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Perrie Juran

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Everything posted by Perrie Juran

  1. Penny Patton wrote: I wonder how they arrive at the nominations? I'm always surprised by who and what doesn't get nominated. I agree whole heatedly with this. Looking at some of the names in the "Best Entertainer" category I think the person who selected them is tone deaf. While I can only guess that some of the nominees in all the categories are truly talented, after reading the FAQ on the site, it sound's more like it's a matter of who you know, not what you do that gets you there.
  2. On some forums that is referred to as a person's "boobies."
  3. How can we not list the forever changing "Torley Island," formarly known as "Here," but now known as "TORLEY ISLAND == OMG! CYBERSPACE! DIGITAL FRONTIER! lulz" http://slurl.com/secondlife/Torley/145/154/72
  4. Knowl Paine wrote: You might be getting logged in twice. If I have a search engine open in another window and follow a SLwiki link that has be updated and moved to the KB here at the forum, I will get logged in twice. Check to see if your name is showing 2x's in Residents Online, or is it members online? It's Users Online While I seem to be unable atm to force the 2x log in as you described for myself, I did capture the following screen shot which does show a double log in.
  5. Void Singer wrote: that shouldn't happen.... so now on top of "can't stay logged in", and "can't stay on the same page I was on" we now have "can't actually log out" .... my head hurts There must be a word in the cookie that the Lithium spell checker is bleeping causing all these problems. Or........... I know what it is. To save money LL bought a Beta version and is testing it on us.
  6. "The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for." Bob Marley
  7. <thread-jack> i would love to see someone set up a place where we could post all the **bleeped** words in these Fora as we encounter them. </thread-jack>
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: @Perrie Which brings us to another dynamic that comes into play in any relationship: can we trust someone we do not like, but respect? I can mix these three words and still ask the same question. Can we like someone we do no trust or respect? The fine nuances of meaning we assign to words can and does make communicating fun. I knew someone who insisted that the word 'love' should only be applied to animate objects and 'like' to inanimate objects. To which I responded that it was time for me to go 'make like' to my wife. It also reminds me of George Carlin on borderline words, "You can **bleep** your finger but you can not finger your **bleep**. I really can't think of anyone whom i did notrespect or trust that I liked. ETA for clarity
  9. Knowl Paine wrote: You might be getting logged in twice. If I have a search engine open in another window and follow a SLwiki link that has be updated and moved to the KB here at the forum, I will get logged in twice. Check to see if your name is showing 2x's in Residents Online, or is it members online? It's Users Online I know where it shows the most recent Users logged in. Is there somewhere that lists everyone that is logged in?
  10. Darrius Gothly wrote: i daresay that many people had a measure of respect for Stalin, but didn't trust him for a second. So yeah, I think it's possible. Might the correct word here be 'admire' rather than 'respect.' I might admire someone's ability as an athlete but have no respect for them as a person. I did once hear one of my Employers, and he was also the owner of the company, ask us in a Sales Meeting, "if we respected him." It caused quite an uneasy stir and several awkward moments of silence because none of us trusted him. Finally some one spoke up and said, "of course we respect that you are the owner of the company. " It was perhaps the single most awkward moment I have ever witnessed in a business meeting. Needless to say I don't work there anymore. As it turned out, average life expectancy of an employee with him was less than 6 months.
  11. Darrius Gothly wrote: They are moving toward "Single Sign-on", so if you were previously signed into the Marketplace or the secondlife.com website anywhere, AND it has not been more than the 30-minute automatic log out .. you will yourself logged back in. If you want to truly log out of everything, make sure you choose "Log Out" in every SL-related web property then close all your browser windows and tabs. Last night, three hours after I logged out and went and braved the Real World, the log in still happened automatically. I had read about this 30 minute cookie but I wonder if it somehow got burnt from being in the oven too long.
