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Rene Erlanger

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Everything posted by Rene Erlanger

  1. Use the latest CoolViewer....it has the V3 engine (same libraries) but with the 1.23 UI. You can see Mesh, you can create 64m mega prims, double click TPs and it has a very good inbuilt radar. The layout will be very familiar to you.....it's basically a new engine with old bodywork !. A lot of memory leaks are plugged and doesn't kill your CPU.....you can also select "Swapping" in Advance Menu, to allow larger memory usage (at the cost of swapping) on systems with less than 4Gb of RAM.
  2. I can only see top 100 for products....can't see anything in terms of MP Stores. Not sure that would be a good thing to show.
  3. "Resident" surname was another one of Jack Linden's bad ideas or implementations.
  4. Very mysterious! :matte-motes-frown: I suppose LL won't tell you who filed DMCA...maybe your best bet is to counter file, that way you get the details of the culprit and their reasoning. At first i thought the merchant you bought the sculpts from....probably copybotted or something and then sold them on Marketplace. That Merchant said he did not issue the complaint.....then why are his products no longer listed on MP?
  5. It's going to be extremely hard to reverse the fortunes of Second Life. 3 years of bad management decisions, wrong strategies, not looking after it's existing customer base......and critically not spending money on external Marketing & Advertising ....has left it a lame duck without growth! Then there's the trust issues between customers and owners moving forward.
  6. Not sure if i done this correctly....but when i pressed top selling products with all ratings ticked......they were predominantly foods for Meeroo & Amaretto Horses ( I guess that's understandable as the Breedables are constantly eating) and then several Freebies and 1 Linden products. The only item that seemed to be their on its own merit (in top-12) was the NHC Media Centre at 699L Wow, I previously quoted an incorrect figure....it's nearly 2 million products listed! Great to see MystiTools right up there (13th)....a great gadget! I've had mine for 3 years now
  7. I read the FAQ....so it looks liek we have to re-list everything as gradually Magic Boxes will be phased out.....is that correct?
  8. Is that what happens to new products loaded up into Marketplace....it goes to the back of queue for all your keywords? So it looks like sales drive it up the Search ladder...is that correct? Relevance being the default mode.
  9. JeanneAnne wrote: Rene Erlanger wrote: wrong Jeanne....it's 20-25% that support the SL economy in any given month and not 4% In that other GD thread, you made the mistake of assuming that the 21 million SL accounts were current ones (it's actually over 27 million!)....these are an accumulation of accounts from day 1 of SL....so back to 2002/3. Obviously 95% of those accounts are "dead" accounts for want of a more descriptive word! No Rene, if I had used total accounts the percentage of paying accounts to non-paying would be <1%. I used logins per month to arrive at the 4% figure. 20-25% greatly inflates the ratio of paying to non-paying accounts. But... What difference does it make? Even if we use the 20-25% figure you insist upon, the fact remains that the few support SL financially to the benefit of the many. Jeanne They are dead accounts Jeanne...you can't count them as they are mainly "historical" data from 2002! A good many would not even come up in their Search Engines.......they are dead, nada, finito, tot ! Historically since SL accounts were made free (i.e end of 2005) , a minority has always propped up the majority, nothing has changed there.. The key figures that are important (approx figures) Over 1 Million unique accounts login each month (new users +Alts) 850k + are repeat logins per month (kind of suggests about 150+k upwards of new users login in once never to return) approx 20,000 new accounts opened everyday (that's the current run-rate, but will also include Alt a/c's) 475+k spend over 1 Linden dollar in a month i.e create an SL transaction 200+ k spend over 2000 L per month (only tiny amount would have earnt that in-world, most would be buying Lindens to spend or paying Rents to Estate Owners or paying LL in USD for Tiers and premiums subs) ...so its about 20-25% of the monthly repeat Logins contribute one way or another ....not 4% A Merchant's target audience would be about 850k during a given month (say you had an Advert on the Login screen)......not 27 Million! You can't sell to the Dead!
