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Willow Danube

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Everything posted by Willow Danube

  1. I think you would have a better chances of being treated fair and decent if you: 1. Join NCI/Happy Hippo/Caledon University and ask questions in the group chat. They'll be happy to respond and help if they know the answer. 2. Ask questions in this forum. Yes this is the website but we are all residents of Second Life and we do know almost all the answers. 3. Some honest questions were percieved as complains and moans by some residents. Perhaps you need to state your questions clearly next time and make sure they know that you are not there to troll but sincerely looking for inworld help.
  2. I think I'll be sitting next to Wade and Poenald ... pushing buttons and random keystrokes.
  3. Agreed Ceka. But JFK has said something almost similar to that and look where he ended up. Goverment is powerless, they are mostly talking puppets and soap commercial models. I don't think you should go against the goverment first. I think you should go against the top 100 forbes most rich and influencial individuals in USA. Go against them and watch the Goverment bows down to the common people.
  4. Is there lack of creative posts? Probably, if what you meant by creativity as to invoke anger and gnashing of teeth among fellow forumites.A good heart felt thread quickly turned into "you did this to me, No you did that to me" and complete with PDF attachments and transcripts. All we need was a short snide comment from someone and we all went up in flame. At the inception of this new format, I had a hard time adjusting and really hated the ugliness of characters being shown by some of the forumites who tried to outdo each in order to get to the top. It was nice to have some Mods and Lindens stepping in between although one in particular was really tactless. Moderation at that time was harsh but it didn't stopped the negative vibe from being spread across the readers who knew what went on. But at least a thread that started off as a friendly or funny post gets to remain one until it died off. A few light banters and derailment was seen as fun commercial breaks in an otherwise "melodramatic-tear inducing-hormonal filled-do we have to read/see this again?" thread. The sub topics part of the forums has managed to reduce my manic marathon postings and ignored entirely boring threads. What I find really interesting now is the call for help from new lost sheeps who ventured off into the SLF instead of SLA. We have more of them and it is nice to see them being taken care off without having their heads bitten off by us. Everyone can have a piece now that the moderators are here to make sure that everyone WILL have a piece of something. So what if I am not funny? So what if I'm not lyrical? So what if I don't use punctuations well? So what if I can't read English good? So what if I'm not in one of your inworld forum groups? Flame me and you'll have Mods circumcising your writings into a vanilla post. That's what I call as Equal. I guess it is true to a large extend that the older we get the harder it is for us to change... So, Listen up ye olde forumites... It has changed, Embrace it and don't look back.
  5. Since you are my friend, you get special treatment from me. You are allowed to break the rules and choose any colours or guys you want. Seriously... any colours ... and guys. I'll look the other way. Except maybe Randall and Cio.. I'm going to marry them both once LL allows multiple partnerships in my profile. PS: Ditto for Classy Distinguished looks on men. ______________________________ My summary on the survey: 1. Women likes Dark haired men 2. Only a few men dared to admit that they like Blondes more than the rest. 3. Surprisingly, not many are into Redheads 4. No men likes white haired women. 5. Brunettes seemed like the 'safe' choice for most people.
  6. Cio Koba wrote: brumette asians :matte-motes-inlove: My choice of colours: First : White/Silver/Gray haired (still...) Second: Cio (Randall can take a back seat for now, he likes Red!)
  7. I think I know which one you are talking about. There is also this one hair from LAQ that I've seen being worn by MANY guys in SL. Even my male alt has one..Good thing it was a modified version so I I changed a few strands of hair with highlights just to break its uniformity.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: I just care that the carpet matches the drapes. I think you should send a notecard (coz IMs gets capped) to Truth Hawks and suggest that he should start selling carpets that matches the drapes.
  9. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: I get many more random offers of "teh secks" when I am a redhead.... Red has certain hormonal effect on men. Once I wore a red slinky dress to a Motown club and immediately some rich dude with multiple sims IM'd me that he had set his security orbs to allow me into his sims. He kept calling me "Babay, babay" and "Gorgeus, Gorgeus" ... If I wasn't dancing with a guy with a dunce cap at that moment, I would have joined him and prolly end up being the land mistress or something by now and not cracking my head trying to develop my puny land over in mainland.
  10. What is wrong with White? Kadaj is hot! And I think at one point in the second installment of The Storm Riders comic series, Cloud had turned white haired himself although it was only for a short moment but I thought he was sexy! My thread, My Rules, My colours... You shall remain in the white section. Yield!
  11. Here are two more facts Ian, 1. World famous blondes like Marylin Monroe and Pamela Anderson were originally brunettes 2. James Bond prefers Brunettes
  12. Update: Blond: 2 (both for female) Red: 2 (1 each from the opposite gender) Brunette: 7 ( 2 for female, 4 for male) White: 2 @Nuuna: Some smart brain people may want to argue that even your feeling of attraction was because of some pathophysiological reaction based on associated memory in your DNA. I don't know who said it.. maybe Homer did. @Randall: So you are really saying that YOU actually prefer blondies? Well according to you, You are not alone. @Immy: Nice try but yours is forfeited and by default will be changed to White.
