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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. LOL. Asante just mean thankyou it was late and i was tiered Reading your site page, I do wish people that do Avatar shapes actually look at African and Afro-American shapes because they totaly different from White,. Weather in mesh or not.
  2. The prims are set to prim, if i change it to convex the edit says the count goes from 28 to 14, when i add the mesh it stays the same at 14. weather that a true count i dont know and what the diff of changeing to convex hull is beyond me. Are you saying i should be changeing sliced and cut prims that are link to convex hull? Added Well first i heard of this.http://sl.governormarley.com/?p=1598
  3. This is the result of the mesh being convex hull physics, and when you add in the prims they are calculated as convex hull. Thanx for the explanation i understood upto the word Hull, LOL Any how there no going back so the younger will have to do the rest, i stay doing what i good at and enjoy. Loved the talk all, i exhausted my comments,
  4. It still does not address the fact that mesh is not being or going to be done by 90+% of people in SL becouse its just plain to hard to do. Bad spelling
  5. It is retained. I allwayys use a pre paid card, purely becouse no one can take what not there. Any how i will carry on in prims and only use mesh if i have too.
  6. As I said before, mesh is good in builds were it impossible to make prims work. I wanted a vaulted celler ceiling and it was just impossible to do what I wanted. The rest of the build was just normal prims, tho I passed out when I try to link them and the prim count came to some 30,000 and when unlinked was 57, LOL. I seen whole builds in mesh and to me they depth just looks wrong. As for importing work that not there's it never occurred to me, but obvious when it was mentioned, I just not that type. When I build it is passed on as mod/copy, it my opinion if it bought it yours to change it as you want, mesh is what you get and that's it. When mentioned about plastic avi I just thought they were just peeople learning jobs, oops, LOL.
  7. I feel that LL has done a copout in not improving the ability to manipulate the prim editing features. Basically they gone down the route of go get a free or commercial software package, spend hours learning it, if you can and tough if you don't like it. If you don't believe me go get Blender and have a go at even doing a box with a texture and import it and as for Sketchup the amount off useless info left in the mesh is staggering. That what I mean by elitist in the fact that alot of mesh is done by proffesionals useing there trainning and proffetional skills and proffesional software, not people that come to spend time in SL and enjoy.
  8. Just to add to that, was the viewer a clean install, i.e.. Did you update and not delete the previous viewer. It does make a big difference A lot of crashing is contributed to user not deleting all the previous viewers first thus erroneous code gets left.
  9. Another thing that bothers me is that mesh is almost an elitist creation and i done mesh it not really for people wanting to enjoy SL it almost a full time career
  10. You seem stuck on justification, i was not justifying anything.
  11. My own opinion is that a compromise all round is better, sculpties on things like bench seats looks good but totally useless, it stil the shape of the prim, so you walk into an invisible wall. Mesh clothing i no nothing about, but building i only use mesh for exampl a vaulted cieling.Every thing evolves, if Linden had a endless budget and we had petrabyte comps, still want more, lol
  12. No, it just a fact of life. Allways someone that do not play by the rules. You can get upset all your life, still will not change that fact.
  13. Best i can do OS i no nothing // Example osTeleportAgent Script // // Set Destination as described below, There are a Few Options depending on Application: // IN GRID Teleport // Destination = "1000,1000"; = Using In-Grid Map XXXX,YYYY coordinates // Destination = "RegionName"; = Using RegionName // HyperGrid Teleport (region must be HG Enabled) // Destination = "TcpIpAddr:Port:RegionName"; = Using the Target/Destination IP Address// SILLY FACE SHOULD BE A P // Destination = "DNSname:Port:RegionName"; = Using the Target/Detination DNSname // Note: RegionName is Optionally Specified to deliver Avatar to specific region in an instance. // // ======================================================================================== // === SET DESTINATION INFO HERE === // string Destination = "LBSA Plaza"; // your target destination here (SEE NEXT LINES) Can Be vector LandingPoint = <128,128,50>; // X,Y,Z landing point for avatar to arrive at vector LookAt = <1,1,1>; // which way they look at when arriving // default { on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) // something changed, take action { if(change & CHANGED_OWNER) llResetScript(); else if (change & 256) // that bit is set during a region restart llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llWhisper(0, "OS Teleportal Active"); } touch_start(integer num_detected) { key avatar = llDetectedKey(0); llInstantMessage(avatar, "Teleporting you to : "+Destination); osTeleportAgent(avatar, Destination, LandingPoint, LookAt); } }
  14. Some will allways copy others, Cartier jewelers have alot more to worry about than an avi, lol
  15. Just to add my niggle, I have so many clothes that merchants that don't give a pic with it make it flipping annoying going thru the inventory of what I want to wear that day hard work, All I want to do is look at the style say um not to day etc.
  16. Mesh is perfectly ok in the right circumstances, also the mesh has to be processed correctly to remove the rubbish that was created until it only has the min of info. Personally I think mesh is excessively over used in places that the old prims did a good job.
  17. Just as info, touch_start is you click down on the mouse and touch_end is when the mouse button is let go. Sory i added this becouse every time i read you question i not entialy sure if you want the script to lock out after just one mail or just for that person. Also if the timer goes they not able to start again. Becouse they be locked out. My self, i never write code first, i write a list of what i want the script to do.i.e some one touches the prim i need there info etc then work with my list as i write the code. any how that my way.
  18. Was not meant as a dig. Was thinking maybe i not make it very clear that all. No point answering if they sound jibberish, lol
  19. it better than the other, still change as i said, the <0.0,0.0,0.0> move this bit, (float)gIntSwing * DEG_TO_RAD to the first or middle
  20. change the 1.0 axis=<0.0,0.0,1.0>/llGetRootRotation(); it x,y,z <1.0,0.0,0.0> or the middle one script is over complicated but there you go p.s it goes grong way use -1.0
  21. I agree that getting a script to work first then tighten it over time, I try to avoid loops if i can. Over complicated scripts are hard to work with later some examples i have used turned out 6 months later when learnt more were so complicated for what it was doing. I not a programmer but i can see LSL is a bit crude, but thats what we got so functions in an appropriate place is all i can do.
  22. I will use this function in new scripts were needed, but i wont be rewriting working scripts, take forever, lol
  23. Getting to old for this, goes to home for the brain drained
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