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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. I'm about the same as you Dillon. I like my shape, lol. I don't like having to alter my shape to fit clothing. I don't much care for a lot of mesh clothing, for that reason. I do buy demos, of course. I'd never buy mesh sight unseen, that's just a bad decision.

    I know some people think you only have to tweak some settings and overall mesh will look fantastic, but I do disagree on some points with that thought. Difference of opinion I suppose. I think there can easily be a lot more tweaking than I deem necessary.

    My av has larger than average but smaller than ginormous breasts-there's a reason for that(and no I don't use prim breasts, don't like them). Most mesh doesn't not fit me properly in the chest because of this. I don't like having to make them smaller just to fit a top, or a dress. Then they're smaller overall and it's not the look I like, or was going for. Changing all other sliders except the breasts, does not alter how it fits in the chest. I know, because I've tried, despite not wanting to, lol. I've done a LOT of demo trying and shape altering-just to see. I'm not worried about my height, or the sliders that make really no difference at all to mesh. The breast thing does bother me, the same with body fat and thickness. Even using the standard size L, sometimes does not work. Assuming a creator provides an XL, I can usually use that with some success-depending on the article or type of clothing. I do usually have to remake the alphas though. I'm not sure what people do to make their alphas but there is *often a gap on the top of the breasts that I seriously dislike, a LOT. I know how to make alphas though so this isn't a problem for me. My av isn't necessarily all that curvy, but she's not a stick either. So finding mesh that fits just right, is hard at times.

    I do have a problem with people saying they use standard sizes, because I am finding some deviations from standard among different creators. A lot more deviations than there used to be when the whole standard thing really first started. I do find that odd. I understand if you have your own "standard" sizes, that's cool. But if you follow some other crowd with their "standard", it should be the same, no? Maybe I'm just weird, not sure, hehe. Maybe there are a few sets of standard out that I'm not aware of. I'm no fashionista and I don't follow trends, very many blogs, let alone fashion groups. I just buy what I like because I like it.

    Overall mesh isn't bad, I do like it. Clothing is just an iffy area for me, it really is. I either like it, or hate it. I like my prim and system clothes a lot, and I can almost always get them to fit me, without needing to edit my shape. I like that aspect. Even if changes to the shape need to be minimal for mesh, it's enough for me to not like it a lot of the time. There are some people who rig very oddly though. Like tops or dresses that have straps that cut into the shoulder. No matter what editing to my shape I do, that sucker's not gonna fit. So, I sometimes wonder what kind of shape that person was wearing when trying it on/creating it, or if they were paying attention at all. I have a some tanktops and sundresses, in particular, that do this. One wasn't a demo, but a group gift. I happen to like this creator's work, so the dress cutting in like that somewhat stunned me. It's entirely possible it was simply a bad template, and multiple people are using it. Which may be why I've come across it more than once. Who knows, lol. I don't buy the full versions of demos that fit goofy. Thankfully I'm smart enough to know this, haha.

    I prefer mesh objects to mesh clothing(still don't buy sight unseen). It seems there is a lot more success there than with clothing. That's not to say great clothing isn't out there, I'm sure it is. I've seen plenty, some absolutely gorgeous even. It's just not likely tailored to what I'm looking for, or what will fit me without my shape needing tweaked. I'm one of those....not changing my body for the clothes, sorts of people I suppose. The world needs all kinds of us, right?

  2. Nimue Mistwalker wrote:

     Do you think guys are more likely to create slutwear? Curious..:matte-motes-delicious:


    I'm no help on the clothing thing, because I don't wear prim breasts, lol. But as far as creators and the slutwear...I have seen far more female creators that make slutwear than male. That said, I think there are far more female clothing creators in sl anyway.

    I say female and male based entirely off their avs, not necessarily the humans behind them. Those folks very well may be the opposite sex, I just don't know (or care, lol)


  3. Jaylin Whitewood wrote:

    Nope, wasnt the symbols. Actually was nothing..


