the message that misusing the mp is perfectly fine, just because we all know it's flawed. Basically, making it even more flawed. I don't want to contribute to that. The mp is messed up enough, we don't need merchants, or anyone, making it worse, or more confusing.

  5. LionsListDotCom wrote:

    . my is questions is why is this going on?...lovelylioness4u3 @ imvu.com 

    Just gonna snip everything, because that was a bit rough to read. But, I can answer this part.

    Why is this going on?

    Because this is sl, not imvu, and the two are more different than they are alike. You really cannot compare them, there simply isn't enough alike between the two for that. Their only main similarity is that they are both virtual worlds. It sort of ends there, though. While yes you can chat, make things, explore, etc.. in both. How we manage doing that varies so greatly it just knocks that similarity right off the map.

    Take the market, for example. In sl you have two ways to purchase..inworld, or on the marketplace. We do not dress ourselves in the same way you would in imvu. That is only one, of many, differences that put the two nowhere near each other. We have inventories in sl, not quite the same thing as the, well the easiest way to put it is "closet" or "catalog" even that imvu has. Anyone who reads demo and does not realize what a demo is, ALWAYS has the opportunity to ask someone what a demo is. It's ok to not know, but it's rarely wise to assume. They can ask the merchant selling, or really, anyone. Most people, even new ones, do know what demo means. It's a trial, of sorts, just as you'd find in rl. You get to "try" something to see if you like it. This is why most are free, or cost $1l. They're marked as demo, in some way, shape, or form. How they are marked varies depending on what the item is. Some have a time restriction-in that case you can use that item for a specified amount of time, to see if you want the full version or not. Clothes usually have something on them marking them as a demo. Again, that is to allow you time to try something, see if it suits your needs, without having to pay for a full product. Shapes, typically have very large hands and feet, because it's the least important part of the shape for most people and you can get a very good idea of what it will look like on you if you decide to buy the full version. Skins, are marked the same way clothing is. Marked well enough to show they are demos, but not so much that it affects being able to really look at the item.(or the important parts of the item, that is)

    There is nothing at all wrong with offering demo items. In fact, most people prefer them, especially for things like clothing, hairs, skin and shapes. Because you just don't know how they'll look on you. The "characters" in imvu are NOT the same as they are in sl. We are so widely varied, it's unreal. There can be millions of combinations when it comes to one's shape, even skin. This isn't quite the same for imvu-though the appearance can vary widely as well, it's not quite as wide as it is in sl. So what looks good on one avatar, may not look good on them all. What fits one avatar, may not fit them all. So, it's wise to know what does and does not look good on you, before buying it. This is especially important when it comes to a lot of mesh clothes. Again, the clothing in imvu and the clothing in sl, do NOT work, or even look, the same. Even the whole core coding of HOW they work, isn't remotely the same.

    In sl, you have to physically try items yourself, rather than having a "catalog" of sorts pop up to try it for you. That's just how sl is made. I don't think it's nearly as complicated for most people as you described it being for you. That's not me saying anything bad about you. A lot of sl can be very confusing, especially when you're comparing it to another virtual environment and expecting similarities. That said, I don't think most people have a whole lot of difficulty with demo items. Some might the first time or two they try, but they seem to get the hang of it pretty quickly. There are a lot of places one can go for help if they do get confused, though. There are these forums(though highly underused), blogs, the sl wiki, groups inworld, even locations inworld made specifically(or at least mostly catering to) new folks. There are really a LOT of resources for help. The problem is, people don't go looking for them. They are not hard to find, at all. So, if you find yourself having difficulty understanding something, it's always a good idea to ask someone. Even just random people inworld may be of good help, or can point you in the right direction at least. Sl overall, is chock full of nice people who don't mind helping when needed. Imvu can be just as, if not moreso, confusing for people that are new. But it's also a LOT less advanced, a LOT less complicated in it's functionality overall, and there is a heck of a LOT less to learn. I sort of think of imvu as more plug and play-you can figure things out very easily, but how it functions is pretty basic, whereas for sl you need to read the instructions, as there's a lot more involved. Perhaps not everyone, but I do think it would serve everyone well to read them, either just after joining, or even before. It makes things a lot easier. That said, everyone in sl is always still learning, because it's unlike what most have probably participated in before.(be it games or another virtual environment)

    There are products that are NOT a demo, and are full version, but are free. There are plenty of those around too, and they are very easy to find. But, when you see demo, you should ALWAYS assume it is a limited use product. As in, just something for you to try and see if it will suit your needs.

