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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. As others have explained, you can't change texture on the Mainland. But there's this great easy-to-use tool that enables you to map your land, make a sculpty automatically, and texture it. Find it here.
  2. Once again, while ONE scourge-mobile author is halted, there are several more at least -- just look out on the roads and waterways and you will see them! I agree about "Your Neighbours' Nightmare." My long-time suggestion for "themes" was actually more about four rough genres, if you will, like this: -- Sandbox - anything goes, build what you want, all spinning physics laggy hell breaks loose. -- Commercial - stores, commerce allowed, or scripted vendors allowed -- Residential - homes where rules prevail, i.e. no builds over two stories, no building smack at the property line, no scripted commerce ---Educational - collegues and non-profits I don't know why it was so hard not to long ago, divide the Mainland roughly up in this way, instead of making a crazy quilt of anything-goes sandbox parcels where people trying to make either decent residential neighbourhoods or commercial areas must struggle as a few blight the view. Often the Lindens in discussions of years ago would invoke 0/1 binary thinking where they would claim that it was "impossible" to decide what was "artistic" and what was "normal residential". Nonsense. A few simple rules -- which the Lindens themselves installed when they themselves made zoned sims!!! - are all you need. In Brown, there is no commerce except in the designated marketplace. In Nautilus, you can't build smack on the borderline such as to bother another person because there is Linden space between the plots. There the Lindens should have barred towers and builds over two stories as well. I think there are rules in Bay City. It's not the endless customer service nightmare imagined because most people follow rules when you *set the tone*. The Lindens are never willing to set the tone. I disagree that Nautilus is a "slum." Yes, parts of it are blighted but there are still many areas that are still kept nice with the built-in easement a boon and the Linden content. Bay City doesn't strike me as so "ghosty" when I've visited lately but I haven't scientifically studied it. Yes, a few buy and hold there to extort because for them, tier even of 6 or 12 months on a 1024, say, is more than covered by the hefty sale price -- and they still profit. When I say "theme," it can be more about "no commercial" or "no spinning junk" or something like that just as much as "ancient" or "elf" -- but I raise the issue of more defined themes just because I think they might be popular and attract customers.
  3. Yes, I often hear tenants ask me if their prims will automatically fly off the lawn if they are late with rent, because that is their experience so I realized it must be automatic although I hadn't seen this script myself, and don't want to use it. I can't say I greet its appearance in the world as it adds to the overall nastiness of the rental industry especially at malls, where people who have paid $2/ or even $3 or more a prim are suddenly turfed off for being even a minute late. I really have to wonder why this can't be used by Linden Governance in particular (although they may have other more useful global powers) to return all griefer prims from a sim by name. I can't see the down side to that as you indicate. If there is a throttle for this, you have to ask "why". As for you other point about parcel permissions, sure, you can take group build off other parcels to prevent group members from building. But then...that will ding those group members who you WANT to build. I don't see that as a solution. I hate "access only" lists so I think the solution is simply to have another group. Easy enough to make for $100 and you save the hassle. In those sims that suffer griefing frequently, I turn off all build so that only those with resident status can override it and build, and that's another way to deal with it -- those new tenants can join the open group and build, but without a higher status (I call it "resident") with permission to override no-build, they wouldn't be able to build. But I see this as possibly then dinging group members you want to build. So I don't see it as a solution for the OP's problem. And yes "creating a group for each rental" i.e. each parcel is something done by some landlords but for me, I'd quickly run out of groups and it's not an option.
  4. Qie, it doesn't matter if "one" is removed, there are others and they persist. If you notice, I was talking about roads and about driverless vehicles that go all over. Not trains, although scourges go on the train rails too. There's a difference between scourge-mobiles that invade roads and any transportation arteries anywhere, and a planned, resident-run train that goes on a schedule or on a set route -- you need not be literalist in perceiving this as about "all" driverless vehicles. The resident-run trains and trolleys are on tracks that don't end up in my yard. As for the pods, if you saw them on multiple sims as I do everyday you'd be less enamored of them.
