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Innula Zenovka

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Everything posted by Innula Zenovka

  1. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: And I miss some IMs...even having it set to email. How often does this happen? I guess if someone sends me an IM that doesn't go through to my email and then never mentions it, I'm not going to know about it, but I've never, that I recall, had someone refer to an offline IM they sent me and found myself saying "what IM?"
  2. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: well, can't speak for others...but I log in three or four times a day if someone requests customer service. I have the luxury of having several online jobs and can do that, but most do not. Which is one reason I far prefer to receive IMs rather than notecards. Because of RL work commitments I can't always log in to see what the message in my inbox that "So and So has sent you a notecard" is all about, but I can -- and do -- easily reply to the IM from my email client (most times) solving the problem far sooner than if it had to wait for me to log in, or forward it to my business partner, who's in a different time zone and on a more flexible schedule than am I, or ask the sender for futher details (which often I need).
  3. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: Hello Gadget - I have my marketplace sales set to issue a message when a sale has been made. On each sale, an IM is sent to email. Doing that, causes your IMs to get capped. It helps a bit to keep an eye out for what is going on with sales all day - what's selling - what time of day - if your blog post just got some action - if twitter just prompted a sale - that kind of stuff. A merchant who has it set that way to watch sales would have to go in all day long to clear that out in order to keep messages from being capped, and I think that a lot of people have other jobs. I don't understand that, I'm afraid. If I'm offline and my IMs get capped, my IMs to email -- whether sent by my scripted vendors or by avatars -- still get through to my email inbox, and I know what time they were sent because (in my case) gmail time stamps them on arrival. Why do I need to worry about my IMs being capped? It wouldn't make any difference to me, as far as I can see, if no IMs sent to me when I'm offline got through to me inworld to await my next log in, so long as they all show up in my email inbox soon after they're sent (which they do, in my experience).
  4. Charolotte Caxton wrote: oh. ok. but making myself invisible in my parcel will not create ban lines, right? No, not on its own. Though if you don't somehow indicate to people they're not supposed to enter, or make it impossible for them so to do, then there's always the risk they'll just be strolling along and suddenly you and they will get a suprise as you both materialise for each other unexpectedly. I think they're most useful for skyboxes, where people should know they're not supposed to go uninvited, or for smaller sub-parcels that just enclose the house (or even rooms within it).
  5. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Yeah. See the KB article for further details. According to my reading, at least, of the draft revision of the FAQ about Adult Content, we'll be required to turn this on if we are using sex beds and the like in the privacy of our own homes on M land, unless the home is a skybox above a shop. I have queried it in the discussion section, but I think that's what it means. Thanks, I am glad for this. I'm worried about it for several reasons, not least that I think it's almost certain to lead to M-rated residential land turning into a maze of unsightly ban lines, at least if it's strictly enforced. Private sims won't have too much of a problem, I guess, because they can simply reflag as adult and keep the same covenant as they did before, making it clear that just because it's an adult sim, that doesn't mean "anything goes" (that's what I did with my sims when maturity ratings were first introduced, so neither my tenants nor I had to worry about new rules, and I've not regretted it), but on the Mainland, that's not an option. I thought enabling this feature does not create ban lines, only enables me to change outfits in privacy without the need to make sure no one is around? and besides, ban lines can be made invisible through preferences, correct? Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. The draft FAQ, if I've properly understood them, seem to suggest that we'll be required both to hide avatars AND restrict access if we want to have sex beds inside private buildings on the mainland, at least at ground level. And yes, ban lines can be made invisible through preferences, but that means you'll keep on bouncing off invisible obstacles, since parcel boundaries aren't normally at all obvious in the way walls round buildings are. Certainly most private residential sims I know actually forbid the use of ban lines, telling people to use security orbs with a decent warning time if they must (that's what I tell my tenants to do). It doesn't really affect me, since I don't spend much time on the mainland, but I can't see it enhancing the environment, while I can easily see it doing the opposite.
  6. Brooke Portilo wrote: thanks alot.. i have contacted only 2 creators.. not sure where the rest of the hair came from.. but 2 are very popular hair shops.. it sounded to good to be true... i got fooled. i was just looking to where to submit a ticket? People discovering this sort of thing sometimes post pictures of the items in question over at SLU, either in the General Forum or the Intellectual Property subforum, asking for help identifying the original creators.