  6. That is an extremely specific category, which is why I believe they wouldn't add it. Now, giftboxes, a general category, possibly, though also not likely. I know they do read suggestions here, whether they take them seriously is another matter. It took them a very long time to make the breedables category, for instance, despite ebing asked to do so when MP first came out(and repeatedly ever since, as well). That category is very broad as well, which is why it has subs, but those weren't created for quite some time, either. So they mayread, but that doesn't mean they actually listen to most of it. The mere fact that they haven't implemented the majority of things asked for(and some, pretty darn important, and not cosmetic) tells us that what they read likely goes right through their brains into the round filing bin.

    (that's probably why they ask for them here, we have no way to know if they really read it and turned it down for valid reasons, or not...where a ticket, they might have to actually answer even if it's scripted and generic)

    I know there may be thousands of Christmas gift boxes on MP. But that doesn't necessarily mean they need a whole new category for it. People will get better exposure on those just using a general Christmas category, or even if there were a "Christmas Gifts" category. That category would make sense(though it would open the floodgates for just about anything to be labeled as a gift-which is why we don't have it). A sub-category in Christmas simply for giftboxes, however, would not seem a reasonable request. At least, I don't believe it would. I understand why you want it, I just don't think it's likely you'll ever see it.

    Maybe a giftboxes category under Celebrations would work, there would be a lot more traffic to it, but then people will complain about havng to wade through those too, lol.

  7. Even the fact that he has "pee bottles" so he doesn't miss a minute or so it may take to go, is disgusting, and really should be the virtual slap upside the head one needs when they get that involved in something unnecessarily.

    I love sl, and I love the time I spend in sl. I know there are many times when I've spent a good 20 out of 24 hours in any day, just in sl(of course, not when my kids are at home, 'cuz that would be beyond wrong, for me). I have never, and would never. ignore the fact that I had to go to the bathroom, because of sl. I've had to do that(hold it, lol) in rl situations when there wasn't anywhere around to go, and that's bad enough 'cuz you can't control that sort of situation at all. There's just absolutely NO reason to not excuse yourself if needed from sl to take care of rl actual needs.

    Ick, ick, ick, ick

    Kids sometimes have a hard time yanking themselves away from whatever they are doing, to go to the bathroom. Kids, have accidents, because of that. But, kids outgrow it. That guy, will never outgrow it. Not as long as he brings his toilet to his virtual space...

    again.. ick, ick, ick, ick


  8. Nothing LL does is timely...ok I'll give them a rare exception....but generally, no. That's just not how they play ball.

    Inworld search is beyond a joke and if they're going to work on ANY, it should be that, not MP.

    However, that said...I have no issues with slow loading pages. I don't have the fastest connection in the world, either. So I can't really sympathize with having to wait 10 seconds for a page to load. Even that's a pretty short timeframe. Someone else was complaining the other day about it taking 5 seconds. I'm scratching my head a bit on that one too. The information loading on the page isn't always going to be instantaneous no matter what site you use. Especially ones with more than simple text on them. That's just how the 'net is at times. Now if it was taking a few minutes to load, that can be annoying. But ten seconds? Really? Even xstreet wasn't instantaneous. Neither was slex, or onrez. At least not for most people. For some, it might be.

    As for the mp search bringing up irrelevant things. While I do know mp search needs work, we all know this, it isn't always the search that's the problem. In many cases, when you get things you weren't really looking for, it's because the merchant has those words somewhere in the listing, their store(or av) name, or...keywords. You can easily see what keywords someone uses within your browser(how to find them may be a different method for each browser, but the info is readily available). Odds are some of those irrelevant things, have keywords they probably shouldn't have. Or, the word is in the listing, somewhere. That's not unusual and happens more often than not. Much in the way inworld search used to function and people would name prims with all kinds of "keywords", so that their parcel would show up in many different searches, even ones irrelevant to their actual location, products offered, etc...

