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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Qie, you have merely to look at the owner of the microparcel, and go to their group and their headquarters, to realize that it is all related to GTFO, a GTFO hub, selling the kit from GTFO vendor. Let's not be children here. This land was abandoned in full, in one parcel, as you well know, for years. First it was abandoned a very long time ago -- 12 or even 14 years ago wnen the first-land flipper who was banned -- and then later purchased and abandoned by your group. Indeed it sat there for years. Why? Because land in the middle of the sim next to a railroad and the boardwalk in my rentals isn't ideal except for your group or mine. I left it merely because I didn't need the prims and figured you had more need of them. I didn't think I needed to make a defensive purchase -- of the type I've done so many times!!! -- for an 878 m parcel in the middle of a sim. There is half of the sim abandoned there with roadside and my rentals, which many view as "protected land" by now since they haven't changed in 15 years! So if someone really needed land in that sim, they could ask the Lindens to carve off a 512 or 1024 roadside. If they had a felt need to create an ad farm, they could also do that roadside. Having two different groups -- one directly GTFO management and the other a RR fans' group that is in fact a GTFO hub and vendor -- may technically satisfy the notion that you can't have more than one ad farm in a sim, but there are TWO BILLBOARDS on TWO VERY MUCH RELATED GROUPS HERE so they definitely should be AR'd and not get away with this sleight of hand. That Lindens may connive with GTFO to do all this or not take action against all this wouldn't surprise me WHATSOEVER given the vast amount of tier that GTFO and its affiliates may pay, but I actually don't think they are to blame here, as nowadays they basically satisfy any request to obtain abandoned land by anybody for any reason or no reason.
  2. Note the whole scene: 1. GTFO is far from the road -- why is a spot in the middle of a sim an "ideal spot" for a warehouse in a game where you are trying to move freight quickly??? 2. GTFO will have a hard time even driving out of the warehouse in the middle of the sim, given the VRC railroad in the way. 3. The ad farm is definitely related to GTFO. And the only people who will see it are my tenants -- did I mention it is not near the road at all. Look at the map. 4. My boardwalk is not encroaching -- look at the red lines.
  3. Er, I'm not the one who is hounding and harassing when in fact it is your group that has purchased abandoned land next to my rentals deliberately, despite its awkward location for your purposes. You have put up two giant billboards to get in the face of anyone next door, one of them on ad farm to which your group sold to an ad farmer in fact related to you as I discovered when I visited his headquarters and found your GTFO vendor for sale for $699 in his warehouse. While it may be true that players of this game do not make real money, you do. I don't know why you take us all for naive children given the facts in front of us on the grid. I don't believe you whatsoever, because every other statement you have made about GTFO has been demonstratively false. And these statements are demonstratively proven as false when you claim "someone else" bought it" and it was "never mine, the groups, or my friend's land" when it demonstratively has a GTFO sign on it. Or did, until I returned them, but I have no doubt they will be back. It's particularly a stretch of the imagination to say that your group has "literally" nothing to do with the microparcel when your GTFO billboard is on it, and when the group which owns that parcel is a GTFO hub with your vendor on sale in the building. Hello! No one could believe that you thought this was a "great spot" next to the railroad because it literally is not in the view due to the railroad on one side, nearly underneath the overpass, and would be seen only by my tenants on the other, not the general public. It is far from the road. It's also not at all true that this landscaping is "done tastefully" and "not guady" [sic] and "does not encroach on anyone's land" since....I was able to return these billboards because they encroached on my land. If my boardwalk encroaches on land that was abandoned for the last 12 years, you'll be able to return it. Yet it hasn't been returned. Please don't claim this is about your "good will". There is nothing false about an AR for encroachment when I am able to return both of your billboards and when abandoned land has been purchased for the purpose of creating an ad farm on a microparcel. So again, it is of course overly done because....I was able to return it. Hello! The rental property -- mine -- is right smack next to the billboards (the wooden boardwalk), improbably placed facing them in the middle of the sim and not roadside, where they would get more views. (You've amended your text to say you now realize its mine but this beggars belief). Every response I have listed here is legal and indeed encouraged when people in SL face the kind of overbearing over-building and literal encroachment that your group represents to the map, the grid, and the neighbourhood. Everyone should be banning such neighbours so they feel what it is like to live with such domination. They should certainly AR encroachment and ad farms which are certainly related to your group. This isn't about me being important or you being important but about the basic norms of society.
