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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. YVW, Stoonna…. Don't give up...it's not easy...I can't imagine anyone creating even a simple house when new to Blender without studying it a few weeks or months at least. Be sure to get a wig to cover up the bald spots on your head..;0 I'm surprised my computer survived..
  2. My 2 cents on this: when I am hired to do some work, in order to build trust over the source material i'm providing, i include WIP pictures along the time needed to complete the task, from the original primitive(s) used to start the project up to the finished model. Most of the times i find myself proposing and doing it with no prompt about it, but i think it's a good idea to request such a thing when you outsource a mesh creation. Good idea, Optimo. It's more difficult to insist on that when the person is a friend as well as a business partner...it's like asking them to prove they are being honest. With a business acquaintance however it would be easy to make the request. But...I really need to have those files showing the creation process anyway...there could be an accusation of content theft at some point down the road, and I'd need to have those files as proof.
  3. Yes, Chic's videos are great. I also watch videos by VScorpionC and Haven Ditko.
  4. It's interesting to see the varied ways merchants manage their businesses. Personally, I hate the marketing aspects, as it can well take up half the time I have allotted for SL. And so, I don't do as well as I should there...or could. When I don't have the time/inclination/talent to create a mesh item for a project I will purchase it...and seek out legitimate full-perm creators. Or sometimes I buy a mod/copy item using my customer's avatar for their custom job. Once I hired someone to create a mesh and discovered they grabbled it off a 3D model site without permission! So now I have to peruse 3D model sites to keep up on what's out there. Lately I've been seeking out creators who sell their content but don't have a MP presence at all...they can be difficult to find.
  5. not with snowflakes though, they can't conceive of a situation where anything is more important than fairness ie getting what they what when they want it. in a way its what their hippie parents taught them from their activist days.... Yes, indeed, there are 'snowflakes', but it's also true that everybody has a bit of a snowflake in them. ** brushes off a dusting of snow ** The key is determining when or TO WHAT DEGREE someone actually attains the full name of Snowflake proper. That's not easy to determine, because as I said before everybody is a little bit snowflaky and this attribute is on a continuum...we have our own concerns that limit our attention to what we need unless we make an attempt to see the other side. Empathy is a learned skill, and unfortunately some parents don't teach it well, and perhaps some people aren't as suited to rising to meta levels and being objective. I would not think someone attained the full title of Snowflake proper until they demonstrate they actually CAN see the other side but believe they are superior and so only their own needs matter. In reality, going by statistics, there's only a minor percentage of people who are true narcissists, sociopaths, or psychopaths though. The rest of us are just self-centered at times and have trouble seeing beyond our noses, depending on our stress level, egos, past parenting, or cognitive abilities. I wonder if you have the ability to think in complex ways, as you evaluate most everything in black and white terms. If somebody is an activist then in your eyes they are a snowflake. All people to the left of you are snowflakes or socialists. If one believes in any sort of government intervention then you label them as socialist/communist. It has to either be individual rights or societal rights -- it can't be both. You don't seem to realize there's a middle ground in most every dynamic, with gradations or shades of gray. In recovery lingo when you are unable to see gradations or shades of gray and resort to such black & white thinking it's called 'stinkin thinkin', and among Psyc people they'd say you have a cognitive deficit most outgrow as they leave toddlerhood. Your freedom, as an alt-right/4chan/Tea Party whatever you are is more important than homeless people freezing to death on the streets, babies who need food stamps, elderly who need to live out the last phase of their life in dignity -- I think you might be a snowflake.
  6. so what you in fact say is i can't feel the way i do , what she feels is ok and is ok to expres , but my feeling is wrong, and your feeling is superior above anything that isn't agreeing with you. let me guess... millenium snowflake? Saying 'it's not fair' is often an emotional shortcut for 'my needs have not been considered', and in no way means they have weighed out fairness as one does in a court of law. Logically, you are right in that the concept of 'fairness' implies a logical consideration, but by responding logically instead of responding to the underlying emotional dynamics you demonstrate a lack of emotional awareness and ability to respond appropriately to others. By responding with namecalling (snowflake, whiner) you have effectively shut off the persons ability to determine the other sides perspective and needs in the conflict -- instead, the person complaining often just feels they are bad, wrong, and that their needs have not been taken into account yet again. If you really cared about resolving the issue more than namecalling you would simply point out the facts for the other side in hopes they would gain a better perspective. I've found that once you present the other side the person usually drops the 'but it's not fair' stance.
  7. This is a great thread. I've learned so much and explored reality @ a deeper level. Even have a little more appreciation of Libertarians. People have not been too mean to each other too even though discussing serious stuff. My garden awaits though...
  8. lol well, they closed this other thread relating to some of this due to it not being on topic......so I threw everything I could that might possibly relate to the topic in the title......I laughed though as I thought of adding 'Dr. Suess' at the end.
  9. I think the Elite running off with most of the money wants to keep you angry at all the 'undeserving' classes, Gadget. You're a nice tool to keep tax rates lower for them. That's probably even why they keep a few high earners around, to prop them up in such ways, and dangle the carrot too.
  10. Funny how all the "slackers" people complain about are at the bottom of the economic food chain.... No one gets upset about some kid living off a trust fund burning money on cars and crack. It's sickening yes...they scapegoat the down and out, the most powerless.