    Yes mp search needs work, it has since it was implemented. Take the relevant search for example. All we can do is guess at how it determines relevance because LL won't tell us. Some think it has to do with sales, or views...I disagree entirely. I know which of my products are viewed, searched, and purchased most...and they don't come out on top of a search when relevant is clicked. At least, not all of the time. To be honest, that part of the search function has always baffled me, and I'm not alone in that. We've been trying to figure it out since day one, to no avail. Because every time we think we've got a good hold on it, we don't. But, for the most part, the rest of search, depending on what you're looking for, does function much better than inworld search. I can still find things I am looking for, as long as I know what it is I am looking for, and go to those specific categories to find it. If I search for red dress for example...unless I am looking to make my own, I don't need any category outside of apparel. All of those listings in other categories are probably useless to me. There could be red dresses in them, yes, but they're only in those categories because someone put them there. Search doesn't put them there, we merchants do. So, I know not to go to them, as they're miscategorized in many cases.
     If that makes any sort of sense outside of my own head.

    Search inworld is more likely to confuse new residents than mp search ever will. I'm not giving mp search a pat on the back, because it is flawed, just not quite nearly as flawed as some people may think. Merchants do have a lot more control over where their products are placed, and why, than some might believe. You can refer back to ^ up there, when I was talking about keywords, and such. Not using them correctly, will often garner results not satisfactory to the residents. But that is no fault of search, that fault lies with the merchant not using word placement properly.

  9. Yeah, you're splitting profit with someone and the amount you'd be getting is less than $10l. The MP doesn't support this. I also wouldn't bother with support, because they'll give you the exact same explanation and expect you can understand their scripted yet non-descriptive jargon. Their message causes people to assume as long as the item itself is priced over $10l, it will work. That's nto the case for distributions. At least, it wasn't earlier this week anyway.

    I only know, because I just helped someone earlier this week with the exact same problem, and it took us forever and some non-helpful help from support, to figure it out.

    If you're NOT adding a profit distribution...then I have no clue. But that was the exact message we both got(and neither of us is new to mp or sl, lol)

  10. Perrie Juran wrote:



    Good question. 

    Newbietemplate_Linden is listed as the creator of Ruth.  Newbie's birthdate is listed as Oct 11, 2002.

    Perhaps she named her offspring.

    For the record, technically speaking no one gets "Ruthed" anymore.  Rather than getting "Ruthed" we become a cloud:

      "Ruth is now an amorphous cloud," says Qarl, "No longer an ugly dwarf."


    I don't know if they are still active but at one time there was in SL the "Cult of Ruth Eternal."


    You still get ruthed in shape, it does still happen, just not quite as often as it used to. But it's quite hilarious when it happens to guys, in particular. :)

    You can remove the cloud thing too, for anyone who may not know... It's under debug settings-RenderUnloadedAvatar=TRUE. It'll give you a grey blob, or invisible person if the entire av is failing to load. Otherwise, if skin and such is loading ok, but not  everything else, you get Ruth shape with your skin(and possibly clothes and attachments now and again). You can also get a grey Ruth with no skin or attachments from it too. It really depends on what bits of the av's info aren't loading.

    That cloud thing can be a menace and only turning off particles(which is the usual advice I see people give for it inworld), won't stop it from being a menace. At least for some people. Ruth on the other hand, even when grey and not fully loaded, isn't nearly as much of a menace for some of those folks. Your mileage may vary of course, since none of us ever have the same system, or experience :)

  11. I am quite certain, yes, I base that entirely on experience. I could probably go back through and see if I still have chat records about all the stupid junk me and my friends used to buy each other, not that it really matters. At the time, it was funny, well some of it was funny. That's the only reason I know it was possible. And the reason it was eliminated-according to LL, was because of the whole "griefing" thing(although, that has never been proven to BE a problem to begin with). I also remember people being annoyed when we were no longer able to do it. The only reason I remember, is because, as I said, we used to do it a lot. A rather large group of us that had come over, permanently, from a game elsewhere, used to gift newbs all kinds of free stuff from Slex. That's where my hubby got the shorts he's wearing, and yes I am absolutely certain they were $0l. I wouldn't have sent them otherwise as neither one of us had put ANY money into sl at the time, lol. I couldn't have gifted them to him if they weren't $0l, since my balance sat at $0l for over a year.

