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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. Random...but made me chuckle anyway...

    I had surgery last week and have been in some pretty nasty pain ever since. My kiddos were with my mom until Saturday when they came home. I must mention now that I have really awesome kiddos. Today was a particularly not fun day. Pain, nausea and the fact that I had to actually leave the house to go somewhere...yeah, not pleasant. I sat down this evening to attempt to get some work done and sort out their lessons for the rest of the week . Although I didn't think my frustration and pain was showing that much, it apparently was. My son came over to me, to show me what he was working on building with his legos...it was a glow worm with a light on its butt..and said this to me...

    "I wish I were a glow worm, a glow worm's never glum. 'Cuz how can you be grumpy when the sun shines out your bum"

    That's something I taught them when they were really little, it always made them laugh. But I haven't heard it in a really long time. Of course they're still young enough that for the rest of the evening the word bum became the funniest word in the English language.

  2. greek Wingtips wrote:

    you cannot mute someone peeing on others, 


    Just addressing this. Muting, mutes the person to you and for you, not for everyone else. You most certainly can mute anyone you like, for any reason you like. I, personally, have never used the feature, but I know many have. That's why it exists. If everyone mutes, or at least anyone being annoyed by such person mutes, the problem would likely go away. Then you can allow the land owner to deal with that person in whatever way they deem fit. Most likely a banning is what he'd receive. This is why people who respond stress this part. They tell you(general you) to mute and report because it IS your first defense against the stuff that you don't like. They don't say this just to annoy you. They don't respond back with the same comments when others have issues similar, just because they like frustrating people. They say it, because it works. It helps. Sometimes it actually solves the problem entirely. Sometimes not. But at least it's a step in the right direction.


  3. namssab1nad Piers wrote:

    If you live in the USA, go to any Walmart and get their money card.  It is a debit card, however, when you put in your information for the card, show it as a credit card.  It will work.  I use it and have no issues.  I can even buy Lindens while inworld without ever going out to any web site.

    Even that card is hit or miss. It doesn't always work. Why? I don't know, but it doesn't. I've tried it personally and also have helped others who couldn't get it to work either. While other people have no problems getting them to work at all.


  4. The lab does handle ARs. I know you might think they don't, and sometimes it sure can seem like they don't, but they do. They just don't always deal with them the way we'd like. We also don't usually know how they handle them.

    I agree that the lab should be a bit more pressing on this issue, dealing with ARs in general. But I am glad we have some tools to deal with them ourselves. It can make dealing with the unpleasant, more tolerable.

    I do take issue with your idea that any AR ought to equal a 1 week ban from the word go, or any ban right off. I don't agree with it because there are plenty of people in Sl who file false ARs. In doing that they can easily cause as much trouble for someone as a griefer can. If LL didn't investigate each AR and instead threw down the ban hammer right away, THEN dealt with it, those people who like to make issues out of nothing at all, win. How is that any better than dealing with grifers who seem to get away with, well, griefing? Imo, it's not any better. They both equally suck. Believe you me there are plenty of people out there who file ARs for ridiculous reasons, or no reason at all. Be glad they can't cause LL to ban right away, or we'd have an even bigger problem on our hands. There are also people who find certain things to be worthy of an AR that others most definitely don't. Our perceptions will not always be the same as others. Something that majorly annoys the crap out of you,might not be more than a minor nuisance to me. Doesn't make what they're doing right, not by a long shot. But how we view things will vary.

  5. I did read the thread, but am kinda going to skip over the whole "you were a bad bad person" shpeal. I am pretty certain by now, you know what you did, what you didn't do, and how better to carry yourself from here on out. You don't need another person slapping your hand for that.

    But I will share my experience. I have done similar types of cold calling, as it were, both in rl and in sl. It can be very difficult. Even when you carry yourself with the absolute best level of professionalism possible, things can go wrong. Sometimes it might be you, sometimes it might be them. Sometimes it's difficult to tell what went wrong, why, and how to prevent that from happening again.

