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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. Mussolini nationalised 75 percent of the italian economy over the years. The Nazis did not do the same in germany, while Hitler originally had much more pseudo-socialist approach than Mussolini. As Luna said, fascism can move either way and also adapts to local circumstances in order to secure it´s power. Same on the other side, Stalin was not like Lenin, and Lenin was not like Gorbatchov. But they all were declared commmunists.
  2. Since when are straight out capitalist companies and corporations labeled "left"? There must be something wrong with your idea of what "left" and "right" is. Or has Twitter been nationalised by the deep state? Did imiss something?
  3. Nothing against upright conservatives. But one must call the enemy by the name and not excuse extremist excesses caused by psychotic illusions (stop the steal!) - which were undoubtedly incited by the president of the Unites States of America - by calling this "conservative". It´s character is straight out anti-democratic and (yes!) fascist and fits into the scheme of the "Alt Right". Labeling this "conservative" or even "republican" is an insult to any upright conservative. It´s not about dehumanising. Unfortunately all dictators are human. And all their supporters are.
  4. 1. Why do you post not meaningful stuff? 2. Any kind of misinterpreted "political correctness" gets me enraged. I (please excuse my hate speech now) HATE it. 3. The wrongdoings on one side do not excuse the wrongdoings on the other side. 4. Fascism isn´t a dog whistle, it´s fascism. And nothing but fascism.
  5. I am not a psychotherapist,. but apparently the US should hire a bunch of these.
  6. Okay, I suggest we all have a love sit in and remeber the glorious days of woodstock, when love and peace ruled the world while nixon bombed hanoi back into the stone age.
  7. The thugs storming the capitol were not conservatives. They were domestic terrorists. And that´s it. And absolutely nothing you ever write here can spin that.
  8. 2/3rd of republican voters still believe that the elections were rigged. So please tell me: Do you really want to be united with stupidity? Or, in worst case, united with a fascist mob? Appeasement never was a good idea while facing extremism. Cure stupidity, before you start to "unite".
  9. The world,. unfortunately, isn´t such a lovely place where everybody is of the same opinion, follows the same ideals and all that. It might become such a place in the distant future, hopefully. But i do not see much sense in letting a truck run over you without rasing a "STOP HERE" sign. Gandhi was not politically correct.
  10. 1: Hindenburg HAD a choice. 2. The decisive vote in parliament could only be won by the Nazis and their enablers because Hindenburg signed an "exective order" (in that sense) which allowed Hitler (and his right wing conservative cabinet) to arrest the communist representatives before that vote was cast. 3. No, there was no constitutional necessity to make Hitler chancellor. None, zero, zilch.
  11. In fact, the NSDAP party never received more than 34 percent of the votes in free and fair elections. Fact is, that right wing conservative parties and a right wing conservative president enabled them.
  12. Funny when fascists quote Orwell in order to hide that they are fascists.
  13. Fine, if you consider our democracies being fascist dictatorships, join comrade Xi at Hong Kong. I am sure he´ll welcome you.
  14. If that is so we cannot allow you to drive your car on the highway cause you are taking away the precious space in need for my ultrafast ferrari. Which is my religion. Ridiculous.
  15. Democracy has laws and regulations to protect itself from people who threaten it. What you think and what you say is your business, but if you threaten democracy by words and actions you outlaw yourself. No mercy. Democracy does not include surrender.
  16. Well, so you consider the mob which stormed the capitol, which was ideologically and practically incited, prepared and executed in open by Donald Trump and his enablers NOT being dangerous? Your theory is proven wrong. It only is popular among right wing conservatives who still consider fascists to be their "dirty little mislead family members".
  17. Second Life could be removed for for whatever, like for "being nasty", while "nasty" is what AWS says "nasty" is and includes the definition of that into their ToS and contracts. No one can force the Washington Post into publishing a Trump speech, for example, and that´s not what section 230 regulates/deregulates.Section 230 ony makes it merely impossible to sue a social media company/network/corporation in a civil court for whatever, even if a crime commited by a user is proven - it´s about liability and money in the end, and more or less only about that.
  18. Right, and they popped up elsewhere as soon as they were removed, haha. Looked like some "catch the thief" game.
  19. Did you miss all the overdimensioned "Trump 2020" posters and entire Trumpist sim setups all over the place? There are plenty of hate groups active in SL, ever were.
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