  10. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: How many pages of search terms do you analyze each morning? How much product do you have listed across the web? How many retail venues are you selling product in right now? or ever? I've got about 2000 products up today. I analyze search terms every morning. Do you? lol - just crazy rants-----> You don't think you can compare the two? ebay and etsy and bonanza and sl? You sure can. There's very little competition at all on SL web site. You want to talk about competing - you go get yourself an ebay or etsy account. There are no one word terms on that list above. There will be a few on my etsy acct, You know why? because the obscure terms and in-house networking sent so many hits to my pages that it automatically shows up on page one in a google search, and then I snag a very very very general term, being a little teeny weeny tiny business competing against huge corporations for those terms. I don't think that you have any clue what you are talking about on keyword selection. I'm using Second Life or Marketplace Searches......why should I care about ebay or etsy or whatever??? _____________________________________________________________________________ You're are ranting away again like a mad woman and could have saved yourself a lot of time just correctly reading previous messages!! As you can see from my message directly above yours, I do not focus on Marketplace......i've stated that several times already!! Why would i want to test 2000 Keywords on Google????? I do however test a fair number of keywords for SL In-World Search on a daily basis. In the hope that it might sink in this time!! "I don't really shop on Marketplace, I might use it to search some products though (ironically the obscure ones).....and then go in-world and buy it from the Creator's mainstore. I actively support the in-world economy and not Marketplace. I signed up over 5 years ago to join a unique 3D Virtual World environment.....and not a 2D shopping website. It's for that reason i don't spend much time cracking the Marketplace search engine....like i did repeatedly In-world. You're using me as your punch bag.....so that you can publicise the things you do and how great you are at marketing.....post after post after post.....and you need someone to play your "Patsy" to justify your "how good am I" postings......and that victim has become me!! I told you on another thread, that my main SL ALT has Twitter, Facebook and Flickr accounts (over a year now), but i use it for other purposes and not SL. This is not new Technology -lol For all your rants and pearls of wisdom...the bottom line, your increased Marketplace sales wasnt enough to prevent you downsizing your Lands in SL. I believe you can only squeeze so much juice out of the Lemon! Seriously do you think the majority of SL residents use the main www.Google to search for Second Life products? Lol that's the funniest suggestion i've heard all day! I suggest you do an in-world survey
  11. Madeliefste Oh wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: Not entirely true. Remember, Pink Linden tried to get a listing fee put into place and the merchants were split over it. Some felt it would be a good idea, others absolutely hated the idea. Pink was a labbie that at least tried to listen to merchants. But because of the way LL communicated with residents (office hours, by that time) she mainly communicated with a small group. The call for listing fees came from this group, and Pink supported it. And indeed that rose a lot of protest. So that brought LL to a point where they had to decide which direction to go with their merchant community. It's clear what they have chosen. Just let it be how it is: same rights for everyone who uses the service. For my part....i would be satisfied if LL created a "Content Creator Directory" ...and that in order to list products onto Marketplace they would have to provide RL name and address..and those details should be verified. This will make Merchants accountable when uploading products that breach copyrights or copybotted content or the unuathorised selling of full-perm items (i.e Textures,sculpties etc)
  12. Gavin Hird wrote: Madeliefste Oh wrote: Now imagen that that they do as you want and forbid all freebies and dollarbees on the marketplace. It will only be a temporay solution for the essence of your problem. Within a few months you will be back to ask them to forbit all 2 to 9-dollarbies from the marketplace, because those don't bring LL any money since they don't generate any fee cost, and they are pretty much in your way on the marketplace. Not necessarily. It depends how this is handled. Again pointing back to other successes that has both free and paid-for content, the Apple App Store (and iTunes also), LL could choose to define minimum prices for items that were not free. In the app store that is $0.99 and a simmilar band could be established in L$ for the marketplace. Combine that with a requirement to enlist in a developer program to be able to trade on the marketplace. This enlistment should have a cost, and must be renewed on a yearly basis. This would clearly both serve to remove old content from merchants that had left SecondLife (or no longer paying the listing fee.) In addition it would block or discourage players who spawns alts who are listing free content more or less for the sport of showing off their ripped goods, or play destructive in the market. It could also make it more attractive to hunt for free items in world, increasing in-world presence and visitors to in-world merchant locations. Very good post and i kind of agree with this. I still don't believe that Second Life requires a food mountian of Freebies to be a successful platform, as several other VW' Platforms have shown that they can grow their membership during a recession without having freebie content. A disclaimer before the Madhatter twists my quotes.---->.I'm not reliant on Marketplace income, so whatever is occuring on MP right now does not impact me, other than losing traffic for In-world shopping activities....but that's more to do with LL marketing MP inside the SL client, than anything to do with Freebies.
  13. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: Right now, Rene is telling Josh what he CANNOT DO. Josh knows what he CAN do! Incoherent ramblings - for the birds - drunken statements - fine, if that's what ya'll accept - RUN WITH IT! Sure makes my jobs a lot easier. Your problem is that you have GRAVE difficulty understanding people's postings on these forums. :smileymad: Again in my reply to Josh.....where did I post "WHAT HE CANNOT DO".?.....please anyone on this forum help me locate these phrases that i supposedly wrote in my reply to Josh. I stated that his initial comment was too generalistic.....as each SL market sector behaves differently, which is true. I went on to explain that the SL economy changes over time. ... partially due to certain events or LL policy changes and highlighted an example with current in-world traffic! You're wierd!!