    I get messages from people occasionally for business proposals, not nearly as often as I did when the store was much larger, but I do still get them. I am always polite, though I usually have to decline their offer. Some days that's easier said than done. It shouldn't be difficult to always be polite, but anything could easily set any one of us off, at any point in time. That doesn't mean people still accept my answer, despite being polite, but I try. Then sometimes I get people who can't be nice no matter what, or seem to not be able to anyway. I ran into that a couple days ago from a customer-not a business proposal btw. I checked my email because I had gotten a few messages from customers. One of them was beyond rude. I can't even understand that level of hostility right out of the box.  But, regardless, called me every name in the book, yadda, yadda. I don't need to go into details. I had an assistant send her a new version in the color she wanted(which happens to be one of the colors contained in it anyway, lol).  Customer still not happy, still going off at my assistant. In fact  my assistant is STILL getting messages, as am I. I could block, but, it's almost entertaining at this point. We've both(assistant and myself) been threatened with "i'll go to the forums with this bad experience", "you'll regret it", "you'll be sorry" "I know a lot of people" and a few other choice and very colorful phrases...All I can do is laugh. I've already both refunded the $1 she paid for the item three years ago, plus sent her a replacement product. My job, is done, period. Now if someone else were to come here with that kind of experience, I wouldn't expect them to be kind to that customer at this point. Though most would probably have blocked them by now, lol. I was, and am, being extra kind because right now I'm as crabby as a hermit crab without it's shell and could very easily let my temper get away with itself. I know that stress, anxiety and the horrible pain I'm in, are all things that can push me over the edge. In fact, they will, it's almost a guarantee. But if I did, I would be no better than that customer, and I'd have no room to complain. Once you cross the rude or mean boundary, you have no room for complaint about rude or mean people, imo.

    Regardless of how we are treated by others, we should always strive to be better. This goes double for times when others are rude to us. Not because it gives us power by placing us above them. But because it's the right thing to do. It might be hard, and it definitely can be, but it's worth it in the end. At least we can hold our heads high knowing we didn't have to go to that level, to make a point. People are goig to be mean, they're going to be cruel, they're going to mistreat us. By saying this I am not saying you have to accept the treatment, just that you have to accept the possibility. When, not if, it happens, you're better able to deal with it when you don't think of it as an impossibility, or a rarity. Just because we believe others should always be kind, doesn't mean it's going to happen. I'd like to wish away a lot of things right about now, or wish that they were different anyway, but I can't. So I live with what happens, how it happens, when it happens, and I learn from it.

  6. When I don't wanna read something, for whatever reason. I don't read it. That's me being lazy. It doesn't mean I'm lazy all the time, but it does mean that at that very moment I couldn't be bothered to take the extra time it would take to read it. I call that being lazy. I don't see anything at all wrong with saying I was feeling lazy, so I didn't read it. As long as we, like already stated, accept that the conseqences are there no matter what.

    I think everyone has lazy moments in their life.

  7. I have had mixed experiences with having things like that taken care of. Really, mixed experiences with any communication with the lab, but that's neither here nor there I guess.

    I have had things taken care of in a matter of a couple hours(not common these days, but common years ago), 24-48 hours(a bit more common these days), 72-96 hours(seems most common these days), up to a week or more(less common these days). It's all over the board. I know plenty of others who have said they don't see action from LL for a week+, and in some cases it very well may be true. In others however, I do believe one of two scenarios is taking place. Either the person is exaggerating to make a point because they're not happy with the results or something of that nature, or the objects or problem was taken care of, but replicated again by either the original griefer or someone else in a short time frame. I do think that second one probably happens a lot more often than the other. I'm not one to dismiss others' issues with the lab though. So I wouldn't say it happens a lot. Some people have a really horrid time with getting help from the lab. Some people don't. I don't think there's much rhyme or reason to it though.