  12. Knowl Paine wrote: It's happened to me a couple times but I don't recall if I logged out or just closed the window. I figured it was some kind of cookie. You might be able to test it by cleaning out cookies and revisiting. With all the important files on my pc, security is... wait, I don't have any important files.:smileytongue: It is distinctly happenning after logging out. I do periodically clear all my history, cache, cookies etc. It is however a pain for me because there are sites I have to access on a regular basis that will challenge me for all my security questions after I clear cookies. It get's to be even more fun when the security answers are case sensitive. Did I capitalize the name of my first (and last) Goldfish when I put that as the answer to my first teacher's name. Can drive myself nuts at times.
  13. My habit is whenever I am finished with my browsing session on the Platform to log out. It is something I do with anything that requires a 'log in,' be it email or anything else. However, when I return to the platform, most of the time when I click "sign in," I find myself signed back into the Platform without being prompted for my user name or password. Is anyone else experience this? I generally use Firefox for surfing the web.
  14. Storm Clarence wrote: I ask about trust in the forum because it is the written word by an anonymous person. Today is the anniversary of one of the greatest inventions of all time: the lead pencil with an attached eraser - patented by H.L.Lipman of Philadelphia. Any man who gives the world a chance to 'erase' a mistake must be a public benefactor. I used a similar technology, many times, in composing my OP. Can trust be earned in the forum? To err is human, but when the eraser is wearing out before the pencil, you are overdoing it.
  15. If thou speak'st false, Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive, Till famine cling thee: if thy speech be sooth, I care not if thou dost for me as much. I pull in resolution, and begin To doubt the equivocation of the fiend That lies like truth: 'Fear not, till Birnam wood Do come to Dunsinane:' and now a wood Comes toward Dunsinane. Arm, arm, and out! If this which he avouches does appear, There is nor flying hence nor tarrying here. I gin to be aweary of the sun, And wish the estate o' the world were now undone. Ring the alarum-bell! Blow, wind! come, wrack! At least we'll die with harness on our back.
  16. Torley Linden wrote: Good gosh. I've moved this thread to Community Feedback since it's decidedly ON-TOPIC for this. No, we don't approve of our tools coming into work under the influence... This is like the community.secondlife.com equivalent of http://damnyouautocorrect.com That site is awesome. It reminded me of a suggested word replacement the Yahoo mail spell checker once made for me. I had typed "FCC's" (for federal communications commission) and Yahoo recommended the word "Firetruck" with the letters in the middle removed. I have posted a screen shot here: http://tinypic.com/r/nq9tlz/7
  17. Raymond Linden wrote: Perrie - thanks for the heads up on this. We put in a request to add "blog" and "blogs" to the spell checker, so that should go into effect at some point this week. I believe the reason "if" is showing up in the list is because this is a first word in a sentence -- and the spell check is alerting the poster that it is not capitalized. It will do this if any opening word in a sentence is not capitalized. If you are finding other common words not being found in the spell check, please let me know, and I will work with Lithium to get them added in. Thank you for your response. The capitalization problem is somewhat hit and miss. In some instances it has been because the word has been at the beginning of a sentence. But not always. I had seen a few other words come up as not 'existing' but at the moment I don't remember what they were. If I see others I will add them.
  18. Torley Linden wrote: I note there are various websites that can smoothly pop up info (or lightbox it) without loading a new page. Even Google has a feature like that when mousing over search results. Thank you very much for your response. Light box pop ups have their potential but to be effective they need to be kept to a minimum. There is nothing as irksome as seeing the info you want to get to and having a dozen pop ups occur almost instantaneously as you try to mouse to the information you want. The problem I would really see using them in the web based profiles is that the text in these pop ups generally is microscopic. The SL viewer is already a very resource intensive program. Personally I find the SL browser very limited in function. If and when I need to view a URL I always open an external browser but it adds to the resource strain and drain on my computer when I am In World. I do have a whole soap box of issues I can get on concerning Web Based profiles but will stick here to the topic on hand. Again, thank you for your response.
