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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. Seas of ignorance, stupidity and paranoia. How could it come to this? /me sighs
  2. Some probably are. But the most are not. My guess is that there are about a core of 25 percent true believers among republican representatives who never will change their mind. The rest of the bunch fears the voting power of the poisoned by conspiracy theories people more than their weapons. Also, the leadership positions of the republican party have been overrun by the radicals and they control the organisation. Might change once the dust has settled and the courts will pick up the pieces. I am with you on the impeachment issue.
  3. There is not any evidence for that hilarious "Antifa" nonsense so far. Heard of one investigation on one guy who was seemingly tied to something like that (something, because the real "Antifa" organisation is pretty much insignificant judged by the numbers, activists and activities in the US), but it obviously turned out that he is much more something like a lone wolf anarchist who sympathises with whatever brings down the "establishment" - in his opinion. If there WERE significant far left militant organisations in the US I´d be more concerned, remembering the Hitler-Stalin pact and the role of the communist party in Germany 1918-1933. But there are none existing, also Antifa isn´t even far left by definition. Pakistan: The US spent about 11.7 billion dollars on military aid and 6.1 billion dollars on economical aid for Pakistan fom 2002 - 2018. That mostly was done in the context of fighting the Taliban and AQ and whatever muslim radicals. Such aid is necessary to gain and establish influence in countries like Pakistan (which also is a nuclear power) in order to help developing such border countries into stable platforms which support our efforts to - at least - contain muslim radicalism. The few millions you complain on are peanuts in that context, but almost any conservative in the US knows what they are good for. That´s geoploitics. You can, of course, claim that building a wall along the border is sufficient for defense. Unfortunately it isn´t. Airplanes crashing into sykscrapers do not mind border walls.
  4. Absolutely. And the progressives should fire their entire PR team and make AOC boss of the new one. In fact, they should form their own party.
  5. Yes, there are fascists in the republican party. But not all republicans are fascists.Give them a chance. Also, it does not matter for a solution. The real question is: How could it become so terribly bad? I somehow can understand that the conservative rural regions are scared of the big urban, metropolitan and liberal centers. Also, there are these massive problems regarding race and religion. Add income inequality and the decline of the so-called "middle class". But all of that escalated in a long process, which was kicked off decades ago and seems to reach a peak now. I think that there are several reasons for the malfunction, but on the political stage there is one dominant: The two party system does not allow political compromise and escalates polarisation, which escalates radicalism and that let the United States get stuck either in a (political) 19th century society OR in a (political) 22nd century society. There seems to be nothing in between, and both parties have no interest to leave their ground for finding a common sense agreement - overall. There is no common definition of what the "American Dream" is anymore. That alone cannot explain Trumpist excess, but there are more advanced societies in the western world, which adressed these problems (some "little Trumps" included) differently and , apparently, more successfully than the US. Maybe americans should take a peek to the north of the continent or across the ocean and learn some things from there?
  6. Question One: I have concerns. But these concerns were widely shared and known looooong before this particular election and mostly adressed sufficently. And as recorded, almost 80 percent of republicans did not share the concern in 2018 at all. So why now? Cause they lost this election big time, maybe and do not accept the outcome? See, they could have complained since 1964 and never really did. Explain this charade. Question two: Apparently there is and was NO "very clear and suspicious activity". But 60+ judges, some of the them appointed by Trump himself, MUST be wrong, or what do you want to express? So, I do not WANT fair and accurate elections in the United States, because i HAVE them.
  7. Well...that´s a not yet answered question. Tho...even the romans were kind of successful with feeding free bread to the poor. It helped the ones who worked the 120 hours to build a successful business, because it reduced the poor´s appetite for robbing the bread from the ones who worked for 120 hours. Read Tacitus.
  8. Hell, didn´t you hear of these Vogons before? They plan a hypergalactic highway running straight through your living room. Seriously! I know it, some investigative journalist from Alpha Centauri told me. He spent all his life with finding evidence for a connection between God and The Order of the Holy Prim. The evidence is striking: The universe REALLY is square and made of plywood. If you want, i can provide you about 26894232 links on the internet! Comapred to that BLM and Antifa are just kids playing in a sandbox.
  9. Lindsay Graham said on that program: "Pakistan is a place I really worry about. Eighty-five countries a woman can't open up a bank account without her husband's signature. She can't inherit property. If you're a young girl in Pakistan life is pretty tough. So we're trying to make life better for women throughout the world," That´s why. OK; now you can argue: "Who the hell even knows where Pakistan is? And why the hell should i pay a few cents (of the 15 Millions which actually were spent - Out of 2.3 (!!) Trillions which were spent on domestic aid). And I´d argue something which would probably help you to understand my position. That´s all legit and part of the political process. And if we do disagree, we find a compromise and we both accept the outcome. But all of our blanter does not justify storming the capitol. Apparently too many people do not want a democratic republic anymore. And the radicalisation spurs hate and hate spurs crime and results in riots, rage and death. See, my concern is not that you have an opion. It´s your bloody right to have one. But coming up with an issue which was resolved by a political compromise and characterising that as if it would cause the downfall of the American Empire...that´s not just absurd, but dangerous.
  10. It´s not difficult at all. Otherwise I agree with much of what you noted regarding "corporate" american broadcasters, especially on TV. I personally watch CNN for the entertainment, not for getting NEWS. But... The moon did not explode. And because it didn´t, Dominion did not blow it up. When i look out of my window I still see that shiny moon spreading it´s light all over the wild romance of city backyards. That was fake news. What I wanna say is that to blame all the s*** on partisan, non-partisan or whatever media corporations is too easy. In the end the educated individual must decide what is news and what is fake news. You went straight into the trap and posted a not so bad essay on media corporations and news. But you missed that the darned moon simply didn´t explode. Happens to me, too, unfortunately.
  11. That "really scary" was not born yesterday. That "really scary" was there all the time. Trump only triggered the outbreak, he´s a symptom of a disease and not the origin. Which does not apoligíse him, of course. And The GOP is deeply involved there. And seriously, Democrats should check their very own credits, too. In the end all of this is a total system failure. And there is more than just one reason for that.
  12. Fact is that no EU country needs to employ an army to protect an elected president from some radicalised people who think that the world is flat and the US occupies 99 percent of it and that only their idea of what is right or wrong is valid.
  13. News sources do not speculate. Editorials do. News are just news and nothing but news. Like: "Oh hell, the moon just exploded". That´s news. "Dominion blew it up" is speculation as long as not proven to be true. Once proven to be true "Dominion blew it up" is news.
  14. So what do you conclude? That each and any election in the US where electronic voting machines were used were hacked and manipiulated or what? Seriously? OK, then I´d suggest you to join the "Rewrite History League". Best is to start the revision when it all began: 1964. Also, I´d suggest that you learn something on the topic itself before you launch your feverish attacks. Good start is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voting_in_the_United_States Have fun!
  15. Yes, Areille, we know that you adore this site and it´s shady owner now., Can you please amuse us with something like "Donald Trump and the Marsian Invasion: How it happened"? Yes, please?
  16. Scylla, she quotes sources from the conspiracy theorist mud on the internet. Useless to debate. Alt universe. Hopeless.
  17. Yeah,, right. I wonder what the courts will decide. Careful, Arielle. They also might come after you. Dominion Voting sues Trump lawyer Powell for defamation, seeking $1.3 billion in damages
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