  5. The Lindens are totally preoccupied with Project Sansar, and don't really care about doing anything new or better for the Mainland, as far as I can tell (but they can always surprise us), or even the private islands, which make up the bulk of their business. But since Legacy SL is still the Lindens' cash cow and will be for some time, it doesn't hurt to lay out what is required by customers to make it work better, retain customers, and make more cash for both the Lindens and those in business. The Mainland is the black sheep of the SL family and the least of the Lindens' desires to help because it produces the least tier -- there are, what, 5000 Linden sims and 5000 resident sims or something like that, contrasted with the 20,000 odd private islands and homesteads. Even so, there are some important revenue streams on the Mainland, there are the landing areas for newbies, there are the roads that the Moles have put a lot of work into and the "load testing" that Lindens still get out of this area should they wish to do things like cross sim seams with vehicles -- which of course, they're not going to do any more in Sansar as there will be no contiguous geography. When Project Sansar gets up and running, Legacy SL may flush out like a storm drain and follow the pattern we have seen in There and The Sims Online, now both defunct, whereby a sizeable part of the population stormed to the new shiny -- then ebbed back when they missed their friends and suffered the inevitable disappointments and difficulties -- but then flooded in again, ultimately draining out the old worlds and killing them off even though some population remained. There are two aspects then to the eternal problems of the Mainland -- asking the Lindens to improve things so it works better in a positive way -- Plan A -- and Plan B -- getting the Lindens not to deliberately harm the Mainland and hurry along the process of "cannibalizing" their own product, as Ebbe has wondrously put it. So for now, I'll deal with Plan A and suggest 10 things that need to be done to help the Mainland: 1. Increase the tier in the premium account to 1024 meters and provide a free pack with a start house and furniture. People who buy land and content with their stipends are the "middle class" of SL and a stabilizing factor. 2. End the odd step-ups of tier, i.e. $25 to $40 or 16,000 to 32,000 and allow either incremental steps, or a flat fee that will accommodate any variation, i.e. if someone has a parcel of 1,152 meters, they pay the fee for exactly that and not the "step up" to 2048. The odd step-up is one of the major reasons people don't get more land -- they hate suddenly getting a much steeper monthly bill, or conversely, hate not being able to have flexibility in shedding some of it or gaining some of it in a reasonable way. 3. Allow abandoned land to go immediately to sale only to those already on that sim who own at least 256 m (or 512 m) or more, and only allow it to be purchased by the general public after a 30-day period during which that sim's owners had a chance to buy that land. 4. Mandate that all abandoned land be cleared of its content within 30 days. And also consider mandating that any land that has not had its owner log on to Second Life for 365 days should also be cleared of content. There are too many precious oldbies and beta testers and Linden alts with ugly, stupid sandboxes filled with junk blighting the landscape -- spinning junk, glowing junk, newbie boxes rezzed and discarded. Why can't this go?! At the very least, there could be a mandate that all land that has been left without care by the owner logging in X number of days must have autoreturn put on it. Given that builds go to lost and found in coagulated form, if the no-shows need to put out their spinning turrets they can log back on and do that. The reality is they never do and we should all stop suffering from them. 5. Keep the auctions for particularly sought-after or high-value land or conversely, land that no one ever buys when given the opportunity because the auction is a concentrated notification system that the land is for sale -- in this large a world people can't know everything. But make the auctions transparent as they once were, so that both winners and losers are listed on a dedicated page after the auction. This is important so that people can understand who is dominating the land market and decide on their secondary purchases accordingly. End the practice of automatically assigning the land to the avatar and automatically increasing the tier level; enable the winner of the auction to pick up the land manually so that he can first arrange tier and also have the option to purchase as a group. 6. Continue fixing the roads -- a lot of them are already very well done -- and adding new content. While Ebbe has said that content is only for load-testing, in fact, it is the high-quality sweetener that makes the Mainland worth exploring. There are many well-done areas by the Moles with activities and exploration areas and a legacy of interesting content with a consistent theme (like Magellan) so the Moles should be allowed to go on doing this because it makes the Mainland enjoyable. 