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Innula Zenovka

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Everything posted by Innula Zenovka

  1. Since you say you were given the ability to "eject/ban/freeze avatars on a sim," do you mean that you have estate manager powers? You need to be using those from the Region/Estate menu. Remember that, at least at present, parcel bans are only effective up to 768 metres above the terrain mesh (though I think I read somewhere that this soon to be extended), so if you're trying to remove someone from a platform above that level, I'm not sure how effective it will be. There's other things might be happening; a favourite trick, I understand it, is for the banned person to stand just outside the parcel and play a stand animation with a sufficiently large offset to make it appear he or she is inside it. And I'm not completely sure what happens if you're sitting on something when someone tries to eject you. I tp people home before I ban them. That usually gets rid of them.
  2. Assuming it's only supposed to work when you wear it, I'd take advantage of the fact that you can't wear something that doesn't belong to you, and just do something like this: float gfTimer = 1;integer giChan;integer giPressable;key gOwner;default { attach(key id) { if (id) { //check if the HUD has got attached, not detached gOwner =id; giChan = (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(gOwner, 0, 7)) * -1; //compute a channel number based in the key of the owner } giPressable = 1; }}
  3. It's two related problems, though, isn't it? There's the general problem with the TDR error firing too readily and the specific one that SL's using the deprecated OpenGL calls is pretty much guaranteed to make that happen. Matters are futher complicated by the fact that, under certain circumstances -- and, in my case, this is certainly one of them -- the error, or the circumstances that caused it, seems to damage the Nvidia driver to the extent that not even doing a clean reinstallation using the Nvidia installer fixes things, since that apparently leaves some damaged dlls and registry settings untouched. That happened to me, and after that I just couldn't in with anything. In those circumstances, I've discovered, the only solution is to do a complete uninstall of the Nvidia driver -- I used Driver Sweeper, and followed the walk-through here -- before attempting to do reinstall anything (in my case, I reverted to the 260.99 driver, which seems to have resolved my problems).
  4. This jira seems to cover it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-1635 As far as I can make out, LL is aware of it, and a fix is ready for testing, but, in the meantime, Peggy's advice to use a stable version of the viewer, as opposed to the beta, seems very sensible. Though I notice the report in the jira says "Setting the newly introduced MemoryPrivatePoolEnabled debug setting to FALSE makes the problem go away," so that might be worth a try.
  5. I've just checked my full perms copy of SexGen -- which has been sitting in my inventory, rather than rezzed in world, though I'm not sure if that affects anything -- and it still appears to contain animations by all four animators.
  6. It was me who gave it you, I think. llSetPos() isn't going to work if you're more than 10 meters away. There are also issues, which I think we talked about in world, with the the fact it's measuring your avatar bounding box, I think, rather than your actual size, and also if you're hovering in the air, the hovering animation may well be confusing matters (nothing to be done about that, I'm afraid -- the sim doesn't know by how much, if at all, the animation is offsetting you). But other than that, it works for me. I've just made a large, semi-transparent, box and am strolling round the top of it clicking on a prim that's dutifully positioning itself under my feet each time.
  7. Void Singer wrote: I dunno, I kinda disagree on the advice not to say anything.... I would just suggest not showing any emotional reaction. there are some that do this sort of thing to see if someone is a bot or AFK, but will only continue if they get a negative reaction. What would you recommend saying? Just something like, "Hi, nice shop, isn't it?" and ignoring the other person's attempts to be a nuisance? I can see the psychology of it in theory, but I'm not sure about how to carry it off in practice. On of my more entertaining encounters with a griefer like that was in the sandbox at The Particle Lab (the only time I've encountered any trouble there, I hasten to add, and I go there a lot) when this chap had bought himself some sort of super ninja hud and seemed to want to try out his new mad kung fu skillz on me. I was using Phoenix at the time, so I simply turned on the option to phantom myself, and carried on tweaking my particle script as if he wasn't there. Meanwhile he kept on launching attack after attack, clearly completely baffled about why, rather than knocking me to the other side of the sandbox, he was just sailing straight through me and I wasn't noticing him. Eventually he gave up, I hope to go and find the hud's maker to fight with him about why it didn't work.
