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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. i don't know..i mean i think to go on a rampage like this guy did for an hour of just shooting young people.. he had to have a certain amount of screws loose to start with anyways..just add a belief to get all pumped up on and evil sh!t happens.. hitler had screws loose and i'm sure stalin did too.. extreme evil happens with screw balls in power..or when they are just walking around waiting for a sign to flip that switch.. giving this guy a label of him doing it for christianity or muslim or whatever makes him some sort of hero in someones eyes.. thats what these nut cases want..he is just an evil screw ball nutcase like the rest of them..nothing more.. ETA: here is how you punish someone like this..put him on death row for 10 years..once a month maybe two.. give him a date that he is to be exicuted..right up to almost hitting the switch the phone rings stopping the exicution.. then after 10 years throw him in with the rest of the convicts in general population for the rest of his life. exicution is too good for these guys..they need to live and keep remembering what they did everyday for the rest of their lives in a tiny cell.. http://news.yahoo.com/norway-suspect-deems-killings-atrocious-needed-013354792.html
  2. if gold reaches 5,000 we are screwed...our dollar value would more than likely be in the negative..because golds value never changes..it's cost is what changes.. High cost of gold means the dollar is in pretty bad shape..it's always been a good gague of how well or how bad the dollar was doing.. in 2004 gold was at around 250 an ounce... say two people in 2004 walk into a grocery store and spend 250 each..one using cash and one using an ounce of gold.. to do the same thing now in 2011..a person walking in with an ounce of gold could get the same amount of groceries for an ounce of gold.. someone walking in with cash would have to spend what an ounce of gold would cost nowdays to get the same amount of groceries they had gotten back in 2004.. so if it hits 3k or 5 k we are pretty much screwed heheheh
  3. i have a solution..it's kind of old but may just be dumb enough to work.. the ole light grenade *winks*
  4. i understand all this..i could have outlined ever decade and actually did but decided to cut it down to what i posted..i was not jsut talking about the 70's..giving out loans to people that had no business getting them came later in the next decade.. in the 70's my grandfather had a house built back in the 70's..a nice home ..a tri level with 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths ..a full basement and not even 3 years later had a huge addition put on..the initial cost of the home was 30,000 dollars..he had a manufacturing job back then making 30,000 a year.. you could buy a nice home for a years pay back then.. now it's so out of wack unbalanced.. right now that same position pays around 13,000 a year..if i were to buy the same exact house now in an area about the same it would cost me close to half a million dollars.. working the same position i would have to work 40 years to do what my grandfather could do in one year..to achieve the same thing.. i know how we got here and knew what was coming before it got here.. there is nobody that can tell me we are going to get back to what we were..and i don't see this train slowing down until it hits the station full speed.. pay keeps decreasing while cost of living keeps going up.. there is going to be a point when survival level kicks in if they don't start hitting the breaks.. 
  5. Marianne Little wrote: It was the other way around. First he set off the bomb, then he posed as a policeman coming to check security at the Youth Camp. It was a devilishly well plan. Norwegian police is unarmed, but after such an event as the bombing, they are armed. He showed false police ID and claimed he was there to check security and had information about the Oslo bombing. The Prime Minister was scheduled to talk in the Youth Camp the next day. So when he came to the island, he asked to adress the pople in an infomation meeting, very polite and very formal. They said yes, of course. Then he started shooting. He even walked around on the island in over one hour, calling out that he was from the Police and that they were safe now. Some kids were tricked to came out and was shot. He also shot wounded youngsters in the head as they were laying down, and shot at those trying to swim from the island. The Police forces were all gathered in Oslo to investigate after the bomb, so he had over one hour on the remote island. It is horrible. It is still 5 young people missing from the island massacre, and they have found unidentified body parts in the bombed out buildings in Oslo, so the death number may rise. oh my.i misunderstood what i was reading or had read from the wrong information..sorry about that.. it had to be really planned out well to do it that way.. he must have figured the bombing would be a big distraction to be able to do the other part.. how evil of this person..seriously evil..
  6. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: Well, in times like this one needs, as you say, a leader who can articulate the feelings of the nation, but also channel them in positive ways. I am very heartened by what I have heard coming from Norwegian leaders, and from the people. Shock, immense sadness, and anger . . but also a determination not to let this destroy the kind of tolerant society that they have built. And that's pretty cool. i agree hehehe
  7. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: As i recall, there were similar sentiments mouthed by Bush, yes, but also a great deal more bellicose posturing. Norway isn't the USA. I don't mean that as a criticism of America, a nation for which I have the greatest respect, but their traditions and political culture are very different. America is also very open, in its different way, and if it is true that 9/11 changed that, it is also true that there has been no shortage of American voices condemning the movement to a more closed society. Tragedies can bring out the best -- and the worst -- in people, and in nations. i hate to see this drift to a bush thing because it's so not about us..but i just had to say..bush didn't make a believer out of me when i seen him at the podium after 9/11..i didn't feel better or like we could feel safe like someone was watchign out for us after hearing him..he never seemed strong leader to me ..he just looked like he was selling cars to a bunch of congressmen and women and to us.. i just didn't buy it.. i really haven't felt good about any of our leaders yet..