  4. Yes, the beta began in 1999. It ran until 2008 when they first tried to introduce user content, then shut it down, with a big GAME OVER that some of us stayed to watch before having our virtual lives deleted forever. Then a group of programmer fans made a re-engineered version called Free Sims Online (FreeSO) which is really quite good, and keeps introducing new content. There are also some offshoots on private servers here and there. It really was great. In some ways, better than Second Life in its ability to have people build communities and interact and have goals. But in content and style it was of course far inferior which is why it went out of business, I guess.
  5. UPDATE: It wasn't the Linden Roads Group that has those obelisks, or that expelled me, but another one who mysteriously indicates that I should "just know" why I'm expelled. I think it's because I criticized their aggressive attempts to put a Linden-sponsored railroad through my land on the partially abandoned WARR project, to which in fact I had sold land and gave right of way. Or who knows, it could also be due to criticism of the misuse of the FLW legacy in SL for businesses around an effort to have an FLW museum, which ultimately was cancelled by the RL FLW. I'm a critic. I criticize things that need criticism. This is normal. This is how RL is run. Unless you are in Singapore or Russia or Iran, you can criticize the authorities and other groups in society, it's more than fine.
  6. @Vega Firelyte Oh, hey, I see you're my new neighbour in Tuliptree. And that what you decided to do was to find some abandoned land near one of my areas, buy it, and put up one of your delightful GTFO outlets and get in my face, ensuring that those parcels near it will be unlikely to rent (as is usually the case with GTFO pops up, something I tolerate in my own rentals even when I rent to GTFO at the expense of other parcels, it's a balancing act). I researched this, and I realize you're going to claim you didn't do this, but that's what you did. This one is called "FarmFresh" although it has neither a farm or fresh food, but perhaps those are to come? More to the point it has two gigantic, unnecessary billboards. One is on your land, and the other is on a 112 m microparcel you sold to an ad-farmer who put your GTFO ad on his board. Ugly, unnecessary, and not viewed by anyone, except put deliberately in my face because I dared to criticize your blighting of the Mainland. It's not enough that you entirely blight the map with GTFO every few squares; you have to put up these big billboards which hardly anybody sees except my tenants in small residences who aren't going to do GTFO -- those who want to already rent large parcels. You bought land which has literally been abandoned for something like 12 years, since the Lindens cracked down on first-land flippers (they don't have the first-land program any more) and banned some of them and their land was abandoned. The nearby railroad apparently bought it and then abandoned it much later when they needed to tier down. So you requested it, with a mission in mind, I saw what you did there. It's ludicrous, because if speed and efficiency are a function of your game, trying to worm your way out of that tiny entrance and through the railroad works to get out to the highway -- it's NOT roadside - is a ridiculous time loss. So when people deliberately try to harass me over my opinions on the forums -- which are valid, and my experience, and my right -- I abuse report them , although it goes "nowhere". But I do think the Lindens need a policy not to sell abandoned land to people who then cut up microparcels for ads or to sell to ad-farmers. They may feel secondary purchases are impossible to police but that's what ARs are for. Abandoned land, which the Lindens now are unloading in large numbers, contrary to their past much slower and more miserly policy. Remember, those tuning in, my VALID criticism of GTFO's blighting of the map (it's everywhere) and warehouses taking up the view in most of their views, is not my personal opinion, and not driven merely by me having residential lots for rent, but a feeling shared by many, including even in this thread. And our expression of this criticism doesn't harm the increasingly monopolistic and oppressive GTFO, which hasn't lost any business because a few of their neighbours complained on the forums, read by 5% of the user population. If anything, it's GTFO that hurts the business of other businesses next to them, or hurts the pretty view that someone thought they had when they bought, say, lakeside property. It wouldn't occur to me to someone try to sabotage or boycott GTFO merely because I don't like their builds -- that's wrong. And as I've said numerous times, I have tenants doing GTFO! But when people attempt to harm me or my business in SL, I fight back. I AR them. I ban them -- that's the minimum, let them taste banlines. I wait 30 days. Most things go away in 30 days, for all kinds of reasons. Since escalating action often leads to the opposite effect -- you complain about an encroaching build and sim crashing, and you get a giant refrigerator on your cost for four or more years -- I wait. Then I go to the next steps. o Brick walls on all sides of the billboard. I have the prims to go up to 4096 if need be. The Lindens have a rule that you cannot totally block another's property on all 4 sides -- this method of fighting the ad farms was something they used to punish users for, as they sat idly by letting their fellow computer programmers sell 