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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. Obviously I am not you, and I cannot see what you see, but I will say I wouldn't be so quick to judge LL or assume they have a leak. I've spent the better part of a couple hours speaking to family and a few other people(all overseas from me, quite a few in Germany-if that helps any, I'm not sure it does, but it might) who also received a very similar phishing attempt. NONE of those people have sl accounts. Yet they still had the same issue. Some of them are also rl business contacts of mine, and are most definitely a lot smarter than I could ever dream to be when it comes to such things.

    The couple facts I do know are that it is NOT only affecting sl related accounts, but it IS affecting a lot of people, or has anyway.
    I have absolutely no evidence, but I'll continue to believe the fact that your email addresses have "only been used for sl" is actually a coincidence. A crappy one, perhaps creepy too, but a coincidence nonetheless. I wouldn't think this if people who aren't connected to sl in any form, weren't also getting these same emails. They are, though. Even people in sl have had this problem with emails not connected to their sl accounts, as well as their sl accounts too.

    I'm glad none of your other non-sl related accounts have been phished. But others haven't been quite so lucky. Personally I'd be glad others were trying to help me solve such a issue and not throwing a verbal hissy fit telling them they don't understand because you're smarter than they are, and you have more experience, and they can't possibly be right (yeah, that's how you read). Then again, I'm glad when people try to help me solve problems, even if the problem never gets solved. But that's just me, I'm a bit weird.

  2. This may be a stupid response but I am going to say it anyway...

    Are you sure you're changing the day listed there to include not only today but also as far back as it will let you go?

    I'm not trying to call you stupid, please don't think that. It's just that many people look at the transactions and don't realize they can change that date to include the last 30 days.

    If you have, and show absolutely no record of ANY purchases, or where your lindens have gone, I would file a help ticket with support. They can help you sort it out better than most people here probably can. There may be some sort of bug none of us knows about.

    (that's to say, I've never heard of this problem before, so I'm of little help)

  3. Revenant Underby wrote:

    thread (before they directed me here) someone pointed me to 
     on the wiki.

    That page has feedback links set up which point to a (now defunct) surveymonkey survey so it looks like an attempt was made to seek community feedback.  Did they just not communicate that it was there?


    They neither consult, nor listen. That's really the best answer. Who they consult, assuming they ever actually did/do, or rather when, though that's not fiting either, could potentially make a difference too.

    And no, they don't make ANY of their communication widely known. They haven't for a very, very long time.

    Don't take their word as them actually being truthful when they say "we asked, you answered, we listened". It's not truthful in the least.

    Even the "new feature" of "fixing" things so we get emails when an order is made on MP still doesn't work properly. That was, or should have been, an easy fix.

    Basically, they suck at communication period.

  4. Bernard Rhiano wrote:

    Heart Brimmer wrote:


    Bolded mine: I TRIED and TRIED to learn the new interfaces and hated them! And I did NOT spend just a few hours with them, I'm talking weeks and everytime it just made me more and more ill.

    would it perhaps be possible to use a lettertype what has a bit more points?..aka larger? ... people of my age will have difficult times to read this small lines

    lol I'm not of any significant age, I can't read it cuz I'm legally blind, lol. I frequently have to either change the text, or use text to speech to see things on the forums. I once made the mistake of typing as big as I need to be able to read. People don't like big fonts either, lmao. Won't do that again.

    You can change it yourself pretty easily in most browsers tho.

  5. Nope, can't mass delete.

    Wish we could, but they won't add that feature in. Knowing them, they probably think it's a bug, since we all know bugs they don't want to eliminate are often called features(by them) lol.

    I really wish they'd listen to the people that actually USE mp. Both customers and merchants alike. Sadly, they won't, even when they say they will, or do.

  6. Phil Deakins wrote:

    Singularity has a UI that's just like the V1 UI to look at. Firestorm in Phoenix mode isn't anything like the V1 to look at..

    Hmm, I'm not sure how you have yours set up, but in my setup using the Phoenix mode FS looks as close as any other viewer does.


