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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. Thing is are they moving at the same orbital speed or are they moving at different speeds, becouse it makes the answer totaly different.
  2. I must admit i did persume the orbits would be at different speeds, If not then Rolig loon way would a million times more efficient.
  3. Thi will give you the basis of what you trying to do, DONT LINK THE PRIMS. // Copyright © 2008, Scripting Your World // All rights reserved. // // Scripting Your World // By Dana Moore, Michael Thome, and Dr. Karen Zita Haigh // http://syw.fabulo.us // http://www.amazon.com/Scripting-Your-World-Official-Second/dp/0470339837/ // // You are permitted to use, share, and adapt this code under the // terms of the Creative Commons Public License described in full // at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode. // That means you must keep the credits, do nothing to damage our // reputation, and do not suggest that we endorse you or your work. // Listing 4.8: Rotate around a Point vector gCenterOfRotation; calcCenterOfRotation() { vector currPos = llGetPos(); gCenterOfRotation = <currPos.x + 1.0, currPos.y + 1.0, currPos.z>; } default { on_rez(integer n) { calcCenterOfRotation(); } state_entry() { calcCenterOfRotation(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { rotation deltaRot = llEuler2Rot( <0.,0.,45.> * DEG_TO_RAD); rotation currentRot = llGetLocalRot(); vector currentOffset = llGetPos(); // rel to region rotation newRotation = deltaRot * currentRot; llSetLocalRot( newRotation ); vector rotationOffset = currentOffset - gCenterOfRotation; vector newOffset = rotationOffset * deltaRot; vector newPosition = gCenterOfRotation + newOffset; llSetPos( newPosition ); } }
  4. A do while counter will do what you want, It will count while it is true, when it reaches the target count it will become false and end. Have added this to give you an idea. //Counts from 1 to 5 default { state_entry() { integer olf; // Without applied value an integer will be defaulted to zero. do llSay(0, (string) ++olf); // Increment before the while condition while (olf < 5); // On the first pass/loop olf = 1 } }
  5. Yes it is possible but the lag would be huge.Resize scripts alone are the worst offenders for lag. If this is a sale item you got no hope, most in sl could not be bothered with the hassle.
  6. It ok LL took the message off or deleted it or whatever they do, But thankyou 2 and a 3rd for the thought.
  7. It was deleted and sl have blocked it, thanks all
  8. yes i saw, all i was asking if someone post a threed of that type and when you page back it the says access denied has sl deleted it. Which is what i did but sl dont actually say thay done it
  9. Actually i dissagree with you, from the 10 look ats in 10 secs it obviouse alot of us dont know and as the innappropriate content can be on all feeds it is relavent
  10. If you report this then use the back button and it says access denied do that mean it been sorted?
  11. I can not say i have ever had this problem. If it as you say Lindens can track the script or grifer. In your contacts list you are able to check the tracker box for friends, you have not got that checked becouse if it is people can find you on the map
  12. I apologize in advance for the suggestion because this not my field, but you could transmit its id at the onrez stage to the HUD and store it in a list, but as i said there probably better ways to do it. On my own personal rezzers i have the messages very tight and limited to very shorrt bradcast radii. Are keeping the messages tight useing && ie if (channel == 1 && message == "what ever") this would mean both would have to agree. you could increase this to include owner id and so on
  13. Yes that makes good sense. I detest using up resources unnecessarily. Some residents don't seem to understand that groups have to pay for them. I think 10 min timer would be reasonable. Doing it the way i was thinking is far to complicated for a simple thing. Was trying to be clever, lol
  14. lol, i posted an empty page. Actually i never thought of it doing a detect. That a hot idea, thanx big hug. Simple and functional.
  15. If hve my own Tardis system which works well, i just can not find away of deleting the exterior when it in another sim. This part is the only thing that is bugging me. I do not want to run an outside server as i wanted everything in world. If you read this it may help.( rezz object on tp) it on this page
  16. I will look into this in more depth but i think this beyond my capabilities at the present time. Thanks for the help.
  17. Thankyou both, not from what i read can i understand what it doing.
  18. I understand that an in world virtual server can be used, but the wiki does no explain how to do things it just dumps a load of script assuming we all pro programers. The whole point SL went to lsl was to get people scripting.
  19. OK, i read the book,wiki and anything else with no understanding. is there a way to send a fixed message to an object in another sim? Fixed as in will be the same message all the time.
  20. if you actually read the question it helps stop you looking foolish. It clearly says MENU
  21. You could mod this. Added this bit as i just read your script. If it was me id ibe nclined to have this script stand alone. You can get the main script to message this one. // Script Name: Texture_switcher_for_many_textures.lsl // Author: Ferd Frederix // texture switcher, menu driven, supports many many textures // Downloaded from : http://www.free-lsl-scripts.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=1194 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it. // Additional Licenes may apply that prevent you from selling this code // You must leave any author credits and any headers intact in any script you use or publish. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If you don't like these restrictions and licenses, then don't use these scripts. //////////////////////// ORIGINAL AUTHORS CODE BEGINS //////////////////////////////////////////// // Texture switcher with many levels of menus integer i = 0; integer currentPos = 0; integer listener; integer MENU_CHANNEL ; // opens menu channel and displays dialog Dialog(key id) { list MENU1 = []; // count the textures in the prim to see if we need pages integer c = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if (c <= 12) { for (i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); } } else { for (i = 10 * currentPos; i < (10 + (10 * currentPos)) ; i++) { // check to make sure name <= 24, or else the menu will not work. string aname = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); if ( llStringLength(aname) >24) { llOwnerSay("The texture named " + aname + " has too long of a name to be used, please give it a shorter name <= 24 characters "); } else { if (i < c ) { MENU1 += aname; } } } MENU1 += ">>"; if (currentPos != 0) MENU1 += "<<"; else MENU1 += "-"; } MENU_CHANNEL = (integer) (llFrand(10000) + 10000); listener = llListen(MENU_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llDialog(id, "Select one object below: ", MENU1, MENU_CHANNEL); } default { on_rez(integer num) { // reset scripts on rez llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { // display the dialog Dialog(llDetectedKey(0)); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (channel == MENU_CHANNEL) { llListenRemove(listener); if (message == ">>") { currentPos ++; Dialog(id); } else if (message == "<<") { currentPos--; if (currentPos < 0) currentPos = 0; Dialog(id); } else { // display the texture from menu selection llSetTexture(message, ALL_SIDES); } } } }
  22. Thats script for you, does your head in, lol
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