    Now, some merchants CHOSE to not list anything at $0l, because they thought the ability to gift $0l items to others would become, or was, a griefer's delight. I didn't share their opinion(still don't), but apparently LL did, and does. It's their MP, so, they make those rules.

  12. I don't send friend requests anymore. Most of my friends have long come and gone. I'm also not in sl enough to wander and meet new people these days. But, when I did send them, I always changed it. It seemed rather cheesey lol.

    I do get friend requests every once in a blue moon. It's almost always a customer, or friend of a customer needing help with something. Easier to see when I'm online that way, I suppose.

  13. Darrius Gothly wrote:


    So in my experience, it's another one of those "Really Neat Ideas" that absolutely nobody wants or will use.

    I don't think "nobody" is a fair choice of words. I understand why you feel that way. But it's like any other feature. Some will use it, some won't.. Some might even abuse it. It IS a feature that's been requested for a very long time. So, somewhere out here, are others besides a small handful, that would use it.

    I understand why you feel that way, based on your experience, but after seeing it requested so many times, and even discussed many times by a lot of different people(not just the same small handful), I still think it's worth implementing. It's not as if we'd expect LL to actually police it, they don't police any of their features/policies/bugs, without us harping on them and making them, lol. It would still be nice to have for those who want it.

  14. Jacob Cagney wrote:

    Tari Landar wrote:

    It used to be(in the Slex and Xstreet days) that we could gift $0l items to friends. Unfortunately, again, LL has mucked that up.

    Not true. You could never send freebie through the system to people.

    You are 100% incorrect. Xstreet and Slex, used to have that ability. Eventually, xstreet got rid of it too-when LL aquired it. However, this is *exactly* how I had, at one time, gifted many things to friends. I know for a fact that it was possible, because my hubby is actually currently wearing shorts that were $0l I found randomly and thought were hilarious. So I sent them to him when he was new to SL, long before he was my hubby ;)


  15. I don't want to harp on you, but you really are looking at it from the wrong angle. You're looking at it as if the merchants have any choice in the matter as to whether or not our demos will come up in a price search. We don't.

    I do get what you're saying about demos, and how you'd like it to be for them. But what you are failing to see is that everyone, thus far, has agreed with that point. We'd all love to not have to list them and just be able to link/connect to the actual product listing.

    I'll state it using an example, maye it will help. Let's pretend I make a shape. A shape is something that you'd want to have a demo of, before paying full price. So, I make my shape, I make a demo version of my shape(with larger hands and feet of course, because it IS a demo), and I want to list my shape on MP. I know, in order to sell better, I need to have a demo, which is why I made one. Because of the way LL has set up the MP, in order to even HAVE a demo, I need to make a listing for it. I'm not doing this simply to garner publicity for my shape or as some marketing scheme, although that is a side effect of any listing of course(ALL listings are advertisements, regardless of what they are or how much they cost). The ONLY way to link a demo item to an actual item, is to have it's own listing. This has absolutely nothing at all to do with my marketing tactics, or my desires as a merchant. It's set up this way because LL has set it up this way. I can't posibly have a "get item demo" or "get demo item"(I forgot which it is) in my shape listing, if I haven't also created a listing for that demo. As to the pricing set for demos, personally I don't believe they ought to be over $1l-but that is just a personal preference. I would set a demo shape at $1l. Why? Because my demos will likely be no transfer. In order for someone to gift another person an item, it has to be at least $1l. It used to be(in the Slex and Xstreet days) that we could gift $0l items to friends. Unfortunately, again, LL has mucked that up. A shape, for example, IS something you might gift to someone. Like if you're helping a friend create an avatar, or find something you think is nifty and want to share. Gifting is a common thing, and a shared shopping experience is also a common thing in sl. Which means things that would have likely been $0l in the past, have to be at least $1l now. Anything priced at $0l-$1l is going to come up in your search if that's your only criteria used to search. We, merchants, cannot control this, at ALL!! We absolutely *have* to list our demos at $0l(or more). They cannot be listed on the MP without them being in some price category, it's just impossible.