    Regardless I think you'll find a mixed amount of response times and outcomes. Over the weekend is usually a terrible time to try and get help with something. There's a lot less staff on board. Also, what you deem serious, they probably don't. Annoying, yes, but they might not see it like you do. I know they should, and it's probably because the majority of them have never been inworld, but that's just how it is. Their cs is less than stellar. They could always improve, and should be, by now. But I don't see it changing anytime soon. So just file your ARs as appropriate, use the tools we have to get things done, including live chat if you're premium, and hope for the best. Giving feedback as we're allowed, even if it's futile right now, may eventually prove to be helpful.

  8. Lovely pics everyone. I'll add when I find mine. Not sure which drive I put them all on.

    I don't think there is anything at all wrong with having a look you enjoy. I also don't think there is anything at all wrong with not liking what others do. The whole frowny face thing makes me a little sad sometimes. Maybe it shouldn't, but, it does. I don't like seeing people frown all the time. Especially in the case of some very lovely avatars. I think the frowny, pouty faces kinda take away from their beauty. Not to say they aren't pretty, but.. yeah, just my opinion. I'm sure people don't like the way I look either. Que sera sera..

    I have a very specal smiley I used to use all the time. I made a few of them, to match different ground textures. I mostly put them out on friends' land, but also random places(only ones with auto-return so I wouldn't be littering people's land permanently, of course). It's an alpha texture with the words "tari was here" and a smiley face with it's tongue hanging out. hand drawn by my son :D This thread reminded me of it. I haven't used those things in a couple years now. I should drag them back out. I only once got a not so happy msg from someone wondering wth it was. But even that was cleared up pretty fast. Most people just laughed, smiled, or asked me to make them one, lol. They were pretty good at spreading smiles. Just cute lil random graffiti on the ground that looked like a child made it with a stick or something... Good times, good times.

  9. You know, I'm not typically a fan of mesh avs, for all kinds of reasons.

    This av...is really beautiful and well done, imo. I like it. There are a couple things I would probably opt for, assuming they were available. One would be little to no makeup at all. I hate it in rl. I was actually going to get a brand new skin, sans makeup, but, alas, rl it knows me too well. Medical junk isn't nearly as fun as sl toys, lol. But, I still plan on getting one anyway, eventually. Her makeup isn't too overdone, or whatever you want to call it, which is what made me think of that, lol. The other thing I'd change is the mouth. I couldn't tell from that video what sort of options the mouth would have, other than lipstick. Like can you make it turn a bit more upwards and not down, stuff like that. I guess it's too early to make that kind of judgment call, or maybe it's in the link I didn't read. I'll go back and read it, cuz I am fascinated lol. But the mouth looks a bit sad, and I don't like the sad look. I never have.

    All in all, I am impressed. Of course it doesn't take much to impress me. I'm having one hell of a time with mesh and trying to figure it out. There's probably a reason why blind folks like me don't create content like that, and take weeks to make any other content. Sometimes I have a hard enough time with the stuff I make as it is, and mesh is just throwing me under the bus left and right. Sorry, been fighting with my meshes again-mini-rant over. I really like this av and would love to have one like it once it's made available. It's really pretty and so well made. I know, I said I'm easily impressed, and I really am. But the things people can do, and do..uh..do, in sl, it just amazes me. To make something awesome out of nothing at all. Sigh. Ok, I'll stop blubbering and go read the page. My hat is off to this creator, stunning work.

    If nothing else, seeing other creators' work just pushes me towards learning more, trying more and pushing my own limits to see what I can manage. Even if what I make never makes it's way to sl...like about 85% of what i create, lmao.


  10. There is one thing that doesn't confuse me. That would be the top IS system clothes, or as some people seem to prefer to put it, non-prim. I believe that's what the OP is trying, among other things, to show. They've created a mesh av that can wear system clothes and skins. I don't know if it also wears mesh clothes.

