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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. Well, seems as if the plactic shine of the PBR glorified SL oceans prevented the oversaturated blue sky from falling down, due to the color shock.
  2. Question is if the most care. Many of them spent and still spend a significant amount of money on SL, anyway. And now the company running the show steps up and shuts the door to them. "Go get a new computer and pay more". That´s not what I call a sane customer relationshiip. And such kind of relationships usually end in a divorce.
  3. Attracting a fair share of Doom players would boost SL into mainstream, for sure. Why lead Second Life away from these?
  4. Give it a chance! aybe there is a not so unsignificant number of bored pre-puberty kids who love to play barbi in 3D, embedded in some sandbox environment, on their school tablets. PBR with it´s fantastic oversaturation would provide the perfect surroundings there.
  5. They sold Sansar. Millions of development cost. They probably will not go back. They probably will do worse.
  6. Oh, you checked? Fine. 38 k is the correct number pre-mesh. Then i declined down to 24 k, and slowly got better over the pandemy. Now it´s 28 k. If someone tells me that mesh imports were a success in regards to help SL grow I must laugh. Apparently it might have helped to keep the ship afloat somehow, but it undoubtedly was not (and still is not) the positive gamechanger many cheerleaders proudly predicted. Nor was windlight or any other tech "improvement" LL came up with over the years. Sl is in it´s niche of die hards and most of all is a virtual, social meeting place or virtual social club where "high tech" is not really wished nor really demanded nor really needed by the vast majority of users.
  7. Look at Turbosquid, DAZ and other platforms. The real professionals use them, if they are not hired by some game company or 3D studio. No one of these ever will make SL their only source of income. At best, they sell their stuff to people who resell it in SL royalty free (or not). That does not mean that ALL sellers in SL do not create original meshes for professional reasons. But the hope that "professionals flock into SL" cause of mesh imports died lately in 2015. PBR does not really change this. It hits the lower end/midrange customer base, not really the creator crowd.
  8. Sure, but then you either one has a friend like you with the necessary (and proven) skills or one must pay someone for the work. I´d not try my luck on fiddling with some expensive hardware.
  9. I never favored that. There are some thumbs down for the entire EEP hype thing. Which most of all let the very most people run their viewers on "Midday" and done with it.
  10. I would not. If i had 6th or 7th gen i´d seriously think of getting a completely new machine. 8th would not require a new motherboard and still work for the upcoming years.
  11. There always is an option for getting a Ferrarri. And yes, one can, with some MINOR skills, turn a Ford Fiesta into Ferrari.
  12. The source is in-world. If you ever leave the forums and check the group IM´s or even talk to some people off your high end club you MIGHT get a glimpse.
  13. Don´t tell me that the vast majority of SL users can create PBR textures or are interested in them. That´s an elite club or they buy these textures somewhere, if they ever are interested in any at all. And only a few will notice the difference, anyway.
  14. Really, well, the first 200 pages of the MP best selling products do not list any PBR textures. OK, i gave up at page 201.
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