  11. I've done grunt jobs. I've put in 50 hours a week, every week, while buying the books I needed to get the certifications to get the job I wanted. Everyone should have THAT opportunity, not free handouts. My point is that not everyone is as intelligent as you, or as capable...this would affect their ability to get those certifications needed for a better job. Or maybe they grew up in a horrible family and so never learned to cope with stress as easily as you can. I don't think you are recognizing the gifts that you have that they did not get. I'm sure you have worked very hard in your life. I'm not saying others who did not receive these gifts should get total handouts, but we should take these factors into consideration (not sure how), and most importantly not label them as 'bad' as you are doing.
  12. I would not want a handout either, and take pride in having goals, developing capabilities. And I have found that most people would like to have the self-respect that comes from work and having a purpose. If they don't, I'd say by definition they are mentally ill. Some are not...they're just scammers. But what I don't get is why people are so upset that there are a few of these scammers...why is there a perception (especially among the 'right' ) that they constitute the majority? And even the 'left' freak out about it... I guess they have not seen what I've seen in Social Work, and instead base their opinion on some slacker they know in person or some inflammatory TV show.
  13. Which is why I pay for insurance and keep some savings aside, because I don't know how to game the system so I know I wouldn't be collecting like these lazy scammers if something happens to me. What if you were born into a family that could not support you emotionally? Let's take, for example, children of alcoholics -- the statistics show the majority of these people go on to lead wrecked, miserable lives. Is that because they are just 'bad' and 'lazy' ? What if your IQ was low and all u could work were grunt jobs...how could you have put that money away to save you financially after that disabling car wreck?
  14. They shouldn't *have to, but they often do. Our disadvantages in life will hinder us, no matter how they come to be, or what they are. Why should I suffer because I can't do what someone with better vision than I can do? The answer is as simple and complex as...I shouldn't *have* to, but by the very nature of a disadvantage, I'm going to. Is there a solution by which my disadvantage doesn't negatively affect what I can do, what I can earn, what I can achieve? Nope. The same applies to a lot of things, including how much money, stuff, accomplishments whatever, we, as humans, can have/do/achieve. Our disadvantages, quite often, cannot be blamed on others, or on what they have, what they have done, etc...Would it be reasonable for me to suggest that because I have certain disadvantages, whatever they may be (financial, physical, etc.) that I should be afforded more than those who don't have them, simply because I do have them? I'm not sure that's reasonable. Would it be nice? Maybe it would, situationaly dependent of course. Would it be an effective way of balancing out things? Probably not. Would others have a problem with it? Absolutely. I know, there's really no solution. I would just like the world to see that so much of what we have in life is because gifts were given to us. When we are able to acquire much or achieve a lot and so fare better in life it's not because we're special and deserve more than everybody else, and to hell with the starving children you know?
  15. But that's what would happen. That's what happens already. If we can solve that problem, then maybe you can talk to me about redistributing money from people that work hard and earn it. But why would you want to punish the majority of people who deserve help because there's a few scammers?
  16. I can name five right off the top of my head- although one is in prison now (which is another form of riding on my tax dollar, but we won't get into that). What I want is for there to be less handouts to the undeserving and as a result, less taxes taken out of my paycheck. Edit: ALL of our paychecks. There are undeserving welfare recipients scamming society for sure, and we should monitor for this. But like I said, I think they're in the minority. You know, you're one car wreck away from destitution, especially if you're young and haven't had a chance to pay into the system for years. Their disability check is 800 a month or so.
  17. So you honestly think everyone that's not "lucky" (a hard worker like Bill Gates) should get a cut of the money he works for, while they what? Watch TV? No, not while they're watching TV or not trying in some sort of job. Only that those who earn an obscene amount should pay higher taxes, as for the most part they did not get that money through merit. And, hoarding is just not good for society in general.
  18. there you go YOU are going to decide how much someone else deserves to earn? What gives you the right to decide how much money anyone else should be able to earn? I dunno Phorumities, I just see malnourished children living in squalor, and homeless vets in the street with frostbite on their beards.
  19. Or they'd go disproportionately towards certain classes and people that are too lazy to work, while other classes have to work overtime to cover it... Which is a lot of what we have now. Unless you're also suggesting forced labor camps to pick up the slack. As it stands, I lose more than a third of my pay every week in taxes, while I observe people perfectly capable of working collecting those handouts from the government- and worse, selling their "disability drugs" on the street, because they don't actually need it. Where are you observing people like this? I know there are some, but from my personal experience most who can't work are incapable of it. Maybe you want someone to scapegoat because losing 1/3 of your income is painful? Or do you really believe most receiving help are just fleecing the govt?
  20. Or they should apply themselves and market something people want, like he did. If they're capable of doing that they should try. But it's very rare and a fluke to be as successful as he became, and relates more to luck than hard work.
  21. so bill gates got lucky by forming microsoft? or did he identify a need and work to fill that need. every penny he made he deserved. of course now that hes old hes getting soft in the head, but wealth and senility does that to people, they start musing that socialism is perhaps the best way after all Sure he identified a need...that's a great skill and people should be rewarded for skill and hard work. But he doesn't deserve THAT much compensation...not when 1 in 6 people in the US go hungry, and homeless freeze on the streets. He should share more via higher taxes. "Millions of working Americans don’t know where their next meal is coming from. We sent three photographers to explore hunger in three very different parts of the United States, each giving different faces to the same statistic: One-sixth of Americans don’t have enough food to eat". https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/hunger/
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