    As for the best viewer, that will always be debatable. What works for some, doesn't for others. What's stable for some, is unstable for others. Me, for example, I cannot use Singularity. Graphics wise, and I have no idea why, it just does not perform the same as FS. Even when I have all the settings the same, the graphics just look, off. I have also had stability issues with Singularity. Not everyone who says this is talking out their rear ends, lol. I've tried many of the viewers, and stick with the one that works the best for me. There can be stability issues with any viewer though. There isn't a single one out there that will always work well, let alone perfectly, for everyone. We all just pick what works best for us, and go with it :D


  7. All of the images are heartbreaking, for me, I'm sure for many others. There is one though that pops up a lot more often than others.

    Father Mychal F. Judge, the first certified casualty of the attacks(though not the first to pass away-he was the first identified and brought to the medical examiner). Before entering the lobby to join the rescue workers inside, he stood outside the towers giving last rites to those who had already perished. Some had been hit by falling debris, some perished on the planes or in the buildings where they had hit, and some of the bodies were what had been falling. He then entered the lobby and joined his brothers and sisters in the rescue efforts. Offering both prayers and support for all. When the south tower came down, he was praying his very last words...."Jesus, please end this right now! God, please end this!". A very strong testament to his faith and his desire to help mankind. I may not share his faith, but he was a very strong man right to the very end. Many went into those towers knowing they may not make it back out. Few of those were civilians. His body was laid to rest on the altar of St Peter's church before even being taken to the medical examiner.

    The reason this photo speaks to me the way it does is because this man was not a firefighter, he was not trained in rescue efforts, he was not just there to save lives. He was there to perform a duty he knew he'd have to perform...last rites. That's what compelled him to go to the towers, to be there in the last moments for the thousands who would never make it back out. Some like to believe that he was there so he could lead others home. I may not share those same religious beliefs, but I do believe that's a very powerful way to look at things.

    There are many images I remember just as vividly, this one just happens to come up more frequently. I know it's one of the more famous, but it's powerful nonetheless.


  8. Y'all are really dead set on this size/scale thing aren't ya?

    When I build, I build to what I can only assume is average. Since I can't possibly know, I eyeball it. Most things I make, I leave modify, for people to shrink, or enlarge, at will. On the few things I don't leave modify-which is usually pretty rare, I'll gladly modify the size for someone. I in fact just did this recently for someone who plays a very, very small(but not tiny) av. She had no problems asking, and I had no problems helping. Win-win for us both, and we didn't even have to argue about rl scale.

    There is no way to build to suit everyone's opinion of average, large, or small..or any other size. All we can do is assume. Even if you don't just eyeball it, you still have to assume you know what average is, unless you intend to poll the entire grid, or majority of it, and the various types of avs too. Ain't no one got time for that, sorry. Even the most dedicated of builder hasn't got time to learn how to read minds and determine what each person's idea of perfect really is.

    I kinda like that though. We've got all sizes of things, and people, in sl. Stuff made for the largest, and smallest of avs. Not everyone out there is even looking for rl scale. Some folks may be, but to be honest I don't believe they are the majority-but that's just my opinion based off entirely anecdotal evidence(which is all anyone really has). I don't take an opinion of a relatively small sampling of sl and assume that's what many, or most, want. I do the best with what I've got. If it's not right, they can either suit it to their liking, or have me fix it. In either case, it's not a huge deal.

    I've never really understood the whole size/scale argument. I mean it's been around for as long as I can remember, and the minds never meet on the matter. Whether or not something is possible isn't really all that important, as I see it as far as this issue goes. But what is important is whether or not people WANT to do it (rl scale inside sl that is). I don't think most do, or at least they certainly don't come off as if they do. So I suppose that's the part I don't understand. Why arguing about the possibility is even all that important, when the desire(overall) to make said possibility happen doesn't exist. Maybe I'm just an oddball, because this argument seems about as pointless as many others. Yet I still read them, in case anything has changed, lmao. It hasn't, ftr. Same opinions, same arguments, same thoughts.

