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Cristiano Midnight

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Everything posted by Cristiano Midnight

  1. I am male in both RL and in SL. I love that SL does allow people to explore and express gender and sexuality in ways that are often difficult in RL. If someone presents as a certain gender in SL, I respect that for their avatar. I don't care what their RL gender may be. I have encountered a couple of situations where I could not go to an event because it was female avs only (and that if I switched to having a female av, I could attend). I found that a bit offputting and arbitrary, but I respected the rules of the event and just did not attend. It can certainly be a little complicated sometimes, but it's not hard to respect someone's rules.
  2. I can quit watching TikTok videos whenever I want:
  3. No, it's not. Just feeling the effect of entirety of things the past few days. I'm generally a pretty happy person.
  4. I literally ran into him once at an event. He's a giant! My avatar felt tiny next to him.
  5. You are going to put someone's eye out with that thing.
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