  8. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: bee, I'd be immensely proud if I were Norwegian today: your country has shown its strength and determination to survive this, and to refuse the temptation to become a more closed society as a result. @Ceka -- and that's why I agree that the PM's statements are so wonderful. Saying "our answer to violence is even more democracy, more humanity" is . . . a pretty wonderful response to a tragedy that could well -- and understandably -- have sponsored a very different reaction. good strong leaders show up in times like these ..it is so important that they show strength and courage and that they show they are there to make sure people have someone there that will not be pushed around or scared into something.. no matter what they are democracy or what the countries believe in..a good leader will make the people know they are not gonna be swayed from their stances and we are only going to be stronger so that the people did not die in vain of this.. he is certainly a strong and intelligent leader from the sounds of his words..
  9. Wow i just seen this..so far 85 just on the island so far and still finding more..a single gunman..thats just crazyness..then heads to the city and bombs the prime ministers office that had taken 7 more? this man had to have some major insanity going on to do something like this.. it was a great statement from the prime minister..
  10. in the U.S those numbers only show the people that are on unemployment benefits.. it doesn't show the numbers of the ones that were kicked off and still hadn't found jobs yet..or the people that didn't qualify because they just got out of school and had only short amount of time on the job and not enough to get benefits.. it's higher than what they show for sure..
  11. Anaiya Arnold wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Anaiya Arnold wrote: You are misidentifying the problem when it comes to credit. Without all that borrowing the crisis would simply have happened sooner. because spending would have stopped sooner? Yes we were in the black in the 70's because we were a manufacturing country.. we got rid of our manufacturing and the jobs that the spending came from.. then made loans easier for people who suck with money management skills..people that wouldsay or do anything not even short of giving their left arm for that brand new 4x4 they felt they needed with the chrome bull testicals that hang from the tow ball in the back.. there was no place to go but down from there.. all the rest is the paper shuffle just making it worse.. lol i remember hearing people talking about how cash is out of style and being shocked that someone didn't have a credit card.. i could just see how blind sided someone like that had to be when all the shart hit the fans LOL
  12. Anaiya Arnold wrote: You are misidentifying the problem when it comes to credit. Without all that borrowing the crisis would simply have happened sooner. because spending would have stopped sooner?
  13. Aullere Ocello wrote: Does anyone have a url to where something was announced by LL's the change in the age verification process? I spoke with a LL's Rep a couple of weeks ago about the age verification process no longer being active for a NEW account to change their maturity rating and access adult sim's. The Rep informed me that this was NOT supposed to be happening and of course he stated he was sending it over to his supervisor. I'm not sure if it was wind being blown in my directions, but I have never heard anything back about it. Is it in fact changed so that a 12 year old can put in a false birthdate and scoot under the radar OR what? Thanks for your help in advance! it uses the birthdate used when creating the account.. it was never designed to stop anyone because they knew they could never be stopped..it was designed for people to tell the truth to get in.. if a 12 year old lies and gets in..then that 12 year olds parents would be responsible for anything bad that happened to their 12 year old or for what ever damage that 12 year old may happen to cause.. unknowing residents in 18+ areas are not responsible for someone elses lies.. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021
  14. yay for fridays..they are my days off \o/ and today i don't feel like doing anything Can't wait till tonight..thats my saturday *winks*
  15. when i B rollin down the road thinkin bout gettin Mah game on..i be doin it stylin wiff my swagger waggon hook up as My Be boy BF keeps the eyes on the road lookin not to rock mah lap top moves laggin me out n shiat.. i be Gamin this mofo like a tru **bleep** games it..don't be fronin mah back side callin it anything else when i come rollin by swaggin..the wagon Oo IT B IN THE GAME!!!
  16. amarock Amat wrote: *intresting side note, I mispelled politicans and the spellchck amuslingly suggested pollution before politics i think that is the revised spelling version..they figured they should save somewhere so they are saving space in the dictionary..it's about the only place left they could find to save..
  17. Vladi Hazelnut wrote: I would say it depends on where you go and the age of the avatar. Newbi's tend to be sex hounds, and nude beaches and strip clubls draw them in like rotting meat draws flies. Most avis that are older know better, because know half the female avis are really guys anyway lol. I say look for new places to hang out, but you will alway get the occosianal ass. i remember one man just a couple of weeks back that IM'd me.. he basically just IM'd me i guess just to get me out of the way..he said"Hi there..i guess you are probably lesbian or bi also right?" I was like wha? who is this?!!! he was like.."Well every girl i have IM'd here is bi or lesbian or into other girls" i said..no i am not into other girls and i am also not into people just IMing me about my sex life..if you can't talk to me from anywhere but your mushroom mouth then please don't talk to me at all.. Perve!! i was in a bad mood..i usually would have toy'd with them more..but some days i just am not in the mood for it.. and women are just as bad.. hi there..are you bi or lesbian.. no i am into trying??! Trying what ? Trying to understand why you perves keep IMing me asking me about my sex life why do people start off with this kind of crap... i should just randomly start IMing people asking them if they are into corn or apples..just to see what they say..