    Whatever floats your boat, eh?

  9. Maelstrom Janus wrote:

    The situation is quite simple ...security provided by the lab is fine without the need for a mass of extra security orbs ban lines and all the rest....


    Ban lines ARE the security LL provides. Ban lines aren't something residents created by themselves, they are part of the security provided by LL.

    The rest, it's not worth arguing over, there are vastly different opinions on the matter and they rarely, if ever, cross paths. It's been a thorn in the side of folks for as long as I can remember. I don't think it's a problem going away anytime soon, either.

  10. If you want something animated, as more decor purpose, I would avoid anything that requires a server to function. I'd also avoid anything that requires updates, or to be maintained(ie fed and such) in the event you later change your mind and want to pick it up. You'll lose your investment, regardless of how little or much, and will then need to invest more if you again want to use later. In saying that, it would knock a breedable sort out of what I would think fitting.

    I don't know of any specific ones, but I do know I've seen some gorgeous non-breedable animated horses around sl, so they've got to exist somewhere, lol.

  11. I explore mainland a lot, when I'm not doing other things. It's rare for me to encounter an orb that ejects that quickly. I don't think you'll find many who believe no warning is a smart move. There used to be a LOT more of those around too, there aren't nearly as many.

    I don't often wander onto others' mainland areas unless I can specifically tell they allow. Rather than the opposite of believing I can unless they say I can't. That's always been how i handle mainland.

    That said, there are PLENTY of areas on mainland we can safely explore without any problems at all. Any public area is fair use-within TOS of course. You can safely fly, drive, walk, skate, skip hop and jump, crawl on your hands and knees, walk like a crab, ride a horse, a dragon, a frog...I could go on for ages...but you get the point. Public areas allow this and there's actually a lot more of them than people think. I know, because I've explored, LOTS. I don't just assume. I also know because I pay those areas more attention than I do parcels owned by others on mainland...because of my previosly stated philosophy.

    I understand parts of the complaints...others are rubbish. Warnings should be given, I agree. That said, ll doesn't tell anyone they have to, so, there's not much you can do, other than avoid them. I have as someone else pointed out run into people who didn't realize their warning was non-existent or really short. They can be pretty nice people when you're nice in your approach. I find that approaching with aggressive behavior, or "I want to...you can't stop me....I am entitled...you have no right.." sort of things, you're not going to get anywhere. Reasonably so, of course.

  12. The entire review system is unfair to both buyers AND merchants. The commerce team, and ll already know this, they simply don't care. None of us like this.

    For every merchant out there with shady practices when it comes ot the reviews there are just as many shady buyers out there showing us exactly why the system sucks for both.

    Many people leave reviews without ever speaking to the merchant. While I am 100% glad they can, in a way, it's not fair to leave a negative review if there is something that can be fixed. Not that anyone should be forced to, of course, but it would be nice if problems could be solved a bit simpler and both parties could come out feeling good about the transaction.

    That, however, is not reality. We can't do it in rl, and we can't manage it in sl either. I say we using humans as a collective, not specifically buyers or merchants. There are plenty of us who try to remedy things nicely, but there are as many who don't.

    In the end, the system sucks, it totally, totally sucks.

    I also happen to be someone who doesn't mind a low review when I've the opportunity to explain it, or explain to anyone reading that contact from someone when/if there is a problem would have, or could have, easily solved whatever issue they were having. Some of us really, really want people to enjoy what we do, and we'll bend over backwards to do it. The system is supposed to notify us when we get a review, but it's as functional as anything else. Total hit or miss on that one, and it sucks, not just for merchants but also buyers.

    I absolutely lothe merchants who have shady practices, I really do. It shouldn't spoil the bunch but it often can. It can easily leave people jaded and put a sour taste in their mouth that then will, in trickle down theory, affect other merchants and other buyers as well.

    I don't think the system is "rigged" in either direction. I see evidence from both sides stating why they think it's against them, and it's about even.