    Following: I copied all to a notepad and added sentence (with the special characters and all)... for sentence, always submitting...everyrting Marketplace took it without bugging.... and after i putted the last sentence in.. it took it too... it displayed the same text as before... Second time i got this.


    Other than some "BANNED WORDS" - list....costing me time...

    That happens way too often. I'm glad it finally worked for you though.

    I think a lot of merchants, at one point ot another, struggle with this whole banned list that no one has ever seen. It seems to be ever changing too. It's annoying as all get out, but apparently they believe it's a feature and not a bug.

  4. Aethelwine wrote:

    Except it was working, they had got a few great put downs in that made his friends he was acting up in front of laugh. Like... there's not much point shagging yoru brains out when it seems someone else already has, or something like that. When he left he had been bested and humiliated. Timing and finding the right words is perhaps not best for everyone.. but when it is done well it is worthwhile.


    That would be where we differ. I have never found it worthwhile to be a bully or to get into a pissing match with someone else. Regardless of the reason for doing it, I don't believe it's effective, or the best way to handle it. I don't believe it can be "done well", because it puts you on the very same level as the person you're angry with in the first place. If you're finding it amusing, effective or worthwhile to humiliate others, how does that differ from what they did to you? Totally rhetorical of course.

    I tend to follow the two wrongs don't make a right philosophy as often as possible, and it's what I teach my kids. I'll never find it worthwhile to humiliate another person, even if I loathe them with every fiber of my being. In sl, I find even less reason to, when you can easily do away with whatever it is annoying you.

    Different strokes for different folks I suppose. The world needs all kinds.

  5. Aethelwine wrote:

    It seems odd to me you have never witnessed that before. Nine times out of ten in one form or another challenging the offensive person is most effective. Just yesterday some was being upset by comments on my sim. First they got back some put downs in a shut up kind of way. When that didn't work one of the estate managers intervened and made clear to them their conduct was not being appreciated and they left along with their mates No need for drama, no need for bans or blocking. Those should be last resorts not first ones

    It seems odd to me that you'd equally find it effective. I never said I haven't witnessed someone doling it back out on another person. What I said is, it's not effective, and it's not. Your example proves exactly that. The person being hurt by another person's comments decided to throw some back. It solved absolutely nothing, and they had to seek out help from someone else. That's usually what happens when people get into verbal pissing matches or tit for tat, an eye for an eye, those sorts of things. In the end, if you're being verbally assaulted-in any manner-tossing it back at the person isn't going to change what happened and it also won't likely solve the problem. Walking away, muting, blocking, ignoring, is more likely to make the problem fizzle out. Adding fuel to a fire isn't going to make it burn less.


    edited to fix typos, lol

  6. Aethelwine wrote:

    To the Op sometimes giving some back works better before blocking someone
    . It may just be part of a game or misunderstanding. But as others have said if they are just out to cause grief then block them. Perhaps think about telling the sim owner about it or abuse reporting them to Linden Labs. There really isn't anything much else you can do that is effective.

    To the bolded. I have never seen a case of that being effective. In the end, all you're doing is the very thing you're angry at them for doing. How then can you be angry at them?

  7. You're right it is always sincere, or as sincere as a child being bullied can be, lol. Killing with kindness is just the way we phrase it. In the end it amounts to showing, despite adversity, you can still come out on top in most situations.

    And yes childlike behavior isn't always bad, hehe. Childish, on the other hand, usually is. Though, personally I think it should be called adultish, because we do it an awful lot more than kids ever do. The whole eye for an eye thing, you hurt me I hurt you, you get my point I'm sure.


  8. Children and adults behaving like children, exact revenge for stupid things. Adults ignore and move on.

    I have never muted anyone in sl, and I still don't find it necessary to do so. I can just as easily ignore and the mute button isn't something I need to make that happen. That's not to say I haven't run into situations where it may have been needed, I've just never used it and don't need to.