  7. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Yeah. See the KB article for further details. According to my reading, at least, of the draft revision of the FAQ about Adult Content, we'll be required to turn this on if we are using sex beds and the like in the privacy of our own homes on M land, unless the home is a skybox above a shop. I have queried it in the discussion section, but I think that's what it means. Thanks, I am glad for this. I'm worried about it for several reasons, not least that I think it's almost certain to lead to M-rated residential land turning into a maze of unsightly ban lines, at least if it's strictly enforced. Private sims won't have too much of a problem, I guess, because they can simply reflag as adult and keep the same covenant as they did before, making it clear that just because it's an adult sim, that doesn't mean "anything goes" (that's what I did with my sims when maturity ratings were first introduced, so neither my tenants nor I had to worry about new rules, and I've not regretted it), but on the Mainland, that's not an option.
  8. Roseysun Galicia wrote: Wont people still be able to cam and see inside the parcel? Or will this make everything invisible and even if they cam they wont see anything at all? ETA: Oops hadn't read the entire thread and additional links. :-) They will, however, be able to fly over the parcel, despite ban lines, and, once inside, cam around and see what's going on. A far better solution has been proposed in the jira by Argent Stonecutter https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2390? and I would encourage people to watch and vote for it.
  9. Tristizia Demonista wrote: At least for me it's not about HOW they render, it's about GETTING RID of them. There are Alpha Layers for this kind of stuff! I happen to agree with you, but the OP seemed to be looking for a fix to the problem rather than advice on whether to use alpha layers vs invisiprims
  10. Marine Kelley mentioned this in her blog announcing her latest version of RLV (which is based on 2.8). This is her suggested fix for the problem: Note : If invisiprims render black on your screen (no matter whether you have Lighting and Shadows on or off), simply turn the "OctreeAttachmentSizeFactor" down to 1 (it is 4 by default). You can do this in the Advanced > Debug Settings menu.
  11. Wildcat Furse wrote: thats another ridiculous decision by LL......if they really want to make the grid viable (encourage growth and development) then giving residents the option to go into 'stealth' modus is not what I see as a good step towards social networking. If people are so in need to hide from others why don't they disappear completely.....but hey we have 'feeds' now, why do we need a grid in fact? :matte-motes-dont-cry: *meows* People have been complaining for as long as I've been around that they don't like folks camming into their skyboxes or houses and watching them changing or bonking or whatever. This goes some way to mitigating the problem. What's so ridiculous with that?
  12. Domitan Redenblack wrote: I think inclusion of the region name automatically in search would be pretty simple. Remind me please where I can request this, thanks. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Proposing_Features_to_LL_FAQ
  13. Since the idea is to put the script in an attachment, I don't see the fact that llSetHoverHeight and llGroundRepel only work on physical objects as being a problem -- avatars are physical, after all (or we wouldn't be able to move) and llMoveToTarget works perfectly well in attachments, so I don't see why the others wouldn't. I think the bigger problem with llSetHoverHeight and llGroundRepel is that, while they may well work OK at ground level, they calculate their distance from the sim's ground level and they're not going to know if you're on a platform of any kind. Once I had to solve this problem with rubber rings for floating round in pools, and ended up solving it by mounting the rings on invisible prims of an appropriate height and sitting on them and driving them round like simple vehicles, but that's not going to work on attachments. I guess you could take the vertical offset from where your feet are when you attach the object and then use llMoveToTarget and control events -- that might be a way to proceed.
  14. Melita Magic wrote: ..but at the same time, if a party happens in a parcel and no one hears it, did it happen? Lol Well, if you don't also turn on ban lines, it's easily gatecrashed inadvertantly.
  15. Yeah. See the KB article for further details. According to my reading, at least, of the draft revision of the FAQ about Adult Content, we'll be required to turn this on if we are using sex beds and the like in the privacy of our own homes on M land, unless the home is a skybox above a shop. I have queried it in the discussion section, but I think that's what it means.
  16. If you only want your objects to be able to teleport you using RLV then you don't need to worry. The objects will work by executing llOwnerSay("@tpto:<X>/<Y>/<Z>=force"), so you don't need to wear any special relays. That way, nothing you don't own can use RLV on you. If you want other people's teleporters to work on you, then you will need a relay to pick up their commands and turn them into llOwnerSay, but, as Void says, you can adjust the settings on your relay to have it check before executing commands (or, with some relays, to check if the object owner isn't on a trusted list and so one). In practice, though, I think there's little danger of having RLV used on you unexpectedly. I've been wandering round SL with a relay -- normally set to ask me before doing anything -- for the last two or three years, and it very rarely receives commands when I'm not expecting them. When it does, if I'm not in the mood I can, because of the relay's settings, simply decline them, as I decline unwanted offers of LMs and notecards in shops.