    I'm speaking as both a merchant and a buyer. As a buyer I have seen these same shady practices. A product I had reviewed after months of trying to get the merchant to fix it has been relisted numerous times-each one after getting a, or several, bad review(s). I HATE that they keep letting this asshat do that, but, they do. I report, others report, and every now and then the product is gone for a day or two, but then right back up.

     I take all reviews with a grain of salt, unless I can tell they are absolutely sincere. Reviews that aren't really about the product, I ignore. Uber positive reviews with a crap ton of ways to say "this is awesome" I also tend to ignore. I can tell most of them are fake. A good review talks about the product and/or the merchant's practices as it pertains to that specific product. Rewviews that just say "doesn't work", "looks ugly", "merchant won't fix" without any other information are usually ones people leave spur of the moment when they're either upset or frustrated. They are about as helpful as a nail gun is for making jello.

    All in all the whole system is whack. It DOES have its good points, but they are few and far between.

    You won't find many merchants who disagree with you at all. I don't know about buyers, but merchants, no, we see all the same things. Ok, most of us. We hate it too.

  13. I use firestorm, and you can choose to make it look like phoenix did as well.

    A lot of people I know that use fs, have it set up that way.

    As for what is best....that answer is easy. Whatever viewer works best for you, is best. You may have to try some out before you find one that suits you perfectly. Everyone has their preferences. Overall fs is more widely used than any, but it's not best for everyone. None of the viewers are.

  14. SweetLadyMell wrote:

    Really? Just one IM? I envy you. Yesterday, I did'nt have any time for the ones that matter:
    my friends
    . If any one of them reads this: sorry I was'nt around yesterday, would have loved to go to the dance...

    So, this is what I'd look like on a normal night...come on, okay, it's not a nun's outfit, but to want to lick me...

    (picture deleted...maybe not for every one...)

    Mell xxx

    Why would ims stop you from going to a club or enjoying yourself?

    I just ignore people, lol. I don't even use the mute/ignore features, I just do it, mentally. If I don't want to answer ims, I don't. The only ones I'll nearly always answer(unless something super pressing needs my attention right that second) are ones customers send. Otherwise, y'all can wait. That's my take on things.

    I don't let others stop me from enjoying sl, there's no need to.

  15. Freya Mokusei wrote:

    This is the bane of my life - people who sell five sizes (from XXS to L, or some other combination) in the style of the SSI, but without actually following the SSI shapes. Worse still is mesh prefabbed clothing, which seems utterly incapable of getting it right.

    I was in one store last week where my (admittedly 'ample' but hardly 'grandiose') butt was simultaneously Medium and XX-Small. I won't be shopping there again.

    This is exactly what I am talking about when I say standard isn't standard anymore, well not as much as it once was. People label things as standard but they're really not. I'm not sure why, but this can be the reason why many have issues with a lot of mesh. What they think is standard, because it is in many places they shop, can and does change between creators. It's why I dislike the label of standard because I have no blinking clue which standard they're referring to, lol.

  16. braylasana wrote:

    That's my point - the reason mesh
    "fits wrong"
    is because the
    implemented mesh
    .  It's not the fault of creators that there are fitting problems with mesh.  It's the crappy rigging of the avatar and the poor implementation of it.  The alpha layers and the standard sizes are workarounds.


    That's not entirely true. If it were, there wouldn't be ANY good mesh around, and there is. It may not suit ME, but it suits others and thta's enough for me to know that while difficult, it's still possible. Difficult shouldn't stop anyone, and it doesn't stop most. I am going to assume you've not actually gotten anything very poorly rigged. No one has ever denied the base av mesh we have sucks donkey toes. It really does and has since the beginning. Yet, some manage making some simply stunning things around it.

    Standard sizes MAY have been a good workaround before, but they aren't always. I'll also guess you ahven't gotten multiple things listed as "standard sizing" and can clearly tell the standard bit isn't even. It happens, and I get that. My complaint about standard sizes is that there isn't a standard anymore. There was, and regardless of whether or not it did work for me, it did for others. I think that's an awesome thing. But when standard isn't standard anymore, it can get confusing. Now try explaining that to people new to sl, or new to mesh, and see how far it gets ya. Sl has a steep learning curve as it is, toss in things like standards that aren't standard and you're gonna have some frustrated folks on your hands. Whether you believe rightly so or not, they believe they have every right (and I happen to agree on most counts).