    I've taught my kids from birth that people are different. We are all different in different ways, sometimes those ways are good and sometimes they're not. But no one else in this world can control how you deal with the things around you. My children are young still, so they're still learning. I expect them to want to call names back, or react right out the gate and not have the reservation and maturity to keep their own unkind words and actions to themselves. I expect this, despite the fact that I have taught them from birth not to do this, because they are CHILDREN. One of my children is autistic and has plenty of other health issues as well. They are also very quirky, and not atypical kids as many seem to think. We're an odd bunch. So verbal bullying, and even physical, is not out of the realm of norm, at times. I can tell you that one of the most important lessons I have ever taught them is to "kill with kindness". It's not always effective, sometimes it backfires. But at least in the end you know where you stand and you don't have to question your own actions. I don't believe for one moment even the most annoying, hell even downright evil, people on this planet don't at some point question their own actions. I believe they do. Whether it goes beyond just pondering, I'll never know, but I'm still sure they do. So I've armed my kids with the knowledge that, regardless of what happens in life, they will always come out on top if they follow the kill with kindness. I've also taught them to ignore too. which can be just as effective. They are, still, kids after all. They'll learn in time. For now, kill them with kindness works better than anything. Because I just know, at times, they're going to react, and engage. So they need the knowledge and tools to be able to do that, without taking their own selves down a few pegs.

    As adults, we're far more reacitonary than children so very often, and the stupid part about that is, we have the knowledge and ability not to be. We just make dumb decisions on the spur of the moment. We engage far too much. It will always be the bigger person that walks away, not engaging, not reacting. We can't seem to get a grasp on kill them with kindness to save our lives. We're a stubborn bunch, most definitely. If more of us learned to live and let live, ignore that which we can, and kill with kindness the things we cannot ignore, the world would be a much happier place. Well if more of us employed those abilities, we all know how to do it.

    *That, of course, does not apply to all situations, killing someone who is physically harming you with kindness, isn't going to be very effective. On the 'net however, it applies more times than not.

    Why lower yourself to the same level as the people you complain about? It really makes you no better. Be the bigger man, or woman, and just walk away. If you really need a tool to help you mute, then use it. At some point in your life you're going to run across someone you wish you could mute with some tool, and it won't be there. Best to learn to ignore and walk away, as soon as possible, imo.


  9. Odd advice, but, if you use those symbols exactly as you have pasted in here, try removing them. It shouldn't be an issue, but it very well may.

    A friend had the same problem and despite our best efforts we could just NOT find the dang banned words. Then she removed the symbols(ascii and perfectly acceptable for the forums and sl) she used for her bullet points and it was fine.

    It's worth a shot anyway. We never know what the banned words are, no one tells us. Even when someone has a problem with one, and figures it out, that doesn't mean that word will always cause a flag. It's a nuisance. Everything from the numver five to words like pump have been considered banned at one point or another(or at least were triggering the stupid flagging). It really is ridiculous.

  10. I forgot one important one, not because I forgot but because it doesn't quite fit the category. Ozimals has a game you can play-an app and on pc(as far as I know, I play it on the pc now and again) called Strangelings. They breed too, but you don't need to be in sl to play it, and it doesn't cost you anything. Or, at least, I've never paid anything for it. That ones pretty cool if you enjoy the breeding aspect and seeing what you can get, lol.


  11. Melita Magic wrote:

    Tari did you even breed the dragons, tigers, lady bugs and all those types of things? I remember seeing so many types of breedables when I did a breedables hunt (I didn't finish the entire hunt, it wore me out before then, there were so many.) There are even breedable rocks.

    Offhand I recall breedable dragons, tigers, ostriches, fairies, rocks, little tiny guys I can't remember the name of, Booshies, fennux, meeroos, horses, cats, dogs, chickens, bunnies...what am I forgetting?

    Lots of empty nesters out there I guess, and/or animal lovers.

    I'd love to know the mysterious breedable you became dissatisfied with Tari if you wanted to PM me here or IM me in world. (Needless to say, it won't go any further.)

