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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. and another thing, i have no idea what anyone is in rl, that sweet girl might be the cliche’ 250 lb truck driver in a dirty wife beater shirt But its all good, lets enjoy ourselves here in SL. I have no idea how many times, when i’m with a lover and i have to say, gotta go, my rl partner just woke up. All i can say is, read my profile, ALL my profile before you decide to have a romance with me, because at the end of the day, this is all you get.
  2. To be honest, I never pursue anyone, but if someone pursues me, I let them. Oh and I have no idea how many times people have declared their undying love for me after 24 hours… mm yes baby, i love you too. seriously? then whatever
  3. I’ve fallen in love in here, I truly believe my (ex) partner of seven years loved me, and I loved her. However, neither of wished to disrupt what we had in RL. If someone im seeing declares their love for me and wants a rl relationship, i end it. But if they are happy just in SL, I will continue to make them happy.
  4. I dont treat them as cartoons either, but in real life you are attracted to a flesh and blood person, in here, even just speaking for myself, i’m drawn to an avatar, a cartoon. Sure you get to know the heart mind and soul of the person behind the cartoon, but as much as some people might disagree, we are cartoons.
  5. I readily engage is SL romances, my world my imagination right? But if they think they are gonna get RL, I'll drop them so fast.
  6. Honestly, if people are in here looking for RL love, then let them put it in their profile, and if they still fall for someone that has made it clear its SL only, then its all on them. Of course they are thinking, oh I'm so wonderful this person will probably throw away their RL partnership to be with a cartoon ummm no. 😂
  7. I'm not trying to deceive anyone though. I'm just being me, we might have an amazing relationship in SL, but at the end of the day, its not going anywhere. And if they feel they have been deceived, I told them up front its strictly SL only. I'm not responsible if they deceived themselves.😁
  8. seriously, why would anyone do that? Just be your avatar, leave your rl body at the login screen.
  9. i never said im not responsible for how i interact, but im certainly not responsible for other peoples actions
  10. Well then if you think it’s wrong to deceive people, are you suggesting that people should provide all the rl information anyone asks for? Profiles generally give people a good idea of what to expect from the people they meet. if soneone pushes ahead anyway, its their own fault if they get hurt.
  11. on internet relay chat, the usual first line in an im was “hi there, a/s/l” we have come so far haven’t we? SL gives everyone the chance to soar free, it’s a pity that so many are mired, stuck in the muck of their RL
  12. I'm seeing a guy that's (so he says) madly in love with me. He was gonna rent land and build a house for us. I didn't ask him to or encourage him to. Once he realized he was gonna get some anyway, that never happened. To me it's all... whatever.
  13. It's already been stated in this thread that it's impossible to ever know for sure the RL gender of the avatar you are interacting with. I strongly you suggest you leave your emotions at the door when you log in, and just keep everything light and fun.
  14. I'm really not responsible for other peoples emotions. If you don't want to get hurt, don't fall in love in here.
  15. "Are you a girl in RL" isn't the only question, its just the first question. Tell them the truth, or spin them a tale. As long as you aren't using your story to try and get money out of them, its all good. In the end you can rip their heart out and hand it to them on a silver platter, or keep up the fantasy until they give up and go away. Really, it's their problem if they fall in love with a cartoon, not yours.
  16. Offered for your consideration, 3 parcels on Duggan, Parcel 1 is roadfront, 3184 sq m, offered for $2 L per sq m for a price of $ 6368 L. It supports 1093 prims It can be terraformed to create a nice flat surface for your home or business. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Duggan/23/80/70 Parcel 2 is a 32 by 32 1024 sq m parcel, perfect to rezz a naughty skybox, or just for privacy. It supports 351 prims Price for that is $1.5 per sq m, $1536. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Duggan/176/21/40 The third parcel is a small irregular shaped parcel, useless for much except as extra prims for your main parcels. Size is 464 Sq m, and sale price is $464 L. It supports 159 prims. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Duggan/158/219/49 If you buy all three, you have 1603 prims, you can use them all on the roadfront parcel, and you'll have lots to decorate with. Total sq m of all 3 parcels is is 4672 sq m
  17. I was just kidding, I always make my places open to the public 😁
  18. I think when I buy my 4096 (64 by 64 square) I'm gonna rezz a cube, stretch it it to 64 by 64 by 64, hollow it out, set invisible on the inside surface, and add a stone wall texture on the outside. You don't like ban lines, how about this? 😂
  19. its already been answered, and yes it was a serious question
  20. Not really on topic, but related. Can a vehicle enter a property that is full or almost full? I mean not enough Land Impact available for the weight of the vehicle. If yes, does that mean that in addition to not having ban lines or zero eject security orbs, do land owners need to leave enough LI free (maybe 50 prims) to allow vehicles to pass through their land? I had roadside ad parcels that supported 5 LI, and my signs were 5 LI, object entry was allowed, and the signs were phantom, but wouldn't anyone still get hung up if they tried to enter the parcel? How much accommodation must be made for the people that can't keep their vehicles on the public roadways and waterways?
  21. no hummingbirds, but .....https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Wasp-Attack-Security-System-DONT-PAY-MORE/3280230 I highly recommend it, you hear the swarm leave the hive, then they go after the intruder 😂 It would be even better if they inflicted damage, you could enable life on your parcel, then if the intruder doesn't leave fast enough, they die
  22. What you are doing is entirely reasonable. I don't know if an eject orb is more fun than my swarm of hornets though. 😂
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