    Sometimes it really IS the creator at fault. Just because the base mesh av body sucks, doesn't mean it can't be worked aorund at all. It can, and it is. Which tells me there are plenty of people in sl, like myself, that just need more practice. It's not difficult for me to admit this. It's not difficult for me to accept this. It shouldn't be difficult for anyone else to either. It's all a learning process and none of us will ever be on the very same step. It's not that big of a deal to say so.

  17. Sometimes, it seems to me, there are people who think if you make a complaint you can't possibly know what you're talking about. That's not always the case. In fact the majority of the complaints I have seen about mesh, inworld and on forums, are not only spot on but are worded pretty well and you can simply tell the person isn't just being overjudgmental or utterly frustrated for no reason. They do have a bit of knowledge and experience-even if only testing various mesh, and aren't speaking from their rear ends.

    Yeah there are some people, and some complaints which really may not be warranted. I still think that most complaints are, and are also needed.

    I am someone who perfectly understands the trials and tribulations with mesh, even if many of mine aren't quite the same ones others run into, I do understand them. I know how crappy the av mesh that ll gives us truly is. I know it's no easy task to create something to perfectly, or near perfectly, fit it(or anything really but since we're talking about the av mesh here, lol). Sl wasn't ready for clothing mesh when it came to be, imo, because it's still too unstable. I am glad it's out there, but it's going to keep having it's bumps and issues until we have something better base-wise to work with. It's expected behavior, imo.

    That doesn't mean there aren't plenty of creators out there, like myself, who need a heck of a lot more practice in that area, dealing with what we have that is. I am the first one to admit there isn't a soul in sl who would ever want to wear something mesh I can create, at this stage of my process. There really isn't. In fact my children will likely create better mesh products before I do, especially clothing. I can recognize quite well when something just isn't right(sometimes). Mostly, because it's something I do too, or have seen others do as well in things I have obtained. When something is just poorly made, it's just poorly made. There's no point in beating around the bush about it, lol. Mesh certainly doesn't hold the torch to that though. It's been happening with creations since the dawn of sl.

    Clothing mesh is just not as far as other mesh is, quality wise, I don't believe. It's not entirely the creators' faults, absolutely not. The main blame sits with ll. I know this. But I also know that improvement with what we have, is possible. Or else there wouldn't be creators able to do just that, and able to make it work pretty darn well too considering the base they have to work with. It's not me being mean or putting people down. I would only directly answer if a creator specifically asked me "hey, does this look ok", or actually wants the feedback(some do not, I have found, lol). I won't make posts bashing a specific creator, or store. But I will state my opinion on mesh as a whole as far as my experience goes. I can also, sometimes, share what I know others have said. I think that's a good thing. People can only improve when they believe there is room for improvement. Better than getting stagnate, right?

    My opinions as far as mesh are concerned don't stop me from supporting creators. I think it's a tad silly to suggest it would for anyone. But if I don't like a creators work on outfits, I'm not likely to buy their accessories either. Which is perfectly reasonable, I believe. I do the same with creators of all kinds of things, not just mesh. Though I do tend to offer a larger buffer room than some might. The learning curve can be enormous for some of us, and I understand that so very, very well.

    It isn't just mesh creators that can, or do, have a rough go at times. It's creators of all sorts that can, and do. Mesh certaily doesn't make this problem any worse, or any better. It is what it is. The economy is what it is too, both in sl and rl. So we have to work with what we've got and sometimes it means putting more into it than we believe we already are. Any creator that thinks criticism is always a bad thing, may not be in the best of fields. I don't say that to be mean, I say it to be realistic. Criticism is very important when you have an end user of your products. You can't possibly know what they want, what they need, what they desire and where you're lacking without it. This is the reason why my opinions are as general as they are. They're never directed to anyone specifis on the forums especially, because they can help more if I  keep it general. At least that's my thought process, perhaps it makes no sense to anyone but me.

