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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. Well, then the a++players should do what the are held to do and no one will discover anything but a modesty layer. That´s funny, not sad.
  2. "Again, child avatars should not be engaging or participating in any event or location where nudity and/or sexual activity is present, encouraged and/or expected."
  3. Sorry, but pedophelia, which Linden Lab adresses here, includes children (here:child avatars) by default. If Linden Lab were determined to oust all of you a**players they could and they would do it. They do not want to, instead they count on the a**players common sense and cooperation. It´s pretty simple: Follow the new guidelines instead of complaining on them and you are safe and everyone around you is safe. The more you complain and whine on the relatively moderate changes the less friends you will have in the near future.
  4. The V. and the P. are pretty much "photorealistic". But it´s easy to figure out. Someone will certainly AR the accounts which run child avis at such a location and if the child avi does not return...
  5. Sorry, but making the modesty patches mandatory (and they are) excludes any public nudity of child avis. There is no clarification needed. Also, the rules clearly define that child avatars cannot hang out at places where adult content is present. Genitals ARE adult content. Also no clarification needed.
  6. That´s overly pessimistic, in fact Second Life gained momentum over the Covid years. Manifested by growing user numbers and even a decent growth regarding regions, after years of more or less slow decline (Grid Survey). Not as if it ever would enjoy the hype of 2005-2007 again, but the new Lab Owners apparently invest a lot in new technologies and seem to be convinced of an even more promising and longer lasting turnaround. With growing numbers of users and region the Media will become more interested, also mind Meta which attracts media attention to virtual reality. The 2007 backslash is forgotten meanwhile, fortunately. No one can be interested in having another, similar scandal like that at this point.
  7. The 2007 scandal was the beginning of the end of growth. Over the following year almost all significant companies withdrew their sims and offices and investments from SL. It also finished the hype, after that the media turned from support to criticism and finally to ignorance. Linden Lab cannot afford another incident of the same kind, and the laissez faire of the past few years endangers the entire platform. They must act now, and they did and will. Nothing would destroy the platform so easily than another pedo affair in the media.
  8. If you feel punished by the new rules and your IQ is a bit better than the IQ of a piece of bread then I´d suggest to log off and grow up.
  9. Then you also are concerned about Linden Lab who issued the new rules, partially to adress "naked child avatars"? Well, i suggest to focus your psychoanalytic expertise on the Lab Owners. There certainly is something wrong with them. Sick society.
  10. Wear a modesty patched skin and your questions wil be obsolete. Supersimple, right?
  11. You know, you are adult. Hopefully. If you are, why should anyone hate you? And why should everyone disliking child avatars in Second Life for various reasons be a child hater? Please explain.
  12. Being empathetic is one thing, developing empathy for an immersed spoiled psyche is another, and dismissing empathy for pedos is international law.
  13. Don´t you think that some pedos derendered your attachments before the rule changes? Nothing will change, except that you are reuired to discourage the pedos now - by not offering anything they would want to get a glimpse at. That´s the little price to pay for impersonating a child in Second Life as you do. Be grateful that you can do it all, cause you cannot do it anywhere else on the planet like that.
  14. It´s a pity that you cannot accept the fact that a naked, clearly underaged female body which includes detailed sexual attributes is sexualised display. Especially in an interactive environment. It´s a pity that you cannot see beyond your nose and mistake liberalism for knee jerk laissez faire.
  15. Luna, if these guys feel "punished" by the new rules, then the immersion must have done some massive damage to their psyche, and we are no psychotherapists here. But I suspect that the most of these who lament the loudest are acting like someone just caught in the act. "Damn, Linden Lab abolishes my ten sexy underaged alt avis i had such a hawt time with". Or something like that.
  16. What is wrong with barring people who run child avatars from adult rated sims and content? What is wrong with demanding that people who run child avatars take care that they do not display a sexualised child? What is wrong with demanding that they keep their profile clean of links to adult content and sites? What is wrong with demanding that people running child avatars stay away from adult activities and content? For whom is the mandatory modesty layer a punishment? Certainly only for those who prefer to have none and these are the ones with an obvious interest in the sexualised display of a child, to themselves and to others.
  17. Why not? There certainly will be creators who will be eager to beat some dollars out of the ***** crowd by selling skins with painted patches. Also, creators of explicit ***** avatars certainly will update their products accordingly, not necessarily for demonstrating loyalty but for staying in business. If they don´t, well, screw them.
  18. I know the feeling, I use to get drowned by rolling restarts each tuesday. Pure emotional stress. Unbelievable pain. Uncertainity. When will it happen? Were will it happen? How? OMG!
  19. You actually draw a line from LL to the Nazis? /me coughs.
  20. Probably. But without people running and fostering child avatars while generating lots of unrest and outrage all over the grid there would be no open season. The LL action is a reaction, and most likely one one which could not be avoided.
  21. Well, be patient, you´ll grow up and in a few years you´ll be rated adult.
  22. Yeah. My latest experience with one of them was: She got caught on a posbeball containing adult anims and perfermed some more or less explicit actions with a pony there (moderate sim). I adressed her and asked her for showing at least some kind of conciousness regarding the problems running a child avi in SL. The answer was "I am a child, how can you expect that?"
  23. Rezz a prim, make it phantom and 50 percent transparent, scale it on the z axis until it matches the body height and one gets the exact height (in meters). I don´t get what the problem with heigth should be, anyway. A 50 cm tall fully breast/bottom loaded kupra with a lascive smile on it´s balloon lips certainly isn´t a child avatar.
  24. The catholic church has studied the bible for 2000 years and massive problem with pedos. /Me shrugs
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