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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. Whowhatwhy is run by a Guy named Russ Baker. This person claims that there are "connections between President George H.W. Bush and individuals involved with the Watergate scandal and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy." Family of Secrets contends that the first President Bush became an intelligence agent in his teenage years and was later at the center of a plot to assassinate Kennedy that included his father, Prescott Bush, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, CIA Director Allen Dulles, Cuban and Russian exiles and emigrants, and various Texas oilmen.[24] It asserts that Bob Woodward of The Washington Post was an intelligence agent who conspired with John Dean to remove President Richard Nixon from office for opposing the oil depletion allowance. Writing in the Los Angeles Times, media critic Tim Rutten called the book a "dispiriting tome" that was an example of "paranoid literature." He said that Baker "recklessly impugns, in the most disgusting possible way, the reputations not simply of men and women now dead, but of the living," Rutten said that though George H.W. Bush was not likely to sue for libel, using a "tissue of innuendo, illogical inference, circumstance and guilt by tenuous association -- as Baker does in this book -- to indict rhetorically anyone, let alone a former chief executive, of an infamous murder is a reprehensible calumny." n a January 2015 profile, Boston magazine said that over the past decade, "Baker has abandoned the mainstream media and become a key player on the fringe, walking that murky line between conventional investigative journalist and wild-eyed conspiracy theorist." Baker has raised questions about the Boston Marathon bombings, and "is not willing to rule out the possibility that the bombings were a false-flag operation conducted or permitted by elements of the American government in order to justify the Homeland Security complex.” He argues that FBI recruited the Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev as an agent or informant, which is the FBI has categorically denied.[5][25] Boston said "it would be a lot easier to dismiss Baker as a nut and move on if it weren’t for his three decades of award-winning investigative-reporting experience. Full text here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russ_Baker
  2. Hundreds? i thought it were only 65 or so courts which dismissed the claims? Fine, if you like folks who waste enormous amount of time and money on hopeless cases, your business. Also, fortunately, no one is forced to "come together" and govern together with a bunch of fascist idiots. They lost presideny, house and senate. I wonder when you and others like you will finally get that. It´s over.
  3. Don´t give them ideas. Most likely that will end in "Biden burned down the forests".
  4. You did. The result is known. The people of Portland, Chicago and Seattle voted the Führer down. BY NUMBERS.
  5. Save your energy. You cannot debate with someone who lives in an alternative universe. We do not have the warp drive yet, unfortunately, so we cannot get sucked into that black hole to debate these guys on the other side of that mind boggling, huge universe.
  6. The people spoke, and the people voted the Führer out of office. The people spoke and the Führer lost the senate. The people spoke and the Führer lost the house. So what? You still don´t get it? Game over.
  7. The tweet i posted was unleashed WHILE the mob was storming the capitol, and it´s just another example of Trump´s typical rethorics, but that failed dramatically here. Basically, he told the thugs :"You did a great job, folks, by doing what you did, and now it´s time to go home and keep this in memory as a great day". Imagine an American president had said the same to some ISIS fighters storming the capitol in order to lynch Mike Pence. On the other hand, i find it difficult to nail Trump down on the speech he held or a couple of sentences he dropped in that particular speech, but as far as I understand the impeachment text, no one tries to do that.
  8. Never mind. The Union Jack is the british flag. And brits talking about american taxes are not really compatible for historical reasons. 😉 A prim can. I guess.
  9. Sure, but she won´t talk about american taxes while promoting the Union Jack, She certainly isn´t suicidal.
  10. And you still look unpatriotic. Trust me, you won´t win any election in the US with that image. Not even if you try to rig it.
  11. hum, you look pretty british to me. you should replace that flag there by an american eagle, otherwise that looks very unpatriotic. The last time these brits fiiddled with american taxes ended in a bloody mess.
  12. Why are you conspiracy theorists and fascists so obsessed with social media companies? See it this way: The New York Times never would print or publish any of your hilarious bubbles. And i guess you never expected them to do so. Why should Twitter or Apple or Amazon do so? You have plenty of outlets for your poison, like fox, breitbart and all these nifty brainless sites claiming to be enlightened. Why don´t you just shut up and go to there and bath in your sea of ignorance together with your partners in madness? Please, do the civilised world a favor and leave it alone. Thanks.
  13. Gimme more hot air, please. It´s winter and cold and I could need some more warm ups.
  14. Leave that up to courts and the senate. Also, this "guy" is responible for everything what happened there, and you can try to spin that however you want: He still is. Please tell me: Are you one of these "great patriots" he refers to or not? If you are not, there should not be any complaints on the impeachment from your side.
  15. Well, i hope that the new government will do their job sufficiently. Not such a big Biden fan here, but we shall see. Regarding Trump´s speech: He said a few more things there which absolutely were inciting violence in the given scenario. Furthermore I quote his (deleted) tweet he spew out WHILE the terrorist attack was happening:
  16. Hell, you are such a pessimist. I still believe that there is some good core in humankind. Maybe even old Mitch has a heart of gold, tho i doubt that.
  17. Nor me. But let´s conclude that Lenin kinda was right by saying "The people are stupid". Somehow. Cough.
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