    Does that clear up why you see demo items?

    The short version...merchants do NOT control how demos come up, or the fact that we have to charge for them. Whether that charge is $0l or more, is our choice, but the fact that there has to be *some* price, is not our choice. It's also not our choice to make an entire listing for them. We'd love to NOT have to do that and simply be able to offer, or link, a demo item to the actual item, without needing another listing. Sadly, LL won't let us, because they suck.

  16. No one has ever been able to figure out how they actually determine relevance. It's not by sales. I only know that because the top things on my listings that come up using relevance, are not ones that sell or are searched a lot, lol. That's what I thought it meant at one time too.


  17. Technically, as pointed out, no, the LL TOS does not apply anywhere but their property.

    Ethically/morally?..That's on you. It may, for you, depend entirely on what that conversation is about, or why you feel the need to share it. It may not be to defame at all. No one here knows that. All they can do is guess, and the odds of it being for not so nice reasons, are a lot higher than nice reasons.

    You can always ask yourself exactly what you're trying to accomplish by sharing. If it's to feel better about something bad, to get revenge, to "out" someone.. or anything like that, you should probably ask yourself WHY it would make you feel better. I can guess that feeling the need to share something along those lines, is entirely emotionally driven and if thought about rationally, you'll realize it might not be your best move. In either case, you'll likely get some kind of reaction, and probably negative at that, so it may backfire on you. It usually does.

    If it's for some other reason, not bad, then there's probably not nearly as much thinking due before doing it. I just doubt this is the case, or you wouldn't have to ask :)

    I used to read a blog, now  long gone, ever sad, that had conversations and inworld quotes, willingly posted that were just hilarious. I loved reading it(and people loved contributing to it). I can't even remember the name of it now, but last I checked about a year ago, it was gone. Something like that would be interesting to see again. Total derailment there, I suppose, but your post reminded me of that blog, lol.

  18. They can be sold on MP. Though, like you said, with the caveats, of course.

    I've both bought and sold them this way.

    These days, I just hand them to random people who I think might be able to use them with the message that if they can't...feel free to pass it on to someone else.

    It's much easier, lol.

    That, and I like handing random gift cards to newbs, even if there's a good possibility they aren't actually newbs at all. I'm an odd bird though :P

  19. Dana Hickman wrote:

    Ricky40 wrote:

    Is it possible in anyway, like in real life when you do an e-transfer or something?

    Probably the easiest way would be to have them purchase one of those pre-paid
    debit cards for you instead. They can be purchased just about anywhere, and then you can use it as payment info for yourself in SL and charge your SL stuff to that until the funds are depleted. Other than that... not sure... there's always Paypal.

    Although a great idea in theory, I wouldn't opt for this if you really only want it for sl. Most won't work  and the few that do are extremely unreliable and hit or miss(more miss than hit) at best. Greendot is the most popular and not many people can get them to work anymore either. I've personally tried quite a few and can no longer get ones that used to work fine, to work anymore. I've also gifted them to 4 different people in the last two years and only one person could get it to work(all purchased from the same place-so no rhyme or reason to that either).

    But, the one positive, is that those cards can still be used elsewhere, so they aren't entirely useless, just for sl purposes.

  20. Sorry, I've been away for a bit, so this is a late response to your thread. One thing I can answer with any amount of certainty is that NOT everything that gets flagged, gets removed. I know, because I have flagged things, and I know for a fact others have flagged things, that have never been removed.

    That could mean two things. It could mean someone reviewed our flagging(s) and decided they weren't valid, or that no one reviewed them at all. I often think it's more the latter than the former.

    The other thing I can say with certainty is that SOME things that get flagged do get removed, also because of personal experience in that something I did flag was removed. That doesn't necessarily mean I was the only one who flagged it, but it does mean that someone at least reviewed one report and removed the item. Whether or not they actually went over the item thoroughly before removing, is of course not something anyone here can answer either. Sometimes I do believe they don't actually review and just remove, other times it seems they may actually review them on occasion.

    In a nutshell, the flagging system is often as useful as the rating system, and functions about as well as the rest of the MP does.