16m parcels for $10,000 and remove giant IMPEACH BUSH or MR. LEE'S HONG KONG ad boards. But you can block on 2-3 sides, and with cooperative neighbours, that's often enough. o Constant publication of bad behavior o Continued ARS, urging all those affected to AR. o Mass petitions -- I have a tenant on one sim who got so tired of ONE PERSON blocking the sailing on an entire lake because the Lindens were foolhardy enough to sell water inside lakes and not create Linden protected land inside them that he got dozens of people who lived there to petition the person doing this. She hasn't taken of "access only" yet but he will keep at it. People who put "access only" have the right to do so, and they believe it is necessary for privacy. But there are several ways you can do this and mitigate it: -- Only put your land to access only when you are actually logged in. If you are mainly not logging on to SL, there's no reason to block boating around your land for everyone. If you're afraid they might fly up to your skybox and go on your sex furniture, understood, but you can either put that away or put up an orb just for the perimeter of that skybox. To block your entire parcel of 4096 plus, when you have no builds on the ground, is insanity. -- Cut a 32m strip around your land -- leave that open. Put the rest of your land on "access only" but for the love of God, at least let people pass by on water or roadside without being bashed by banlines or orbs. The Lindens have gotten lax about policing ad farms, and I see them back again with the same insanity, ugly builds and ridiculous prices to "buy back the view". Their rule is that you can't have more than one per sim, I think it is. So that's a basis for ARs, but sometimes just an AR for the extortionist price, if there are multiple instances, can be enough. When you deal with me, you'll find that I can wait forever. I can wait years for situations to be righted. You can try to harass and bully me off my land or discourage me from expressing my views, but it can't stand. So give it up. Mind your own business. You have enough of the grid under your control without deliberately coming to harass me and my tenants.
  7. Thanks, I have to find that LLC parcel and add it to the "area attractions" list.
  8. I personally don't need a class on how to connect a Linden road, as I have done so zillions of times. What you might need a class on is how not to aggressively try to take over the entire grid because you have one idea about one thing, and not how to file aggressive ARs against people who in fact are encroaching only a small amount because the Lindens have an outrageously bad lumpy and rocky road and bad line-ups to their road prims, and also realize that your problems in driving everywhere are not caused by someone's minor encroachment, but the Lindens sim-connector prims underneath the ground. It may be hard for you to believe since you feel master of all your survey that some of us spent many, many, MANY years before you came here trying to get the Lindens to fix some of their lousy builds, and change some of their lousy policies. And the fact that today, the Moles have built many nice new roads, and we now have an ad-farm policy are the fruits of those efforts, which were important and necessary though unappreciated by new people. There's a simple reason why people flatten their terrain -- so they can place a house. That's a laudable and understandable reason, even if it's not one you share and you prefer to drive around or build large garages. Houses. With little picket fences and gardens. So people learn how to push down the terrain inside their house AFTER they place; others try to flatten first and then place and get frustrated or frankly cannot place it because universally throughout the Mainland, even the flattest land has odd terraforming in it because the Lindens felt they needed to be creative and "like real life," and they loathed suburbanism and middle-class mass taste. To see Bellisseria today, you would never know that, but that is indeed how the Lindens were for many, many years. They made flatter sims in their later years, and then people marvel that they lack character and get abandoned, but they did it because people want to place their houses, the end. As time goes on, it has become harder and harder for people to use those early basic skills like "rezzing my house" and "terraforming" and "making a foundation" -- they either want a house ready to move into, which many agents provide, or they want the agent to do it for them. The Lindens know that, which is why they created Bellisseria. With most Mainland challenges, you can put up a foundation and texture it with the same terrain as the land, but that doesn't actually look good often, especially with grass. Rock is usually better. You can bevel that foundation and slat it using "top shear" or "taper" -- that can go a long way to making a foundation bearable, and especially make it so it doesn't stick out into water and look ugly from any perspective. There are now a wide variety of cliffs and ready-made landscaping for sale, although they can be frustrating as they are often very high prim and hard to reduce or expand without changing their prims in a worse direction -- they often don't have dead-flat tops, either, necessitating a foundation on top of them. Still, they are a solution for some unbearable Mainland textures. There's also the JVTEK system that enables you to craft a sculpty over the entire lot and texture as you wish. It requires some patience but it's well worth it.