  17. It's probably best to remind yourself -- I keep on forgetting -- that the object isn't actually inside the hud at all, any more than it's inside your inventory. What's there is an icon representing a pointer to an entry on the asset server somewhere, and what you want to manipulate is a particular instance of that asset that the script fetches for you by rezzing it.
  18. This has been discussed in other places, I know, but what is the great attraction of a mesh avatar, at least if you want a human one? I've never thought that, for example, Daz's Victoria looks much better than what you can achieve in SL with a good skin, the sliders and some patience; to my mind, the main advantage mesh human figures have over what we see in SL is that the skins are at a far higher resolution than anything we can upload. Yes, Eva V.3.2.3, a mere $988.00 on TurboSquid (that's US$988, not L$) looks stunning, but so would a lot of SL avatars if we could upload skins at a resolution of 6144x6144.
  19. When I read this, I thought I'd have a play with it. This is how I got it working. I went to my Google Calendars and clicked on the little button next to the calendar I was interested in -- in this case, SL Server Releases. I selected Calendar Settings, and this took me to that calendar's details page. There, I clicked the HTML button next to Calendar Address: and it popped up a window with the following url https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=r77nmrp61l82ee2pjhgudoejok%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/London I simply copied that, and pasted it into the prim media settings in the normal way, and now I've got a functioning calendar of the SL Server Releases that lets me scroll and flip between weekly and monthly views in the normal way.
  20. Here's a tidied-up and commented version to help you see what's going on string curanim; //define a global variable, a string called "curanim"default{ on_rez(integer start_param) { llSetAlpha(1.0,ALL_SIDES); // start off visible } state_entry() { llSitTarget(<0,0,.75>,ZERO_ROTATION);//sit the avatar 0.75 meters above the center of the poseball, facing the same direction curanim=llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION,0);//from now on, when we refer to curanim, //the script knows that means the name of the first animation in the prim's inventory if(llGetInventoryType(curanim)!=INVENTORY_ANIMATION){//optional sanity check -- make sure there's an animation there to use curanim = "sit";//oops, there isn't -- use the default sit one, or the script will throw an error if it doesn't know what animation to use llOwnerSay("Please put an animation in me");//warn the owner } } changed(integer change) { // something changed if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { // and it was a link change if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) { // somebody is sitting on me key sitter=llAvatarOnSitTarget(); llRequestPermissions(sitter, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);//ask for permission to animate him or her //this will be silently and automatically granted since the avatar is sitting on the prim, but we still have to ask } else{//they've got up if(llGetPermissions()&PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION){ llStopAnimation(curanim);//Stop animating them } llSetAlpha(1.0,ALL_SIDES);//make the poseball visible again } } else if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY){// if the contents of my inventory have changed curanim=llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION,0);// see what animation I'm using if(llGetInventoryType(curanim)!=INVENTORY_ANIMATION){// make sure there's an animation there to use curanim = "sit";//oops, there isn't -- use the default sit one, or the script will throw an error if it doesn't know what animation to use llOwnerSay("Please put an animation in me");//warn the owner } } } run_time_permissions(integer permissions) { if(permissions & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION){//if the permissions have been granted (they will have been, but its good practice to check anyway) llStopAnimation("sit");//now we can stop the default sit anim without getting error messages llStartAnimation(curanim);//and start to play whatever curanim is llSetAlpha(0.0,ALL_SIDES);//and hide the pose ball } }}
  21. I came across this list the other day, though it's by no means complete: http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/01/kit-language-of-virtual-village.html
  22. He's still in great form, Void, posting lots of pictures of himself and his mustelid friends.
  23. Try something like vector a = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(UUID, ([OBJECT_POS])),0); vector pos = llGetPos(); llRotLookAt(llRotBetween(<0,0,-1>,llVecNorm(<a.x,a.y,pos.z> - pos))); which should have it swivel round left to right, and back, on its z axis, while staying upright.
  24. Yes, it took me a while to get the hang of it. People often ask scripting-related questions there in Content Creation or Project Development, too, but the actual discussions are very often in the General SL forum (or the BDSM forum for stuff like RLV and particle chains). I think Cristiano set up the actual Scripting Tips forum as a home for us all, if we decided to give up on the official forums altogether when that Jive nonsense was introduced. That's not happened, obviously, but there's a lot of very active scripters over at SLU, including some old pals from the old, old forum like Argent, Jopsy and Qie. Jesse Barnett used to post there a lot, but I've not seen her lately.
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