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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. More! Come on all you been-around-the-block SL'ers. These are great. I want more exploring ideas. I have heard all kinds of stories about great sims that have disappeared (the creepy cornfield one comes to mind), and I want to see them before they go. It is hard to imagine the work that has gone into putting these amazing places together and I, for one, appreciate it. ***Yay, creators***
  2. It would be nice if your avi could live on even after your real life death... Maybe you should put her in your will and let someone else continue her life even after you have moved on. A small piece of you still running around and having fun.
  3. Yes, yes you have ended your second life... But never fear - this death is only a temporary condition. It can remedied by getting alternate access to your second life via a new phone or computer access. The powers that be, in their infinite wisdom, have devised a way to save your life. Yes, that's right. Your second life has been saved for you to resume at your leisure.
  4. I have those choices in my library, but they were not choices when I signed up. I had to pick a human and then I had options after logging in - too bad I had no idea they were there or how to use them at the time. I am not sure if there are furry options, but the robot one is available. I am,also, not sure when they showed up in there - they may have always there or maybe they showed up when one of the viewer updates was installed. I stopped updating at 2.4. I think it would be a nice idea to let new users start with a non-human character or at least to let them know they have initial options without having to buy something or find a freebie right away.
  5. Dogboat Taurog wrote: real life is the same though. people get hurt in SL and real life, its not a game to have your emotions trampled on, unless you see that as a game of course. a goal is predefined in games, football, Wow, tiddlywinks, whatever. you could argue that working was a game,reading a book, watching a film, they have goals too. so by your definition they are also games. its really so wrong to call SL a game, you can play tiny empires within SL but you can't play SL itself. Of course, I am not in Sl to hurt other people or trample on their emotions. I do not consider that a game or fun in anyway. I DO consider life to be a game and I want to be better at playing today than I was yesterday. Life (rl and sl) is a challenge everyday and everyones goal is different. I have never hurt anyone in sl and I have never allowed anyone to hurt my feelings, but if they did, it is not their fault that my feelings are hurt. Why would I give someone the power to control my emotions? But, really, that has nothing to do with my view of SL as a game. "its really so wrong to call SL a game" - Nope, I am not wrong... neither are you.
  6. I have to vote SL is a game... for me. I understand the arguments everyone has put forth here for both sides, but the way I approach it is as a game. For me, there is a goal or quest each time I log in. I 'level up' by learning something new. I learned how to get around - walk, tp, fly - Level 1. I learn how to make purchases, dress, find decent skins/shapes - level 2. I figure out how the poseballs, various HUDs, dancing work - level 3. I join an rp group and learn another way to communicate and play well with others - level 4. If I ever get the hang of editing clothing or shoes, I may get to level 5. Building is on my list of things to learn - maybe I will get to level 6 one day. The game continues... It is like those books you could read as a kid - the 'create your own adventure' books. I considered those books games AND entertainment. You have some control over the next step, but no control over other people's responses. To me a game implies some sort of challenge or reaching a goal. Sometimes they are personal challenges sometimes you face it with a group and I do not always win the game. I log in again the next day and 'play' again. I know that is is really a place to challenge myself, but I still consider it a game.
  7. Nice Leyna!!! Thanks for sharing. I really liked a few of those stores and even found a pair of decent flats that I could get to fit. Very nice and detailed casual clothes.
  8. AWESOME!!!! Thanks a bunch it was a great show... The meteor showers just added to the atmosphere. Oooohhhh Aaaahhhh Cinnamon :matte-motes-sing:
  9. Yay!!!! Thanks, Hippie. I didn't even get the notecard sent out yet. I can't wait to get in-world and take it for a spin. Hugs and Kisses!!!
  10. Thank you all!!! Sorry had to work today so I am late to respond. It is all good advice and a great place to start. Mayalily: Thanks - I had seen the shoes with HUDs and was trying to figure out if I was going to understand how to work it to get the color right. I had seen several people with mismatches feet and skin colors and figured that would be me. I may try to kill scripts in the hair sometime, but only if I have an unaltered copy to fall back on if I mess up or it looks bad. Randall: I am looking for some kind of balance between looking good and being able to move around or dance. Of course, I want to look good, I just want to keep lag in mind. Thanks for the tip about how to find out how many scripts I am wearing. I need all the info I can get. Ariel: I knew hair would be a big one, but I had not thought to check jewelry. And, yes, flexi versus sculpty was what I was trying to come up with when I wrote the OP. I was not sure what the difference was. I do like the way a little movement looks in clothes (although sometimes it seems to move too slowly) Thanks for the reminder not to modify anything or delete scripts without a copy! Mayalily (pt 2) I am still trying to get the editing of shoes right. Are sculpty shoes modifiable or are they suppose to just fit when you put them on? Pussycat: This is exactly why I asked these questions. I want to be informed when I go out to buy. I do like the idea of being able to copy and modify what I get and will definitely be looking for that before I purchase anything. I knew the few things I had bought never quite looked like the picture - it is good to know that some people will change the picture to make it look better. I will be looking for that. Thanks also for the advice on inventory amounts. It will be easier to budget if I have some idea of what wardrobe essentials I might need. I am pretty sure I have nothing formal in my inventory now and I do see themed dances that I skip because I have nothing even close to what they are hoping for. I usually skip the topless themes :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Melita: One of the few things I have figured out is the itty bitty foot size needed for many shoes to fit. I guess if it is standard to fit a size 0, it gives all the creators out there a place to start. As far as what my style is... I had found that Boho Baku store - I like their stuff. I find I am rather prudish by SL standards. I don't dress too sexy, mostly casual, no body parts front or back hanging out. I like mostly flat shoes and boots, although I do have 1 pair of heels in black that I sort of over-wear. I have not found a flat pair of sandals/pumps I like, so if anyone has a great looking, easy to edit pair I am open for suggestions. I have a few hairs, but I will have to check what kinds they are and if they have scripts/prims and if they are copiable. I may have to just shop in-world and try some demos out to see what looks good. Can you edit a demo like you would the real thing to see if it will fit right? Again - thanks for all the advice!!!