  8. It's an old issue with your viewer taking a while to retrieve the information about your actual balance from the main server; it's like textures taking a long time to rez. In addition to the solutions suggested, you can, I think, at least with the official viewer and TPVs based on recent code, simply click on the spot in your viewer where it shows your (mistaken) account balance, and that forces it to check the balance with the main database, which then returns the correct amount. That works for me every time.
  9. The way I remember it was that originally Wednesdays were Blondin's main Office hours for everything but Bay City (for which I think he had a dedicated one) and then he instituted the Zindra ones for discussion of the Adult content changes after his Wednesday ones became monopolised by Adult Content discussion in the run-up to the move and no one could get a word in edgeways about anything relating to his other mainland responsibilities. Certainly after that whenever I tried to take more general adult content issues to his Wednesday meetings because the Monday ones seemed monopolised by matters parochial to Zindra, most of the discussion was about stuff like giant snail races and sailing on Linden waterways, and when we managed to get round to my concerns, Blondin seemed surprised I'd not raised it on the Monday.
  10. Ginette Pinazzo wrote: Originally, there were TWO meetings conducted by LL: one for Adult Ciontent (general (policy issues, tech issues, etc) and one for Zindra (often Marketing issues, etc) The only meetings I've ever heard about are the Monday ones at Bronlen. Which were those supposed to be, and where and when did the other ones take place? And when did they merge?
  11. I wonder if part of the idea is not, in the long term, to attempt to discourage the use of Zindra as a search term altogether, and persuade people to focus, instead, on, and search for, Adult Content in general rather than where it happens to be located. There are, after all, only some ~350 sims on Zindra as compared with ~ 2580 private estate ones (http://gridsurvey.com/) (though we don't know how many of the latter are residential homesteads, I agree), so it would seem to make sense for both LL and the Welcome Centre to encourage people looking for Adult Content to look for it wherever it is to be found rather than to privilege locations on Linden land. While certainly it was the case that, back in 2009, people forced to relocate from the Mainland to Zindra needed temporary assistance to cope with the disruption LL had caused our businesses -- I certainly found not having to pay tier on Zindra land for several months very helpful indeed -- that's more than two years ago, and everyone's had more than enough time to adjust. To my mind, the distinction between Adult Content in general and that minority of it to be found on Zindra is very artificial now, and not helpful to anyone any more.
  12. As LoveAngeL says, it will do no harm to delete it, and its contents, though SL will recreate the file the next time you log in. As she says, it performs the same function as the local cache file in your web browser, storing data about your inventory and textures you've seen/sounds you've heard so that they load faster next time. It's not normally necessary to clear your cache, either from the viewer or manually, by deleting the files, unless you're experiencing problems with things not loading properly or half your inventory apparently vanishing -- that's normally a sign that the local cache files have become corrupted or unreadable and then you have to force the viewer to fetch the data from LL's servers again by removing the bad local copy.
  13. Typically, a sensible landowner would only use something like the under age boot script temporarily, in the case of a griefing attack by throwaway alts -- since you say you've been here over a month, it sounds as if the landowner may have misconfigured it. A typical limit would be two or three days old, in my view.
  14. One reason you might find good quality full-perms hair made by an untraceable avatar is, I am afraid, that the hair is stolen content made by a ripper's throwaway alt, and that the alt's account has since been terminated. So if you use it, you're using it very much at your own risk. What exactly does the profile message say? I don't think it's a common practice here, but over at SLU, people quite often post in the general discussion forum pictures of items they fear may be ripped content and ask if anyone can identify it. That might be an idea.
  15. wiked Anton wrote: perhaps the dancing is an RLV hud.....tell her to take her name out of search, and disable her RLV if she has it.............. RLV is not some sort of set of secret magic charms that evil scripters use to bespell poor muggles. It's all there in the RLV API for anyone to consult.  While the examples and syntax may be confusing for non-scripters, the descriptions of all the commands and what they do are clear enough; there is nothing an RLV script can do to force you to be animated (or let anyone else read your IMs, come to that). The worst it can do is stop you taking off a conventionally scripted object that enables someone else to animate you, or force you to sit on something that animates you.
