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Daniel Voyager

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Everything posted by Daniel Voyager

  1. It was shocking and sad news to hear about Rod leaving the lab this week. I hope the lab picks the right person next for the 4th CEO of Linden Lab.
  2. Latest update (15th May 2013) VirWoX says, "Linden Lab has approached us with a potential solution that would allow us to serve our customers within the bounds of the updated Second Life Terms of Service." https://www.virwox.com/
  3. For all SL metrics visit my blog http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/sl-metrics/
  4. The resident run SL10B community event applications are now OPEN. For more details about SL10B roles, please visit: APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN! | SL10B Deadline for SL10B applications is 20th May 2013.
  5. Check out Forum Posts Counts for the SL Forums here.. http://postcounts.tumblr.com/graph Also for more SL metrics visit http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/sl-metrics/ Hope that helps
  6. Check out my SL Metrics page on my blog for historical SL stats and links. SL Metrics
  7. BURN2 starts on 20th October through to 28th October 2012 which is open to all. There will be a special preview of the sims for press and SL blogggers on the 18th October 2012. If you are interested, read below and sign up. :) Press? Get into Burn2 early! Are you ready for a week long party celebrating creativity, art, and fire? Burn2 2012 takes place Oct. 20-28 and this years’ theme is FERTILITY. We have more than 100 builders/artists that have created this year’s community. We will be hosting a very special preview for press and bloggers on the 18th of October. Builders and creators from all over the world have come together to create an impressive array of art installations, stages for performances, and theme camps. Six regions form this year’s desert Playa. BURN2 is an extension of the Burning Man festival and community into the world of Second Life. It is an officially sanctioned Burning Man regional event, and the only virtual world event out of more than 100 real world Regional groups, and the ONLY Regional to burn the Man. BURN2 operates events all year around, culminating in an annual major festival of community, art and fire in the fall - a virtual echo of Burning Man itself. This year, Burn2 sold out in record time, and has even more art and theme camps than before. You'll find a thriving, involved "Burner Culture" on the virtual Playa, where everyone is an active part of the event. This is an uncommon opportunity to show your readers just what happens when a real-world event transcends the bounds of the virtual world, and takes its experience into the virtual realm! You may view all the fantastic builds, take photos, try out the art cars and bikes and other interactive pieces, then share it all with your audience. WHAT IS BURNING MAN? Once a year, tens of thousands of participants gather in Nevada's Black Rock Desert to create Black Rock City, dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. They depart one week later, having left no trace whatsoever. Burning Man is also an ever-expanding year-round culture based on Ten Principles. it's more of a city than a festival, wherein almost everything that happens is created entirely by its citizens, who are active participants in the event. How do you get to the Playa? Apply for a press pass at http://burn2.org/presspass We'd like to encourage you to use the following labels and hash tags when you write about the event: Burn2, #burn2 . We will promote those tags to make it easier for people to find your content We hope to see you all on the playa that day and during the festival from October 20-28. Landing SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Burning%20Man-%20Deep%20Hole/75/35/24 Center Camp SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Burning%20Man-%20Hualapai/245/235/24/ Want more information? Check out these resources - Website: http://burn2.org - Media Relations: http://burn2.org/media_relations - Preview Photos: http://goo.gl/G7a9m - Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/burn2/ - Twitter: http://twitter.com/BURN2BURNER - Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/burn2/ Contact people: Marianne McCann Taralyn Gravois Emcee Widget Ronon Carver More information will be presented via the Burn2 Press Pass group
  8. Linden Lab have added new Destination Islands for new residents this week. More information visit: http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/new-destination-islands-added-to-the-new-user-experience/
  9. No more quarterly or annual Second Life economy reports, says Lab “We don’t plan to publish a Q4 2011 economic summary. We are discontinuing regular reporting of aggregate economy-level data, because landowners and merchants have told us that the information is of limited value to them. Moving forward, we will instead focus on improved reporting tools that help individuals better manage their businesses in SL.”
  10. Thanks Jo. Hopefully something will be done about last names in the near future by the lab.
  11. Wow, nice work. Loves SL photography! http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/
  12. For me it's different because I have always been changing my avatar. http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/sets/72157623400190172/ From 2007-2011.
  13. Here is the link to the TSL Forum Archives TSL Forum Archive http://tslforum.kathar.in/forum.php?forum=151
  14. Total Residents: 24,163,789 - registered SL accounts but this data LL don't release anymore and if they do somewhere they won't say anything about it. Data stopped for residents who logged in the past 60 days during late 2010. http://www.gridsurvey.com/economy.php Check out Q1 SL metrics for 2011. LL releases metrics every quarter of the year. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Q1-2011-Linden-Dollar-Economy-Metrics-Up-Users-and-Usage/ba-p/856693
  15. Check out my adventures in Second Life here. Over 19, 000 of SL snapshots! http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/ SL Historical Sims http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/sets/72157612276298611/ SL Maps http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/sets/72157612023608587/ My TSL experience between 2006-2008 http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/collections/72157603596877318/
  16. My blog: http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/ Other blogs: http://www.netvibes.com/danielvoyager#SL_Blogs Nalates Things & Stuff: http://blog.nalates.net/ Second Life Newser: http://slnewser.blogspot.com/ Prim Perfect: http://primperfectblog.wordpress.com/
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