    I know if you make the sliders go way up, the boobs look huge, lol. It wasn't so much the size, more the fact that those boobs actually have sides. Like a square, or hexagon would. NOt even remotely round-ish. I've seen pictures, untouched ones, with people who have massive non-prim and prim boobs. They didn't have sides on them like that. That's why I was wondering if it was just a rendernig thing. Like it looks like that on this persons screen because of how their system is rendering, or if the boobs are actually made that way, being mesh. I'm guessing it's just the way it's beind rendered though. I can't imagine anyone would intentionally make boobs like that. Then again,might be a nifty niche market, oddly shaped boobs....hmmmm...

    I don't like the shapes either, but that's just a personal preference. For me, I shy away from the ginormous boobs that can feed a third world country, huge asses that could crush same said country and hips that could easily welcome in that very same country. People that use those settings do tend to have the most tiny waists too, which makes them ungodly uneven, more than they already are. But, if they like it, go for it. I take a whatever tickles your pickle approach. It takes all sorts to make the world go 'round. It seems people in general, both in sl and rl seem to have some very interesting opinions on what is and is not the ideal body. I've noticed, a lot, I rarely agree with them, lol. So I'm quite used to others having ideals that confuse me, or make me chuckle.

  11. This is probably going to be a stupid and weird question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. The breasts on those avs look a bit funny, boxy and jagged a bit. Is that just how they're rendering on your system, so showing up in the pic too? As in they just don't look perfectly smooth on your screen but might look perfectly smooth on another person's system with different(maybe better?) graphics. Or are they actually built or made to look that, unsmooth, like a lot of not quite finished yet products.

    I'm not judging the design or anything, I swear, I'm just asking cuz I'm curious. I think it would be awesome to have av mesh that was as smooth as possible and behaved a bit better than what we have now. Course I'd prefer it came directly from the lab, so everyone started out with a better behaving, and looking av mesh to begin with. But I'm all for new creations too. And if creators can make a human mesh we can wear that's smooth and better behaving that was still compatible with the stuff and clothes we've already made or bought, that would be even more awesome.

    I've seen sculpt and mesh prim breasts before and not all of them look so good. Sometimes I can't tell if it's how they were made, or just how they happen to be rendering to the person looking at, or photographing them. Since two different systems can easily render things differently based on all kinds of different settings and options. Heck even on different days my system can render something perfectly fine, or not. I think my system has a mood disorder tho :P

    Did any of that make sense?

  12. Ayva Meili wrote:

    I am trying to rez anything and I keep getting this message...

    13:38] Second Life: Unable to create item that has caused problems on this region. Does anyone know how to stop that?

    I can rez at other regions tho.

    Won't let me rez anything at all. Thanks for any help.


    That parcel owner has rezzing turned off most likely, or turned on only for a specific group. The land owner could turn rezzing on, but it's most likely off for good reason. You can't rez just anywhere in sl, only the places people allow you to, and your own land if you have any.

    That particular error message is not one I have seen before though. It's usually worded differently.


  13. Staralien wrote:


    In any case, it is the premium members that help support Second Life (I am sure they have other ways of bringing in income as well, they would have to I would think) and without premium members, there may not be a Second Life for everyone else to log into. I think it is amazing that they continue to offer the service for free to the majority of users, and yet so many seem so unappreciative, are qucik to put LL down for the least little thing, and act like the "world" is owed to them. The fact that they continue to make improvements should be proof enough that they do indeed care about this virtual world we all enjoy. As long as I am able, I will always be a premium member, not for what LL can do for me, but for what I can do for LL in my small way. 


    Ll has made more money off me while not being a premium member than they'd ever make off me if I did pay premium. I know I am not alone. In fact I know there are a lot more like me, who aren't premium, and pay a crap ton more than a lot of people who are premium. You don't need to pay a premium membership to, basically, pay your dues, or pay for your use of the service. Premium members are not the glue that binds, nor are they the reason there is a second life for us all to enjoy, far from it. Second life would not cease to exist if more people stopped paying premium memberships. As those fees really are a drop in the bucket compared to the profits the lab gets elsewhere.