  13. Great answers so far... Let's see... Blond: 2 (both for female) Red: 2 (1 each from the opposite gender) Brunette: 5 ( 2 for female, 3 for male) White: 1 ( I'll come clean... I like white haired guys) Really guys? I'm surprised ... maybe you'd like to read this article about why blonds are more attractive than the rest. *** Blond hair is unique in that it changes dramatically with age. Typically, young girls with light blond hair become women with brown hair. Thus, men who prefer to mate with blond women are unconsciously attempting to mate with younger (and hence, on average, healthier and more fecund) women. It is no coincidence that blond hair evolved in Scandinavia and northern Europe, probably as an alternative means for women to advertise their youth, as their bodies were concealed under heavy clothing. ***
  14. Jaellah, "Anything" is not a colour. Try again
  15. I have to be honest.. I'd like a guy with more than a few strands of hair on his head. But you gotta check this guy here from this link. His pic is the only one I added as a Favourite so far. http://www.flickr.com/photos/strawberrysingh/5669527933/in/faves-willowdanube/
  16. Black is Brunette to me. Brunette = Anything Dark coloured hair Blonde = ALL shades of Yellow or Gold - or Platinum Gold Red = ALL shades of Red White = Silver, Gray to plain white
  17. Marianne... yummy!! another white haired version I like.. :matte-motes-inlove:
  18. Randall Ahren wrote: Willow Danube wrote: 2. You like red! I'm a brunette... You could change that and maybe get some tattoo freckles as Marianne Little suggested. I saw you once with purple hair. That looked pretty cool. Ok I give up... yes everyone please do get all scientific and introspective on your choice of hair colour if you want. I'll do the maths as I see fit.
  19. Oy... Canoro, too many variations my wee brain hurts trying to figure out what you really want. Por favor, senor.. just one colour...
  20. Dresden Ceriano yada yada yada: ETA: Ooops... I must have missed the word limit... oh well... lol. Damn right you did... White, you shall remain!:matte-motes-big-grin-evil:
  21. Marriane, I usually bow down to your fashion superiority but this time we have to play by my rules... again, TMI. Sorry. :matte-motes-big-grin-evil: Marrianne: White! So far: Brunette : 1 White: 2 Blonde: 1
  22. Randall, you dissapointed me based on two reasons. 1. I said No more than 2 words. Yours is tl;sa (too long; snored alittle). I don't care for why. 2. You like red! I'm a brunette... Randall: Blonde!
  23. My apology Dres, I will need to get my survey corrected.
  24. 4 colours... I know there are many other variations just like a person's eye colour or genital size but I'm talking about hairs here and I cannot be bothered dissecting colours into different categories. So here's the thing... I have been club hopping and visiting adult places in Zindra. Apart from roleplaying as a RL cheated girlfriend who is looking for her bloody boyfriend in tangled mess of avatar bodies in an orgy room, I've also been doing some observation... no, not the sex techniques (I've seen them all, I think...) and No, not the genital size (I've seen many in RL, one of my ex boyfriends was a Urologist) but the hair. Yes, the hair. Here's the other thing... from my observation I've concluded that Blonde is popular among women (just like in RL) and Dark /Brunette/Black hair is ridiculously popular among men. I also noticed that male residents has the tendency to be partnered or be in a relationship with a blonde female resident... just like in RL. Even my SL ex bf insisted that I ditched my black hair for a blonde wig. Although I've concluded my assumptions, I'm still not that convinced. So I'd like to take my blue Member rank to use whatever power bestowed upon my Member-ness to ask.. nay.. command.. no... Demand... for all of you to take a survey based on these 3 simple questions below: 1. Answer this: If you are a woman/girl/female species: What hair colour would you like best on a male avatar? 2. Answer this: If you are a man/boy/male species: What hair colour would you like best on a female avatar? 3. Answer this: If you a homosexual/unknown gender: What hair colour would you like on your preferred gender of choice? A few conditions: 1. If you derail, I will decide your colour for you 2. If you give me more than 2 words of what colour you like, I will decide you colour for you 3. If you troll, I will decide your colour for you 4. If you leave no comment, I will decide your colour for you 5. If you are here to discuss Phoenix or Singularity, I will decide your colour for you 6. If you are here to protest against Mainland, I will decide your colour for you 7. If you give any other variation of colours except White, Red, Brunette or Blonde - I will decide your colour for you PS: Sorry, I'd like to give everyone a 100L for every answer but I got no money 'cuz I just spend my last Ls on a guy to buy him that Unique skin.. don't ask. PPS: No worries, I will not ask the moderator to lock this thread. I'll just troll with you.
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