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bob Iwashi

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Everything posted by bob Iwashi

  1. That's why i tried to get on the test release. As I said on my earlier posts, I've spent a LOT of time using it on mobile data, finding solutions to problems, best ways to connect. You, on the other hand, seem more interested in trying to stir the pot. I'm 17 years beyond caring for that kind of attention seeking, so blocked. Have fun.
  2. No, it's not. The viewer may be outdated for 3D mode, inventory management etc, but it still works perfectly for text chatting on SL. It's still used by a lot of users, I once asked for stats on just how many use lumiya. The information was not released.
  3. mmm no, it's not,. As i stated - I use it on mobile data, with varying signal strengths. The information that could be gleaned from this is understated. Connection length, usability etc. Issues in connecting to lumiya etc. Stuff that could really have helped, as opposed to users whining and complaining.
  4. uhm not on your nelly. Been on here almost 18 years, a grandfathered 2006 user, i use lumiya extensively on mobile data so could provide a ton of easily verifiable data, but I don't qualify as a tester? nah, not interested.
  5. Personally, as a user who's been on SL for nearly 18 years, I thought I'd make a good tester for a mobile viewer (even spoke to support over this.) In RL, I'm a shift worker so I extensively use Lumiya when I'm at RL work to use SL. I use it on mobile data, not on Wifi. My signal strength varies throughout my shift from 5g to 4g to 3g. However as I'm "merely" a grandfathered premium user from 2006 and not "premium ploos" I don't qualify. Sad to say, you've lost out on a ton of connectivity data and user interaction data there (which my claim is easily verified by you checking connection logs). But, it is what it is.
  6. I shan't be posting again for another ten years, nor replying to this thread. It's more for information. There are currently issues accessing live chat/boxy bot on the SL support website. LL are aware of these issues, and are currently investigating. How do I know this? from the answer to a ticket I filed tonight. If you require a mainland region restart, file a ticket under region offline and it will get restarted as support get to it.
  7. I'm currently driving support bananas cos of this email. Clarity for Alwin. An alt got the same email that I didn't recognise the name of, so I've driving support nuts trying to recover long forgotten accounts.
  8. Yesterday, I just turned 16 in SL. Pass me a zimmer frame someone!
  9. I get the 500l$ grandfathered one (just turned 16 yesterday!), and so far from reading the thread, there's nothing here that would make me want to upgrade. New freephone number for support? LL used to have freephone numbers for countries worldwide but scrapped them. (anyone recall the Coca Cola fiasco when it's number was so similar to LL's?). But only works to US hours? no thanks, if i have a problem and I'm paying for "plus" level support I want a Live Operator whenever I need one (IMO you should have this now, but that's another discussion). 2048m2 land allowance? no thanks, I'm happy with 1120 (1024+10% group owned). Now if you offered a bonus group tier thing like this, I might have considered it. Premium plus sandboxes? We already have premium sandboxes including adult. The cost for us old timers for what we get means the cost of premium "now" pays for itself which is why I have it.
  10. Well that's a big pile of rhubarb fertiliser to dump on us oldies who get the 500 a week oO I've kept "this" acc as premium for the past few years as the cost roughly balances itself out, but I hope premium plus actually offers worthwhile benefits. I'm still undecided to remain as premium when renewal is due in July.
  11. yes i realised when i went there, but could you try again? support advise me the region is back online and I was able to enter.
  12. Another easy thing to try is, try logging into a different location. When you open your viewer, ther should be an option called "start location", if you don't see this, let me know which viewer you use so I can help you enable this, and use region "baronial castle" to try and log into. Scripts are off on this sim by intent, so if it's an attachment making you logout/crash, this should let you get online log enough to sort.
  13. for me, yes it's definitely worth it, as I'm from June 2006 I get the l$500 stipend, and the 1024 land - the annual cost to me is about £100 give or take. monthly l$ is 2k based on 4 weeks, £8.67 at current market price, 8.67*12 = £104.04 so technically the lab are paying me to be here.