  14. I am goin' out on a limb here with my thoughts. I think the original post we saw from this name was indeed made by the account owner's partner, my best guess its her boyfriend. The pronouns used in the first prob. post are telling. It would fit that this person would want to see chat logs but was unable to, even if logged into the account he was spying on. Now, I think the actual account owner is the person writing this post. That would be a woman, Im guessing, since the word he was used in a reply. So  without thinking, she gave her partner access to her account, a super bad and insanely dumb idea, and he did exactly what you'd expect an immature person with jealousy issues to do. He logged on her account, but couldn't see nearly as much as he wanted to. So he posted here to ask how. Why? I have no clue, that was a pretty stupid question, lol. Now it seems she is back on her account, but her partner, while spying on her, changed her information.

    If this is even remotely accurate, OP, call linden lab like, immediately. But I do wonder how you were able to log into the forums without your password, if he did change it. Even if it's not, if someone has gotten into your account, even with your permission, and changed things I would still call.

    Then again it might be the pain meds talking and you might want to ignore my wild imagination, lmao.

  15. Sephina Frostbite wrote:

    I have the SL viewer. Firestorm doesn't work for me. It never loads my avi an to be honest I have been playing to sl viewer for so long I am intimidated with all those buttons. Silly I know.

    Not silly at all. Everyone has their preferences. I have the opposite problem, the sl viewers don't treat me very nicely, lol.


  16. Orca Flotta wrote:

    If you have a nc giver and ppl clicker it, the nc will pop up on their screen automagically.

    A lot of people keep this disabled. I think all viewers have the option, but I'm not 100% on that.. I always keep it disabled and have done it that way for a long time. It can be terribly annoying to have multiple textures, notecards and such sent to you and have them pop open right away. I prefer manually opening them as needed. Of course I'm usually multi-tasking while inworld too, so that probably plays a role for me, lol.

  17. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    Just experimented with Firestorm in world.  If you have your preferences set to have the received folder in  your regular inventory, Search will search it too.  If you have it set up in the separate window below your inventory it doesn't.


    Oh, good to know, thank you. I never really paid attention to being able to have them separate, lol. I have them in the same window, just easier for me.


  18. I have a question about the search part of your post. I'm wondering if the viewer you're using has an effect on that? When I search my inventory, it searches ALL folders, including received items folder. I'm using Firestorm. Are you using a different viewer by chance?

    Maybe someone else can confirm or deny that.

  19. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Melita Magic wrote:

    On the general idea of the topic: I would never wish to be on a reality Tv show. The entire industry is built around schadenfreude.

    One can only assume either they are being paid or have a chance of scoring big. 

    They're always being paid ;)

    Even the shows 16 and pregnant and teen mom that mtv has and proclaims are there to empower the youth of today and inform them of the trials and tribulations of teen parenting...pay those people and they glamorize every little aspect of it. They do little to nothing to inform and in fact do the exact opposite.

    That's exactly why I said this catfish show, will do the same. It's how they present it. It's the entire reason they have it. It's not there to be informative. No reality tv is, lol. It's intended purpose is entertainment. That's exactly what most will get out of it, even if it wasn't the creator's intent. Few people want an informative show these days, especially from a network like mtv, lol. They're not watching it so they can learn something. Not to mention most of the audience for that network probably is pretty young. Their demographic is not the over 40 crowd, or even the over 30 crowd.


  20. Laetizia Coronet wrote:

    There's always people you would like to avoid, and being a relative noobie on the forums (despite my 6+ years in SL) I thought the "ignore" button would help. But does it actually do anything?

    I don't know if it actually does anything, I've never used it. I've seen people say they use it, just not sure how functional it really is. But, I have to ask, because I'm curious, why can't you just overlook the people you want to ignore? I'm not judging, I swear, it's an honest curiosity. I know there's some people on the forums I'm not all that fond of. I see their name, I keep scrolling. Sometimes I'll reply to something they say, if it's a conversation or topic I'm actually interested in. But if I really want to ignore someone, I do.

