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Cristiano Midnight

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Everything posted by Cristiano Midnight

  1. My oldest I have is from 2005 -
  2. For a long time, I had a mesh body but not a mesh head. I hated the original pre-bento male heads, they were terrible. When I came back to SL last year, I demoed several heads and found one I liked that still felt like "me" (especially after buying a skin for it as well). I think that's one of the reasons people don't make the transition to a mesh head - many people are very particular about their avatars and identify with them, and it can be a long process to find a mesh head that you feel comfortable with.
  3. One does not have to "be on a budget" to think the price of something is too high, especially with the unnecessary premium requirement as well.
  4. Also, to be clear, I do appreciate the effort that went into bringing last names back and allowing name changes. I just think the pricing is exorbitant for the service being provided.
  5. Sorry, none of that justifies $40/per name change and requiring premium to do so.
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