  11. I have been exploring SL now for more than a year (and having a great time). It is time for me to go shopping - not something I generally enjoy all that much. You know, girlie stuff like dresses, jewelry, shoes (which I can never get to fit). I prefer to shop in the Marketplace and not in SL. My questions all involve how to go about doing this. I know there is controversy about scripts, prims and lag. I may not understand it, but I get that the more you wear, the slower things go. So, what am I looking for when I shop? Not every item tells you how many prims it contains, some tell you that you can delete scripts when you are done fitting them. I am not sure how to delete them, but it seems like a good idea. I noticed one of the ways to sort was by 'prim count low to high'. Is this a useful way to to shop or does it not really matter? Are some places more responsible with their creations than others? Does buying something that is flexi rather than prim matter? (I am aware that particular question may not even make sense). I am just trying to start out responsibly so any advice will be listened to even if it is not followed. Thanks in advance! Time to play dress-up!
  12. Fun!!! I want to fly a spaceship. Do I need a special license??? or the does the notecard take care of that.... This truly is'far out, man'. Cinn
  13. I have no real life video of me doing anything... Oh well, I enjoyed listening to your jam session. It made me want to wave my hands in the air and move. I love when everything comes together and music is heard. Awesome!
  14. okay... what about: "How do you think that tiny would work with this animation?" or "Let's try this 'dance' as that furry skunk avi we saw earlier today!"
  15. Talk about the same stuff you talked about before you jumped on the pose balls... You know - all that stuff you have in common, like your interests, hobbies, your favorite SL store, what viewers you use and why, your favorite Sims, games, roleplay areas, religion, furries/tinies/vampires, statistics philosophy and your SL mother's best advice... If you haven't talked about all that, then you have plenty to say.
  16. I agree that this format does not have the same feel as the other one did, but I am sure we will get use to it in time. People are locating their favorite areas and I see repeat posters there. I see many new people also. Life is all about change even in a virtual world. Still, I am sad to see the old format and people go. It seemed much more alive, not nearly as sterile. Rest assured I am still here, off and on, behind my computer screen as time allows. I will still post when the urge strikes and enjoy the new banter. Only time will tell if the old life and energy will return. I hope so. Cinn:matte-motes-kiss: *hugs*
  17. Why settle for just one when you have earned the whole team?!?!?! You deserve it.
  18. I have GOT to get to one of these parties and meet you gals.... Hopefully I will be free for the next one.
  19. Some good advice there. I hadn't thought about where my pics were taken and that it could be followed. I agree that negativity/ aggressiveness in a profile will send me to another location or avi quickly. I have been in SL off and on for a year. Filling in the profile is definitely personal preference. Reading a filled in profile will sometimes help me jump into conversation. I take more time to get the feel of a conversation if I don't have any idea who I am talking to (yes, this includes RP'ers - I just play along in that case). I take profiles at face value. If that is who you want to be, then that is how I will I will treat you. I suppose if you have enough friends and don't need anymore, then filling in the profile is not that important. If you are very outgoing and jump into chats easily, then filling in the profile is pointless. Your personality will come through. Otherwise, a little bit about you is a nice bit of information for the rest of us. It helps us know how to adapt to your personality or the situation.
  20. It is too bad that you have a bad first experience to friendship in SL. I have had fairly good luck with people in SL, but I have realistic expectations about who I am meeting. I have no idea who they are. I just play along with whoever they are today. I have been inworld for 11 months now and have only 2 friends I felt trustworthy enough to give some RL info to, but I have MANY 'friends'. A little caution is all that is needed. Just accept people for who they seem to be (or want you to think they are) and don't expect trust to happen quickly. It builds over time. Don't give up on everyone. Just have fun and keep an open mind.
  21. Aahhhhhh!!! Thank you both. It worked and I have my groups back again. Thanks a bunch :smileywink:
  22. Thanks Dilbert! I went to Me->Preferences->Advanced I did not see a clear cache option. Am I looking in the wrong place?
  23. I have recently not been able to open group chat windows in SL. It continues to time out. I still recieve the messages offline by email, but cannot join a conversation while logged in to SL. I use viewer 2.1.1. I am not sure if I have messed with my settings and turned it off accidentally. I recently downloaded and installed a program called "NoScript" onto my computer that may have something to do with it. Any ideas??? I miss chatting with my groups.
  24. That is a good question and I have been wondering myself. I have seen many different kinds of resident distinctions. New Resident, Resident, Recognized Resident, Honored Resident. I only saw descriptions for Resident, Member, Moderator and Advisor and of course, the Lindens get the cute little all-seeing hand. Yes, yes, inquiring minds want to know what the difference is and how DID the spammer become honored?...
  25. The audience wants to be attracted not by the critics, but by a great story. You must deliver to the audience emotion - and when I say emotion, I mean suspense, drama, love. -Dino De Laurentiis I don't know how much longer I can handle the suspense... What WILL you do next? :smileysurprised: Oh, please don't leave me hanging. Oh, please don't make me hold my breath. I may not be able to sleep tonight. Gee, thanks a bunch, Alexa... and welcome to the forums.
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