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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. Just do what I do....convince yourself you are supporting the SL economy!
  2. Not specifically aimed at anyone on these forum boards, but it did remind me of this peeve, which has visited me frequently over the years. You know how it is, a friend or someone you know has a nasty break up with their sig other and you are there for them - offering support, being a shoulder, wiping away tears and being on their team, not team douchebag! For hours, days or weeks you listen whilst they are starring in their drama and no matter how sick of the whining you are, you stay supportive and do everything you can to help them - give them an alt and rent a home for them to hide out on, don't judge or tell them to just "harden up soft rooster" - YOU ARE SUPPORTIVE despite the fact it goes against your nature or better judgment and has you wanting to jump off a cliff! Then you see them right back where they started...back with the ex, like nothing happened - no drama, no heartbreak - it's like it never happened!!! And you are left feeling stupid because you shouldn't have bothered wasting your time. I hate that feeling. It peeves me.
  3. Wandering around the Shop & Hop event picking up all the freebies. Then I will be standing around on my skypad opening everything, trying them all on or rezzing, deciding what to keep and what not to keep, sorting it into the right folders or deleting, then boxing all the original packages up into one big box to hoard away. Should keep me out of trouble for a few hours!
  4. Another group gift...free to join - Lara Hurley Skin.
  5. I have always believed that if you are stupid enough to call yourself BigWang4U69 then you should be stuck with it!!!
  6. I did that years ago...had both a male and female stuff on the same avatar - used the male avatar only for when I needed it to blog male stuff. But then it got annoying and I wanted to do couple poses so I made a separate male alt which I now use for photographic purposes. Thankfully this was pre-mesh and my investment wasn't as costly as it would be today. I would look at what you want to use each identity for and if it is worth writing off the cost so far and starting over with a new ID.
  7. The second location seems to work really well. I had one alt get in there in under 3 minutes, grab the head and leave. The other alt got in first try, grabbed the head and left. People who hang about like bad smells...annoyance!
  8. What annoys the fudge out of me is when they ask for stuff (LMs, gifts, info etc) that are IN THE GROUP NOTICES!!!!!
  9. I'm anti-wishlists, especially when profile perving and see people demanding or asking for people to "gift them" with something from it.
  10. I just boxed up all my Lelutka hairs from forever ago...because I am a hoarder and am okay with that!
  11. My "go-to" picture editor no longer works, so I am tinkering with some new ones.
  12. All the best people are! And people whose parentals enjoyed the New Year's parties a little too much!
  13. One for the girls and one for the boys. You read right, we want to spoil you with these two little gifts. This is just another way of showing you how much we love you and to thank you for giving us support this year!Please help us welcome Lilly and Alain to our Evolution line, and we truly hope you will love them like we do.These heads will be set to L$1, but you will get refunded. The only reason you will need to pay the vendor is to record your purchase, which will ensure you get all future updates and redelivers. We wanted to be sure our group members felt special; therefore, Lilly and Alain will be available to group members ONLY and set to a regular price (L$3990) on December 26th.These heads come with all of the features you have come to love. With all addons and skins, we left nothing out. So with that said, enjoy and thank you for being with us yet another year. Good deed for 2020....DONE!
  14. I was gonna say "an@l retentive" but thought OC was a little more polite.
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