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Innula Zenovka

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Everything posted by Innula Zenovka

  1. He's still in great form, Void, posting lots of pictures of himself and his mustelid friends.
  2. Try something like vector a = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(UUID, ([OBJECT_POS])),0); vector pos = llGetPos(); llRotLookAt(llRotBetween(<0,0,-1>,llVecNorm(<a.x,a.y,pos.z> - pos))); which should have it swivel round left to right, and back, on its z axis, while staying upright.
  3. Yes, it took me a while to get the hang of it. People often ask scripting-related questions there in Content Creation or Project Development, too, but the actual discussions are very often in the General SL forum (or the BDSM forum for stuff like RLV and particle chains). I think Cristiano set up the actual Scripting Tips forum as a home for us all, if we decided to give up on the official forums altogether when that Jive nonsense was introduced. That's not happened, obviously, but there's a lot of very active scripters over at SLU, including some old pals from the old, old forum like Argent, Jopsy and Qie. Jesse Barnett used to post there a lot, but I've not seen her lately.
  4. Without knowing what's in the animate() code it's difficult to say for sure, but I suspect part of the problem may be that llSetRot() doesn't work with physical objects, which the object must be for llMoveToTarget to do anything. Try with llRotLookAt instead.
  5. I really miss the old, old forums too, but I agree that starting yet another forum isn't the way to get that atmosphere back. Certainly over at SLU, where a lot of the old Scripting Tips regulars ended up, the "Scripting Tips" part of the forum is like this, only quieter. We do discuss scripting-related matters quite frequently at SLU, but something like, to take a recent example, a discussion of vendors and security issues will tend to happen in SLU's general SL discusson section than in the Scripting section because of the dynamics of the place -- SLU's general section is where someone will naturally start a thread about how "I think someone tried to hack my network vendors because..." so that's where the the SLU scripting regulars will naturally chime in and end up discussing how to make vendors that are immune to such attacks. And, while I really enjoy the place, I'm the first to agree that SLU isn't to everyone's taste.
  6. Sorry, but that seems to me rather dangerous advice to follow. Not being a specialist IP lawyer in the US or anywhere else, I can't really comment on how legally sound it is, but certainly the creator of the sculpties has no earthly way of knowing, on seeing in the marketplace items apparently using his or her maps being sold by someone who's not bought them direct, whether that person is an alt of a bona fide buyer or is using them contrary to the terms of the licence. So the only recourse is to start issuing DMCA take-down notices and let the other person counter-claim if they feel like it. If the other person's defence is "that avatar is my alt, and I've got a right to pass my sculpt maps to her," then the creator can do, or not not, whatever she or he feels appropriate. But they can't know it's your alt until you tell them. That seems to me a situation I'd wish to avoid if I can, so I'd want to the creator to know about my alt before we got to DMCAs and so on. In my experience, people tend to react a lot better to being asked "do you mind if I do such-and-such?" than do they to being told "I'm going to do it, whether you mind or not," so I'd be inclined to ask if they minded my giving the stuff to my alt, because asking them is not going to do any harm and might possibly avoid a fight that a flat announcement might precipitate. If they say "no," then it's still up to me what I do, should I feel on sound enough legal ground to fight it as you suggest and also feel that fighting it is worth the couple of dollars I save by not buying a second set of sculptmaps for my alt. But I don't see what I gain by not asking, while I certainly see advantages to making a polite request, even though it might not, strictly speaking, be necessary.
  7. Hi, Christopher. The best way to learn scripting I can think of is to have a simple project in mind that you want to do anyway -- I got started because I wanted to be able to make stuff change texture and colour and transparency . If there's something you want to do, we'll be happy to help you with it.
  8. You might find this helpful: http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/alternative-sl-clients/48834-chalices-list-sl-clients.html
  9. Darkie Minotaur wrote: This only partially fixes the problem - or better: I leads straight to another problem. If you transfer a script with llGiveInventory, it will get disabled. So you would need another script setting the incoming one to running. I still don't understand why you don't like the much more elegant linked message solution - but well. If you transfer the script with llGiveInventory, I think you have either to recompile the script or to take the object back into your inventory and then rez it again. And in either event, you have then to set the scripts running manually. The only way to give a running script, to my mind, is with llRemoteLoadScriptPin
  10. Or if you type dialog in the search box. Admittedly, if you type menu you have to scroll down half a dozen or so results to find it.
