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Dirk Talamasca

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Blog Comments posted by Dirk Talamasca

  1. Until StarLight can kill the lame bottom bar and the ridiculous Cartoon Corner, it's just painting over rust.

    Of course the Lindens have to fix what they have totally screwed up for that to happen.

    Screwing up the Communications Tools and trying to patch up the lack of an option to disable the address bar entirely so that land descriptions and options appear in the window header is the largest part of what makes V2 so ugly, bulky and inefficient. Their halfass solution to the address bar "option" is to allow the address bar to close while tossing another shorter bar up on your screen to take its place. The idea is that we wanted the damn thing out of the way, not back on the friggin' screen!

    No one ever had difficulty using Instant Messages in Second Life, ever. A new resident could message and ask for help in instant message the split second they rezzed in. If any change or option should have been placed into the Communication Tools it might be the ability to separate group chats into a window apart from personal chats with an option for residents to disable group chats entirely if they wished. Otherwise, the fact that they laid a finger on the Communications Tools and the fact that they persist in pursuing such an inadequate and inefficient design should speak volumes to everyone in Second Life about what can be expected when they finally tell us this broken down jalopy is finished.

    Sad to see your good themes go to waste.

  2. Increasing groups inworld is just increasing issues inworld. Groups should be for object and land management.

    Notices, subscriptions, chat and announcements need to leverage the dashboard on the web site to deliver such content, giving residents the option to enable or disable any or all of the above at their discretion.

    The dashboard was heralded as providing widgets at some point that would allow this to take place and once again, a 180 degree turn is taken and something started is something kicked into the dustbin.

    It appears increasingly obvious that the only thing adhered to vehemently are the projects that residents have disapproved of resoundingly and that's not a good thing. Not good at all.

    The war against lag is a step in the right direction. Everyone is in agreement on that, but why get a handle on the issue only to nullify it with additional groups?

    Region Owners have asked for an addition to the dashboard that will allow them to manage banlists and change estate settings from the web site for years now. No real mention is made of the Lab doing anything about that here other than a possibility of APIs in the future. With projects and plans taking 180 degree turns with great consistency (improved default walk, speech gesture, pushes toward education and inworld music resources - all of which were heralded and announced on the blog with great fanfare) where are the assurances that these current plans aren't simply another cry of "Wolf!"?

  3. I highly suggest using an alt with a small inventory (if you have an older one). Making a new alt will not grant you access to the Beta Grid. Attempting to login and play with Mesh on avatars with large inventories will be a struggle for you as there is great interest in the project and the Beta Grid is getting hammered hard.

    If you are just looking to see what is possible, don't fuss with your inventory and explore. You will love it.

  4. Welcome to Cataclysm. The grid has has been decimated and the knights are fleeing.

    An ancient evil lies dormant within Battery Street, the domain of Second Life in the Elemental Plane.

    Hidden away in a secluded laboratory, the corrupted Deathwing Linden has waited, recovering from the wounds of his last battle against the residents and biding his time until he can reforge the world with a crippled and inadequate Viewer 2

    Soon, Deathwing Linden will return to The Mainland, and his eruption from OpenSim will sunder the grid, leaving a festering wound across the continents. As the residents race to the epicenter of the cataclysm, the grid will witness seismic shifts in power, the kindling of a war of the elements, and the emergence of unlikely heroes who will rise up to protect their scarred and broken world from utter devastation.

    Go with honor, friend.

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