  19. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: I'm English and I'd love to say whatever we speak is, by definition, better English than foreingers (Init!). Unfortunately Fowler has often given US English a better grounding than we have ourselves. But they'll never be forgiven for 'nite', etc. "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was reported by The Times " as complaining to a British Council audience that American English is ‘very corrupting.’ Particularly, he bemoaned the fact that ‘people tend to invent all sorts of nouns and verbs and make words that shouldn’t be.’ "The Prince concluded: ‘We must act now to insure that English – and that, to my way of thinking, means English English – maintains its position as the world language well into the next century." His concern seems to be as much commercial as merely ethnocentrically aesthetic, the English language being one of England’s most popular exports, along with gossip about the escapades of the Royals. The Prince, after all, was only doing his bit to keep the English pecker up." FROM: http://www.pbs.org/speak/ahead/change/ruining/
  20. Pep wrote: Are we allowed to have teens as pets? Have you walked your kids today? But then again, if you add a ball gag you maight be able to have some fun.
  21. Void Singer wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: One thing I noticed it has is a "learn" feature. What I wonder is if that 'learning ' is just saved on my computer or if the host learns. Gosh, the fun that we can have if we are teaching the host. Wicked, evil, nasty thoughts. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. Cackle, cackle. on the website spellchecker? that's saved locally. I do like that AtD lets the Firefox spellchecker run on the rich text box... THAT is nice. AtD??? What is this. I'd love to see the Firefox spellchecker working in this. How do I get that to work here?
  22. Void Singer wrote: interesting software, but it doesn't seem to pick up on things like SLang and skips things like PI_BY_TWO, or PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, or the missing capitalization at the beginning of the post. Yes, that's with all options enabled. One thing I noticed it has is a "learn" feature. What I wonder is if that 'learning ' is just saved on my computer or if the host learns. Gosh, the fun that we can have if we are teaching the host. Wicked, evil, nasty thoughts. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. Cackle, cackle.
  23. Willow Danube wrote: Perrie Juran wrote P.S. While I know there are ways around it I am in a sky box in a no fly / no landmark creation SIM. He had to really have put some effort in to getting to my place. Maybe, he's an alt of someone you know? Maybe he was really a she?
  24. Tammy Armundsen wrote: Perrie, you do sound thoughtful, sincere, and compassionate. Sorry I slurred you. I got up on my soap box because the only really vicious thing I've witnessed in my happy tenure in Second Life is Abuse Reporting. Some people delight in meting out "justice" in the form of punishment and revenge and I guess that will never change. They will always find witches to burn, too. Getting someone banned from Second Life is like getting them the death penalty (if you think that's hyberbole, fine - you wouldn't miss being here yourself, would you?). I just urge every compassionate open-minded person out there to think twice before turning someone in. I do fully understand what you mean about "the death penalty." Everytime I see a thread about someone finding their account on hold or suspended or banned for what they claim to be no apparent reason I cringe. Just the thought of getting 'ghosted' is enough to give me shivers. I've been in SL almost 4 years now. Sometimes the drama stories I hear about really make me scratch my head. While yes I have witnesses a few major dramas in my time in SL, I have only ever had to mute one person and have only ever filed one AR, the situation in this thread. Darius brought up the legal issues. Those are real and they are scary. Just being picked up for questioning can be enough to completely ruin someone's life. And it does happen enough to make it a viable issue. When my daughter was 14, one of her friends of the same age was a C cup. She would wear the skimpiest bikinis you can imagine to the pool. Even knowing her age it was hard not to stare. She did not look 14. A little bit of make up, the right clothes and the fake ID which she obtained and she was getting into bars around where we lived. The fact that "I met her in this bar and she had ID" in my state was not an affirmative defense. Get caught with her and your life was ruined. And she was sexually active. I found out about all that after she got caught by her parents. I disagree with a lot of the laws governing sexual activities. I think many of them are draconian and puritan and that they do more harm than good. But they are what they are. I think a discussion about teenage sex and teenage sex as it relates to Second Life could make for a good discussion here. However I don't think it would be allowed. Whatever personal opinions may be held at Linden Lab, they as a business for both legal and publicity reasons have to toe the line and say, "No sexual age play in SL."
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