  11. I dunno, Rolig. Both Sianna Gears (Singularity) and Henri Beauchamp (Cool VL) have been working for several months now preparing their respective viewers for mesh, and both seem pretty confident they'll be able to afford their users the ability to see, though probably not upload, mesh soon after it's rolled out on the main grid. The Phoenix/Firestorm team may decide to try to emulate them or -- which would, to my mind, be far more sensible -- decide that since people who really don't like V2 but want to see mesh are catered for by Henri and Sianna, they'll concentrate their energies on trying to get Firestorm up to speed (which should be the lesser task, I would think). I'm sure that, sooner or later, we'll almost all of us be able to see mesh, be it in V2 or an adapted V1. But I'm not really sure when "sooner or later" is going to be. A lot depends on how long Firestorm take to catch up. Like I said, I use Marine's RLV for just about everything but testing purposes now, so I'll doubtless be able to see mesh around the same time people using the official V2 can, but I'm very aware that I'll be in a small minority for quite some time. Regardless of how good mesh looks to me, I'm certainly not intending to spend money on mesh clothes or builds until I'm confident most people will see them properly, and no way am I going to sell anything with mesh components until I know almost my customers can see it.
  12. JTBorsalino wrote: I have very basic questions about RLV and am having a hard time finding those rudimentary answers. Complex ones I can find , just not the simple ones. 1. If an avatar is not wearing a RLV enabled item (like and open collar) are you still able to undress them? What about position, move, or trap them? 2. If an avatar is in the hunter role what settings keep them from inadvertantly being subject to controls or capture? (the viewer is phoenix) 3. Everything I read talks about having a relay. Is the relay only necessary for the restrained party ? Is it also necessary that the restrainer have a relay.? I'll accept any information in private message if that's more appropriate. I also would be grateful for any directions to RLV tutorials though most of the ones I find are written to assist the restrained as opposed to the restrainer. Having RLV turned on means scripted objects -- either something you're wearing or something rezzed in world -- can do things that normally you have to do via your keyboard, like take off your clothes. RLV commands to the viewer to do something are always in the form llOwnerSay("@something_or_other...."), so in order to take off my shirt, you have to cause something that belongs to me (typically something I'm wearing) to do llOwnerSay("@remoutfit:shirt=force"); This object might either be my collar (e.g. an OpenCollar) that I've said should listen to commands from you. Or it might be a relay, which listens on -1812221819 for commands from objects like traps, and, if the command is directed at me and I've got my relay turned on, will make my relay parse the instruction it receives and then repeat it in the form llOwnerSay("@whatever"); My collar might also act as a relay, but its collar functionality is different. You can use RLV on me via my collar if I tell my collar to listen to you, either on channel 0 or anything else I've set. If it's also acting as a relay, it's got a second listener open, listening to objects, like traps, on -1812221819. So, the answer to 1) is no, you can't do anything to me unless I'm wearing some sort of RLV enabled item. The answer to 2) is that the hunter should turn his or her relay off (or not use an RLV viewer at all). And the answer to 3) is that only the restrained party needs a relay (or, indeed, needs to be using an RLV viewer -- doesn't matter what the restrainer's using). OpenCollar and some other systems have huds for the restrainer, but that's just a convenience for the person doing the restraining -- bring up the commands quickly and easily. It's the equivalent of your saying to me, izmenu and my collar (if you're able to access it) will bring up a menu of commands you can have my collar apply to me. You ask about tutorials -- as the restrainer, or dominant, you really just need to read the documentation for whatever your victims are using, be it an Open Collar or Tokon Hud or Bad Day Skirt or whatever.
  13. You can do the conversion you want this way: rotation rot = llEuler2Rot(<90.0,0.0,180.0>*DEG_TO_RAD); That is, take the <x,y,z> value in degrees, turn it into radians by multiplying by the constant DEG_TO_RAD and then tell lsl to convert that into a quaternion for you. Void's rotation page is really useful https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer/Rotations and Grandma Bates has recently put up two very helpful tutorials on SLU, Basic Introduction to Rotations and Introduction to Rotations pt 2
  14. What do you think would be the benefits of asking any particular question in an external forum rather than here, given that this is almost certainly the largest and most active forum? Certainly any question I've had over the last three or four years that I've brought here has been answered very rapidly and helpfully.