7. Customer Service and particularly Concierge must end the practice of refusing to take abuse reports. Linden Lab must treat abuse reports like the weather and merely handle them by a set of protocols rather than forcing people into ineffective "abuse reports" via the viewer which we all know "go nowhere". So if a griefer drops grief prims on physics on 50 sims, hundreds of people shouldn't be forced to file reports one by one for days on end to get rid of the ugly cubes. Instead, the Lindens should simply globally remove them when asked in customer support. CS may want to limit the AR responses to griefing incidents affecting sim performance, and say that they won't adjudicate things like copyright violations or personal disputes with ARs like 'targeted harassment." But there is no reason why they cannot treat the crashing of sims with physics items and other types of sim-relating griefing as merely a technical problem that needs to be fixed, just like if someone said teleports and scripts stopped working and they need a sim reset. 8. Lost inventory must be tackled more effectively and with faster and better protocols. It is absolutely shocking what goes on -- people lose tens of thousands of expensive items like rare breedables and the Lindens seem helpless to figure out why these items -- that aren't really "missing" because they exist as creations in the inventory of their breedable makers, for example -- aren't pointing to an individual's inventory from the asset server. I have tenants who have suffered huge losses and I myself have been plagued by this issue repeatedly, with $3000 skins randomly being lost forever and even notecards used dozens of times a day. This needs to become a priority. 8. End the "scourge mobiles" -- driverless cars allowed to roam all over SL, often out of theme, i.e. buses on the water and trains on the road and boats on the railroad. There is no need to test sim seams or sim performance for driving. Enough data has been obtained. The Lindens already know that they are no longer in the sim-seam business as they are junking contiguous sims in the new world. So globally remove and ban those "testers" who keep persisting in ruining our quality of life with this junk. It is not pleasant to see pods and junky cars constantly driving all over the roads and crashing into our yards. We are not stick figures in a pretend railroad and village diarama that needs "life" put into it. We have cars and the serendipity of meeting real drivers on the road is one of the pleasures of SL. The sim-crossing works "good eough" to have horse riding or motorcycle riding. Get rid of the scourges and let us live freely in the world. 9. Create more zoned/themed sims. Bay City and Nautilus are hugely valued and way more expensive than the rest of the Mainland (as are parts of Zindra) because the Lindens have gone to the trouble to make nice areas with buildings and put in easements and mandated certain building codes. But these are priced out of the budget of most people and cliques form in them that dominate them and are hostile to outsiders. The Lindens can improve the look of the Mainland, and also get prices down by creating more of these areas with other themes like fairy/elf/woods, modern/deco/grunge, futuristic/space or whatever. Or even simply the suburbia that most people want. 10. Give more perks to loyal customers. The early adapters got 4096 free for life, but most of them are gone. Those of us who have been here 10 years or more don't even get an SL birthday cake anymore, the Lindens have forgotten to keep this up. We could get 1024 free for life or even that 4096 -- what better way to soak up abandoned land and get the Mainland lively again in its dead parts? While the traditional rejection of these ideas is that they require too much adjudication or staff time, in fact given how low the population is now -- I think some 30,000 concurrency on many days and 70,000 on peaks with perhaps 750,000-900,000 or something 30-day uniques, most of whom are on private islands that don't suffer any of these problems I've outlined -- it really isn't that big a deal. The Lindens can assign a part of a person or a whole person to be Community Linden, assign some scripters to make land that is abandoned scan for existing owners on that sim and sell only to those names, then dump those after 30 days (surely that is possible with existing LSL functions for getting information off parcels). The auction used to have an automatic system for publishing names and used to go to winners without tiering them up, so this could be restored. Other things just require political will and cost nothing in staff time and even reduce it -- ending the scourges and flipping the ugly prims off the long-time no-show oldbies' land. To be sure, creating themed areas is an investment in staff time for content creation and a certain amount of policing. These areas essentially police themselves now, but not always in a good way. Of course, the Lindens are likely going to want to spend LESS staff time than MORE on the Mainland, which they'd love to see go away. And that's where Plan B will come in -- harm reduction -- which I'll address another day.
