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Shannon Danick

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Everything posted by Shannon Danick

  1. WOW. I got as far as page 20-something-ish before I wanted to claw my eyes out.... But, this: "I'm not sure what you are suggesting or asking. SL is donig great, it's better than it's ever been....." I don't want to make waves for myself, since over the years, I had the pleasure of working side by side with several former Lindens... That being said, I ask one simple question Ebbe. Prove to us that SL is "better than it's ever been", in regards to user numbers. Remember LL going out of it's way to hide the numbers from the public? I remember, very well. Make that database public again. Prove your word. That is all. Thank you Linden Lab for giving us SecondLife. And please, if you replace SL...do so in a grand fashion. Make our fears worth getting over. ~ Shannon --||-
  2. Seeking a job as: * Staff Manager * Host Manager * General Manager 5+ Year SL Veteran, with over 2 years experience as upper level Management. I have done the Dancer/Hostess "thing" for over 2 years as well. I am not interested in these types of jobs. Management only. A full, prepared Resume is available inworld. Please stop by my office at the SLurl below to get a copy of my Resume. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jupiter/153/153/28
  3. Positions Desired: General Manager, Staff Manager Pay Desired: Whatever amount deemed appropriate for my work SL Job Experience since March 27th, 2009: * Security (4 months) * Dancer & Hostess (3 months) * Personal Assistant (9 Months) * Staff Manager (9 Months) * Club Manager / General Manager (14 Months) * Club/Sim Manager (14 Months) * Business Owner (Several) (4+ Years) * Owner of several popular SL Brands (Complete Resume available upon request inworld) Related Experience: * Contest Board Management * Event Promotion * Conducting Employment Interviews * Moderating Business/Staff Meetings * Group Management * Staff Motivation "I take my jobs very serious. I approach every situation as a Professional."
  4. Well if you really want to be sure you got someones attention....just run and slam right in to them. If they're not AFK...they will notice, lol. Oh wait, that kinda sounds like how this whole thread started, lol. My bad. ETA: Just don't bump them more than once...that would be griefing
  5. Sent you an application inworld....
  6. Content Deleted by Author
  7. Content Deleted by Author
  8. Believe it or not, not everyone who logs in to SL, logs in for pixel sex. Some of us are here purely to profit off our products that we spend hours creating. But I forget, most people jaded by or who misunderstand SecondLife; think that SL is all about virtual carnal activities. (sarcasm).
  9. $2.50 per hour? Really? Okay, this deserves a HUGE....W-T-F-?!?!?! I already have invested way too much in to SL....I sure the hell am NOT paying to log in on a tablet! What ever LL person was behind this...needs his or her fool head examined. I mean seriously....FIX WHAT NEEDED TO BE FIXED FOR YEARS...stop looking for more ways to make your Residents go broke! Free 20 Minute Trial Buy time credits to use at your own pace. The more you buy, the more you save. Rates low as $2.50/hr. BULLSH*T!
  10. I personally think that anyone who is willing to spend $800+ for 3D software, just to make stuff for SL, is a true fool. I mean, c'mon, get a cheaper hobby. Use Blender...it's free and can do as much as any $800+ software bundle.
  11. In most case, you just need to scroll all the way down to activate the box to click. I was going to suggest that myself.
  12. On a Private Full Region Danick Land Rentals 4 Lots available 1,875 Prims each 8,192 sq. meters each Residential/Commercial Region allows up to 100 Avatars L$ 2599 Per Week each SURLS: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danick/65/34/23 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danick/192/35/23 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danick/189/95/23 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danick/64/93/23
  13. 3 Lots available! Each 1/4 Full Region, 3750 Prims. Only L$4750 Per Week! Terraform, Media, Group, Settings and all Parcel rights. Land is Sand & Grass. Protected View on 2 Sides each! Provided by: Danick Land Rentals (DLR) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danick/191/61/23 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danick/67/70/23 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danick/76/195/23
  14. Karen They're asking why traffic numbers are stuck lately...NOT how they're calculated. Traffic numbers ARE stuck gridwide since Sunday. Has anyone submitted a ticket or JIRA about this?
  15. I am also interested to know the detail's of the new "User Licensed" option in permissions. What exactly does this do or not do? Can CTL please explain this function or point us to a Wiki about it? Much appreciated. - Shannon
  16. I, for one, think that having a delivery system that does not depend on boxes being hosted on a sim somewhere, with chances of failed deliveries due to sim lag, restarts, etc......is a great idea to implement. By delivering items directly from a special folder in a Merchants Inventory, the chances of failed deliveries will be almost a moot experience. I commend LL for finally doing something that "helps" the residents/Merchants.
  17. Crys, that's a nice, specific set of comments on the beta viewer ... thanks. If I may put in my usual 2 cents worth ... There is an "improved" viewer available, which, unlike Viewer 2, has a Fly button, and an altitude meter. It's called Viewer 1. True, but, all first generation viewers, including V1, Phoenix, Imprudence and Emergence to name a few; will be officially killed by LL before 2011 is over. Hence the reason the people at Phoenix are developing the FireStorm Viewer. LL is preparing to shove their V2 platform down our throats with very few options. Personally, I will go with FireStorm.
  18. As a long time, successful SL Merchant, I must say that its things like this that are causing the dramatic drops in Marketplace sales. I've seen many posts, mine included, that have asked "Why are my sales dropping so hard?". Well, the answers are very clear now. The Lindens are making silly and stupid mistakes left and right. And it seems the mistakes are becoming epic in proportion now. @Q and the rest of the Lindens: A few more mistakes like this one and you may well succeed in driving away the people who support YOU. The landowners, the creators and finally, the average every day Residents of SL. All these comments must be obvious that the majority of the Residents are pretty ticked off at you, the Lindens. Let me ask, ... Where will SecondLife be once you drive all of us away? Who will drive your economy? Who will make the nice things that people want to buy? And finally, who will be left to buy regions from you for the ungodly prices you charge? Definitely some things to consider.
  19. Hmmm, no thanks. I'll stick with Phoenix until you guys kill that one too.
  20. As a long-time, successful Merchant in SL...I say, "Forget you". I will not join this new LL failure. Smarten up LL, fix whats broken before adding more junk to the heap!
  21. I agree that there needs to be some kind of "Identifier" in plain view on the "younger" profiles until the user(s) turn 18. For the safety of the younger users and the older users.
  22. Thats been happening to me a lot lately too, even in PG sims. Its clearly a LL server issue, they just won't admit it.
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