  15. I've never understood the ratings for profiles. I'd always thought that profiles were supposed to be G, but certainly some friends' profiles show up as M or A. Why mine is G, I don't know. Some of my picks and some of my groups are certainly A, so it's not taking the ratings from those. Does anyone know how profile ratings are determined and by whom?
  16. I don't know about have to, but out of both caution and politeness I always ask the creator of the sculpts before sharing them with my alt. People are normally very reasonable about this. Usually, if I ask, they even agree to my sharing the sculpts with my business partner. We build everything together and like to release products with all the prims made by the same person; If the packs aren't expensive we just buy one each, but when they're a couple of thousand L$, we do ask if we can share them with each other, and people have almost always agreed (sometimes, instead, they've given, or sold for a nominal sum, the components in question whichever one of us needs them). But I would always ask first, because otherwise you risk the creator one day seeing a load of stuff in the marketplace and saying "hang on, those are my sculpties in the build but there's no record of my having sold them to an avatar called Anne Alias" and jumping to the wrong conclusion.
  17. Ela Talaj wrote: Sorry, I've no idea what you're trying to say. A conditional statement (comparison) evaluates to a boolean variable in any language; there is nothing else for it to evaluate to. The operators precedence in LSL is exactly the same as in ANSI C. I think what Void is saying -- and she's right, of course -- is that if(!~llListFindList([owner,renter],[llDetectedKey(0)])){ //neither the owner nor the renter} only works if owner and renter have both been explicitly cast as keys. Otherwise the script doesn't know they're keys and thinks they're strings, so it will always return FALSE since llDetectedKey(0) is never going to be a string. I've been caught by that before.
  18. Zena Juran wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Do you say I'll be able to adjust a mesh shape as I adjust my shape at the moment with all the sliders and have the adjustments stick when I wear it? Not at all. An avatar mesh can be adjusted in size (like a sculptie/prim) but what you mentioned, in slider adjustments, is not possible. There are limits and caveats to everything in SL. Meshes are no diff but I feel that the benefits of having detailed/sculpted avatars of such that cannot be realised with the current SL Avatar will outweigh any minor changes that people will have to adapt to. People will whine and then they will get over it... lol :-) I'm really not sure I like the idea of having an avatar, no matter how highly detailed, that looks just like lots of other people, other than being bigger or smaller. That really seems to me a major disadvantage. I'd hate to go to a club and see half a dozen clones of me. Where can I see a picture of the sort of detailed human avatar you describe? I'm probably making the wrong comparison, but I've got a mental image of DAZ studio's Victoria, who's never seemed to me any sort of an improvement on what you can do in SL with a good skin and good shape-making skills. Even the really expensive (several hundred dollars US) human figures on TurboSquid don't look to me that much better than what can already be achieved in SL with the avatar mesh and viewer tools we have, particularly when you consider they're presumably photographed to their best advantage for the adverts and then compare that with what you can now do with lighting and focus in SL itself. And does the fact I can't reshape mesh clothes (as opposed to resize them) mean if I buy a mesh avatar I'll be limited to being able to wear clothes designed with that particular avatar in mind? I ask because I don't know. I mean, at the moment, I can buy any modifiable clothes I like in SL and, with a bit of tweaking of the clothes or my body shape or both, get them to fit pretty well. Will I be able to do that with mesh? Certainly I can see the advantages of mesh for rezzed objects, when enough people can see them, and also mesh clothes. But the more I think about it, the more doubtful I am about mesh avatars, at least for humans.
  19. Zena Juran wrote: Personally I don't buy shapes. Meshes are as editable as sculpties and prims are editable in-world. It depends on how the creator sets the permissions. I know you can edit mesh objects when they're rezzed in world but, as I understand it, one of the drawbacks of mesh clothes is that they snap back (while adjusting to your avatar skeleton size) once you wear them. There's quite a discussion going on over at SLU about this at the moment between people who're trying out the mesh dress I mentioned. Do you say I'll be able to adjust a mesh shape as I adjust my shape at the moment with all the sliders and have the adjustments stick when I wear it?