    I've had a couple items flagged and removed myself. One, was entirely my fault because I, like an idiot in a rush, copied over some keywords from a very similar product and forgot to remove two that weren't necessarily related(to others searching anyway). So, in that right, it was most definitely keyword spam and I've only myself to blame. The other, however, was because of some freaking moron(s) who went a little too flag happy when they(LL) did the Madstyle promo thing a while back. Because something I sell has the word mad, it came up when people searched that specific keyword(or clicked on that promo banner which brought up any product with that particular keyword, plus quite a few thousand more items that just had the word mad, including some creator and store names, despite not actually using that keyword anywhere in the listing) and got flaged as "keyword spam". Yeah, that promo was a mess and a LOT of people had items flagged and removed, that should not have. I tend to believe it's why they haven't done that sort of promo since-it was a total bomb and a HUGE mess.

    As annoying as having items flagged is (and I totally understand the frustration, believe me), sometimes it's easier to just get past it. Sure we all get frustrated, angry maybe even, but trying to make any sort of sense out of it is about as sensible as attempting to nail prepared jello to a tree. Your attempts to understand it will be even more frustrating, trust me on that one. This is definitely nothing new, it's been like this since MP was created and I doubt it's going anywhere anytime soon. There has never been any type of warning. LL assumes merchants will read the MP guidelines and consider that their only warning, apparently(this is my take, LL has never actually said this specifically, but it's what i gather from their generic responses they always give regarding this). Your only "warning" is, as you noticed, the removal and lovely auto-generated message that almost always says the same exact thing, regardless of the real reason for removal. If you search the forums, you'll see this has been a problem for a while.

  21. Nicolette Lefevre wrote:


    There are other reports here in this thread that people have received the same phishing-email to an email-account that they only use for SL.

    Now, what more do you want before you come out of denial?

    You are not helping at all here. So why don't you just do what you promised several times, and just leave this thread alone?

    Ok now I'm really scratching my head here. Aren't you also failing to notice the reports people are making about email accounts NOT attached to sl in any form, also getting the exact same phishing attempt? I'm pretty sure others aren't intentionally trying to be in denial about anything. If anything I think everyone here has been pretty damn helpful, as far as us peon residents can possibly be(I mean no disrespect, we're all peons to ll, lol). The folks at ll aren't even going to likely look at this thread, much less do anything about it. So, folks, are trying to help. Yes their help may not help you, that's a given with anything we post here. That doesn't mean it won't help someone else. So trying to act like this thread is all about you, simply because you chose to post, is a bit one sided in and of itself. Now acting holier than thou, out of frustration I am sure everyone can sympathize with, is only going to get people who may be able to help or want to help, decide you're not worth the text. That hardly seems productive to me.

    You're being overly hostile, again I can see out of frustration, but you're directing it to the wrong people. Even if their advice was crap-and I don't personally believe it is, it's very helpful in numerous ways even if not to you-my mother always taught me it's best to say thank you anyway, just because they tried. I may be considered odd for that, but I'll take it.

    I'll say it again, people, all over the web, all over the world, have been recently hit by phishing attempts and even outright hacks. That doesn't necessarily mean they were all hit by the same person, people, or program-whichever is running it. But it also doesn't mean there isn't any possibility that they are related. So perhaps not looking at it from the direction you are looking at it(pinpointing it on ll, which yes, you are doing, and apparently cannot see this, I can since it's not my email, this time, with the attempt) would be a great idea.

    I don't personally care what anyone's experience in, well anything, is. No one is an expert at everything, including their own field. No matter how long you've been doing that. I learned that a very long time ago. Since I'm not that old, I consider knowing this, and living by it, more of a handy helper than a hinderence. Again, I'm probably a bit odd for thinking so. You're no expert either, no one is. No one can possibly know anything and everything. No one can possibly fix anything and everything. It's never a good idea to assume everyone reading, is an idiot. That's how you're coming across. You never know, maybe someone reading can help, offer insight, it's entirely possible your abrasive attitude will drive them off faster than drive them to help.

    That's friendly advice, not meant to be mean or, sound as if I'm bashing you, because I'm really not. I just hardly see how you're helping your own self here, at all.

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