  14. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: And before Rene gets here and starts 10 pages of no one is buying over 100L - that's a complete crock. Even if it were true, then you need to adjust your pricing for the market. But it's just not true. I told you before, that your ramblings are out there for the Birds.....as i never said the above once. (please provide a link if i did) My comments on these forums tend to be of general nature .ie Second Life as a whole enterprise....and that means both Marketplace and In-world markets. I don't really shop on Marketplace, I might use it to search some products though (ironically the obscure ones).....and then go in-world and buy it from the Creator's mainstore. I actively support the in-world economy and not Marketplace. I signed up over 5 years ago to join a unique 3D Virtual World environment.....and not a 2D shopping website. It's for that reason i don't spend much time cracking the Marketplace search engine....like i did repeatedly In-world.
  15. Most of these Freebies or ultra cheap items...even the ones containing copybotted content...will mainly affect & target the most popular keywords and most popular sectors as those are the places that will generate most transactions/ hits, reviews and maybe TP's to any in-world Store. I doubt any (or many) talented creators are likely to create freebie items that are specifically aimed at something like "Mexican food" or "Lime Green Glass" or "Wine and Cheese"...as these are all obscure "Search terms" which won't generate many hits in any given month. One is unlikely to see Freebies under any of these "obscure" keyword phrases as it doesn't serve it's purpose. I would want my freebie out there in front of as many eyes as possible....to generate as many hits and Transactions as possible, as it will increase the "viewing" of my entire Store and bring the rest of my collection of products into play. Freebies need to hit popular keywords to do that...not obscure ones!
  16. Josh Susanto wrote: People who are sincere about capitalism only when it assures them a profit, personally, are not sincere about capitalism at all. It's capitalism. LL's bottom line isn't really about "who" or "where". I wouldn't get too comfortable with Marketplace, as LL has a history of reversing their strategies. :matte-motes-wink-tongue: Linden Lab's main income source has always been from hosting Land onto their Servers and charging customers via a Tiering system.....that has not changed! What will be interesting to see are the figures of "increased LL commissions through new Marketplace" versus "Lost of land tiers to those that were effected by these Marketplace changes/ visibility" We know there are 900 Estate sims less than in Jan 2011....it will probably be a mix bag of Homesteads & Full sims ($125 & $295) /2 = $210 average Tier price per sim for argument sake => 900 x 210 x 12 => approx $2.4 Million less tier income for LL during 2012.....those sims are gone!! $2.4 Million USD will be approx 615 Million Lindens. Now add in all the plots of lands dumped on Mainland during 2011. I wouldn't be far off in saying that LL are going to lose around $3.5 Million USD tier income during 2012 from both Mainland & Estate tiers That $3.5 Mill USD converted, represents nearly a Billion Lindens !!! Do LL make that from Marketplace commissions during the same period? Supposing they continue to lose more income from Estate Sims & Mainland plots (Likely to be Commercial areas) from abandonments during 2012? As money talks, my guess is that you'll witness another LL strategy change....with emphasis on growing Tier Income and that could mean improving things for commerical activities in-world. Alternatively...they might let SL run it's course and focus on creating other products as per Rodvik's statement....therefore diluting the Land tier system and reliance on it for their overall Income & profitablility.
  17. You're lucky you missed Viewer 2 - rofl In an Linden Poll...95% disliked/ hated it (that was the initial version....it did improve later on, so some people were saying) Cool Viewer is a 1.23 Viewer that can also view Mesh and uses Http Textures. In-world SEARCH is scuppered, because Linden Lab want you to use Marketplace instead.
  18. Thanks 16 You seem to be very knowledgeable on the Techie stuff.....it' s much appreciated !
  19. Jeeze USA becoming like China or former USSR....personal freedoms eroding. I guess it will happen here in Europe too at some point.
  20. I hear you Dartagan! :matte-motes-wink: Good post once again Madelifste....I must admit, I enjoy reading your posts.....a lot seem to hit the mark, or maybe I agree with a lot of what you say! :matte-motes-wink:
  21. As regards Lucky Chairs and MM boards.....I'm pretty neutral. The only plus side i would value.....it brings more pair of eyes to your shop....maybe a few will take Landmarks and come back at a later date.
  22. wrong Jeanne....it's 20-25% that support the SL economy in any given month and not 4% In that other GD thread, you made the mistake of assuming that the 21 million SL accounts were current ones (it's actually over 27 million!)....these are an accumulation of accounts from day 1 of SL....so back to 2002/3. Obviously 95% of those accounts are "dead" accounts for want of a more descriptive word!
  23. Just curious why people invest so much time manipulating "Traffic"....it never had much influence on GSA All Search rankings.......and it's not that much more weighted with the latest OS Lucene search engine. I could understand the importance of "Traffic" in the old 1.23 viewers....as it had a Places Search tab ranked by traffic, but the V2 and 3 Viewers don't.
  24. My partner didn't get her Meeroo food, 2 packages (last Wednesday)...she spent like over 3k. That was kind of annoying....she had to buy them again as she had ran out of food and there was a danger that these little criters would start running off!
  25. I experienced it once on my partner's Sim....it froze me then crashed me, to the point i was blue screened right out of Windows. it's effectively a DOS attack...to what it does.
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