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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. Omg you did NOT just call me Australian, did you??? Thems fighting words!!!!!
  2. That's kind of a slippery slope though, as many opinions seem to be calls to arms, especially the calls to cancel people. The cynic in me agrees with you...it is beyond fixable. The tiny optimist is hopeful.
  3. I definitely agree with you here, but for me, it is not about changing people's minds so much as accepting that it is okay to have a differing opinion and if we disagree. I actually enjoy a spirited debate.
  4. I have always said that those who resort to name calling are the ones who do not know how to debate or have a civilised conversation.
  5. And I agree that a line needs to be drawn somewhere. However, it should be a line that is there for ALL, and not just those you agree or disagree with.
  6. Again I am going to go with the fact you do not know me, what I believe in or anything about me. Ignorant.
  7. "The word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless ... almost any English person would accept 'bully' as a synonym for 'Fascist'". George Orwell, 1944. Just in case... Synonym - a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.
  8. You do not know me, where I am from, what I believe in or who I may or may not hate. Please keep your sweeping assumptions to yourself. They just make you look ignorant.
  9. Would that be like all the anti-white people tweets floating around? You know, "just their opinions".
  10. It is their right to belong to a group they choose to join. They may have paid a fee to join, been a productive member of the group or just someone who sits quietly just wanting to follow notices. I fail to see how someone belonging to a group in SL can deprive you of anything, beyond watching font you disagree with on a screen that is...cos after all, you can always hit the block button to ignore them, you can choose to ignore group chat and/or notices, and you can click the X and leave the group. I shall pot, kettle, black you here because here you are IN PUBLIC expressing YOUR opinion about how you PUT INTO PRACTICE the action of DEPRIVING them of THEIR RIGHT to belong to a group in a virtual world. Where is their rights beginning?
  11. The only one taking away rights in this scenario was you proudly stating YOU are taking away THEIR rights to be in the same groups you are.
  12. ^^^This^^^ is what scares me. The belief that people are no longer allowed to have their own opinions, their own thoughts and have to fall in line with one narrative, one ideology. Newsflash, people are ALLOWED to believe in what they believe in. They are ALLOWED to have differing views from you. They are ALLOWED to exist in the same world you exist in. Adults know this and can agree to disagree. As Judge Judy said in one of her cases, you do not have to like what someone says, but you are not allowed to hurt them or destroy their property just because you don't like it.
  13. I have 66. Not long ago I had over 100...in the before times....before the purge!
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