  6. Hi, You don't have to pay money to Casper or turn over all your business information to him and be reliant on him. You can get a free open source rental script here in Ross. I agree that you should have an open group so that tenants of your stores don't have to wait for you to show up to invite them. That is so annoying to people who have paid you money. There isn't an automatic group-inviter except bots -- and the problem with a bot is that they take up a scarce avatar space on a homestead, which is not going to hold more than say 20 avatars comfortably, so you don't want to use up a scarce avatar space on that function which isn't necessary. Just put out a manual group joiner that people click on and then see a link in chat which they click on again, and then a THIRD time click to join your group. Yes, this can prove too complex for people but you can also try telling them on the group charter and in info cards in the box just to use search/groups and join that way. Most people, if they have reached the stage that they are able to have a store, will figure this out. You can find group joiners in various gadget shops. To solve the problem of not wanting tenants to rez all over the sim, you can either make two different groups, which can be annoying when it comes to trying to manage prims, also scarce on a homestead (I'm assuming that's what you got but if not, then you have less worries). So another solution is to put that land in a separate parcel or parcels and click "access only" and make a white list of who can enter. I don't like this solution because it means people have to see ban lines and they hate that. So do another thing, just ask. Tell people they not to rez anywhere except in their shop. 90% of the people in SL I have found do what you ask because they aren't asshats. For the others, there is object return or even expulsion. In group land, you can't set it to limit a person only to X prims, but again, most people do what you ask. Really. As for autoreturn when they didn't pay their rent, I personally don't like this idea as I like to give a grace period and keep the customer. I think there may be scripts now (again from Casper or others) that eject prims for you. I'm not sure that this is in fact an LSL function that now exists, it didn't used to, but I haven't researched it.
  7. "Money chairs" that pay out money to avatars who sit in them are exactly the same thing as "camping chairs" and will be treated the same as them by the Lindens. Indeed they are outlawed by the TOS -- it's not about gaming, but about "traffic enhancement": See here: 6.3 Additional rules of conduct apply to users of Second Life: In addition to the rules set forth in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 above, you agree that you will not: (i) Use robots or other automated means to increase traffic to any Virtual Land; It's not only about bots here; the chair itself is the 'automated means' giving out money and enabling traffic injection. What's been provided here is merely an answer from a fellow resident on their guess as to how this might apply under gaming; I'm also merely applying my common-sense interpretation of the TOS, but at least I'm pointing out that this isn't about gaming but about traffic manipulation. The Lindens will ultimately rule on it and my bet is that they will not allow it, because it's traffic manipulation. But they may simply not bother to enforce it. I'll be happy to abuse-report it when I see it as will others, and maybe they will pay attention. Years of effort went into getting the Lindens to eliminate the manipulation of traffic -- it's far from free of elimination but at least the obvious gaming is now in principle removed and able to be enforced, i.e. boxes of bots. Search is distorted and the market is not free when people can game traffic to create the false impression a site is popular and has sales when in fact it doesn't. The Lindens' search algorithms compensate for some of this anyway and themselves arguably constitute a form of unacceptable market interference but that's another story. The bottom line is that paying people to stay on your land thereby driving up traffic results is something still punishable under the TOS, and it's not about gambling.
