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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. If it makes you feel any better, EVERY prediction of climate gloom and doom over the last 50 years has not come true. Ask yourself why this one should be any different.
  2. I posted a pic of my signs before, they are tasteful and quite artistic. They only enhance the environment. As I said before, every parcel I bought was very reasonably priced. The neighbors chose not to buy them, so I did. I must admit though, that Vote Biden sign is pretty ugly. Note: I edited the picture to take out my ads in case I was ARed for using the forum post for advertising
  3. Ironically, now that we are energy self sufficient (thanks to President Trump) we no longer need to add ethanol to our gasoline. Unfortunately once a subsidy is in place it is almost impossible to end it.
  4. Unfortunately we won't have any choice. The fake crisis of "Man Made Global Warming" is the socialist's last best chance to make over the west into their own vision. You think the coronavirus lockdown was bad. Wait until they get power (not in 2020 thank God) and announce that the climate is only months away from total collapse and the only way to avert it is to have a breather of a few months to allow the climate to "catch up". Then they shut down everything. Paranoid fantasy? Maybe Maybe not.
  5. I decorate my place and go to parties. There is usually a Rocky Horror party or two. 😁
  6. There was a large LL tree encroaching on one of my ad parcels. It was there when I bought the parcel. I submitted a ticket asking them to move it a bit, but they came and took it out entirely. 😁 So defo ask them to remove stuff thats in your way.
  7. Its really not an ugly sign, its not even anywhere as big as it could be. I'm sorry, but if there is a 16 sq m parcel for sale at a reasonable price in front of someone house, they should cut off 16 sq m in back and buy it. A lot of my parcels aren't even for sale, I'm using them for networked advertising instead. Please stop insulting me, I'd hate to have to AR you
  8. I think we all agree that the climate constantly changes, the only real question is, what percentage of the change is caused by man I say zero, some zealots say all of it
  9. If I buy it for $100 L, that means anyone could have bought it for $100 L. What's wrong with relisting it at a higher price? Thought you were a capitalist, free marketeer?
  10. We aren't talking about forest fires per se, we are talking about out of control wildfires. Lets say forest fires are caused by global warming. The point is, do they become out of control wildfires due to decades of poor forest management policies, or are they containable as a result of good forest management practices? Containable does NOT necessarily mean putting them out, it means minimizing extent and threat to human habitation
  11. There are a certain percentage of forest fires that have a specific natural cause, mainly lightning strikes. Whether the resulting fire is manageable, or becomes an out of control wildfire depends on forest management practices that have been in place over the previous decades. However, putting out every forest fire as soon as it starts is NOT a proper forest management technique.
  12. Wanna protect your property by cutting a firebreak around your property? If might cost you big time. From the article: They were labelled law breakers, fined $50,000 and left emotionally and financially drained. But seven years after the Sheahans bulldozed trees to make a fire break — an act that got them dragged before a magistrate and penalised — they feel vindicated. Their house is one of the few in Reedy Creek, Victoria, still standing. https://www.smh.com.au/national/fined-for-illegal-clearing-family-now-feel-vindicated-20090212-85bd.html I can post 100 similar stories, but you get the idea.
  13. I wasn't laughing at the forest fires. 😁 Forest fires are part of the natural order of things. They have always happened, they always will happen. Thoughtful forest management, including controlled burning, cutting fire breaks around towns, and yes even tree harvesting can have the effect of minimizing the chances of out of control wildfires in the future.
  14. 50 years of failed climate predictions, but this time I bet they got it right. https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-failed-eco-pocalyptic-predictions This time I believe them, this time its true. From now on I vow to fight climate change. From this day forward I promise that my carbon footprint will never exceed that of Al Gore, Barack Obama or Bill Gates. Hey if they can sacrifice, so can I.
  15. Yep, and who will get rich combatting "man made climate change"? Filthy rich corporations providing un necessary solutions to a non-existent problems.
  16. I don't believe I said he did. He made a documentay that showed that "green energy" is a giant scam and anything but green. Except of course for all the money to be made, that's the real green in promoting man made global warming as real.
  17. Michael Moore, who I really can't stand, did a fantastic documentary recently that exposed the truth about the green energy industry. Making the movie, he came to the realization that green energy sources (wind turbines and solar panels) and electric cars, are NOT green at all, and that the push for green energy is just the same old same old pandering between industry and politicians. Planet of the Humans And who ultimately pays the price for "saving the planet? Not the business owners, not the politicians, just you and me in the form of higher costs for everything and a greatly diminished standard of living. As a politician might say, "not for me, but for thee" Oh, my fave green energy source? Bio fuel power stations. They cut down whole forests to burn to make electricity. Talk about a step backwards in time.. burning wood for our source of energy
  18. I live in Kama City and I think the empty buildings are great. They make the area look much more urban and alive, instead a wasteland of bare, empty lots.
  19. I'm pretty sure we have argued this before Luna, so I will leave you the last word, have at it. 😁
  20. 5% of CO2 is from man made sources, the rest (95%) is from natural sources. Furthermore, 95% of greenhouse gas is in fact water vapor, which is ALL from natural sources. Please explain how 5% of 5% is the critical driving force in climate change. While you are at it, perhaps your scientists can answer a few other questions I have 1) What is the proper temperature for the earths climate? 2) What is the proper rate of change for the earths climate 3) If man disappeared tomorrow would the climate stop changing? 4) Why is it that ALL changes in climate prior to the last hundred years all have been natural in origin but now its all driven by man? 5) Why were previous interglacial temperatures higher, with higher CO2 levels, all with no help from man? Many scientists have a vested interest in maintaining this farce, they chase the money, and the money is on research that "proves" man made global warming is real.
  21. Au contrair, I believe that climate changes constantly, primarily due to changes in solar output, but also due to input from a dozen other variables. It is those that insist it's all caused by man and his puny contribution of "man made CO2" that are the real climate change deniers, they deny the incredible complex array of factors that make our climate a dynamic, ever changing phenomenon.
  22. With proper forestry management, there would not be any of these massive wildfires. Decades of ignorance, neglect, and willful mismanagement causes these wildfires pure and simple. When Yellowstone burnt a few years ago everyone went boo hoo hoo Yellowstone is destroyed for 100 years. A few years later when everything started to grow back, better than it had been, those same people said, well, wadda ya know.
  23. I wasn't aware that global temperatures had risen so much that trees spontaneously combust. Global warming doesn't cause fires, specific cause can be found for each and every fire, and not one fire can ever can be pinned on global warming, weather global warming is natural or man made. Lightning strikes cause many fires, the difference is will it be an out of control raging inferno due to decades of forest management neglect or will it be controllable and limitable due to good forestry practices? That is the question that needs to be answered, not how can we end something that doesn't even exist. Forest fires are God's (or Mother Nature's) way of maintaining healthy vibrant flourishing forests.
  24. The fires in the Amazon... clearing land for farming The fires in Australia, many set by arsonists The fires in western USA, many, as the one you mentioned, have a human cause. Fires are part of the natural cycle in any forest, or grassland for that matter. I offered a cause for the severity of the fires in an earlier post, poor forest management, but no, instead of doing things to reduce future wildfires, people would rather wring their hands and blame man made global warming and say there's nothing we can do about anything until we reduce our carbon dioxide emissions.
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