    I'm a terrible mesh creator, absolutely horrid, right now. I'll get better. But if others don't tell me it's bad, it needs improvement, it doesn't fit right...I'll never learn. It's as vital as, if not more so than, praise, imo. I do that too, btw, praise merchants, and support them. I share the wealth :D

  18. I ran into this problem once with a friend. I don't buy shapes, or really anything with a style card, but she does. She also tends to follow more blogs and such than I do.

    I was helping her out to find a few things when she came across a couple creators who include style cards-which is a great idea-but they were soooo vague. We had a hell of a time matching them. Being that I am not a fashionista, and she's still not really there yet either, it was tricky. What was worse was when she contacted one of the creators and got some of the rudest answers I've seen to such a simple question. The nicest answer was "stop being lazy and figure it out for yourself, I included the damn card". Which although precise and quite true on all but the lazy part, just totally rubbed us both the wrong way. I think that was for part of an outfit, but to be honest I don't remember now, I'd have to ask her. We never did match that card, and in the end came to the conclusion there was either some hefty touching up or the product no longer exists. The OTHER creator, was quite kind and I guess just didn't realize how vague the card was, lol. She, or he, has since changed the style cards used to be a little less vague. I'm going to guess, as a merchant, that's a +1 on their little scorecard. Not that the cards are expected, or should be, but I'm guessing they help for a lot of folks. It serves you-the merchant making the card-as well as any you list on the card well, to cross-promote like that.

    I tend to be more of a "I'll put it together myself" kind of gal-so I don't need the cards. But I know lots of people love them, and I can see why.

    As for the skin OP, I'm a terrible judge because I don't think either one looks right and I believe there's some touching up going on there. I'm probably 100% wrong though. I see too many differences(mostly in the shading/details*) and I'm not sure if it's the lighting use, touchups in an external program, or my blindness. Most likely, all of the above.

    *edited to clarify... where the collarbone sits, doesn't seem to match up in what I see. If all three have the same shape on, those accent areas ought to be the same, but they aren't. There is a more downward angle in that area in pic c, but a and b have the same more horizontal look. I just don't know if that's a product of the windlight, touchups, or because that's not the same skin.

  19. Phil Deakins wrote:

    Thank you all for your posts in this thread. Apart from the odd nay-sayer, the posts in this thread show that it was a waste of time starting it because it's so well-known that mesh doesn't work properly - at least in the area that I wrote about - clothes.

    I know, like I didn't say enough already, lol, but..

    I completely agree. In the clothing department mesh is really not all it's cracked up to be to a LOT of people. It's not the small minority some seem to think. But just like everything else in sl, there are niches here and there. Some don't mind tweaking their bodies, and for them mesh usually functions pretty well. For the ones who don't however, we have a rough go with it quite often. To be honest I think I saw more, this is going to sound grammatically incorrect-my mind is mush today, better mesh back when there seemed to be one set of standard sizes. Maybe not necessarily as much quality texture wise-that always improves with everything, imo. But as far as fit goes. When you know the "advertised standard" doesn't fit ya, you know to avoid it. When the "advertised standard" is changed, all bets are off. I love demos for this reason only, lol.

    I never did address the mesh not showing up properly, my apologies for helping derail lol. I have a HUGE issue with it when I use singularity. Which is why I don't use that viewer. I'm not certain why to be honest. I don't have nearly as many issues on fs, or even the few-very few-I'll use the v3. Clearly my pc and singularity are having squabbles somewhere along the line. Even on fs tho, I too have had the weird mishapen mesh. It has happened here and there with sculpts, but not in any real measurable amount. With mesh, some days it truly can be hit or miss. I can't attribute it all to the viewer, or sl, or the mesh, of course. It's still a bit of a nuisance. Clothing mesh errors are the ones I see more than anything. I assume to others it looks normal-I've even asked. That doesn't mean it'll look normal to everyone. I've had the issues when running only one instance, and running multiple. I almost expect it in multiple, but, anecdotally only, it happens more frequent when using one instance.  I'm also not across the pond-not that I think it should matter all that much. I do have good connection and don't have many, if any, lag issues otherwise.