  9. That's good, but in fact, that's not the practice in SL. The SL cohort is not necessarily representative of RL, but it is a certain kind of society. Let me suggest that you don't believe that there is such a thing as M2F hatred of F2M because you've simply never experienced it. It's like the experience of any minority, it's invisible to you if you are not that minority. Trust me, this hatred of M2F is well documented and I've written about it for years and I have many, many accounts of it without needing your approval on this. It's also not some sort of "internalized transphobia" on my part to insist that this is a valid experience. I've documented this assiduously, as it first it puzzled me but then I saw it was a pattern. Of course one manifestation of this phenomenon is for these vicious types to claim that if I personally am being harassed or griefed, why, it isn't anything about my gender, it's only about my political views, or my posts critical of SL, or something of the sort. But that's baloney, as people with these same political views, i.e. who are not leftist/communist/trans-humanist but liberals and not libertarians or right-wingers, are not harassed by the left or right in the same way. There is a particular vicious, crazy hatred that I've seen first in the Sims Online, then in Second Life, then on social media. I account for it in different ways. One, is the patriarchal impulse I think does exist where M2F feels as if they should get to change, but females -- to which they are changing -- should stay put. The "little wife" syndrome. I'm not an extreme feminist, and I don't yammer on about "the patriarchy" as some do, but on this, I think it applies. Another factor at play is that M2F exists in a world of their own making, in which they can get people to buy into their fantasy and their dream, and it comes as a shock when they discover that someone has done the opposite, gone F2M. Perhaps that shock even applies when they find out someone is M2F whom they didn't know. That brings them up short, they realize they are changing their gender for real, although in virtuality, and this triggers their fears and apprehensions and ambivalences and they lash out. @Lindal Kidd um, no, I didn't "miss the mark". I expressed my opinion which is valid and based on my own considerable experience. I realize that you will post something contrary to WHATEVER I say; I could say "It's raining and the streets are wet" and you'd say in fact I'd pissed myself. Surely you must realize that when you keep doing this you will only get resistance every time. I'm not "wrong" about something, I just *have a different view than you do* and you are not "right".
  10. I have seen too many hearts broken and too many angry responses from people in SL upon discovering their partner is not the gender they believe, that I simply don't believe it's a good idea to hide this fact from an SL partner. The idea that SL is like Vegas, and "what happens in SL stays in SL" or that you can have "only" SL relationships is the biggest lie of Second Life. If it were true, there would be no anger or tears, but there are a lot of them. I once saw someone fake their death in RL rather than go through with an SL marriage where there was a lot of pressure to talk on Skype and meet in RL. I've seen people agree to RL meetings but then cancel them at the last minute, getting cold feet when they have to deal with someone finding out their RL gender. Years ago, I dealt with two women who ran a club and joined a group that I formed for appreciation of SL architecture. They were both very aggressive and kept trying to take the group over, insisting on certain decisions and disrupting every meeting. I marveled at their aggressiveness which was more like male than female, although of course people can manifest differently in both RL sexes. More to the point, they were BDSM practitioners and in my experience, this reprehensible lifestyle ALWAYS bleeds over into other non-RP and non-consensual relationships and ALWAYS manifests as brutal and coercive, even if the person is a sub, not a dom. Part of the way this aggressiveness manifests is in insisting that this is all consensual and a lifestyle and never intrudes anywhere else and is all voluntary. I utterly dismiss these claims after years of online experience where I find often people have histories of abuse in their lives and are reliving them and are not consenting. It's their business, and I don't care what they do in their homes, and many are my tenants. But when they get in my face with this aggressive, manipulative, gas-lighting style of interaction, I cut it dead. In the case of these two women, I didn't know they were really males or BDSM. Now I do, having looked up their profiles recently when I had to return their prims and found that they now honestly display this on their profiles. I would never done a project with them had I known this from the outset because this bad experience is proven to me again and again and again in 20 years of virtual living and I don't need to look for that nice exception anymore, I'm done. And once again, I can only reiterate that bar none, the most hateful and vicious types in SL who have persecuted me the most are m2f, usually with BDSM. Therefore, I'm all for people being honest in their relationships. They don't have to put it on their profile; but if they enter into some kind of relationship of trust, either romantic or business or non-profit, they should explain who they are so there are no tears. It's just common human decency. And if you CANNOT do that, ask yourself WHY. How are you manipulating your partner; why are you being secretive and keeping them in the dark, knowing they may be very upset if they knew the truth.
