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Cristiano Midnight

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Everything posted by Cristiano Midnight

  1. This my poor attempt to avenge (get it?) @Conall DeCuir's viking picture, if Thor were a stripper instead.
  2. You should see her busy message in SL. She's insufferable lol.
  3. Just curious, why do you feel it is better than something like Signature Gianni, which has widespread support. I've tried several different mesh bodies and found Gianni to be the right balance for me. Signature Geralt is a little slimmer overall, but doesn't have as widespread of support.
  4. Thanks, I sent IMs to everyone and had the chance to spend some time talking with @Talligurl, @melanatedaquarian and @Conall DeCuir. Thanks so much for the great response. I look forward to getting to know you.
  5. Lovely pic. Truth be told I prefer less processed images - there's something special about them compared to something that has been Photoshopped to high hell.
  6. Ok but if we are going to be friends don't call me Christiano
  7. I imagine the Resident thing was a workaround since the entire system was built on having a first and last name, and SL is a complete mess of legacy code that is in danger at any moment of completely coming undone and falling in on itself.
  8. My 17th rezday in SL is rapidly approaching, and after being out of SL for about 10 years, for the past 6 months or so I've found myself signing in almost every day again for a little while at least. From running SLUniverse and now VirtualVerse for the past 17 years, I "know" a lot of people, but in actuality have a pretty small group of close friends who are often off doing their own things. SL can get kind of lonely by yourself, and I always feel like I'm bugging people when I im them to see what they are doing. I'd love to make some new friends in SL that enjoy talking, hanging out, exploring, etc.. I am generally in SL in the evenings (I'm in the eastern US), though I do stay up fairly late. Lately I seem to keep making friends in Europe that go to bed long before I do. If you are interested in adding a friend to spend time with, feel free to IM me in SL or message me here.
  9. Still no hug button, let alone a RuPaul button, I am disappointed. Here are the buttons from my forums, for comparison. People use the hell out of them, and still also manage to write posts. Amazing, that.
  10. The entire premise of this thread is silly. If you don't think something has value, don't buy it. Others who do find value in something will buy it. To imply that the work of those who create shapes has no value is insulting. Thinking something is priced too high is certainly valid, but if you don't like the price, don't buy it.
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