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Vivienne Schell

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Everything posted by Vivienne Schell

  1. Unforttunately you are right, but fortunately banlists, whitelists and privacy keeps them away from places where the public can easily get a pretty devastating impression.
  2. Tell me, if you had the choice: Either accept moderate (and i say MODERATE) compromises OR the loss of the entire platform following a Media campaign (Paedo Paradise SL) or something even more deadly - what would you opt for? Gambling was not banned from SL because of gambling, but due to the circumstances (political climate, legal things). And consider that the Lab usually only acts if there is no othr way out but to act and change something.
  3. If, then protected. In the sense, that everyone who loves SL needs protection from unpleasant encounters with the media or the FBI playing hardball with Linden Lab over some ugly things.
  4. The honesty of players isn´t matter of the discussion. Nude Child Avatars are.
  5. Yes. Weston, Oak Bluffs, Oak Bay. That´s where the Arcades are. Oak Bay also hosts some kind of Mole Museum. The club i mentioned is located a couple of sims away, at the west coast.
  6. I think the 50 ys old lad playing a 20 ys old woman is exactly as honest as a 50 ys old lad playing a 10 ys old girl.
  7. Maybe the Linden Arcades at Bay City should get an overhaul. I like them, still, but never ran into a Child Avi there. The Child Avis gather at that much less "Kid like" Beach Club in the west of Bay City for some reason.
  8. Well, there is some animesh Elvis at Campwich Forest (Bellisseria) who is only there for doing shotgun marriages. Linden owned, no charges. Maybe they planted him there for solving the teenage problem. We should ask for clarification in the revised FAQ, for sure.
  9. Hardly ever happens nowdays. I somehow miss the legendary "Naked Noob". Or the floating dicks attack on Anshe at that TV show...or a bunch of leather cladded dominas with their nude slaves on a chain spoiling some IBM event at the IBM sims...
  10. She most probably read your reply and decided that there is no reason to be interested in more than that. Possible reasons: Not affected or being affected but understanding an agreeing with sense and content perfectly. Like 95 percent of SL users.
  11. Why the hell does the FAQ not adress the problems a plywood prim has on M sims???? I want CLARIFICATION!!
  12. Yeah, we know, Madi. it´s your SL. You pay for it and f*** the rest.
  13. You make things difficult where they are not. FAQ; Q: I am a child avatar in SL. How do I shop for anything, when many of the popular stores for furniture, AOs, gestures, etc. have both regular and adult versions in their Moderate rated store? A: As stated above, child avatars cannot engage or participate in the use of adult versions of such content. It may be best to create an outfit with a non-human or non-child human persona to run errands such as shopping, such as any of the default Second Life avatars, robots, et cetera. Replace "Store" by "Burlesque" and "Strip Club" (both are legal on M) and you are there. Very simple.
  14. The changes are a minimum of necessary prevention of possible wrongdoing which would violate international and national laws. Not to mention the devastating impact of another (to be expected without this set of still moderate changes) media campain against "Paedo Paradise SL". Child Avatar Pilots should be grateful that they were and still are tolerated at all under the recent circumstances.
  15. They will decide to move to where the money is. And the money is not in the pockets of the Child Avtar Pilots. Business is not "fair". And Linden Lab is a business.
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