  11. If it was a simple matter of a fire or power outage, they would have said that. But read the updates, it's about the software. Engineers have "found the problem" -- and it wasn't lack of electricity. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/ It's always about the software.
  12. Seven hours is a long time for the grid to be down. It must be something serious. I hope they have one of those blogs with a nerdy explanation of it. UPDATE: And it seems they plan one: https://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  13. That sounds like a great idea, I'll look into it. I sometimes put the animations in the pillows, too, so I can have different ones on a couch.
  14. At one of my jobs we used to say that Dyadya Vanya had unplugged the computer in order to run the vacuum cleaner. It's not just on weekends. And it's way more often. And it's inventory. And so this is related either to the cloud or some other handling device that they changed. And as you know, changing one thing can have unintended consequences. My firm belief is that the sky-tinkering is having unintended consequences. I don't believe it's a DDoS attack, although of course those happen and happen more in Silicon Valley for obvious reasons but it's been awhile since SL has had those kind of concerted attacks by griefers or competitors described as griefers. It's either the cloud, or the sky.
  15. AND inventory problems keep recurring and more frequently. They are linked. Linked in a cosmic way you may not fathom.
  16. The one pose I hate on any furniture is this one where the male especially gets really down low on the couch and looks glum and furtive -- and this is sometimes combined with an actual smoking animation. It's the Russian gopnik pose (hoodlums). If I wanted to play Russian gopnik, I would buy a couch called the Russian gopnik couch, and yes, there are some in SL. But I don't want every couch to be doing that. The other thing I hate is "cuddle" on PG furniture merely because most of where I am placing furniture is in public places, hangouts, forests, cafes, etc. It's fine for a private home to have either "cuddle" on PG and of course adult, and I place a lot of those, too. But I think people who are coming to a public meeting and a public place don't want "cuddle" as an option. I wonder how a couple can even fit on some of these narrow chairs in which "cuddle" has been placed. So far, the only solution I have for this problem is to gut the furniture and put in my own animations with Sit Target Helper II which is a godsend and works great. BUT sometimes constructions have that message "there aren't enough prims for all the avatars to sit". Then it's a massive mess-up I have to leave alone. I just think two levels of the menu have to be made (ideally), one in which male and female sits for singles are the first cut, with no "swap" requirement (another annoyance) and then click further on the screen and "cuddle" becomes an option. I agree with Raspberry Crystal that there are more singles using furniture than creators realize. And that's not only because there is a LOT of hanging out in groups in public or semi-public places, and because if you go on a date, to a hangout or even to your own house, you don't want to "open with" a cuddle, you want to work into it. I think the reason B&Bs work in my rentals is that people have a place to go initially to hang out where a bed or adult anims are not looming in the corner scaring off the acquaintance, but they are in a normal living room or dining room where they can sit and interact sociably and opt to a retire to a skybox if the situation warrants it.
  17. There's a simple solution to this: don't have mesh body parts. It's not what God intended. OK, I admit I have some mesh feet, but I only backed into that because I couldn't fit any shoes or socks I bought and finally resigned to buying mesh feet so people wouldn't see me without any feet at all. But that's as far as it goes...