    To the first question, yes, lol. As far as what you're forgetting...

    pufflings, fish, butterflies, snakes, voodoo dolls, spiders, bears, mushrooms, clams, plants, hamsters, bulls, sheep, pigs, grouse, turtles, cactii, cannabis(plant, but it's own category :P), ants, lions, prairie dogs, wolves, living stones,bees, oobies, twibbles, ghostmonks, snails, starlas, chocobo, zwickys, sparrows, seahorses, will-o-whisps, pumpkins, hippos, crystals, jingjings, and I know there are at least 6 or 7 more I'm missing on this list(going on no sleep in 52 hours here, lol, I'll add them when I remember them)

    Some of those still are out there, or were only recently abandoned, some are very old and no longer exist. SOme didn't last long to begin with. There are quire a few companies that have done multiple, or have done the same type of breedable, too.

  12. My favorite breedables by far is, and always will be, Ozimals. I have many reasons for this, not the least of which being the fact that I appreciate the community far more than any I have ever seen(in breedables, but the community is kinda special because a lot of the people I've been with for 4 years now, or near it), they are the longest running breedable to date-yet still going pretty strong despite what some think lol, and frankly I find them utterly adorable. I have other reasons too. I also still have the bunnies I got on opening day, January 9, 2010. Not a whole lot of people hold onto things that long, I'm a bit of s sentimental sap though.There isn't a breedable that has been out on the grid outside of beta(and many that were once, or are now, beta) that I have not participated in, in some form. I don't believe I'm expert on any, and don't pretend to be, but I do know a lot about the entire breedable community as a whole. I also read and observe a lot-which helps greatly.

    That said, if you're wanting to get into the market, as in selling them, as others have said, be wary and know that at ANY time whatever investment you've made, can easily be lost. Make sure you're comfy with that before you get started. NONE of the existing breedables on the grid today are as profitable as breedables once were. It will simply never be that big again, because breedables like anything are still a fad, no matter how much we like, or even love, them The bubble does burst a bit faster than it used to, though. That is not to say you can't make money off them. You very much can, many do. From the very most popular to even the least popular, it is entirely possible to profit. How you go about that, depends entirely on you, though. That will take a lot of foot work and research on your part. There isn't a whole lot others can tell you to help with that, imo. Everyone has to figure out the best way for themselves, because what works for some won't work for others. I never went into any specifically to profit, but I won't pretend I didn't make a pretty penny off them. I have, and continue to, when I want to and can invest the time.

    I recommend checking out as many as you can find, and see which one tickles your fancy the most. As a personal note, I would never recommend going into it purely for profit unless you have some hefty change to dole out from word go. People just starting out tend to hit that high when they make any kind of profit and expect it to last. It typically only lasts for people that have been in it for a while though, because they know how to make it through the rough patches a little bit better.

    There is only one, brand I guess, of breedable I would never, ever, ever go with again myself, but that is a personal choice and there are a lot of people who still love them. So I don't want to offend those people, and I'm pretty sure my opinions would. I think you'll find lots of varying opinions on which is the best and which to avoid though. I would never take anyone's advice as being perfectly sound, since it's all based off either personal experience or hearsay, which both vary. Yes, I'm including my own in that lol.

  13. I think this is entirely subjective. What some think is a hot club or a great club, others think is a terrible one, lol. If you're specifically looking for just top40s, I would put that in your search.

    Your best bet is to just hop around the grid using search until you find a place you like. Search isn't really the greatest but it'll suffice for what you're looking for. You can check the events too. I have some friends who are pretty big into the club scene and even they can't decide on which ones are best and which aren't. I've been to some of the busiest ones, but I wouldn't consider any of them great, to be honest. Most of them are pretty similar in most ways. The only thing that really changes are the attendees. Thougha  great dj can make or break a club's reputation. It used to be great staff in general, but I think many have let go of the thought that a great host/dancer can also make or break it. That's pretty sujective too now though. Sure great staff in general is nice, but they can't help if the dj is terrible. A good dj however, can make poor staff not leave such a lasting impression on club goers. At least that's been my experience.

  14. TishaRogue wrote:


    If there is a way to choose replace the old object for the new keeping the same listing I would like to know. As it was the first time I had to deal with a problem like this I'm not familiar with how to do that.

