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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Interestingly, I contacted the merchant. They have not been paid for the item, either. LL doesn't even have the excuse about taking the L$ from the merchant, and they're still refusing to refund. It's ridiculous.
  2. Actually there's a bug (when isn't there a bug in SL?) where if you take the script out the way you suggest, and make a copy of the object, the functionality is lost. Otherwise, I think we'd see more of those types of scripts deleted.
  3. After reading all these replies, all I can say is... Actually, my complaint was that they break the site on some browsers, and their placement is terrible. It looks like something a hacker coded to infect computers, not a website done by professionals.
  4. I was getting my info from the region debug settings. Not one of the scripted boards that are often wrong.
  5. So, I was just troubleshooting a sim, and looked at the top scripts. The person that complained to me about the sim performance, their name was on the top ten items. By herself, her script time was over .4ms. She was wearing nearly 700 scripts. When I pointed this out to her, I was fed the typical line about having no choice, it's the only way to look good (it's not, I see plenty of people that look great with no more than two or three scripts). That's when I found myself whatever happened to LL forcing script limits, to curb this bad behavior? Anyone have any idea what happened to that?
  6. So, last week we had those delivery failures. I still have two items undelivered. Support keeps closing the ticket and saying there's nothing they can do until the delivery is complete. I even tried contacting the merchant. No answer. Think those items will remain undelivered and unrefunded forever?
  7. So, that fiasco we had this weekend with all the "slow deliveries". I still have two undelivered. I keep reopening my support ticket. First, they said this: Unfortunately this is not an issue that Customer Support is able to assist you with resolving. It will be necessary to wait until the orders have processed to a completed state as Customer Support is unable to cancel a pending order, re-deliver, or issue refunds, for products purchased on an order that has not been completed. Then, they said this... The marketplace team is currently working to address the backlog orders that are still in the "being Delivered state, we hope this process should be done by the end of business day today. Once the issue has been resolved the products will either be delivered in world or you will be refunded for the purchase attempt. We are unable to cancel or refund a pending order. If your order is still in the "being delivered" state tomorrow and the blog has been resolved, please respond to this ticket and will research this issue further for you. That was yesterday. Today, I got this. The Grid Status Report blog was resolved because the the cause of the issue was corrected. The Marketplace Team is continuing to work on addressing those orders in the "Being Delivered" state. The steps to correct this are taking longer than anticipated. Customer Support cannot issue refunds on orders in a pending state. Once the order is in a completed state, if it shows as failed, but you have not been refunded, we will be able to assist you. Please monitor the order for the change in status. Anyone else think they're going to try to keep saying "We'll fix it tomorrow" until after it's too late for me to file a CC dispute?
  8. At first I thought the ads were annoyingly placed but I could understand them. Now they're on the marketplace, too? What's next? In the viewers?
  9. I think I just read something about a drama queen disliking drama. Hard to tell. What language was that?
  10. Three orders, still not delivered and not refunded, after three days. This is support's answer. "Unfortunately this is not an issue that Customer Support is able to assist you with resolving. It will be necessary to wait until the orders have processed to a completed state as Customer Support is unable to cancel a pending order, re-deliver, or issue refunds, for products purchased on an order that has not been completed." Luckily I bought the L$ with my credit card that I've had for more years than SL's existed, so if LL doesn't do something soon, I'll just dispute the charge. That'll get them moving.
  11. I've got three direct delivery items showing as not delivered for almost 10 hours now. All three are direct delivery, not magic boxes. The marketplace hasn't even done the 8 hour refund.
  12. Step 1. Disable Safe on your parcel. Enable that SL system damage. Step 2. Install robots with laser guns that detect your neighbors. Step 3 Wait for your neighbor to come over. Step 4. Giggle insanely.
  13. I was looking at it. The creator has a lot of full perm, prefabricated (hint hint) sculpts, sounds, and textures. And since mesh, he's been releasing full perm mesh. The products have his name/logo on them, in the corner of the image. Since releasing mesh, he changed his logo to include the word "mesh" on his mesh products. I'm looking at it, and I see that he's been lowering his prices. So he's been updating his older product images, and using that same logo. That says mesh. It's not so bad on the marketplace since he seems to write 'sculpt' in the description, but in world, you wouldn't have that benefit.
  14. So recently I bought a project in world with a mesh label on it. Rezzed it, and it was sculpts. Sent messages to the creator in world, and through his website. No response. So, I AR'ed it. No response. I found his listings on the marketplace. Found reviews complaining about the same thing- mesh label on the image, but no response from the creator. What's strange is that this is a fairly large and established creator here in SL, complete with his own sim, yet he's blatantly making all this false advertising on his products. Worse, there's no good category to flag his MP listings, and even after my AR, nothing's changed at his in-world store. What gives?
  15. I'd never ban a redhead from sitting in my lap. What sort of crazy person does that?
  16. I'd ban you from my sim if you sat in my chair.
  17. Buyer was a moron. There's a picture that shows that it's different.
  18. Wow, this turned into a premium vs. free debate and everything. Did someone ask how to contact Blizzard support? Click the question mark in game. The point I was trying to make was the support agent read the ticket the first time, fixed the problem, and (scripted or not) made it seem fun. I've never seen that with LL. Any of those things.
  19. Except I am Premium here in SL. I'm not talking free. I'm comparing paid account with paid account. And for the same price (less, when you add it up), Blizzard customer support is infinitely superior.
  20. I had an issue in World of Warcraft, so I opened a support ticket. An hour and a half later (approx. 2 AM PST, Blizzard is in California), this is the response I got; Sir Game Master Ranlim here. I hope this message reaches you in good spirits! Thanks for taking the time to read my message! I was unable to catch you online so as to chat with you directly. =/ However I received and reviewed your ticket about the vanishing mail. ^.- Great news! I was able to find your missing mail in the void dimension where deleted items and characters go. The bad news is the dead Murlocs that live there have claimed it as their property! But fear not o'brave Flalak for they are no match for "The Mighty Sir Game Master Ranlim"! I plunged steel-Shod boots first into battle, and let out my fierce battle-cry: "KERPLAAAHH!" And to make a long story short, (too late) I reclaimed your mail and have returned it to your mailbox. =) If you have any other questions or concerns please let us know and we'll do our best to answer. ^_^ Linden Lab, when was the last time your support team answered a ticket in under two hours, understood and fixed the problem the first time, and clearly had way too much fun doing it? It's a rhetorical question. I know they don't read the forums. That would cause a risk of communicating with their customers. Notice at no point did Blizzard support say that the TOS says they're not liable? He didn't say they're not responsible for lost inventory, he didn't try to pass the issue off to someone else, he didn't tell me to go file a bug report, or any of that. He read the ticket, then fixed the problem, at 0200 in the morning. Clearly, the Lab could learn a thing or two from Blizzard.
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