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JoJo Moeleneaux

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Everything posted by JoJo Moeleneaux

  1. Keli Kyrie wrote: @ JoJo Organic Cafe? Okay let's go. btw I have been making the choice to buy more and more organic lately even though it cost a little more. (Better for me, better for the environment) :matte-motes-nerdy: _____________________________________________ Le Pain Quotidien - they use organic ingredients whenever possible. Organic breads, milk, butter, eggs, yoghurt, museli, jams, organically grown coffee. There's quite a few of them in Australia, one right near where I live and I believe they're in various places in the US :matte-motes-smile: Me too, after seeing a few docos on GM foods, I go organic whenever I can. Here's their version of boiled eggs with soldiers and their bread is the most delicious bread I've tasted in a while :matte-motes-smile:
  2. but where's your bikini Storm :matte-motes-wink:
  3. Keli Kyrie wrote: @ JoJo that looks hard to make, can I just come over? :smileytongue Sure you can Keli, you can come with me to the organic cafe where someone else cooks them but I only go about once a month. Most of the time I eat Museli with blue berries and half a banana chopped up, not eggs I know but imo equally delicious :matte-motes-smile:
  4. Hunting can be so tiring, glad you found a nice place to rest Sylvia :smileyvery-happy: Did you grab a coffee at the cafe behind you? @ Wildcat, very nice bikinis. Love the way it ties at the front. :matte-motes-smile:
  5. Poached with smoked salmon on an English muffin :matte-motes-delicious:
  6. I just went back tonight Slyvia and the hunt boxes are still there :matte-motes-smile: ETA: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Etherea/113/111/1366
  7. Wow, that's a fabulous bikini Valerie. Love the back drop too.
  8. If you and Valerie do wear ballgowns while landscaping, we want to see the pictures lol Lovely pics everyone and the swimsuits are really cute. Tal, you sure do look the part, the location is perfect for that pic :matte-motes-smile: ETA: thank you Wildcat.
  9. Thanks Sylvia, the complete outfit including nails, shoes, jewellery are the gifts from the PurpleMoon hunt which sadly finished on the July 31st :matte-motes-frown:
  10. Ssshhhh Valerie, you'll make my avi blush :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: Thank you :matte-motes-smile:
  11. First visit to Tempura, such a lovely place:matte-motes-smile:
  12. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ultimately, I guess my question is... how do I resolve myself to the fact that I will probably never fit in, completely anyway, with any group, but at the same time, not be afraid to try? Dres, I don't think you have to fit into anyone's perceived idea of how you should or shouldn't look. I believe that you have a great style, both the straight and the glam look, I personally love the Rocky Horror look on guys :matte-motes-smile:, I've known a number of gay friends who dressed up glammy on occasion and I always thought they looked great. I saw it as a kind of artistic expression that most of us don't have the courage, sense of humor or self confidence to express outwardly. To categorize anyone, let alone because of the way they dress is not something that I adopt or support in any way and I don't believe that I'm alone in this. I was a punk in my teens and although there's no way I could possibly know what it's like to be in your shoes and to feel you have to fit into whatever other people perceive being gay as, I felt the superficial judgment of people that didn't get me (i.e. being a punk but not being violent or agressive lol). Most of what they project is a lack of understanding and when people got to know me, they realized I wasn't weird, I just loved alternative music and wanted to express myself differently to the norm. I admire anyone that can express themselves and not take themselves or the misguided superficial opinions of others too seriously and I hope you continue to be who you are and who you want to be. Edited to fix typo.
  13. Lovely pic Valerie, the angle of your face looks gorgeous. Your pictures are a kind of poetry in themselves and I think everyone that posts here enjoys seeing your pics and other peoples pics :matte-motes-smile:
  14. I've had my fair share of visitors and usually they don't bother me but I find it quiet funny to see a nakkie guy drop in from the sky. On a few occasions I've been totally oblivious because I've busy changing my clothes or landscaping only to turn around to find some nakkie guy standing there, hands on hips, presenting himself in all his glory and I think to myself, geeze, not again lol. The ones I've asked have told me they fell from a club in the sky or they don't know how they got there. I sometimes inquire as to whether they know they're walking around with their frenis hanging out (me knowing full well that they do lol), some reply "Hi", some just tp away, some ask if I want to have some fun, I just laugh and tell them I'm busy and sometimes I point them in a direction where they can find the kind of fun they're seeking, a nakkie club up the road lol. I don't have a problem with people dropping by or even using my home but I draw the line when they try to use my home while I'm there and totally ignore my im's. Ban and eject can be useful, although, I've only felt the need to use it once. I often used to see an avi standing in my garden, sometimes for days, not moving, not responding to IM's. Eventually I just gently nudged him off my land behind a tree on neighboring abandoned land, he's probably still there lmao. Once I fell from the sky (fully clothed lol) after I had tried to tp somewhere that must have moved or closed down, only to land on someone's platform in the sky where a couple were "having a moment". I was in a bit of a fluster, trying to find a way out, apologising profusely but before I got the chance to TP out the guy threw on an animation where he humped my leg while a silly song played. The girl laughed, I laughed, he laughed and I excused myself and tp'd home. Ultimately you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. I prefer to laugh or ask them to leave if they're rude or disrespectful and that usually works for me. Eileen's attacking pet german sheppard would be good for a laugh, if the intruder was being a pest :smileyvery-happy:
  15. Thank you so much Valerie, beautiful song and a great clip. ... just the bang and the clatter as an angel hits the ground :matte-motes-whistle: :matte-motes-smile:
  16. Hi Hippie, I missed the last one too but I'd love to come if I'm not working or asleep (I'm on Australia time). I'm sure my friend TC would love to come too. Could you pencil us both in please?
  17. @ Venus and Valerie, I know this is way off topic but you both just mentioned my favorite film of all time. Did either of you see the sequel, Far Away So Close? It follows the other angel, Cassiel, who takes on human form, but his life takes a different turn than his friend Damiel. Cassiel experiences the darker side of human existence. It's beautifully tragic. It may not be as great as the first, as sequels often aren't, but it's still well worth watching and the soundtrack is just lovely. :matte-motes-smile:
  18. LOL, no worries Charolotte. Maybe you can do the voice over for Soda's next video :smileywink:
  19. The shadows work in a screen capture, thanks Griffin. Just thought I'd show it. It's quite a big size so I'll have to play around with how I save it to reduce the size but not the quality.
  20. Huh? That thought didn't even cross my mind and I do thank you for taking the trouble to respond and suggest a way to test it out :smileyvery-happy: I'm just too lazy to install another viewer and set up the cache to be in different directory and learn how to use it etc. so I may have to wait and see what happnes when I finally do install Firestorm. I really am off to work now, I just wanted to clear that up :matte-motes-smile:
  21. Ah, I used to have the SL viewer installed but I uninstalled it a few months ago as I hadn't used it since I joined. I probably will install Firestorm, at some point, but not until I'm forced too :-). Thanks for the suggestion though. Hopefully Phoenix support can help, if not, I'll just need to wait a while to try out shadows. I'll try a screenshot tonight when I get home from work and post the results. Off to work now, have a good day all.
  22. Maybe it is a Phoenix bug. I'll raise it with Phoenix. It sucks that it's happening for more than just snapshots for you though.
  23. You may be right. I'll try Phoenix support. The thing is, the shadows look great on my screen, it's just the snapshot they don't show in. I've ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 and last time I checked, it was supported. I know you like shadows, your pics are one of the reasons I wanted to try shadows :matte-motes-smile:
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