  18. "Despite our best efforts..." says the message. And friends and tenants ask me, "Why?" For a time, the word on the grid was "Because they are moving to the cloud." But they weren't moving to the cloud. My own speculation rests on all this tinkering with the sky. My SL sky looks like it's on an LSD trip much of the time and I haven't changed any settings. Tinker with the sky, says the gods of the Internet, and a messed-up ground and inventory are sure to follow. Thoughts?
  19. 1/3 homestead available on the east side of the unique sim of Belarus, home of the Whispering Witches, East European shamans. Current season is autumn. $2400/wk for 21,504 m2 and1640 prims - $8,640/mo with discount. Teleport to Belarus You get a secluded landscape side and can terraform as you wish. A premium account isn't required, but if you want to contribute 1024 m tier to our mainland group, you get $450/wk discount from your rent, which is then $1,950/wk. How sweet is that, using your premium toward a homestead! 4 wks advance payment 10% discount. Pets, skyboxes welcome. You can have security 500 m or higher and "group only" if you wish. There's also a separate Russian wooden home for rent here with a sauna for $200/wk fully furnished, 100 prims for your use. Teleport to Russian Lodge IM Prokofy Neva for a group invitation. PayPal accepted (US $33.00) Жыве Беларусь!
  20. Thanks for going to have a look, so often people don't even log in! It's a hulking build that overpowers the area. I understand why builders like this choose a nice area like this -- they like the view, too! They love looking out at the view. It's just that they seem heedless of the fact that...now THEY are in the view for everybody else! And as I've said repeatedly: GTFO is good in that it is a nice game to engage people across the grid and get them buying or renting land and having fun; it gives them "something to do"; it builds skills; it doesn't translate to real money so it stays fun. And as I've said repeatedly, I rent to GTFO warehouses and some of my tenants with these stops have been there for years! Notice that while it took awhile and I had to offer discounts, my land there did finally rent to a dedicated customer. You can always face out to the lake, not look behind. I did refrain from buying further land there in that nice area, however. But since I see A LOT of these warehouses I do feel the balance has been tipped. It seems to take over the map and the ground in places. This game is expanding, not contracting. So sure, there are aesthetic areas, some not like warehouses at all, but like country cottages, i.e. the Larsson shop in Molesworth. But most are not like that. Maybe they can consider making more like that and not have all the freight be heavy. But it's not my game. I don't play it. I rent to those who do, sometimes I imagine, even at the expense of my own residential rentals, but long-term, higher-priced rentals are to be favoured. Life is not an Amazon warehouse and Amazon trucks and Amazon deliveries, although it seems RL is dominated by this now, creating more burden for our doormen and postal workers nt to mention truck drivers!. There is more to life, and I would like to see it reflected in SL.
  21. Are you a Mole on your other account? OpenSim isn't really viable, it doesn't have a market or even things like grouped land for rentals. You might like to review the Community Standards. There are certain things one "doesn't like" which in fact "interfere with the enjoyment of Second Life" (as art. 2C of their old standards used to say, but the same concept is in the latest redaction as well). I have land on 50 sims which I share with other owners. And most of the time, people are decent and try to make way for each other. But every once in awhile you get a total a$$hat who does something like put a giant figure up in the water in the view on 4 sims, or a giant concrete parking lot boxing in others, or a giant refrigerator, or a giant dome that blots out the sun on 4 sims and creates a huge footprint on the map and in the sky just above you. These things aren't violations unless they encroach on your land, but they are inconsiderate and it's more than fine to call them out and advocate against them. The Lindens could simply make a rule that all builds in the sky have to be put up at least 500 meters from the ground, and we won't have those awful overbearing domes anymore, or other structures like stacked up layers with junk on them in the sky. I have that rule in my rentals. They could make that rule, and it would go very far toward improving the mainland. They don't make rules like this because they are afraid of edgecases, of "what ifs," of suppressing "creativity," of endless policing, of overload of ARs, of lots of things. But those are all excuses, as they were for ad farms. It is possible to make rules and enforce them, as it finally was against ad farms.
