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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Misha and welcome to SL Forums. As already mentioned the first you have to do when you have log in issues is to check http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Never forget that. After try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. If you are try to log in always at your last location and the region has a temporal problem, no possible to log in with any viewer. If still you can't log in make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  2. Hello Jillee and welcome to SL Forums. There are many causes. At first open your statistics bar with Ctrl+Shift+1 and see if you have packet loss. Any nonzero packet loss is bad but if you see above 10% is very very bad. If so, reboot your modem / router leting it closed for at least 2-3 mins, decrease your maximum bandwith to 500 under Preferences in your log in screen and relog to a quiet region. Another one cause is when you switch between different viewers, others based on 1.23x and others on 2.x. If you have already tried to clear your cache without luck (usually it is the first we try) i would suggest you to uninstall completely all your viewers, to delete all temporary files and settings and to install just 1 viewer, your favorite (Phoenix 1.60). Relog after in a quiet region without lag like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere, open your inventory and wait with patience until to be fully loaded. See if that makes any difference. If you are a Premium you can submit a ticket. Unforturately LL (as i know) offers support for inventory issues only to premium members. Good luck.
  3. Hello Electora and welcome to SL Forums. If you had already worn one of the outfits try to rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R and repeat sometimes if it is necessary. When you log in open your inventory a wait for a while until it is fully loaded. About the rest outfits, use the search in your inventory and type the name or part of it. When we buy something in world sometimes we don't find it into Objects folder but elsewhere depending the classification (sorting) we have. If you still can't find your purchases, send a notecard to the merchant asking politely for redelivery.
  4. Hello Magee. I assume you try to log in your last location which maybe has a temporal problem. Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. It is very possible to rix your issue this way.
  5. Hello TatumDelaney. Maybe it would be better to post it under Wanted Category in SL Forums.
  6. Hello vanhalen and welcome to SL Forums. You can find free prim-babies at this store. Tones of other choices available at Marketplace.
  7. Hello Airika and welcome to SL Forums. Could be a temporal glitch which is possible to be resolved after a while. If you use Phoenix you can join in the group in world for live support called "Phoenix/Firestorm Viewer Support". Easily you find it using the search.
  8. Hello tuta. We are curious which is your question. Did you fix your previous issue with your Linden Home?
  9. Hello Casanova and welcome to SL Forums. Make an avatar test under Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female in V3. If the problem remains, relog as Innula already mentioned.
  10. Hello Jakkon and welcome to SL Forums. Please check out the following link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold and inform your friend how he can deal this issue. He has to submit a new ticket. Alternatively he can call directly LL at (866) 476-9763 Good luck.
  11. Hello sagia. You can find several at Marketplace but i can send you one in world. IM me if you want.
  12. Hello Vironica and welcome to SL Forums. From: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109#Section_.1.1 "The "Waiting for Region Handshake" message occurs when the Second Life Viewer does not receive an acknowledgement from the server. The usual cause of this error is a firewall blocking UDP packets. Reconfigure your firewall to resolve this problem. For information on how to configure firewalls, see: Configuring your firewall Configure your software firewall "
  13. Hello Harmony and welcome to SL Forums. Sounds like a graphics issue. AMD Radeon 6520G is an integrated graphics processor with no dedicated graphics memory so with simple words, it "borrows" memory from your ram. You don't report something for your RAM but it should be at least 4GB in order to run SL smoothly with your graphics card. However give a try to download the latest drivers for your card ( http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx ) and see if that makes any difference. If you have a fast internet connection, try also to increase your maximum bandwidth.
  14. Hello Agatka and welcome to SL Forums. When did you purchase the dress? Normally you have to wait up to 24 hours (although sometimes you get your purchases after some minutes). That's what LL officially reports. If this time expires and you finally don't get the product, contact the merchant asking politely for redelivery. If you don't get a reply you can also submit a a ticket --> Marketplace category --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. Explain analytically what was happened, includes the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered and wait for a reply.
  15. Hello edwardcullen and welcome to SL Forums. You can find a Third-Party Viewer here. If we know exactly the error message you get, maybe we can answer why you can't run SL. Please do not create a new thread. You can edit your post (Options on the right --> edit) adding more informations.
  16. Hello Marcoo and welcome to SL Forums. You will get your 1000L$ bonus, 45 days after the date you upgrated (if your premium membership is still active). About the problem with your paypal the best you can do is to contact Billing Support. Other options could be: Toll-Free Support Number for UK, Germany, France, Japan, Spain, Brazil, and Portugal: +0080071237123 Customer support phone number (All Countries): +44 2033620268 Email: support@payments.secondlife.com
  17. Hello Sprual and welcome to SL Forums. The first you have to do is to decrease your maximum bandwidth to 500, as the default setting under preferences --> setup in viewer 3. If you fix your problem this way you can increase it a bit gradually till to find the best setting for your system. If you use wireless connection just avoid it. It is not suggested for SL. Reboot also your modem / router leting it closed for at least 2-3 mins. Usually it helps also.
  18. Hello Jannahnura. Please check again your Lost and Found folder for coalesced objects.
  19. Hello and welcome to SL Forums. Please check out also the following thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building/coalesced-objects-with-Linden-tress-help/td-p/448020
  20. Duplicated thread. Answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/when-i-make-a-purchase-in-sl-or-on-the-marketplace-no-popup/qaq-p/1372539
  21. Hello SaharAnnee and welcome to SL Forums. Open your dashboard (log in http://secondlife.com ) --> Account on the left --> Contact Information. Change your mail there --> Save changes.
  22. Hello Indigo and welcome to SL Forums. Try to disable VBO. In Viewer 3 you find it under Menu Me --> Preferences --> Graphics --> Hardware --> Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects. Disable this option and see if that makes any difference.
  23. LoveAngeL Lyre


    Hello ivor and welcome to SL Forums. Open your dashboard (log in http://secondlife.com ) --> Account on the left --> Premium Membership to see how much is the cost. Annual membership: 88.56 US$ Quarterly membership: 27.67 US$ Monthly membership : 12.24 US$
  24. Hello Lempadis and welcome to SL Forums. If you have already contacted the ventor and he/she denied to replace the house you can't do much. Read the instructions about how you can rezz and use the house again. If the house looks "incomplete" rezzing it on the ground, try to rezz it first on a platform some metres higher. It is possible to correct the issue this way. If not, write a bad rewiew (assuming that you didin't get what you purchase) and find another house.
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