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Nama Gearz

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  1. So this is going to effect every SL group with the name Gacha in them. Clearly groups for events are going to have a hard time with this because you can't change the name of a group. Many followers would be lost if a new group is made and people are asked to move over. So what are we supposed to do about this? Will LL allow us to send in tickets for group name changes in cases such as this? @Patch Linden
  2. Ever think it's possible more than one store with the same name exists? Of course the one that exists still doesn't have anything furry related in it, because it's by a different person. lol The PJ that did exist in relation to the creator in question is -gone- and yes, that little box explains it perfectly. That's why its there. To let people know she changed brands. Nobody should have to hold your hand to understand these things. I'm entirely aware that tube socks aren't leggings and leggings aren't pants, but how many people do you think will know that distinction and will search for the absolute proper thing every single time? I very much doubt people will do that. They'll search what first comes into their mind, and if they're thinking about tube socks but the word leggings comes to mind, they will search that, and someone that uses leggings in their keywords might get that sale. So you can go and be -ultra exact- if you'd like, but it's related enough. It's not wildly different. It's very related and easily mistaken, so I would think it counts as a legitimate keyword. Bleh. Either way, this is a pointless discussion to go back and forth on because neither of us will likely change our opinions, and I have stuff to make.
  3. Did you just miss the header for her store entirely? Bullseye was formerly called Pixel Junk, so as observant as you are about keywords, you seem to have not really looked around at much else, which I think is part of the problem with people reporting keywords. Either they don't know how keywords work (I don't think you do) or they miss important details and go on to try and scrub the marketplace clean because what they think they're doing is right even though they don't have the proper knowledge of what they're flagging. Back to that point of me thinking you don't know how keywords work; all the stuff you have bolded are legitimate search terms. Honestly, the best way for people to be able to find something you want them to find is to list as many variations of that word as you can so you can cover as many things people might think to type in. It's just common sense to want to be as fool proof as possible when trying to assure people will find your items in search, this includes abbreviations to store names. It's unfortunate that it may also mean something else, but am I not allowed to have my shop name in my keywords because it's "Static" and could bring up TVs or radios? Not really a fair way to look at this. Keyword spam would be if you were selling hotdog meshes and put football into your keywords because people eat hotdogs at football games. Not when you're trying to sell tube socks and say leggings.
  4. Thanks! This makes the transition to DD much easier for me to handle.
  5. I have been looking around for an answer to this and haven't seen anything yet, but: I detest the Linden viewers. If I get one just to update my marketplace listings, log off and hop onto my other viewer of choice, will my items still be delivered? Or do I HAVE to be tied to a new viewer that has a Merchant outbox at all times?
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