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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Newsflash for you: Even if you use a TPV that allows you to fill out a "classic" profile, that information is mirrored to the Web Profile. So what you are really saying is that not only is you profile in general outdated but that you haven't bothered to update it in some time - because you "don't use it" ... Don't use profiles? Blank yours out.
  2. There's that assumption that a user not responding to you in some way is a bot ... For the places I visit, I tend to sit back and watch others, following the conversations as they go and only rarely making a comment. For at least one of these places, I hang out on the beach to say hi to the occasional user that drops in - when I note them drop in anyway. Other times I am busy in an IM with one or more of my friends. The general user base does not exist to entertain you - deal with it.
  3. For the record, crap like this is why I hold such a dim view of the Average User. I don't dislike them but sheesh ....
  4. If you're going to use the forum Ignore feature, use it and move on. Telling a user you're ignoring them is nothing more than the action of a Drama Llama.
  5. I just opened a whole new browser (one which is shared between the different users of this computer and thus which is never logged into the Second Life site on an account) - it wasn't there. If it is, kindly point it out. Either way however, it's nothing more than a marketing slogan. Heh, and you edited in the image as I was posting - the above does still stand though: it's a meaningless marketing slogan.
  6. Cindy, that bit of marketing crap hasn't been attached to Second Life for many years now. It was nothing more than meaningless marketing jargon when it was still attached to Second Life and even more meaningless now that they (wisely) removed it.
  7. If you only go to where users are then no, you really haven't seen everything. Nice you actually admitted that.
  8. Congrats - you were passed one of many biased, personal opinions concerning the history of Second Life. Here's your medal.
  9. Ah yes, the old pretending to speak for other, nameless users bit ....
  10. Now for your oh so lovely edit after the fact: Even when they had a far more comprehensive new user area up and running, there were those who came into Second Life and somehow managed to get through those areas without actually learning a single thing. Where to get a "good" avatar? Why, that's up to the End User - no one else. What client program to use for connecting to Second Life? Also up to the End User. Where to go/where people are hanging? Up to the End User to decide on the first variant, up to the End User to discover on the second. That is part of the point of Second Life: It is what you make of it.
  11. That's nice - meanwhile reality is that you haven't. Period. See, Second life is constantly changing: Sims being redesigned or going offline, users coming and going along with all the oh so lovely changes (mostly personal) that general interaction brings in. It's a bit like saying you've seen or experienced everything the real world has to offer. No, you haven't and stating otherwise - no matter how many times you do so, changes noting. At all. You're not the first user to pull that here - or on other forums. You won't be the last. And all of you are lying, without exception.
  12. Accounts with Linden as their last name are the only Moderation or Administration accounts here. Everyone else is a user of the service, many of us with long years of experience where Second Life, Linden Lab itself and even the forums are concerned. Until Steam loses its reputation as a games repository and rearranges its system to have proper categories and categorization for what they offer, neither Sansar nor Second Life - nor any other similar bit of social software - belongs on Steam. At all. The idea that the only exposure non-users have (or that their primary exposure) to Second Life consists of Griefer/Troll videos on YouTube is .... Ludicrous at best. As is this idea that older content being for sale still is some major detriment. Can't be arsed to do more than just download a client and log in, expecting some miraculous experience? Shove off. Oh, you've been a user of Second Life for about three years and actually think you've seen everything? No, you haven't. You really haven't. No one has.
  13. Laugh all you'd like. It really doesn't change anything. You read your own reactions into what I wrote and assumed a meaning that was not present - at all. When it was made clear to you, you persisted with your erroneous assumption. You even added to it by pretending a statement of intent was something far more. You may disagree if you wish: That is your prerogative. It really does not change what has been stated thus far however nor am I going to see things your way.
  14. Read what I wrote - not what you want it to mean. Dakota's statement is little more than a statement of intent - it is not a statement of fact. They have no intent to actually move all existing Gatcha listings into the new category. That does not mean they belong where they are currently sitting.
  15. How to contact Support - make sure you're logged in.
  16. Oh dear .... Calm yourself. There is no "prejudice" here - at all. That is you reading your own reaction into my response. Nothing more and nothing less. They have a Category: Gatcha. That is where they belong. That is the "proper category" - and nowhere did I say anything about forcing anyone to relist. Read what I wrote - move them all. That means all existing Gatchas get moved, by the Lindens. After that, further listings outside the proper Category get removed. You may disagree all you'd like but do not pretend for a single second that what you believe is reality nor that what you read into another's post is what has actually been said. ETA: To make something a bit clearer - I shop for Gatcha items myself on rare occasion. Funny thing about it? I've always had the thought that they'd be easier to find and manage in general if they were all in their own Category.
  17. The solution is simple, yes ... but it isn't anything at all to do with adding in check boxes. Move all Gacha/Gatcha items into the Gatchas category - yes, all of them. Give said category several basic sub-categories. Remove any/all found outside said category - no matter when they were listed, no exceptions. Code in the ability to exclude entire categories and sub-categories from Search Results/General Display. Simple? Yep, for end users anyway. Likely not for the coders. Time consuming? Certainly parts of it would be, yes. It's certainly a bit more worthwhile than trying to add in new sub-categories for varied Fantasy Races, especially since it would appear that said endeavor is a bit ... skewed.
  18. Been there - last time was back in the XP days. I haven't used Windows since XP went EOL - partly thanks to not having a PC I can call mine. Mind by "used" I mean as a daily driver. I have helped friends and family with their Windows PCs since that time - both in person and through remote applications such as Team Viewer.
  19. There is a big difference between resetting your router/modem and unplugging it/forcing it to power cycle (which is what is often meant when most Technical Support brings up "resetting" it). The former is indeed a bit more Nuclear as it entails setting it back to Factory Default. The latter is nothing more than a power cycle or a quick restart/refresh of your internet connection (akin to power cycling your actual computer or similar hardware). Hence why I said rebooting it - not resetting it. There is a difference. Non OS level software should only be reinstalled as a last resort, prior to escalating your problem solving to OS level troubleshooting. Much the same with some hardware: Power cycle/reboot comes well before a reset (if such is an option).
  20. Your machine holds a cache file that it checks each time you log in. While your actual inventory is stored server side, the manifest is kept on both the server and your computer - that is the cached file. Unless told otherwise, the client treats the cached manifest as the "real" one. You haven't "lost" anything - it simply fails to be loaded. You would be surprised how many internet related problems can be solved simply by rebooting your router/modem. There is a reason it is among the first few things technical support will ask about (where internet issues are concerned). If the Linden Lab client shows normal inventory and a Third Party one does not, a clean install is not always required - clear out (manually if you have to) the various caches first. The only reason Firestorm's Download page has a recommendation concerning a clean install has to do with potential settings issues/mismatches and updated files occasionally not playing nice with older ones. It has nothing to do with general technical support and nothing to do with Inventory or other issues. At all. A complete, fresh install/reinstall is the Nuclear Option - always has been and always will be, be it small scale software all the way through to the OS itself. It is the Last Ditch effort.
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