  22. Stop by the Ravenglass Rentals office to pick up a notecard with all our Fall and Halloween rentals and hang-outs. Here's the Autumn version of the Aquitaine skybox with a beautiful palace before you can have the use of, management prims don't count or ask to place your own. TP to Aquitaine in Winnipeg RENTED Green Fairy's wonderfully detailed Mill House skybox with a working mill. TP to Mill House in Winnipeg A wiccan home above Shaman's Bluff, a beautiful nature preserve with tidal pools. Check out the other offers there including a steampunk loft, an SL antique naturalist's home and more. TP to Wiccan Skyhome in Atis Be sure to check out the Haunted Monastery of St. Thaddeus, also known as St. Jude, patron saint of lost causes, whose novena began October 19. Teleport to St. Thaddeus in Tethys Don't miss the UnLinden Trailer where you can find the ghosts of SL's past on parade, pick up a Linden rare, and see some other rare displays. TP to UnLinden Trailer in Atis
  23. Yes! I still have my first land in Refugio. It's on the side of the hill even though waterfront which is why I managed to get it because no one wanted to be on a rock face. It was above a placed called Waterfall Canyon where Jauani Wu had a house and had named it that, I believe, and I kept the name. (I should mention that the Lindens used to have a program in the beginning called "First Land" when they began selling land with prims tied to square meters. When you made a new account, you were eligible for that First Land -- oldbies were not. You couldn't have contributed to a group with your tier or it wouldn't work. So naturally it got gamed and people made lots of alts to snag it. The Lindens used to have a limit of 5 accounts per person. I don't know if they still have that. They got rid of First Land I believe by 2007). I remember an oldbie on that sim who had snagged a bunch of first lands on different alts and who had a huge TV business tried to force me to re-sell and tried to block other first lands for sale on that sim but eventually a friend and I waited that out and kept ARing it and that person is gone. Today, that land has a coast guard renting the larger parcel from me to which it was linked, and there is a plaza and some homes and apartments for rent there. In Wakeley (now merged to a marketplace) is another first land I got on earlier account when I was a newbie, where I had a bad experience when I abandoned it by accident and it fell into 16m squares (which is what happened in the bad old days when land was abandoned, because the Lindens thought this would be a great way for people to pick up just a little extra prim land, although it proved the seedbed for the long siege of the Mainland by ad farms). Hence, my attempt on another account to get it again on another sim -- and then much later, what I had originally had as first land and got grabbed by flippers was eventually for sale again and I got it. I'm proud I managed to hang on to my first land through thick and thin. And I'm also proud to have provided inexpensive rentals for people to have as their first homes, so they get used to land and buy their own land. The more buyers and owners who are happy, the better the Mainland for all of us, including for rentals. PS Apropo of another thread, there's a GTFO here and that's fine. it's a warehouse and airport for a rescue mission RP and that's great. I needed someone to rent a large rocky bluff that few wanted to rent and tackle, and they did, and have for years. I do have to point out that the particular residence next to it seldom rents merely because not everybody wants to live next to a warehouse, no matter how "pretty". In fact, I have an idea now, and I'll turn that townhouse around to face out to sea in another direction : )
  24. I agree that by definition a warehouse need not be ugly, and beauty can be achieved with steel and concrete, and quaint cottages can be ugly. But that's not the point. You must not have GTFO near you. It means that in many areas that are quaint roads or Linden bridges or waterfront, you have this mammoth structure that clashes with nature and its surroundings by its industrial nature. Make it beautiful or not, it's still INDUSTRIAL. Once again, there are almost NO GTFO sites that are like Larsson's for example, a quaint cafe. Compare and contrast Larsson and the one near my land on Lake Caldera. WHEN you have a GTFO right next to you, do write. Others have different experiences. Anything that threatens to take over the entire grid needs a pushback, like the "pod tours" which a few forums regs love and therefore feel shouldn't be criticized. Stand on my parcels and watch dozens of flying green buses limp down the roadside with no passengers, and you will feel differently. Well the concrete things are being done, Therese is getting a HUD designed of recommended places. If anyone wants to host a node and be on a circuit rid of MAS locations, IM me, I now have an object (pot of daisies) and an Experience key with that name, "Mainland Appreciation Society" which is basically just a fast teleporter.
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