  16. I don't know the actual mechanics of how the viewer does it, but, in general terms, the simulator communicates in one way with your viewer and in another way with scripted objects, and will send information to, and accept instructions from, your viewer about things it won't do with scripted objects. Avatars can do things scripts can't. The sim, for example, is obviously aware of the name and location of every scripted object on the sim. And, if you've got estate manager powers, it will open up a window and share that information with you. But you can't get it tell a script that, no matter what powers the script's owner has. That's why we -- some of us -- need RLV. While it's simple enough to wear and remove items of clothing and attachment from your inventory by clicking on stuff, you need a special API to make the viewer accept instructions from a script to make it send the simulator whatever message it normally sends when you wear or remove something by conventional means.
  17. I've got a horrible feeling I'm missing something very obvious, but what's the advantage in general to setting scripts to not running (bearing in mind you'll normally need to have another script in the prim running anyway, to turn them back on) as opposed to having them go into state intert, in which they do nothing but wait for a link message or something to tell them to go back into state doing_stuff? While I can see that the simulator has to devote a small amount of time to checking the script is still in state inert, does it really make a lot of difference unless you've got lots of scripts in the same prim (e.g. MLPV)?
  18. The idea, as far as I understand it, is to make sure that when someone just enters "Zindra" as a search term, the new welcome centre and its environs will be at the top of the results, which seems to me a not unreasonable aspiration. How important it is to restrict the use of "Zindra" in parcel names in order to achieve that, I don't know; someone who understands how search works -- if there is any such person, that is -- would need to comment. But that's the idea, I think.
  19. Ginette Pinazzo wrote: A private organisation will be paying to have the 'exclusive rigths' to the name Zindra? (amazingly, that's part of the contract) Think about that. Not only is it obviously unfair on a grand scale to anyone who resides on Zindra or any of Adult SL, it is akin to a government selling the name of its own country to a private corporation, rigth out from under the feet of its population. Its an amazing level of exploitation. To be precise, everyone will continue to be able to use Zindra in their parcel descriptions, shop names and so on. The only context in which the use of the word Zindra will be affected is in parcel names. So if I have a shop on a Zindra sim other than one of the four infohub ones, I can still call my shop "Innula's Zindra Shop" and I can still say in my parcel description, "Innula's Zindra shop is located on Zindra" and, as far as I know, can continue to place adverts for "Innula's Zindra Shop". All I'm prevented from doing is using "Zindra" in the actual name of the parcel -- that will have to be Innula's Shop, or whatever. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Adult_Content_User_Group/08/29/2011#msg_36 My impression -- and I could be wrong -- is that not that many people do have "Zindra" in their actual parcel names.
  20. Would NCI or whoever want to run the other hubs? Remember that the basis on which proposals were invited was that the people running it are responsible for the tier on the four sims.
  21. Try reducing the density of the balls and increasing the "restitution" of both the balls and the pins to 1.0 (assuming you're using V3). That should make stuff more bouncy.
  22. I don't know, Jumpy. The prudent -- and certainly polite -- course of action would be to seek the views of the creators of those items, as I suggested doing with the animations. For what it's worth -- and I'm open to correction here because I've not looked at them in any great detail -- I can't see any particular reason I'd want to use Stroker's scripts in preference to MLPV2 or nPose unless I wanted to make something with a vast number of animations. They look like a brute to configure from scratch, certainly.
  23. Kaluura Boa wrote: You cannot see particle informations in V2/V3 *cough* *nor V1* *cough*... Even the scripts can't read these infos... But they can set them. It's the only way. I don't know about V2/V3, but certainly you could -- and presumably still can -- see exactly the sort of info in the screenshot in older viewers by going to Advanced>Rendering>Info Displays>Particles. I've used it, in the past, and it's described at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Advanced_menu#Rendering_Submenu_.3E
  24. Unfortunately, you can't set slice by script. see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SCR-15 One workround might be, depending on the build, to turn a path-cut prim on its side and then use llSetScale() to decrease the appropriate axis (Y axis?). That way you don't need to worry about having to offset it, since it will appear to grow and shrink in only one direction.
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