    The easiest way, for me, has been to send the new item, with a just slightly different name. Then go into the listing itself and edit the associated item to the new one, then save. That will move the old one to your unassociated items area and you can delete it. This way you don't have to unlist anything at all. I don't know what methods others use, this is just the one I use when I update or make changes to things.

    Edited to add something-You can flag reviews that are not permitted. General negative reviews shouldn't be flagged, even once you've remedied the problem. IYou should also reply to the review stating what you did as a creator, informing them that contact may have fixed the problem sooner, etc.. That's what I do. The only negative reviews I've ever gotten have been from people who did NOT contact me-even after a remedy. In two cases the remedy was made long before I replied to the review stating it was made, because I didn't remember to go back and reply(but that's my own fault). This was also prior to them "fixing"(I use quotes because it's still extremely buggy and ineffective) the emails we're supposed to get when a review is left. So you really had no way of knowing when an item was reviewed unless you watched every item like a hawk. For some that can be a task in and of itself. For me, right now, it's not, but it was before.

    As for the OP, one of the only negative reviews I have ever given(justifiably, the product was total crap, and even the merchant said they'd fix it when they got around to it at their next update-roughly 3-6 months from the time of our contact), had the same effect. The merchant has since relisted that same product numerous times after getting similar negative reviews. I've also seen their listing disappear with no reviews and I can only assume it was flagged. Ok, I'd like to assume it was flagged and removed by the commerce team, but who knows. It still gets re-listed all the time, regardless. So I doubt it's an effective method to flag a listing, if they can just keep doing it over and over. Although I imagine they get annoyed by it, so, maybe that's satisfying for some, lol.

  15. I think content creation is your absolute best bet. Despite what some may think, or say, everyone starts out knowing absolutely nothing about it. There are places that offer building classes, although I've never used them so I don't know their sim ratings. Hopefully someone can help out with that.

    You can find a ton of tutorials online though. They can help you get started learning. Everything from youtube videos to blogs, is out there. I would start there.

    If I were you, or I should say when I was you, someone brand new to content creation that is, I started with the basics. I first read up, a lot, on basic content creation. Then I chucked everything I read, and decided to wing it for a while. I wanted to learn how to use the editor, what it was all about, etc... So that's what i did. My first step, was rezzing a prim. Building in sl has fascinated me since the day I started. It still does. I still love doing it. I still practice, I still research and I am constantly learning. I think that right there is the foundation of a good creator. You have to like, even love, what you do or else it just won't go well for you.

    Let me find some links that will be helpful for you. These links can help you get started. I do suggest reading and watching them thoroughly, before you even try to start building. Please be sure to look into the building classes as well. They're free and can be VERY helpful. Some are geared to people who are just starting out and some are geared towards people who already have creation knowlede. They probably all contain at least some of the same information. I should also note, I don't own, or have any affiliation with anyone who does own, these sites.

    Please note some links may seem outdated. However they still offer you good insight on the very basics.








    That should be enough for now, I think. Best of luck to you!

  16. Hmm, I've never seen them  just disappear like that either. Mine never have. Maybe it is somethign they're working on. Although there are a million other things they could fix first, it still would be nice, lol.

    Oh and my unassociated objects were all things I accidentally sent double of, not paying attention. I'm not sure if the disappearance has anything to do with the magicboxes or not.

  17. The message your friends are telling you(watch out for this message), isn't a scam. But the message they're referring to that you should be cautious of, is. If that makes any sense at all It's never wise to click links you don't recognize, or weren't expecting. By reading the links, you can almost always tell they're fake though. These people don't hide it well at all.

    This isn't a new scam though, justa  recycled one. The warning message about this "new scam" is getting a bit tiresome though. That's what happens when people freak out, they shout it from the rooftops. I tend to appreciate warnings, but sometimes, the message is overly dramatic, lol. That's one bad thing about being in groups that like to share messages though, you'll often get them numerous times. Usually a mod, or group owner will eventually stifle it, because it gets annoying after the first 5-20 warnings, lol. The warnings would be better if they actually pointed out WHY something is a fake, and how to keep an eye out for such things. They never do though, easier to run around like a chicken with your head cut off.

