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Artorius Constantine

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Everything posted by Artorius Constantine

  1. I have a standard rigged mesh Full Perm clothing item. I want to use it on a mesh mannequin. Can I unrig it somehow and put it on the NPC?
  2. Wow, just like the phone apps it got monetized quickly. poo
  3. Everything I found was years out of date and unavailable. Is such a thing out there?
  4. That;'s a perfect mirror! But it requires a special viewer hack. That won't work for the average user.. That bites because that is perfect! I'm actually trying to find a way to isolate just the local agents pictures now. Ignore all the background objects, no atmosphere input, no sound, just the local agent picture. Would be a lot less server intense. Place the mirror, take a picture of what it would normally see and put that on it then project only local agent info over that. Like a text only viewer but avatar only. I think this project may be out of my range.
  5. Awesome answers! Visual is all I need. It doesn't even have to have anything besides the camera and an on off switch. Someone has to figure out how to make a mirror work eventually and I think this is the best route. I got the idea on the Haunted Mansion memorial Ride. (Go there, it rocks!). The part at the end with the ghost hitch hikers would work if it was a viewer on a prim, it could even be a bot account. That same effect could be used for a mirror that actually shows a "reflection". A ripple animation over water with the image on a flat prim would be a great effect. I like the remote desktop direction. That seems the easiest with the current release.
  6. Can it be done? I searched a bit but couldn't find anything pertinent. Can we somehow feed a streamlined viewer to a prim in world? It has to be graphic, text only won't work. I have a silly idea.
  7. Must love to explore SL and hang out in clubs and areas with lots of people. 50% Commision for every sale. 100% of your tips are yours.  Every rose is made from 100% High detail mesh. It's wrapped in tissue with a matching bow & only 3 LI ! They have an AO that only overrides the arms with 2 poses built in. They all have a chat controlled small glittering heart poofer and play "Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers on touch. To sell roses for me you have to have at least 6 months in world. You have to love to explore, travel SL and meet new people. You must love to party and hang out at clubs. I don't care what your avatar looks like but nice clothes help sales. You must know how to edit objects and work with the SL editing tools. You don't have to be a builder but you should have a basic knowledge. You should know how to NOT get in trouble as a street merchant. I'll help you with that one. Furries, Aliens, Beasts and others are Welcome! Apply at Nano Station Tedchnologies. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Magic%20Light/59/164/1413
  8. It was Estate land. No premier memberships needed to buy it for 0 Lindens. Most estates I have seen don't let you go 48 hours without paying tier though. Good to note, check the actual land owner. Don't sub-let unless you feel real secure and don't pay more than a week or two in advance. The first time I got ripped off in SL was a land owner selling the land I had rented from him 4 days after I rented it. I had built a big newbie hotel and paid a few weeks advance. Fortunatly no one had moved in yet. That was years ago, I think even before Estates existed.
  9. Avatar drops me a NC. Spam for a Mall, I was "Hand Picked" to vend there. Yeah right. Wasn't impressed, thought about it for a few days then decided to go ahead and check it out when I was taking a build break. Nothing there, all gone. Just a pushy land seller that said the people that had the land allegedly bought the land for $0, set up a prefab mall and got people to pay a months rent then packed it all up and left within 48 hours. They never even paid the tier on the land they bought for free. Total scam and worth watching out for, SL doesn't care, I won't even bother them but I felt other Merchants deserved to be warned. The Notecard said I was "hand-picked", the rent was very cheap, and 4 weeks advance rent was required. Those are the red flags. Don't get caught! I'll be happy to share the note card in world but can't on the forum for obvious reasons.
  10. I need someone that wants to make a few Lindens now and a % of the item forever as a co-creater instead of wanting huge cash up front. I live off my SL store (barely) and can't afford to spend a lot up front, but this project is to much fun not to do. In world for 10 years now so I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. It's all pretty standard HUD stuff, but my skills just aren't up to it. May be a VERY popular item as there is nothing like it in SL yet.
  11. Dangnabbit! I am sick of buying "Mesh" items only to get a sculpt map. Bought another useless sculpt map that was advertised as 100% Mesh this morning. This is at least the third time this had happened. I have learned to look very closely at the ads. I saved myself a couplte times already when I noticed the word sculpt buried in a full page ad for a 100% Mesh item. This one got me though, not a word about sculpts, listed as 100% Mesh and I got nothing but a sculpt map. From this point on I will start to report them. Sculpts and mesh are not the same and do not play together well.
  12. You can not get a groups Founders name changed. LL gives Founders special rights and one is that a Founder can always take a group over. Even if they quit the group they can rejoin at any time they want and they will be in the Founder/ Owner role instantly. That's the way it used to work anyway. You can however change the ownership. Simply make someone else the owner, any group member you want, then quit. You will still be listed as the Founder but not the owner. Then do as the previous poster said and mute the group. You do have the option of taking the group over and ejecting everyone. Block any new memberships and wait 2 weeks. With no members except the owner the group will be closed by LL. You need at least 2 members to keep a group open.
  13. And the light bulb finally clicks on. I made the swap, inserted llGetRot instead of the silly Quarternions and it works perfectly. Drops right in the slot no matter which way the machine is facing. You da man! derp.. Sorry You Da Woman!
