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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. That is what it's all about Hippie. No you didn't step on my toe, Val played that because it always brings on the tears, But "I regret nothing"
  2. Sure Hippie. Just let me slip my shoes on. Hey Val I said yes first:) Hippie Bowman wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: You asked Hippie Oh yes! Love it! Hey Val! Some Edith Piaf! Hippie sings along! Thank you Dee! Hippie stands up, and dusts himself off! Would anyone care to dance with this old Hippie! Peace!
  3. I was waiting to see if we both put up the same one Val. valerie Inshan wrote: Hahaha!!! Dee, I knew you would do it! :smileyvery-happy:
  4. Good Morning Val, Hippie and everyone. Spring is on the calendar and in the air, Wasted has returned and the connection is good. Val do you have any Tony Bennett. Life is good ahhh
  5. @Rhonda: I think it is because they always mention SL in their topic, they post often and never stray off the thread topic. Having said that I have no idea.
  6. While not completely sure it is a fashion, but everyone does it.
  7. @Pep you are such a peach, thanks for the "free grammar pass" my profs were never so kind. I would love to stay and play but I'm off to "Lunch". Control yourself now I shall be back.
  8. You are sure it's "dumbing down" that your doing. I think we should vote. Oh it's gin and tonic. Pep wrote: @Dee: Sorry, is "maturity", at four syllables, too long a word for you? Pep (refuses to dumb down simply because the Ladies Who Lunch have over-indulged on their martinis.)
  9. Don't you just love it Pep. Odd you would use the word "Maturity" here.
  10. @Ima Somehow this pic pops into my head with the added caption of just letting this whole thing go to the dogs. Oh have you noticed the "spanking " volunteer?
  11. @Rhonde. One more vote Rhonda and you have the job Oh crap Ima gets to pick
  12. @Ima HICLICs or maybe HLICs it has a "Greek" ring to it. Your dog can have the job but be careful how you ask. I tried with mine and they ran away.
  13. Yes, but I get to watch There are rules. Okay I will work on a Prime Directive. Should be able to copy and paste most of it there are enough of them floating around.
  14. Ima: I f you don't stop using logic, I see a spanking in the near future. Ima Rang wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: It is time that we PICards start a new analogy. One that is independent from any other 'entity' basking in it's fading glory. This one will more closely reflect our spirit and intent. Since we already have a 'Prime Directive' : (this forum) should become a place where people can confidently play and disagree without being disagreeable. We seek to recruit more kindred spirits to make coherent arguments regarding the conduct of the forums to Lexie and her Mods. If we are successful then I am sure that we will be able to enjoy ourselves and develop the interest of lurkers and new joiners in participating confidently and comfortably. I propose that we embellish the Star Trek analogy with some new visuals. I propose that we use the USS Enterprise crew metaphorically to emphasize the POSITIVE of posting constructively, yet retaining enough of a sense of humor to keep people interested in reading and posting to the forums. Those supportive of this can add the image to their badge. No pressure, just fun. As we have the attention of the Moderator Team, we need to continue to demonstrate our support of the type of forum we, as residents, and they, as staff of LL, can work with and sustain for the benefit of everyone who wants the same. I am open to all suggestions; I was thinking a PICard rank image: a bald, sexy one for males, Deanna Troi deep cleavage for female - and redshirts for disposable alts. I am not sure how create these images, or if they would be effective; like I said, I am open to all suggestions. So we are 6 pages in and the directive has already failed. So far it appears that the PICards, which is way to close to PICtards for my liking, will be a group of self-deluded a$$ kissers who will, in their deluded state, deny that they engage in actively demeaning others because they are prone to do so, but instead cite such activities as crusading for righteousness and righted behaviors from the non-PICards? It is starting to smell to coffee in here again.
  15. Catlin thanks, just what I need is help to spend my money, lol love it off I go:)
  16. **bleep** nice rag Kascha Kascha Matova wrote: This dress is a rag compared to some I've seen on here, like yours Val, but it's all I could muster up for now. It's me on the way to the Antiquity sim for some Victorian roleplay :womanhappy:
  17. Catlin: Where did you get that it is just lovely:)
  18. Nidania: Hi welcome to the forums. I sent you an invite to the group. As a recap the group "The Ladies Who Lunch" is open to join and a social group to meet and make friends. Feel free to exercise the choice if so incline. Just "search" for the group in world and do your thing. Hugs all Dee
  19. Finora: Odd you should say that I mean Prok said it was a big problem so that must be true, right. I'm still awaiting proof that this big problem was one of the reasons the Mentors system was disbanded. To date just silence. I wonder if this only existed in someones mind rather than anywhere else.
  20. /Dee tries to figure out how to get Lillie some land. **bleep** we are just letting our sim go
  21. Lillie: We have to get you earlier sets. I think the whole crew was sleeping, union rules you know.
  22. Nancy: Thats the SL way the friend network. Its nice to have:)
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