  18. Nacy Nightfire wrote:

    You wrote (among other things filled with negativity): "
    The fact that a year later you didn't appreciate the kindness of a perfect stranger enough to let her know doesn't say a word about me."

    It says a lot about you.  It says you are a "Shamer" .  You desire to read negative intentions into my words and actions and your attempt to twist my words to make me "wrong" is strong evidence of this.  You completely glossed over my expressions of gratitude to the person who helped me. The person who is making an awful lot of assumptions here is yourself.  The fact that you take my post so personally, and your defensive reactions to my post which clearly  wasn't directed specifically to you belies your idea that you a positve individual. 


    No, you said it would be insane to "bring it up" a year later. I don't beleive that to be the case at all, I believe it would show gratitude and appreciation. If you did appreciate the kindness, why didn't you feel the creator was worthy of being paid? You said it would be insane to pay her, not me. So your words don't say anything about me.

    You believe you did no wrong, and you did the right thing. I believe we have a difference of opinion on what right is, or isn't. I'm not defensive in the least, merely sharing a different perspective. For me to be a shamer, someone would have to feel shame, correct? If you feel no shame, I can't be a shamer. :D

    I don't take things personally simply because I am sharing my opinion. I believe you're reading far too much into things. You stated your opinion, I stated mine. I no more think you take, or took, things personally than I believe I have. It's only a discussion. I have no personal vested interest, so I don't take things personally. (it's not very often I do, to begin with, lol)


  19. Nacy Nightfire wrote:

    Wow...did I ever say I expressing myself in "misguided ranting and raving?"   Although anxious and perhaps overy concerned in the scheme of things (SL being rather unimportant in balance with my real life).   I was polite and grateful to the person who sold the item  and she in kind was reassuring, polite and gracious.  We treated each other politely and decently. And I expressed my gratitude abundently.  

    I said I was upset and irrational. Why?  Because I loved the product and I told the creator so.  I was not abusive, yet you seem to draw from your pocket of experience and take that leap.  It's sad really.  And one year later I was not going to track her down with an explanation about an event she clearly didn't get worked up about it was already resolved kindly and professionally.  To bring it up again would have been a bit insane.

    I wonder why you leaped to the idea that the exchange was anything less the repectful.  In fact I think that's probably the point of my post.  Where does one go with this kind of situation, does one get all worked up and overly dramatic, or do you act positively and professionally and not assume you know every single event is a scam.  You can create your a reality filled with negative and unpleasant interactions if you assume you know all and can see every scam a mile away.

    I like most people have been scammed in SL and RL..we all have.  How we deal with it and move forward with each situation in life is telling.  

    Your use of the word irrational does not suggest respectful in any way. I would not associate that with polite, either. Thanks for clarifying that you were indeed actually not irrational. 

    The fact that a year later you didn't appreciate the kindness of a perfect stranger enough to let her know doesn't say a word about me. Had it been me, I would have paid her for the copy, whether or not she remembered it a year later. I don't believe that to be insane, I believe that to be respectful and the right thing to do. That is my opinion. We clearly do not share an opinion on that matter. Such is life.

    You do make an awful lot of assumptions however. I have the least negative outlook on things of anyone I know. No one can possibly know everything that is, or even isn't, a scam. I'd never suggest otherwise, nor did I. There are however some things that are obvious scams, like this. Giving in to them, even if it would cost you nothing, will only push the problem off on to someone else. If you can help the problem, you ought to do it, I believe. So, if I know something to be a scam, and again this most definitely is as others have also pointed out, I don't want another merchant to have to deal with such a person. It only perpetuates the problem. It's not professional, or positive, in the least to allow people to continue on with that kind of behavior. I value myself, my work and my time. I value other creators, their work, and their time. I value them enough to not only have an opinion, but be willing to share it when needed. I don't find that to be negative in the least.