  8. Yes, everyone knows that abuse reports "go nowhere". You can try filing a ticket to support but they will tell you that you have to file abuse reports through that system on the viewer which, as we all know, "goes nowhere." Perhaps you can get the Lindens' attention in a support ticket, however, if you can elaborate on this idea of "a prim made not to return." Then...how did you return it? I've heard of this kind of thing but what can you do? Hunt for things like this, return them. Sometimes, if you get 10 other people to also file abuse reports, you can get the Lindens' attention finally, but for that, the griefing would have to be continuing and also documented.
  9. This thing is back again in the viewer, and hugely annoying. I'm not someone who has a lot of bling and glam on, it changes constantly depending on whether or not I've attached something to myself, often something I'm testing like a tea cup, and I don't want this Too Much Information all the time in my face. I can't seem to find the place on the menu to turn it off -- if it exists. Perhaps the Lindens figure by giving you this information, it will help reduce lag. What's happening is that if someone has too much of this stuff, they are rendered as clay figures, colored grey or green. This is annoying too because usually I see them for a minute, then I don't, then they're back again. A busy sim like an event will be filled with these clay people. I guess the Lindens have to have this due to server strain.
  10. Yes, I agree, that's the issue. The land menu is confusing because it seems as if you can get the land and deed it to the group and put "owner makes contribution" and all of it will go in the group. The menu indeed implies that. But the group has to have tier in it to receive that land or it bounces (or the system tiers you up). Your tier can't be used twice simultaneously as your tier applied to that land and also as the group's -- you have to take it off yourself and put it in the group.
  11. As I said, it's not about deeding to groups. It's about taking tier out of groups, or selling land to free up tier, and putting it on yourself as an individual avatar. Then the auction win goes to you, absorbs that individual tier, and does not up your tier.
  12. Well, no, not all things should change. The Mona Lisa shouldn't change. The Chrysler Building shouldn't change. Change can lead to things like this: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/08/elderly-woman-ruins-19th-century-fresco-in-restoration-attempt/ Sentiment and historical legacies and people's memories count for something and there's no reason to be endlessly chasing after the new and shiny when in fact there is plenty of this all over SL and plenty of opportunities to upgrade and put in shiny or mesh without having to destroy the past. These aren't just any builds; they are Linden builds. My God, the Lindens have the opportunity to do new and shiny over at Project Sansar, they don't need to gut their past legacy builds that imparted value to the Mainland and still do.
  13. Could you be less opaque about what sim and what build you are talking about? I don't think historical builds should be changed if they have some historic significance. Like Governor Linden's Mansion. Or the Moth Temple in Iris. Sure, you could put convex hull on things, stretch out prims to 60 if they had multiple 10s from back in the day before megaprims in the viewer, etc. But then it's not the historic build anymore.
  14. I've probably blogged on the SL economy in the past more than anyone, look up my blog at 3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts and/or google the terms. You have a lot of preconceptions that don't add up, and you never mention the land market which is just as important or more than the content market, and there have been a great many sagas and scandals in that regard over the years like the grandfathered $195 private islands and initial effort by LL to inform only their special friends of the price hike which was then exposed, causing them to have to sell lots more grandfathered sim than they wished. There was also the "open spaces" scandal when the Lindens got tired of people making money flipping low-prim part-sims called "open spaces" which were supposed to be void water and not for living -- they retired that product and created something else called "homesteads" and that caused a furor. There was the Bush Guy and ad extortionists for years until finally the Lindens developed a policy against these to stop the devaluation of land because they realized it was affecting their auction sales. Anshe's dumping of cheap furniture which she mainly pushed on her tenants really didn't affect the market because it was cheap and tacky furniture no one outside her tenant sphere sought to buy. When Stroker Serpentine released his infamous sex bed to all perms for $0 on the market, it wasn't that big a deal. For one, only