    I think sparky, that's my pc's name, simply hates mesh. That's my excuse anyway, since I've not yet found rhyme or reason to it.

    As for me making mesh, well that's an entirely different novel for a different day. I shall just say that mesh and I don't get along when it comes to creation. It may have a lot do do with my lack of vision-and by that I mean actual vision not creative vision. The way I see things, or want to see things since I don't necessarily seem to see them the same as most people, doesn't always translate well into mesh. In fact, my children are leaning how to make mesh in their technology course this year-and one of them has surpassed my ability in less than two months. I'm destined to be "vintage" I guess :D

    Sorry I derailed again. I'd be sleeping if I didn't have to chase after some escapee froglets before the cats decide it's time to play tag with them, about an hour ago.

  20. Sephina Frostbite wrote:

    Cleaning out my closets today and I come across outfits that I love. I wonder if they are out dated or If I wore them again I would look okay. How do you know when to throw out something you love or keep it and use it. With Mesh being out is all other type of clothing look old? Thanks for the tips.

    To answer your first question, I don't throw clothes out in sl, I don't need to. It's not like rl where they can and will get worn down. I've given away clothes before but not because I didn't necessarily like them. I've also used some for charity events too.

    To answer the second, absolutely not. What some find outdated, I find quite lovely. I don't much care, or worry about what others think. I like what I like. They like what they like. We've only ourselves to dress, not others.

    I do know others dress to impress, I'm not one of those folks, lol. Hubby likes what I wear, and even if he didn't, I'd probably still wear it, lmao. Unless of course it really made me look hideous, but that's an entirely different topic and has nothing to do with when something was made. Outdated is subjective, very, very subjective. I don't find pre-mesh to be outdated. Something can be old, or new, prim, system or mesh, and still be made poorly, but that doesn't necessarily make it outdated. It simply means it's not something you like. DIfferent strokes and such, I s'pose.

  21. Melita Magic wrote:

    What is Imaginimal?


    They're a renamed/revamped version of wildwood after it totally went down the crapper. Numerous reasons why that happened-none really that important to the thread. They have turned around somewhat, but many are still hesitant, for good reason. With no communication being sent out for a very long time, a LOT of people were very upset to find out the animals they wanted to send in, to receive imaginamals as replacements(8 cats would get you one) they can no longer do because the window was left open for such a short time(in the grand scheme-considering how long many were loyal customers despite knowing the company was drowning and defunct) and most of the breeding community had no  idea about it-because not everyone stuck around for the year it took to get things going again. Their goal now is to make this company what they wanted to see before, but didn't manage. I do wish them all of the best with this as well, but will remain cautiously optimistic until further notice. I do really hope they succeed this time. The animals are adorable and I do believe they have the heart, but heart won't pay the bills ;)  I've already boxed up my wildwoods with all my other breedables that come from no longer in existance companies. I've quite the collection. :D

    No, it's not the company I was previously talking about either. That's just a bit of their background and why they're now called imaginamals.

  22. Amberly Bashir wrote:

    OMG you totally rock! thank you so much!  I only ever use that world map for my TP in my HUD. haha didn't even know you could copy the URL there.  Thank you thank you thank you!


    Other Reply: (sorry forgot your name already..i'm terrible with names) It must have a setting that allows you to copy and paste from the address bar.  And I don't have it turned on.  Cuz it doesn't let me at all.  Unless you've never used Singularity then I guess you wouldn't know.

    I think it does have a setting, but I never turn it on lol, so no clue where it is. The map has always been the easiest method for me. I just got used to it I guess. That or using a prim(worn or rezzed) that was scripted to grab the slurl and spit it out in local, were the only methods I knew of when I first started.

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