    In fact I believe I gave a very good example of a situation very similar to yours, which was quite positive. Something I believe most people would actually do. I don't tend to believe most people in sl would allow a merchant to deliver them twice what they paid for, with no compensation. Whether or not this is actually true and people would, or do, I can't possibly know.  I have the belief that people, in general, are good people. Unless or until, of course, they prove otherwise by their actions or words.

  20. Nacy Nightfire wrote:

    A number of years ago I bought a rather pricey in-world animation product.  Due to some glitch of unstablility in SL it disappeared in a sandbox and I panicked.  I contacted the seller very upset (probably irrationally so) and let her know it was lost.  She didn't see me on her list of purchasers, and said so,  but she very good-naturedly gave me another copy.  

    A year went by before I discovered while cleaning out my inventory that in actuality I bought the product via my Alt which explains why she didn't have me listed on her records.

    When you realized your mistake, did you ever compensate(or even apologize to) this seller for your misguided ranting and raving, and subsequent second delivery of a product not purchased by both accounts? Horrible run-on sentence, I know. Many merchants, I would guess probably most, don't want people using their products on more than one account. This is very common for people who sell things to be used in other products, and has been for years. A great deal of them even state this in their ToU or EULA. Personally, I always assume it's standard policy unless specifically stated it's not. Because I value the work of creators.

    I had someone do that to me once. She bought something on a different account and wasn't paying attention. Thankfully, she didn't go off on me and was actually quite polite about it. I did re-send the product, though neither of us had a transaction in our records. She later realized why, and paid for the second copy, which I refunded to her, but thanked her for her honesty. I wouldn't have felt angry had she not, but it was quite refreshing to see nonetheless. Because it's exactly what I would do, and I do believe it's the right thing to do.

    I don't believe the OP got worked up at all. The entire thing IS a scam, and it's a very common one. It's always good to offer warning signs and tips to others when you do encounter someone like that, though. Sometimes it's pretty easy to spot a fraud or scam. This is one of those times.

  21. Nacy Nightfire wrote:.

    So its easy to get all worked up and accuse someone of fraud and a scam.  But really if it happens with a customer that's never been a problem before what's the big deal with giving them the benefit of the doubt.  If  he or she contacts you again with similar complaints, THEN it's worthy of concern.   Why not ask the customer if he or she purchased the product under a different name?

    Because we're talking about an exclusive item, not something just anyone can buy. Although I may have done exactly that and handed it over anyway, I can see why others won't. I respect a merchant's right to refuse service, or redelivery for whatever reason they deem valid. It's not my place, even if I don't agree with them, to say otherwise, imo. There are really a lot of people out there who try to pull scams like this on people. The reaosn they continue, is because it works here and there. Bit of a pickle, I guess.

    I agree with everything you did OP. She's definitely fishy and it's definitely a scam, I have no doubt about that. I think you went about it very appropriately.

  22. The simple answer is no.

    The complex answer is, the inventory does not see your items as being named anything other than the last object "selected" when grouped together. So again, no.

    You have to do this manually. It can be a pain in the butt. If you have a LOT of things, especially scripted, grouped like this I highly reccomend filing a ticket to get assistance. They will give you a place you can go to safely open them. Because a lot of scripted objects returned like this, can easily "break"(and that sucks, I have been there). Sometimes it's not a problem, but sometimes it is.


  23. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    I'm glad you got me to look again, Tari, in case I have to use FS for some reason at some time.

    Oh I completely understand, sorry I snipped most of the post, haha. When I first started using firestorm my first thought was....w..t...h....I hated it, as bad as the official viewers which I also hated. Then I looked in the settings and realized I could make it look like phoenix. I have been happy ever since. I love fs and how adaptable it truly is. I haven't tried singularity but I do know that others have said it's on par in that area. One of these days I'll try it out, just for fun.

    Not that I don't adapt to change, I do, and I accept that change is important. There are just some things very difficult for me to adapt to and a UI, or generally a screen I can see, is one of those things. Not just because of habit-though I'd prefer to blame habit, but visually, I like being able to adapt it to not only what I want but what I need. Some days, I really can't see much of anything, and I do have to rely on habit and other programs to get what I need done. There are some things programs can't help me with though, much of sl is like that.

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