  18. Treyu wrote: That we do- or rather the majority does, both of politicians and people. A grant would be fine, but if we're expected to pay it back, then it's just another foot further we sink into the hole because we cannot seem to manage our money. This is also why I do not think raising the ceiling will be our salvation. It is what is needed and will be done, but to stay living off of borrowed money (regardless of who it is borrowed from) is to live off of borrowed time. Our time is just about up if we don't immediately put on the brakes and, as Dres said, turn that car around. Sadly, as Ceka said, we have the money-management skills of crack addicts. The way the US runs much of its dealings is extremely self-destructive and, if I were to diagnose the US like one single being (mentally only, don't get me started on physically) then I'd likely say it is addicted and paranoid. We are ddcited to ridiculous spending that is completely unfounded. There are times, however, when we are lying on our backs, realizing the end is near if we don't get some food, and those are the times we see most clearly and ask for help. We swear we won't spend our food-money on our analytical crack, but that all goes sailing out the window before the day is through. And then we are back to square one once the 'high' wears off. We refuse the real aid we need in our moments of 'small-people crisis' such as Katrina because we're paranoid. We don't want people to think we're unable to help ourselves and we don't want to expose our weaknesses to our percieved enemies- even if they are extending us a hand in our darkest moments... and those 'small people' suffer because of it. This is also why we will never (or have yet to, anyhow- never say never) cut such a major chunk of funding to our military. I agree to raising taxes on the big guys and corporations, but not the 'small fries' who aren't part of the mega. Afterall, there are some corporations who need to have the stranglehold put on them- the oil business is definitely one of them, but small(er) business owners already in trouble don't need the added weight of being -just- over the edge- not when that edge is as low as 250k. The scales are unbalanced and something needs to be done. There are a million ways to do it, but it seems like we can't pick one and stick with it. That is where the frustration (for me anyhow) comes in. the whole thing reminds me of someone buying time to save their own Butts not caring about who gets screwed in the end.. we get lied to and we see it and they see us seeing it and thereis not a thing we can do about it but wait for the big screw.. they will never turn the car around..whats gonna happen is we will probably end up with a new one..a renaissance.. at some point there has to be a colapes because the rest of the world won't put up with us forever..there will come a point where they say..wow i can't risk anymore on you guys..there was a time it would hurt us if you failed..but now the hurt is here just trying to keep it up..bye bye..then it's zip bang moan.. we've pretty much passed the point of no return on it ever being like it was when it was good..we will never be in the black again.. i mean we don't talk billions nymore..it's trillions..and the crazy thing is if anyone could picture a trillion dollars they would freak at how much that really was..i mean you could stack single dollar bills and make it to the moon..something like that..it's crazy lots..and thats just one trillion..
  19. i understand all that.. i was just adding to not send money.. because we suck with it LOL
  20. U.S. is like crack heads..we can't be given money because it will go to crack hehehe..it will never end up where it was meant to go..we would need actual aid as in people showing up and doing the work and bringing the stuff with them.. thats how the whole katrina thing started..given money for the leveys and it ended up elsewhere..
  21. Jacki Silverfall wrote: I was just realizing how it might effect me and the way I live in SL. Although SL is free, I have a lot invested in it. Will the deficit effect you? Will you have to downsize? close shop? Sell your Ameretto horses? How will this effect LL now that Mesh is out? Will we be able to afford it? Have you even thought about how it might change your SL or your RL? Lets discuss? probably not me..i was ready for the last crash well before 2008..i'm just as ready for this one.. a lot think that the bailout was bad..i remember when the fed was waiting for the word..they had opened up borrowing for those waiting on the bailouts.. i believe the fed was lending out around 450 billion a day..they totally nerfed the bailout long before it was approved.. then china bails us out with a loan and rules were made that this money will only go for certain things..well that lasted a short bit till the grubby fingers started to allow that money to be dipped into by places that were told they were not getting any of it.. we've borrowed from peter to pay paul and now peter is on the phone.. we can't just print up money over and over and keep the same value on the dollar.. each time they do it ..it loses more and more value.. all those people saying it is getting better never really looked that hard..all you hear from business owners in our town is..i sure would like to know who keeps saying it's getting better and where the heck do they live that it is getting better? heheheh it'll be what it will be..and the way they keep dealing with it..i doubt it will ever be better..
  22. nudity works second best..human sacrifice is top rated done deal
  23. also using all categories will bring up tons of everything about meeroo's.. there should be some category that it fits in that would give you a better search..allso using all category and doign low price to high has it grabbing everything low and putting it first.. ETA: oh wait LOL now i see the one for 800 in there..ya thats pretty messed up lol..sorry i was confused and thought it was about why nests were not showing up hehehe
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