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Dune Ravenwood

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Everything posted by Dune Ravenwood

  1. Move and join all continents together with roads, bridges and sail-able waters all around. In mainland areas that are abandoned turn them into ponds, lakes so surrounding areas become more sought after. Ban all banlines and just allow orbs with 15 seconds or more. Also in large abandoned mainland areas create more Linden homes.
  2. As always with humans, the typical pattern emerges. Vibrant and exciting and then they turn on each other over pixel homes. Just a matter of time till people self destruct it all and make a ghost town.
  3. Sorry but the Bellisseria cat does not speak 😉 He is wild and free.
  4. Here is a tip, I have gotten and received about 6 new homes, abandoned and retried and everyday got one. Try 1 am est or 6 am est. Best times for me anyways and always had success within 30 minutes.
  5. Thank you Moles. Being a decade old, Mainland wanderer and explorer I also am appreciative of all the Mainland treasures.
  6. The babies are with mommy for the rest of the week while daddy goes to SL16B.
  7. I was also hoping a Brothel could maybe be slipped in somewhere. 🙂
  8. This punk skunk is fond of pizza and Dr Pepper and is known to be very friendly when fed 😉 lol
  9. I gave up a great houseboat I had since day 1 today to get a house for a change. Took me 2 hours of casual refreshing.
  10. Yes that was my old boat house that I just abandoned. I wanted to switch to a house. That boathouse was a great location. It took me 2 hours to get a traditional house lol. I hope you enjoy the boat house there. It had many memories for me and the Bellisseria Cat 😉 I am thinking of turning the house I got into a hang out for our new Bellisseria Furry Group.
  11. Just for giggles (hope I am not considered spamming) but I started a Bellisseria Furries group for all furry residents and their friends. It should be available in the group search.
  12. My alt is The Original Bellisseria Cat 😉
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