    It's probably a lot easier to rely on your own internal ignore than a feature on a website anyway. But, take my opinion with a grain of salt because I also don't use the mute option inworld. It's easier for me to just pretend people don't exist, lol.


  21. Pamela Galli wrote:

    The thing is, if there are no suspicious obstacles to meeting in RL, people will just meet in RL without the assistance from a TV show.


    I see this show as a warning to everyone looking for love on the Internet: perfectly nice people do lie.


    It could be a warning, true, but that's not it's intended purpose, imo, and I doubt it actually is one to much of anyone. Mtv doesn't do stuff like this show to warn people, or to show much of anything other than drama. If it's not drama related, it's not real enough for them, lol. I don't blame them, real doesn't give them ratings. The show would tank if it only had success stories on it. Maybe not on some other network, but def. on Mtv. Warnings are a good thing, and people should be cautious, I def. agree with that 100%. People aren't as careful with their lives as they should be, imo. Just doubt this show serves that purpose. I could easily see this show having the opposite effect, though. Givine people something to laugh about and whatnot, and believe couldn't possibly be the norm. That's how a lot of shows on that network are, lol.

    But I don't think perfectly nice people lie, lol. There is a reason why people wouldn't offer the whole life story all at once, but I don't necessarily consider that lying. Perfectly nice people also don't throw their entire life story at you the moment you meet. I never see much point in lying though. So, just a difference of opinion I guess. I could prob. go on all day about that, and prob. shouldn't, since it has nothing to do with the topic, lol.



  22. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. There doesn't always seem to be rhyme or reason behind either. I am sure there is, I just don't know what it is

    LL has never been consistant on any large scale. They've also never been fully inconsistant on any large scale.

    Clear as mud, ain't it?

    I say report what you feel is worthy of reporting, do whatever you can to fix whatever problems you can, without making them worse of course, and hope for the best. That's what I do. Not always successfully, but I try.

  23. Pamela Galli wrote:

    A pretty large percentage of married couples met online, but this show is not about "how we met".


    It is specifically about people who have an online relationship, and one wants to take it to RL, but there seem to be a number of obstacles to doing that.
    Pretty suspicious obstacles if you ask me, but love puts ppl in denial I suppose

    That's kinda part of my point, the bolded I mean. This show wouldn't be one that would show the people who didn't have obstacles people found odd, or suspicious. It wouldn't show a couple who wasn't in denial. It wouldn't likely get them nearly as many ratings to show success stories as it does non success stories. Not that they wouldn't ever show any, I'm sure some might crop up in here and there, They wouldn't be the norm though. Not just this show either, but this type of thing pops up all the time. Shows, websites, magazine articles, books, all that kinda stuff. You don't see nearly as many happy warm gooey feeling stories as you see the it all went to hell when we tried to work it out in rl, kinds. They're just not nearly as interesting to people I guess.

    I kinda like both. I can't help but laugh and think about the failed stories, though I also sometimes feel sorry for the people involved. I'm a lover, not a fighter, I have way too much empathy for my own good. I too can spot the, that was never going to work out anyway, stories. We've all heard them, we;ve all seen them. But then I like thinking about the non failed ones too. Because those make my lil heart go pitter pat, and I love that feeling. I know it well. It speaks to me, on a personal level, I guess, lol.

    I'd much rather see more of the good kind. But it won't happen, because they aren't as popular with the general public, I don't think. Theyre not as juicey, they're not as interesting and they're certainly not as funny, usually. So us happily ever after folks get a bad rap too, because shows like this and media in general, tend to give people the impression that what we've got is rarely possible. It is possible, but it takes way more work to make something like we've got come to fruition than it does to get yourself in a failed online to real world relationship. That one's pretty easy to accomplish it seems.

    I know, I talk way too much, to often say very little,  lol :D


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