people who could bother loading the animations and figuring how to put them into a prim to work would bother buying it for $0; most people are willing to spend at least $350 to $500 to get a pretty one off the MP. I sell it for $100 inside a coverlet, for example, or $100 "as is" and the latter only makes a few sales because it doesn't work "as is". But by this time, there was a HUGE amount of competition in this space, not only with beds with many hundreds more animations (his was a lot with like 600), but smoother animations and even an end to poseballs and the initiation of loops that could take avatars through 20 or 30 minutes of interactions without them constantly having to right click on awkward pose balls. So now his bed his obsolete really. There isn't any "balancing" act on the web store, it's a simple story of the Lindens wanting to move to a taxation/commission system so they can get a piece of the content sales and wean themselves from the land (server) sale/rental model. But it won't produce enough revenue. People persist selling inworld because of hunts and the need for socialization and "see it inworld" to make sales. The Lindens bought and then trashed Slexchange when they made their own system. They cabbaged their own land revenue by wiping out the necessity of stores -- which people were happy to leave because they thought they suffered more copy-botting in them. But as I said, they weren't completely thorough in this gutting of the world as people persist in being free and making markets that suit them, not overloads, and people like face-to-face interactions, serendipty, socializing, nice builds and atmosphere in a store as much as convenience of purchase on the MP. The shopping events system and the emergence of the gatcha as an economy driver are really the big stories of the last years. Gatchas went from a novelty at $25 to the core of merchants' revenue at $75 and $100 a pull. There isn't really a free market here because the Lindens control the currency like Russia or China. The cashout is watered down in value due to Supply Linden printing Lindens to maintain a cheap ruble, er I mean Linden dollar. The LindEx recently dropped a point from 248 to 249 for limited buys within a day, because of millions going out the door due to Project Sansar. The non-transparent auction; the insider discounts for some island dealers and not others; the early preview of features that insiders get; the censorship of the forums and many other features of Russia/China mean that the economy is hardly free -- and there are always people clamoring on the forums for even more socialism like a cap on land prices.
  15. Hi, I'm curious why you put this request under "Mainland" because to be honest, a mainland parcel would not offer the best security, since ideally you would want a space you could completely close off and have a group or list with names for entry, i.e. a homestead would be more useful. You could also make the conference host a temporary manager of your island so they could control the door. Of course, you could make a mainland parcel "group only" with access only to that group but that might mean having to change the grouped land. Yes, it might be better to get even a mainland list from the Lindens closer to the date. The other issue is getting 70 people comfortably at one time on that venue. A mainland sim can only hold 45. So you'd need a private island sim for this.
  16. I think you should consider having applications from norms, too, and not just creators. A world can't exist with creators; it has to have consumers and pro-sumers. I personally don't want to be in this beta as I don't have the time/graphics card/etc but you should find some norms and bring them in.
  17. Wow, haven't seen your name in ages. I think you have to be married into the Linden and/or FIC clan to get into this beta.
  18. Re: When someone win an auction they need to wait 1 month (actually until their next tier date) if they want the land to be deeded in a group or else SL will charge them double tier... This makes no sense to me. There is an easy cure for this -- put the tier on your avatar as an individual, so that when the automatic system assigns you the parcel, it does not up your tier level. To be sure, you have to first have that tier by selling or abandoning land down to that level. But then you can deed it to the group. This works MOST of the time for me although I did once forget and get dinged ANd another time despite having put the tier on myself still got tiered up in an odd way and had to ticket it and get it reversed -- which Lindens hate to do. Really, they need to go back to the old system where after an auction, you yourself went to that parcel and purchased it -- it would be set to your name. Then you could opt to buy as an individual or "buy as group". The Lindens ended this convenient system as people left those parcels too long before pick-up to avoid tier.