  14. I worded my question bady and you still answered it. Thanks: I do need the rezzed object to be set out relative to the rezzer. That's the issue. Right now it isn't. Soda machines need the soda to pop out the chute not the back. First rezzed the chute will catch it. Turn the machine and the soda either falls on the ground or dies inside the machine never being seen. A horrible fate for a soda that just wanted to be drunk, drunken, drank, whatever. When I turn the rezzer the rezzed object is behind it or possibly inside it when rezzed It seems to be getting it's center from some other place than the rezzer. I'm 98% sure the Zero Vector call is what I was missing Thanks!
  15. Hey! OK if you turn the rezzing object, the rezzed object goes off into space when it's rezzed. How do I get the rezzing position to get the objects rotation instead of the regional? Is that the issue? I think it is. Snippet llSleep(15); llSay(0, "Prepared - " + obj2); llRezObject(obj2, llGetPos() + <.0,1.521,-.26>, <0.0,0.0,0.0>, <0.0,2.0,2.0,0.0>, 0); llSay(0, "Please take your " + obj2 + " by touching it."); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "off", NULL_KEY); llSleep(1); llResetScript();}
  16. Search the Marketplace for the seller AleyMart . You'll find a ton of awesome free stuff from an amazing artist. Among the hundreds of items is a Pirate Bar, that bar has a full perm Mechanical Whale ride. Free script reaqdy made for the taking. =) He may even have the ride listed separately. It's a good one too, I made rides out of male and female mesh mannequins and they are hilarious!
  17. That's what I was thinking. Since the drink is owned by the agent it should be able to get silent permissions. A ping is a great idea. If they reply that they already have the hud on, that whole section can shut down. I never thought of letting the hud do the ao work. duuuh. Thanks! Running the money and 2nd party drinks permission tests right now. So far so good. Got the Mesh NPC animated with simple llSetPos scipts. Only rotating one piece and moving 3 so the load is low. On to the HUD!
  18. If anyone cares, I had an extra "id." in it. Finally got it. Auto attach on touch, no open listeners, temporary object,, temp attach. And it works! Yaaaaaaay! Now to figure out how to make a cumulative score keeper that adds to the count every time someone drinks one. Do I have this order right? Touch rezzer, drink rezzes and the rezzer says "Touch me to attach", now when they touch it. I have all the permissions I need for the rest of this I think On attach the drink rezzes a HUD, that HUD auto attaches (I should have the permissions from the drink right?)and Rezzes the AO, which then auto attaches with the same set of permissions. Make any sense? I want to eventually make these drinks "experiance enabled" but for now I want them to work everwhere.
  19. Yep, Yep and yep! Well I got it to temp attach on touch and it's a temporary object so it'll die either way. Still fighting with it. I think I need to step back to the starter class on the WIKi again. I keep reverting to Basic programing syntax because it is so close. Gotta get used to proper formatting too, it does help to work on it.
  20. Great! I'll take that shortcut. Never thought of grabbing the key there. It's just a drink, nothing major. Just want them to auto attach as temp instead of people having to dig for a drink and have it cluttering inventory. or the land if they don't take it. I still have to put a die event in there. Definatley don't want any listeners left on. I"ll see about pulling the rezzing objects UUID for the listen event. That sounds like the lowest lag. Still really new at this. Thanks again!
  21. I've got attach. It's still something with my listener/ conversion. I can't even get it to compile today. I've got it on channel 0 just for testing so I can hear it. This is what I have in the rezzed object. My syntax is messed up now. I shouldn't have worked so late lol. default { state_entry() { llListen(0, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) key uuid = (string message ); { llRequestPermissions( (key uuid ), PERMISSION_ATTACH ); } run_time_permissions( integer vBitPermissions ) { if (PERMISSION_ATTACH & vBitPermissions) { llAttachToAvatarTemp( ATTACH_RHAND ); } else { llSay( (0),"You must attach this to your right hand." ); } } on_rez(integer rez) { if(!llGetAttached()) { //reset the script if it's not attached. llResetScript(); } } }// END //
  22. Thanks, I'm going back in the pool to play now. Yeah this is all abut temp attach. I want to give the agent something that won't persist either in world or in inventory. 10 years in world and I'm just really learning to script. =)
  23. Finally decide to do my own scripting and hit an "I'm missing something simple" wall last night about 1 AM. Object rezzes an object and messages on channel whatever. I got that all working. The rezzer says the UUID of the toucher. Rezzed object hears UUID and requests attach perms. Here's the issue, I bought an auto attach script to use as a base but it;s attach to owner only. I wrote a listener into it, it compiled but I can't seem to get the UUID from the listener into the right place for the permission request. While messing with it I broke it good. How do I get the UUID into the right place? Do I need to convert the string message into a key?
  24. Great answers, my memory served me well this time. That line "...both Good and bad..." is what I thought. The people paying for 5 star reviews only are definately on the wrong side of the TOS. I think it's just dishonest too. and this "To pay someone for reviews that didn't buy it on their own? A little manipulative and dishonest." A Little? No a Lot! No one in this thread suggested doing that and I hope no one would ever think that. Still thinking about it but a scripted object that refunds automaticaly if the API says "X account left a Review of X object". Be an easier script too, I won't even have to check for the type of Review, just that they made one. Thx!
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