  14. Good Evening, Following a change in management, RisQue AfterDark is looking for someone to help with the running of the club, from the day to day management, to the hiring/firing of staff. This postion *may* be of interest to former club owners who would like to get reinvolved within the industry, as we have a full homestead. Applications to myself on notecard please, and applicants must be prepared to voice verify (we don't require staff to use voice unless they want to, but staff will be required to be voice verified as natural women.) **Applications MUST be made on notecard as I alternate between two viewer, so IM is not transferred**
  15. Greetings, We are currently recruiting for the following positions: Assistant Manageress: as we can't be there 24/7 we need someone to aid in the day to day running of the club, salary depending on ability/experience Dancers: you will keep 90% of your tips (Please note you will be interviewed on voice - but don't have to use voice while working) Escorts: as above (dancers and escorts will be required to maintain an active adboard here) Hostess/Greeters: you will work for tips, this might suit the newer user, as we are willing to train you (minimum age 30 days) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mystery Caye/86/47/36 Stop by and collect an application, and return it to myself, my partner TeriAnnLewis, or Club Manager dawn1344
  16. Greetings, We are currently recruiting for the following positions: Manageress: as we can't be there 24/7 we need someone to aid in the day to day running of the club, salary depending on ability/experience Dancers: you will keep 90% of your tips (Please note you will be interviewed on voice - but don't have to use voice while working) Escorts: as above (dancers and escorts will be required to maintain an active adboard here) Hostess/Greeters: you will work for tips, this might suit the newer user, as we are willing to train you (minimum age 30 days) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mystery Caye/86/47/36 Stop by and collect an application, and return it to myself, or my partner TeriAnnLewis
  17. Greetings, We are currently recruiting for the following positions: Manageress: as we can't be there 24/7 we need someone to aid in the day to day running of the club, salary depending on ability/experience Dancers: you will keep 90% of your tips (Please note you will be interviewed on voice - but don't have to use voice while working) Escorts: as above (dancers and escorts will be required to maintain an active adboard here) Hostess/Greeters: you will work for tips, this might suit the newer user, as we are willing to train you (minimum age 30 days) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mystery Caye/86/103/34 Applications on notecards only please to myself, or my partner TeriAnnLewis
  18. Greetings, We are currently recruiting for the following positions: Manageress: as we can't be there 24/7 we need someone to aid in the day to day running of the club, salary depending on ability/experience Dancers: you will keep 90% of your tips (Please note you will be interviewed on voice - but don't have to use voice while working) Escorts: as above (dancers and escorts will be required to maintain an active adboard here) Hostess/Greeters: you will work for tips, this might suit the newer user, as we are willing to train you (minimum age 30 days) Please feel free to stop by the club at Mystery Caye/62/111/33 to collect an application, or contact myself, or my partner TeriAnnLewis.
  19. Just speaking to you inworld to help you sort. Nice and easy answer today.
  20. Serously? 8 months and he only just asked for voice? more fool to that party. Can he AR you, yes Will LL take action? extremely unlikely as it's a resident to resident dispute. Do you need to listen to the pointless, self opinionated waffel from other users? defiinitely no. SL allows each and every person to be what they want to be. Yes, shame on you for fooling him, but fool on him for not asking for voice sooner. Everybody else jumping on the bandwagon spouting nonsense at you? not needed.
  21. I've been here jsut over 9 1/2 years, and I still like to explore. Maybe we should start a club so we can sit and moan about noobs adn the "good old days" lol. Bob's Bar, 1st drink is on me.
  22. hey there, Just contacted you inworld with some actual helpful advuice, and a couple of venues worth checking out. regards, Bob.
  23. Can you provide more info? Did you get an email from Governance saying you were banned? If that's so, then you do have to file an appeal ticket via support. Were there any other messages displayed?
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