  19. No. The market needs to remain free -- it's already affected by a factors ranging from griefing to ad extortion to auction flipping to abandoned land with junk on it, nothing needs to be done to lower its value. You seem to have only an anecdotal and superficial impression of the land market. I see thousands of parcels constantly because I have land on 50 sims and also occasionally buy on the auction or inworld. Land goes for 0.5 -- that's half of one Linden dollar -- per meter in many places. 0.9 is not uncommon even for good land; I bought some very good waterfront from $1.5/meter the other day. So your notion of "scalping" is just based on a few impressions. Yes, there are certain areas of high value like Bay City or Zindra or certain old waterfront that is hugely high-priced. You're not required to buy it. You can shop for a better deal. Linden Lab should not regulate this market that they already heavily interfere in through control of currency and cashout (there is not a free market in currency as it is artificially depressed and recently lost a point in value); the auctions are not transprarent and the abandoned land policy sometimes inconsistent. Since you can in many cases ask to buy abandoned land at $1/m, no one should be complaining about prices. Land scalpers are there to buy your land when you want to dump it and get something for it rather than nothing if you abandon it. And they make back their losses on high prices. Again, in this market, with GADZILLION parcels available for hugely low prices, often very nice ones, and the auction prices often low, it's just crazy to demand regulation because some parcel you saw somewhere struck you as overpriced. You're entitled to your opinion, but not your facts -- the facts are as anyone can see from a cursory look at the auctions, the land lists, the world, that the "scalping" thing is only applicable in certain areas like Zindra.
  20. I may be too late here with this but one thing I've found that unless you have the available tier for a new auction win *on your avatar as an individual* and NOT in the group, LL will automatically tier you up. In fact, I've found that they can tier you up ANYWAY in an odd glitch where you still show space of tier and inworld you don't have more tier available, but suddenly they bill you at the next level. So you have to be extra certain you have all the tier you need on yourself, as an individual, and have it out of the group. You could temporarily un-tier a group for a few hours while you are sorting this out but don't leave it undertiered or the Lindens will seize the land. You can try "deed to group" and "owner makes contribution" but for some reason, this doesn't work to simply shift the parcel into the group, and you need to have tier pre-loaded in that group to receive the new item.
  21. I'm sorry to have missed it -- it's gone already -- and I hadn't heard about it before despite being active on the atoll continent and here now in my 12th year! But I supported you by buying a copy. Not sure I have space to put it out, but perhaps some of the items. I have a little retro diner in Grote but it doesn't have as many features and I don't have the prims there to add your fun things like the skates. What factors made you close?
  22. Because it's a free market. That's what you get to do in a free market. I agree with beetros that there's this persistent minority of sellers who think that someone will pay them some ridiculous sum of money "by accident" (that would be cruel!) or because they are so rich they won't care. That seldom happens. Most land at those ridiculous prices isn't worth it, unless it's actually near some high-traffic venue where you could make money based on that proximity. But that's seldom. Land used to be considered "normal" at $7/m or $10/m if waterfront. Today, this seems "crazy."
  23. Live in the newest prefabs from Collabor88, the Season's Story, and Chapter Four: I was fortunate to win the rare from ionic's new El Albergue rustic home and furnishings set from Chapter Four. So now you can live in it -- it's really exquisite! $850/650 prims, you'll have 423 prims after the house or ask to remove: Teleport to Carlisle  Here's the new Huron Cove cottage from Trompe Loeil - Huron Cove Cottage $750/550 prims, the cottage takes 100 prims, leaving you with 450, or ask to remove. Teleport to Carlisle  If you need extra prims, just ask. Here's dust bunny's new Sleepless loft: Teleport to Polia You'll have 137 prims to use after the house  Scarlett Creative's Anya House: $650/500, you'll have 317 prims to use after this house and trees (183): Teleport to Polia  Also Since 1975's River House - $850/680 prims, the house and trees take 206, or ask to remove. Teleport to Polia  and last but not least, Barnesworth Anubis' new Marrakech Riad $1500/937 prims, the house takes 172 prims Teleport to Ravenglass Realm  
  24. This is a great little place! Good work!
  25. $350/350 prims, mostly flat green parcels on a hillside by the river, great for breedables or pets. Teleport to Winnipeg  Also $650/500 prims in Winnipeg Teleport to Winnipeg
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