  20. Zena Juran wrote: I will buy Mesh Clothes when and if i find something that i like Wheter or not somebody with a different viewer is able to see , makes no difference to me Same here. I've seen some wonderful mesh clothing creations and I'm looking forward wearing them. Combine new mesh clothing with a new mesh avatar and everyone else will look like a noob from 2007. Prices will be comparible and competitive! :-) Or they'll look like they're wearing boxes. I can't see mesh avatars taking off, though, apart maybe from robots (which are supposed to look the same). You can't edit mesh, as I understand it. So unless everyone's going to pay a vast amount of money for custom mesh avatars or learn how to make their own, then everyone wearing a mesh avatar is going to look like everyone else wearing the same avatar. Do you buy no-mod shapes?
  21. It's easy enough to write a script that will spoof someone's name in chat or in IMs to another avatar, but I can't see how it would work with spamming group chat, because scripts can't post to groups. Only avatars can do that. The simplest explanation -- which is why I asked about what happens if someone clicks the OP's name in the group chat -- is that someone's adopted her name as a display name and is using that to post.
  22. What happens if they click on your name as it appears in the IM window?
  23. Interesting pair of pictures in FabFree of what a very nice (and free) mesh dress looks like when you're on a mesh-enabled sim using a mesh-capable viewer and what it looks like to someone using Phoenix (or, I imagine, anything else that can't see mesh properly). With a mesh-capable viewer, it is is, as the blog says, "a gorgeous embossed satin dress, all one piece. " But, as the second picture shows, to anyone not using such a viewer it looks as if you are wearing a big black box. I usually use Marine's RLV, and since she keeps up with the official viewer pretty well, I'm doubtless going to be able to see how good I look in this dress, and similar outfits, pretty soon after mesh rolls out properly. But no way am I spending any money on buying mesh clothes until I'm confident half my friends aren't going to be asking "Innula, what are you wearing a damn great big box for?" So I don't think I'm even going to consider spending any money on mesh items until Firestorm manage to produce a mesh-capable viewer, and then I'll review the situation and see how many people actually switch to it. What are other people planning on doing?
  24. When you're reading a notecard I would always advise reading it all once and storing the results in the script's memory. Less work for you and less work for the sim. And when people ask me to do "random" stuff I find they don't always mean "truly random" -- rather, they mean "in an unpredictable order". So I just randomise the list, work down it, and randomise it again when I get to the end -- this avoids the possibility of having the item say the same thing/give out the same item several times in succession. But if you do want a random choice each time, just call llRandomizeList each time, and read the first line. Anyway, this is my basic mechanism if you want to play with it: (edited to reset the counter before I re-read the notecard if it changes) string notecard;key query;integer counter;integer max;list my_list;read_notecard(){ notecard = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,0); if(llGetInventoryType(notecard)==INVENTORY_NOTECARD){ counter=0; llOwnerSay("reading the notcard"); my_list=[]; query=llGetNotecardLine(notecard,counter); } else{ llOwnerSay("Please put a notecard in me"); }}default{ state_entry() { read_notecard(); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY){ read_notecard(); } } dataserver(key requested, string data) { if(requested==query){ if(data!=EOF){ data=llStringTrim(data,STRING_TRIM);//chop off leading and trailing spaces if(data!=""&&llGetSubString(data,0,1)!="//"){//not an empty line and not a comment my_list+=[data];//add it to the list } counter++; //advance the counter query=llGetNotecardLine(notecard,counter);//fetch the next line } else{//finished reading the card llOwnerSay("finished reading the notecard"); state running; } } }}state running{ state_entry() { max=llGetListLength(my_list); counter=0; my_list=llListRandomize(my_list,1); } touch_end(integer total_number) { llOwnerSay(llList2String(my_list,counter); counter++;//advance the counter if(counter==max){//reached the end of the list counter=0; //reset the counter my_list=llListRandomize(my_list,1);//randomise the list again } } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY){ state default; } }}
  25. This is a perennial issue, though fortunately it's usually temporary. I've had it with AOs and shoes and heaven knows what in the past. According to Maestro Linden, This error message is sent by the server whenever an avatar or object tries to rez another object which has been blocked by the sim. Usually such assets got blocked because it took too long (longer than 15~30 seconds) to rez, and the sim thinks there might be something wrong with the asset (for example, that the object might be designed by griefers to ruin sim performance). The blocked object should become unblocked after a few minutes, unless the rez attempt is repeated before the all-clear. Those of you who see the error at a constant interval are probably dealing with a rezzer that continuously attempts to rez the object, extending the block. If you look at the script error/warning window that contains the "Unable to create item .." message, you should see the name and region coordinates of the rezzer (this is true in Viewer 2.1 and 1.23, at least).
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